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  • File : 1253577172.jpg-(421 KB, 1309x1625, 1252090767950.jpg)
    Rasputin !!pLB+3CKYKT2 09/21/09(Mon)19:52 No.38445662  
    421 KB
    Can /v/ have a BlazBlue fightan thread before midnight today?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)19:53 No.38445726
         File1253577222.jpg-(84 KB, 849x650, 6422358.jpg)
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    Awww yeah, True Nuetral!
    >> Rasputin !!pLB+3CKYKT2 09/21/09(Mon)19:55 No.38445834
    I'll start a room on XBL if /v/ is interested in playing.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)19:55 No.38445866
    hakumen alignment is lawful pierrot
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)19:56 No.38445879
    OH GOD I TYPOED NEUTRAL, and a shameless bump.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)19:57 No.38445981
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)19:57 No.38445996
    >> Unsung !!NO7ubUArw4F 09/21/09(Mon)19:58 No.38446092
    Jin is chaotic evil as hell.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)19:58 No.38446101
    Where does Noel fit
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)19:59 No.38446134
    in bed.
    >> Rasputin !!pLB+3CKYKT2 09/21/09(Mon)19:59 No.38446164
         File1253577585.jpg-(202 KB, 1200x1020, 1253073327250.jpg)
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    Since no one's interested in actually playing the game, General BlazBlue thread?

    Who's super psyched for Terumi and Tsubaki?

    I know I am.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)20:00 No.38446192
    Shitty chart is shitty.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)20:00 No.38446230
    i want to fucking play, but psn, so i know it'll happen eventually
    >> Luminescent Goldrifle 09/21/09(Mon)20:00 No.38446244
    This man is right.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)20:01 No.38446253
    Was Tsubaki OFFICIALLY confirmed? I really hope so...
    >> Ty the Immortal !!lr/umT8hhpz 09/21/09(Mon)20:01 No.38446280
    I chortled
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)20:01 No.38446309
         File1253577707.jpg-(77 KB, 544x384, 1253337517241.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)20:02 No.38446327

    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)20:03 No.38446411

    And Valkenhaym!

    Probably fucked up that spelling.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)20:03 No.38446421
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)20:03 No.38446426
    Hi there!

    You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of 4chan are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

    Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)20:03 No.38446448
         File1253577832.jpg-(96 KB, 564x800, 2f5b7ddfe3db39c03c1f5831981ad3(...).jpg)
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    Nothing's official yet, we're just jumping to conclusions over true end shit.

    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)20:04 No.38446472
    >Since no one's interested in actually playing the game

    No PC version ._.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)20:04 No.38446485
    I don't own Blazblue, but wouldn't Noel be a better choice for Lawful Good? Hakumen strikes me as more of a Lawful Evil type, and Jin being the Chaotic Evil one.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)20:05 No.38446521
         File1253577901.png-(27 KB, 542x460, bang with a hat.png)
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    >/v/ before BB's release
    Holy shit this character design is awful. Is that a fucking nail on his back? Christ, even Nomura's shit is better than this.

    >/v/ after BB's release
    >> kai !!2vdorzb/J61 09/21/09(Mon)20:06 No.38446616
    Bang is fucking Lawful good and you know it
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)20:07 No.38446644
         File1253578033.png-(306 KB, 480x640, 1236825927368.png)
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    I will kill all of you

    until I get nerfed to shit in an update
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)20:07 No.38446688
    And Hakumen belongs in Chaotic Good.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)20:08 No.38446757
    And Ragna is chaotic good, Hakumen is lawful neutral, Jin chaotic or at least neutral evil. Chart is all fucked up.
    >> Rasputin !!pLB+3CKYKT2 09/21/09(Mon)20:08 No.38446765
         File1253578138.jpg-(669 KB, 1000x708, 9572c25da352c77c1bcbc1aa8d5a09(...).jpg)
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    I'd list Hakumen as... Chaotic Good? I don't know really, I didn't make the chart.

    He helps the world by killing the Black Beast and such, and killing Ragna really is good for everyone, but his twisted sense of justice leads him to attacking people who aren't really evil. But then again, I don't think Hakumen attacks anyone unless they appear before him at the Gate, which is somewhere they really shouldn't be.

    Noel would be Lawful Good, yeah.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)20:12 No.38447025
    damn i want to see bang use his giant nail other than as an astral. something like taking it off and jamming it into the ground. Into his own foot. as well as his opponent's
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)20:13 No.38447066
         File1253578421.jpg-(486 KB, 2250x1800, 1253320758536.jpg)
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    Completely agreed.

    Here's a non-shitty looking version of OP's chart though.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)20:13 No.38447081
    .... I just realized he never uses it outside his Astral... wtf Arksys
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)20:15 No.38447213
         File1253578556.jpg-(156 KB, 1500x1060, c_makoto02.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)20:16 No.38447244
         File1253578587.jpg-(185 KB, 1500x1060, c_makoto03.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)20:16 No.38447269
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    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)20:17 No.38447296

    i have no 360, and it would need to be hacked

    i have no ps3

    i walk to a friends house every now and then to play this game

    i main hakumen as i don't have time to learn combo's ;_;
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)20:17 No.38447300
         File1253578649.jpg-(155 KB, 1500x1060, c_makoto05.jpg)
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    >> Rasputin !!pLB+3CKYKT2 09/21/09(Mon)20:18 No.38447352
    How the fuck can you classify Ragna as good just because he doesn't go around randomly killing people?

    Wanting to be left alone and fucking up government installations for personal reasons is neutral all the way.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)20:18 No.38447403
    I need to work up the courage to fight real people.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)20:19 No.38447433
    Who could be best described as Chaotic Good then?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)20:20 No.38447515
    oh god, the thought of amputee makoto is suddenly very arousing.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)20:21 No.38447569
    >Wanting to be left alone and fucking up government installations
    That's chaotic for you. He's a good guy, you don't know how d&d alignments work.
    >> Rasputin !!pLB+3CKYKT2 09/21/09(Mon)20:21 No.38447575
    Hakumen or Bang I guess.

    Hakumen for reasons stated earlier, and Bang because he fights for good and justice outside the system as a vigilante.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)20:22 No.38447594
         File1253578946.jpg-(256 KB, 600x560, 3c7744e1f2bd8516fde8ce8991ccee(...).jpg)
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    Settle down, little doll.
    >> Rotraven !G/itkW2I0w 09/21/09(Mon)20:25 No.38447800
    >I'm just happy you're alive... now I get to kill you again!
    That's not lawful evil.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)20:27 No.38447928
         File1253579262.png-(70 KB, 420x95, icon3_bn.png)
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    >> Rasputin !!pLB+3CKYKT2 09/21/09(Mon)20:28 No.38447967
    He's on the chart as chaotic neutral.

    Chaotic Neutral is called the "Anarchist" or "Free Spirit" alignment. A character of this alignment is an individualist who follows his or her own heart, and generally shirks rules and traditions. Good and Evil come a distant second to their need for personal freedom, and the only reliable thing about them is how totally unreliable they are. They typically act out of self-interest, but do not specifically enjoy seeing others suffer. Many free-spirited adventurers are of this alignment. Alternatively there are madmen whose actions are chaotic, but are not themselves inclined towards evil.

    This is Ragna to the word, man.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)20:30 No.38448126
         File1253579447.jpg-(298 KB, 971x881, kyon the bloodedge.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)20:32 No.38448206
         File1253579535.jpg-(125 KB, 600x429, 0303ragna.jpg)
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    >> XDest !!ap6GHY7IdR3 09/21/09(Mon)20:32 No.38448252
    I'm interested.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)20:35 No.38448396
    While you're quoting from Wikipedia, please read the following:

    >Lawful Good is known as the "Saintly" or "Crusader" alignment. A Lawful Good character typically acts with compassion, and always with honor and a sense of duty. A Lawful Good nation would consist of a well-organized government that works for the benefit of its citizens. Lawful Good characters include righteous knights, paladins, and most dwarves. Lawful Good creatures include the noble golden dragons. Lawful Good outsiders are known as Archons.
    >Lawful Good characters, especially paladins, may sometimes find themselves faced with the dilemma of whether to obey law or good when the two conflict - for example, upholding a sworn oath when it would lead innocents to come to harm - or conflicts between two orders, such as between their religious law and the law of the local ruler.


    >Lawful Neutral is called the "Judge" or "Disciplined" alignment. A Lawful Neutral character typically believes strongly in Lawful concepts such as honor, order, rules and tradition, and often follows a personal code. A Lawful Neutral society would typically enforce strict laws to maintain social order, and place a high value on traditions and historical precedent. Examples of Lawful Neutral characters might include a soldier who always follows orders, a judge or enforcer that adheres mercilessly to the word of the law, a disciplined monk, or a cowardly commoner.
    >Characters of this alignment are neutral with regard to good and evil. This does not mean that Lawful Neutral characters are amoral or immoral, or do not have a moral compass; but simply that their moral considerations come a distant second to what their code, tradition or law dictates. They typically have a strong ethical code, but it is primarily guided by their system of belief, not by a commitment to good or evil.

    I'd say that these two quotes describe Bang and Hakumen respectively.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)20:37 No.38448533
         File1253579868.jpg-(174 KB, 727x643, rachel.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)20:40 No.38448694
         File1253580020.jpg-(67 KB, 533x400, BlazBlue-3-533x400.jpg)
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    I recently got all the stuff to mod my stick, but i'm not sure what kind of art i want to have on it. I considered this but decided i wanted something a bit more interesting. any suggestions?
    >> Clovis !9L.gxDzakI 09/21/09(Mon)20:41 No.38448757
         File1253580085.jpg-(94 KB, 1022x764, 1249880844294.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)20:41 No.38448766
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)20:41 No.38448772
    Drive on the bottom row or gtfo.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)20:44 No.38448915
         File1253580243.png-(1.44 MB, 646x993, rn-card.png)
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    The game has a loli vampire. I think you know the answer.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)20:44 No.38448961
         File1253580293.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 250 KB, 720x800, 45eef9f1225746af58f2eb7ba60a60(...).jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 250 KB
    you want a loli vampire on your stick?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)20:44 No.38448964
    I play ABCD across the top row. I feel like such an outcast.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)20:45 No.38448979
    Hakumen belongs in Lawful Good. You guys are looking at it the wrong way if you say he's Chaotic. Just because the law he adheres to isn't that of the NOL doesn't make him Chaotic. In fact I'm not sure I'd even put him in "Good" since all he seems to care about is restoring the natural order. Lawful Neutral maybe.

    His bumpers are large nails like the one on his back.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)20:46 No.38449058
    That would be awkward if you ever use Carl or Rachel.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)20:47 No.38449122

    >> Rasputin !!pLB+3CKYKT2 09/21/09(Mon)20:48 No.38449208
    Chaotic Good is known as the "Beatific," "Rebel," or "Cynic" alignment. A Chaotic Good character favors change for a greater good, disdains bureaucratic organizations that get in the way of social improvement, and places a high value on personal freedom, not only for oneself, but for others as well. They always intend to do the right thing, but their methods are generally disorganised and often out of alignment with the rest of society. They have no use for those who would try to push them around and tell them what to do.

    >Vigilante that just goes around hunting bad guys
    >Ninja from a people that rebelled against the current government
    >Goes on and on about freedom of his people from the oppression of the government
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)20:49 No.38449267
    Remember that /v/ absofuckinglutely HATED Bang before BlazBlue was released?

    Ah, fun times. How things change.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)20:52 No.38449471
    Holy shit that's a fucking awesome stick.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)20:52 No.38449475
    Tager too.

    Now almost everyone either mains or subs at least one of those two.
    >> Clovis !9L.gxDzakI 09/21/09(Mon)20:52 No.38449496
         File1253580736.png-(227 KB, 628x800, 1236796855520.png)
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    /v/ hated Tager, Ragna, Jin...mainly because the official art kind of sucks hard.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)20:52 No.38449509
    I sub Rachel, other than just being naturally terrible with her I do fine. I also tried out Carl for a little while, could do his loops and such without much problem.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)20:55 No.38449697

    Sounds to me like Street Fighter III all over again
    >> Rynac !!vTrWze7hR6V 09/21/09(Mon)20:55 No.38449714
    Any PSN rooms going on right now?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)20:57 No.38449809
    I never hated Bang, always thought he looked kinda cool. Some other characters however I didn't like before playing the game and now I do, like Carl and Rachel. Also Tager, went from shitty Potemkin wannabe to coolest big guy in the history of fighting games.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)20:57 No.38449852
    if someone makes one, i'm down for it.
    >> Rasputin !!pLB+3CKYKT2 09/21/09(Mon)20:58 No.38449904
         File1253581117.png-(20 KB, 271x434, 1246843004406.png)
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    Ragna looks like a fucking deviant art reject no matter how you look at him.

    He's also a half vampire, heterochromia, spiky white haired bishie with huge pants and belts and buckles everywhere.

    I still like him though.
    >> Rynac !!vTrWze7hR6V 09/21/09(Mon)20:59 No.38449926

    Uh, I guess I'll start one. What's your PSN name? Mines Rynac.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)20:59 No.38449969
         File1253581179.jpg-(74 KB, 600x857, 931652-taokaka_18_super.jpg)
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    /v/ used to love Tao more.

    But everyone moved on to liking Tager.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)21:00 No.38450028

    if I hadn't played Ragna's Story, I'd like him a lot less.

    I still prefer to use other color schemes with him, though.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)21:00 No.38450049
    I thought I was going to hate him, but then when I played story mode he came across like a much faggier looking Guts. Sort of like what Cloud SHOULD have been.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)21:02 No.38450138
    The only one I thought I'd hate was Noel.

    I was right.

    Stupid goddamn moeblobs.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)21:02 No.38450152

    When /v/ was first talking about it, I was like "okay, what's the big deal? she's a brown girl in a cat coat blah blah blah"

    Then I actually got the game. I think it's the story, her mannerisms, and VA that do it.

    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)21:03 No.38450193

    Don't forget the mechanical arm.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)21:03 No.38450222

    She was just the flavor of the month "waifu" whent he game first came out. Everyone has moved on by now.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)21:03 No.38450229
         File1253581433.jpg-(20 KB, 526x350, 1253375715946.jpg)
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    I main Jin. Decided to before the game was released.

    Pic related.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)21:04 No.38450241



    >completely ignoring the presence of a loli vampire and a catgirl with a cartoony monster face.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)21:04 No.38450283
    And the giant sword-scythe-revolver.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)21:05 No.38450299
         File1253581508.jpg-(74 KB, 1245x934, taomaika.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)21:05 No.38450320

    I'd probably like Jin a lot more if he were as crazy with everyone as he is with Ragna.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)21:06 No.38450393

    Easy way to improve Ragna.

    Step 1: Rule 63.
    Step 2: Lose the pants.
    Step 3: Stop.
    Step 4: Consider the land that we're traveled.
    Step 5: ?????
    Step 6: We Ride!
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)21:08 No.38450484

    >lose the pants

    actually, a fem-ragna could get away with those pants if she had a visible thong.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)21:08 No.38450495
         File1253581701.jpg-(411 KB, 641x481, 1253499980022.jpg)
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    Good points there. I'll concede this round.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)21:10 No.38450642
    Give me a goddamn break. Noel is about as generic moeblob as a girl can get in an animu game.
    >> Rasputin !!pLB+3CKYKT2 09/21/09(Mon)21:10 No.38450648
         File1253581836.jpg-(393 KB, 990x1245, 1251255861908.jpg)
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    I am glad this has been a civil discussion.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)21:12 No.38450732

    I don't think you get the meaning of moeblob. Moeblob is shit like Lucky Star where the girl is 18 but looks like she's 14.

    Noel may be a generic anime heroine, but she's not a moeblob.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)21:14 No.38450852
    I would love to play BlazBlue...

    Except my PS3 doesn't work.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)21:14 No.38450908
    I would love to play bb

    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)21:16 No.38450992
    So is there a PSN room up? If so, can you invite me?

    PSN is Freakazoidesque.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)21:17 No.38451054
         File1253582235.png-(216 KB, 1280x720, BB_Hakumen_Astral_02.png)
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    Back when bb was about to be released I saw threads about tao all over the place and fell in love with her and decided I was going to main her.

    Then bb rolled around and I loved her playstyle and shit, but then I tried out Hakumen.

    BAM right there is when I totally ditched Tao and the chance for anything other character. Fuck, Hakumen is so fucking badass. I MEAN LOOK AT THIS SHIT
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)21:17 No.38451070
         File1253582246.jpg-(818 KB, 1900x1200, GGBB.jpg)
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    I think I need to spend some more time sorting things out.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)21:18 No.38451122
    >Lucky Star where the girl is 18 but looks like she's 14.
    More like 8.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)21:19 No.38451230
    erh, any, not anything
    >> Lucario !!1dzwTiJ/LDG 09/21/09(Mon)21:22 No.38451359
         File1253582544.jpg-(1.7 MB, 2038x2928, Noel.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)21:25 No.38451549
    I've heard people say that there are a lot of references to Guilty Gear in the story (besides character design, I'm assuming) Anyone care to elaborate?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)21:28 No.38451685
         File1253582881.png-(259 KB, 760x426, BB_Event_Noel_03.png)
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    Also I remember Litchi mentioning Chipp at some point during Teach Me Ms Litchi. Don't remember what was said exactly.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)21:28 No.38451745

    isn't Teach Me Miss Litchi outright stated IN THE GAME to not be canon, though?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)21:29 No.38451786
    She basically says "Hey Ragna, you might be made of wet tissue paper but at least you're stronger than Chipp!"
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)21:29 No.38451800
    Japan gets shafted in both.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)21:29 No.38451821
    Yes, to that question. Nothing that actually takes place in there is canon. The actual explanations for the game's setting are though.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)21:30 No.38451827
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)21:30 No.38451853
         File1253583043.gif-(1.28 MB, 790x440, blazblue30frames.gif)
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    >> Rynac !!vTrWze7hR6V 09/21/09(Mon)21:31 No.38451877

    My dorms internet was being all freaky, I just got it working. I'll start a room and invite you. Any other takers?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)21:33 No.38451988
         File1253583184.jpg-(80 KB, 600x800, Litchi 6.jpg)
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    Pretty much this, except replace Hakumen with Litchi, someone I didn't care about until I actually played the game. So fucking fun to play.

    Boobs related.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)21:33 No.38452029
         File1253583223.jpg-(60 KB, 550x800, Jubei 2.jpg)
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    So /v/, who's gonna get added in the next edition of BlazBlue? I'm guessing Valkenheyn, Jubei and Tsubaki.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)21:35 No.38452120
    Tsubaki and Termumi

    2 new characters will be introduced as well.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)21:35 No.38452152

    Oi typed that too fast.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)21:35 No.38452158

    I agree. They seem somewhat eager to throw in Kokonoe as well.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)21:35 No.38452161
         File1253583339.jpg-(20 KB, 281x353, 1249766441523.jpg)
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    So anyways, anyone else think Lord Tenjo's son is gonna be a dick who will become Bang's rival?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)21:35 No.38452165

    I'll join in too MisanthropicGuy
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)21:35 No.38452176
    Tsubaki and Terumi all but confirmed for next bb. At the end you see 3 new seals, one obviously Terumi's. One that fits with Tsubaki, and then another that might be a boss or some unknown figure.

    Also, anyone notice her name is the same name as a move for Hakumen?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)21:35 No.38452180
         File1253583352.jpg-(107 KB, 750x900, Hellsing Valkenheyn.jpg)
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    Where are you getting this from?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)21:36 No.38452230
         File1253583402.jpg-(106 KB, 873x1500, hazama.jpg)
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    Hazama and/or Terumi is more or less a given, since his Nox is called Ouroboros, which was one of the emblems that's displayed at the end of the story mode credits.
    >> Rynac !!vTrWze7hR6V 09/21/09(Mon)21:37 No.38452270

    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)21:38 No.38452310
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)21:39 No.38452388

    Doesn't Bang die?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)21:39 No.38452406
    I wonder if they're going to expand on the current characters at all. Like Tager. You don't know much about him besides SCIENCE. We still don't know what Nox Bang is using (I'm guessing it's the nail, but still) etc.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)21:39 No.38452435

    In one of the time loops, yes.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)21:40 No.38452462
    Whoever thinks the nail is the nox is stupid. The nox are his gauntlets, it's so blindingly obvious.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)21:40 No.38452488
    I could have worn there were only two seals unless maybe the RagnaxNu fusion seal was in the background at the time.

    BB Material Collection book, they talked about going for 2-3 new characters(not counting Tsu and Ter) for the next edition.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)21:40 No.38452490
    Only in one of his endings.
    Noel died in one of hers too.
    And Ragna.
    And Jin.
    And you get the picture.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)21:40 No.38452499

    So is he going to be alive in the next game?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)21:41 No.38452524
    In japan they have some material book thing for bb that has a ridiculous amount of filler and backstory on the characters and world, it's cool. Sadly it's not in english though
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)21:41 No.38452581

    Really? I guess I wasn't paying much attention to the story, or I just didn't really care about those lame characters.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)21:42 No.38452609
    It's possible that he has a grimore and doesn't know it.
    Hence, his super mode.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)21:42 No.38452615

    There is speculation that his death is canon, but he comes back because whatever his Nox is, it's in some way related to the Phoenix (hence his drive being fire based, plus his one punch move)
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)21:42 No.38452626
    Odd thing is that his True End was the one were he seemingly died and was looked up to by the Kakas.

    Then again maybe it's a joke end and they just think he died.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)21:42 No.38452636

    Yes. He only died in one of the time loops. The True Ending is the only one that really matters. Think of all the others as "what if" deals.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)21:42 No.38452644
    I saw a freeze frame of the background seal. It is definetly not the Blazblue seal (which is both nu's and ragna's combined). It's a totally new one.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)21:43 No.38452679
         File1253583797.png-(248 KB, 1280x720, BB_SealBroken_EDIT.png)
    248 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)21:43 No.38452706
         File1253583816.jpg-(82 KB, 550x1050, Makoto.jpg)
    82 KB

    Aw, that's kind of disappointing. I wanted Valkenheyn. But, it's fine anyway.

    I won't be able to get a PS3 and BlazBlue until early next year, so hopefully hype for the revised version will keep /v/'s interest in the game alive.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)21:44 No.38452737
    Yup. His true ending was the SEARCH FOR TENJO JR one, methinks.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/09(Mon)21:44 No.38452764

    Bang dies in a bunch of his endings. And one of Taos

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