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  • File : 1252550124.jpg-(27 KB, 462x605, FFVIII release.jpg)
    27 KB sage sagehero !!4h8tFhLHLdW 09/09/09(Wed)22:35 No.37602630  
    Happy birthday to you
    Happy birthday to you
    Happy birthday dear Squall

    FFVIII - One decade appreciation / hate thread

    For a game that will always be looked at as FFVII's redheaded stepchild, I thought it was pretty awesome. At the very least it introduced us to the wonders of Triple Triad, which deserves to be a game in its own right. It's a shame that this game will always languish between the fanboy beacon that is VII and the oldfag nostalgia favorite that is IX (not that IX is a bad game at all).

    And be honest in here: You guys remember that demo CD that came with Brave Fencer Musashi? How many of you guys actually bought Musashi because you thought it was going to be a great game on its own, even though it turned out that way? I know that when I got my 2-disc case I popped the back half straight open and tore into that FFVIII demo disc that came with it. I was so fucking PSYCHED for the full game after that.

    (Reposting this thread so nightime /v/ get in on the love)
    >> Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)22:36 No.37602701
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    >> Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)22:37 No.37602732
    Dam its been 10 yrs, I feel so old now.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)22:38 No.37602833
    >> Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)22:39 No.37602862
    One of my favorites.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)22:41 No.37602975
    I do not know what's more shitty: this game or the stupid meme made based off the game.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)22:41 No.37603010
    I liked 8 more than most Final Fantasy games.

    Of course, I think most FFs are unforgivable shitfests, so that's not really saying much.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)22:41 No.37603022
    I'm sure more people remember the demo than the actual game.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)22:41 No.37603030
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    >Triple Triad
    >> Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)22:43 No.37603112
    Most underrated FF game.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)22:43 No.37603120

    was so pumped up for it too, since i loved ff7
    >> Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)22:44 No.37603236
    Its on PSN tomorrow
    >> nightmoves 09/09/09(Wed)22:45 No.37603270
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    You have got to be joking.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)22:46 No.37603332
    Triple Triad was awesome
    >> Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)22:46 No.37603335

    i remember the demo because it was so awful that i didn't even finish it. that's right, it sucked so hard i couldn't even finish a demo of that god fosaken game
    >> Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)22:47 No.37603364
    Kill yourself and go to Balamb Garden.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)22:47 No.37603374
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    >> Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)22:47 No.37603396
    Oh god, has it really been ten years?

    I played it on the PC. Terrible sound and controls, but I didn't know any better. This was actually my first Final Fantasy (don't worry, I'm not THAT young... I've never owned a console in my life apart from gameboys), and I played VII after it. I was a little late to the party, so I might have been 13 when I bought it. I remember hiding the box at my friend's house because of the content descriptors that said "suggestive themes" and "language" because I was afraid my parents would take it away. I realize now they probably wouldn't, my dad bought me Return to Castle Wolfenstein for Christmas when it came out, but whatever.

    I love this game. It's probably because it was my first FF game, and one of my first jRPG experiences in general, but that doesn't diminish it. I took to the story and the characters like the sort of awkward, pubescent, sensitive boy I was, and I loved it. There is no game I have ever felt more strongly about or replayed as many times that I can think of.

    Of course, I haven't played it in five or six years now, and I don't think I could. I'm terrified to go back and see all the flaws in it this time. I think I'll leave it where I should have left ReBoot: firmly entrenched in my memory.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)22:47 No.37603421
    Best part of the game. Was fucking triple triad.

    Its funny how 8 was basically square trolling the fanbase since they said 7 was full of emo bullshit. Square "They want emo bullshit, we can do emo bullshit." Spuall "whatever."
    >> sage sagehero !!4h8tFhLHLdW 09/09/09(Wed)22:48 No.37603426
    The demo was fucking AMAZING, dude.

    For those who didn't get to play it, it started with the intro to the beach mission towards the start of the game, and went through the entire beach mission up to the point where you fight the giant mechanical crab boss. First time through that guy kicked my ASS, holy shit.

    Just getting away from him wasn't enough for me. I played the demo over and over until I was actually able to kill him.

    I think no other card game has ever caused me this amount of pure rage

    I tend to agree with you. I'm not sure if it's the best per se, but definitely gets way more hate than love, and undeservedly so.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)22:48 No.37603438
    The junctioning system was so easy to game. It was awesome.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)22:49 No.37603482
    My favorite game, and the best ending i have seen in my life
    >> Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)22:49 No.37603487
    Im with ya OP. I did that too.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)22:49 No.37603498

    Best damn logo in the pseudo series.

    Best damn game as well.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)22:49 No.37603522
    I was also excited when it came out. FF7 introduced me to FF and RPGs in general so knowing that another was coming out was awesome!

    After I beat it I was more confused then disappointed. So I only played through it once wile with FF7 I've beaten it at least half a dozen times.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)22:51 No.37603634
    FFVIII was a lie
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 09/09/09(Wed)22:51 No.37603642
    I remembered this game from the Demo disc, but I never played the full game until years after I played it. (I could not even complete the demo disc because of the snake like boss.)

    It took me a long time to complete the game because my save data was deleted. So it took me two years to complete the game because there was so much to do.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)22:52 No.37603701
    No, that would be FFII.
    >> eggmanl33t 09/09/09(Wed)22:53 No.37603722
    Weren't all the enemies and bosses leveled to you? Like you could play through the game near level 7 with ridiculously junctioned stats. Through all the monster card transferring and item junctioning you can get stupid high stats. I didn't play it past the first seed mission it bored me horribly. However I was glad I bought the demo it came with a fuck awesome game Brave Fencer Musashi.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)22:53 No.37603764
    See, the PC demo was completely different. It basically started right before the dancing FMV, then went on through the whole Quistis secret area thing and saving whatshername from the big bug. You could fight T-Rexaur if you were a real man and grinded. Which I did.

    As gay as this may be, that FMV was what sold me. I watched, and I was like, "In! Sign me up!"
    >> Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)22:54 No.37603790
    FFVIII had Ultimecia. Ultimecia is loev.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)22:54 No.37603867
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    >> Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)22:55 No.37603884
    is this man trolling, /v/?
    >> Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)22:56 No.37603985
    I'd rather see Ultimecia x Edea.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)22:58 No.37604138
    I must say, it's still my favorite to this day. I didn't play console games as a child and so was unable to really relate to the sprite based graphics of the old ones, but when 7 and 8 came around, I could
    a) play them on my PC
    b) understand them, and I was used to RPGs to a certain extent on the PC like BG (the PC version hit later, IIRC)
    >> Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)22:58 No.37604155
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    So would I but I can't find too much 34 with Ulty.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)23:01 No.37604315
    >I played it on the PC. Terrible sound and controls,

    Since this is PC gaming master race etc there's a patch that enhances the music so it sounds like the PS version, and you can always use a gamepad. That + Chocobo World bonus + enhanced graphics makes the PC version the best one.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)23:01 No.37604328

    >> Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)23:01 No.37604335
    I would totally lay the pipe to Edea
    >> Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)23:01 No.37604367
    Eh, this thread does not have enough good memories or stories about this game.
    are like the only remotely interesting posts. I guess it's just not meant to be, even on it's anniversary.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)23:02 No.37604447
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    >> Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)23:02 No.37604449
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    This is all I have left, sir.
    >> sage sagehero !!4h8tFhLHLdW 09/09/09(Wed)23:03 No.37604466
    Yes, if you were crazy enough to do that, you could just junction to the max and win that way. Except I refused to sacrifice any of my hard-earned Triple Triad cards, so I kept to doing everything the hard way. I also grinded up to level 99, just for the hell of it. I think the game was actually harder after that.

    I don't see what you can possibly hate about the FFVIII beach mission. It reminds me of FFVII and the first few midgar missions... which are also still my favorite parts of the game. It's all action and awesome machines and explosions and shit. What is not to love?

    And yes, BMF was an amazing game, but that's way off-topic.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)23:04 No.37604527

    Thanks very much!
    >> Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)23:07 No.37604729
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    You're welcome!
    >> Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)23:09 No.37604885
    at least the story was decent in FFVII (all about a corporation of assholes screwing people over till it almost destroyed the world)

    the characters were more emo the story was 2D, the magic system keeps fucking with you (and thee GFs to) and the card game what the fuck is up with the card game

    the only good part was the giant crab and that faggot odin dying
    >> sage sagehero !!4h8tFhLHLdW 09/09/09(Wed)23:16 No.37605361
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    >at least the story was decent in FFVII (all about a corporation of assholes screwing people over till it almost destroyed the world)

    /v/ says the darndest things.

    Well, I guess this is all we can hope for from an FFVIII thread nowadays. Anything following the commercial success of FFVII was bound to be rememered as a bust, anyways. If only the game were shitty... then I wouldn't have to feel bad for it.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)23:16 No.37605422
    this game came out on my birthday. Why couldn't it be final fantasy IX instead?
    >> sage sagehero !!4h8tFhLHLdW 09/09/09(Wed)23:25 No.37605988
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    God DAMN. Read this, NOW.

    Best, most fair review of FFVIII I have ever read.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)23:26 No.37606078
    >as FFVII's redheaded stepchild,

    more like the redheaded stepchild of the entire series
    >> Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)23:30 No.37606309
    I wish to be in Balamb Garden ;_;
    >> Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)23:30 No.37606349
    correction, it's XI that is the most underrated

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