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  • File : 1252387621.jpg-(168 KB, 372x434, HaloCEtimebyimrinfectedfyear.jpg)
    168 KB Halo: CE Imrinfected !!toD3+hC9ws/ 09/08/09(Tue)01:27 No.37460441  
    Let's play Halo: CE

    Halo CE Install (86 MB):

    Map pack1 (162 MB):

    Map pack 2(new one):

    I also uploaded a youtube video as someone requested, so you know it's legit.

    There's also a Steam group for people who want to know when I or someone else puts up a server.
    >> Frequently Asked Questions Imrinfected !!toD3+hC9ws/ 09/08/09(Tue)01:27 No.37460498
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    Q: How do I install the new map pack?
    A: Extract it to the root Halo CE directory with the exe, accepting all overwrites.

    Q: Do I need a keygen/crack for this to work?
    A: Nope. Just the contents of that RAR.

    Q: Why is the installer so small?
    A: It's only the multiplayer version of Halo CE, and it's been heavily compressed. Don't worry, it's not a virus.

    Q: Will my original Halo CD work with this?
    A: I don't think so, bro. Just download the RapidShare.

    Q: Do I need the map pack?
    A: You sure do.

    Q: Why aren't we playing on Blood Gulch/Sidewinder/Hang 'Em High?
    A: There are plenty of public servers devoted to just that. Variety is the spice of life.

    Q: How do I join a game?
    A: After creating a profile, go to Multiplayer -> Join Game -> Internet (or Direct IP if the host lists one). Click Get List and look for /v/idya, vidya, or something similar. Sort by name and scroll to v or /. The password is always rage.

    Q: Help! Why can't I see chat messages in-game?
    A: Run msxmlenu.msi found in the \redist\ folder of your Halo install. If you don't have it, download it here:

    Q: I STILL can't see chat messages. What do I do?
    A: Exit Halo, go to Start>Run and type "regsvr32 msxml4.dll" (Without quotes) and hit OK.

    >> Frequently Asked Questions Imrinfected !!toD3+hC9ws/ 09/08/09(Tue)01:28 No.37460539
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    Q: Halo sucks! Why would I want to play this?
    A: In most of these maps, the game has been so heavily modified that it's something else. Metroid and ace combatan maps are fine examples.

    Q: When I start the game, it loads and I can hear the music but see no menu items. I can hear the menu beep sounds, though. How do I fix this?
    A: Most new video drivers especially those for Vista now have the anti-aliasing set to ON as default. You need to turn off or set to application controlled the anti-aliasing setting in your video driver. Be sure you set it for the haloce.exe program and not just Halo (halo.exe).

    Q: I'm not from the USA. Can I still play?
    A: Depends on where you live. If you're lagging too much, you're better off making your own server for people in your country.

    >> Maps Imrinfected !!toD3+hC9ws/ 09/08/09(Tue)01:29 No.37460578
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    In my first map pack(map pack 3), you will find the following maps:

    Chronopolis_C3_Public_Beta0.2: A city map with breakable windows, magnums, and motorcycles. 9/10
    Coldsnap: One of the best maps, and one of my favorites. Jets, Nukes, Mechs, and an xbox hueg nuke-firing cannon bearing spider tank Mythos. 10/10
    DMT-Cairo Station: An extremely balanced map with aspects from Coldsnap and Hugeass. 8/10, better if played on foot.
    DMT-Goldeneye_Stack-BETA: You read it right. Goldeneye. Nostalgia/10
    dmt-od_crossfire: A map that's not halo anymore. Apparently heavy drug references, but an excellent map. 10/10
    DMT-Broken Indigo: Do you like breaking glass? Making other players fall to their deaths? Then this is for you! 10/10, awesome fun.
    Hugeass: Renowned for it's huegness even though coldsnap outweighs it's hueg by far. Base to base, jet to jet. A fun map. 9/10
    Luigi_raceway: I hated that Rainbow Road was a troll map. You /v/irgins wanted a race map, so I'm giving you one. 8/10
    Mystic: The Forest Temple.. But with Motor cycles! 9/10
    Needleosity: The Needler was always a favorite of mine, and this exploits it. 10/10
    TallonIV Overworld RC1: METROID FUCK YEAR! A total conversion into multiplayer Samus goodness. 10/10
    Tusken_Raid: Mechwarrior and Star Wars combined. 8/10
    Extinction: Like Coldsnap, but more halo. The biggest difference is the Scarab being added. 8/10

    If you do not have all of these installed, but do have some, download the missing maps from If you are unsure as to whether you need the latest mod pack, check the number of your current one. My last pack was number 2, and this one is 3.

    This map pack extracts out to 671 MB.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/09(Tue)01:29 No.37460599
    Q: Why should I play with Imrinfected?
    A: You shouldnt. Hes a massive faggot.
    >> Maps (2) Imrinfected !!toD3+hC9ws/ 09/08/09(Tue)01:30 No.37460626
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    In my second map pack(Map pack 4), you will find the following maps:

    a10av2 - The first mission of halo PC recreated for multiplayer. Spawnable AI, too. 10/10 for being some good coop.
    area52-55 - Some really poorly done coop maps that everyone seems to love playing for some ungodly reason. 2/10, but it's coop. Whatever. Hilariously awful.
    B._Creek_duke_N_edition - Can't figure out how Duke Nukem fits into this map. Probably because it's so fucking awesome. 10/10 for somehow involving the duke.
    Church - A graphic intensive map. I didn't include this in my last pack since some people get low FPS, but it's so well done that I decided to include it anyway. 10/10
    cmt_Snow_Grove - 10/10, can't say much more. It's a snow grove that's really well done.
    cmt_v2_fragment - 10/10 also really well done. CMT maps are fucking awesome apparently.
    coldsnapwar - Coldsnap but with AI bots. Park any vehicle near them, and they'll get in with you. Really fucking awesome because of the 16 player max, makes it feel like there's more players. Pretty chaotic with a full server.
    dmt-ohh-low planes - An overhead view map. Pretty cool, but some times causes the server to crash, but that's fine since it's pretty cool. 9/10
    dmt-ohh-timber - Same as the above, but in a different location. 9/10
    The_Land_of_Hyrule_V0.2 - The best goddamn zelda map ever. 10/10 for recreating EVERYTHING with extreme detail
    turfrevampedCMT - People seem to get low FPS here too, but it's really well done, so whatever. 10/10
    Yoyorast_Island - Spiraly mess of awesome fun. I didn't like it at first, but it grew on me. Races in it are awesome as hell. 10/10

    This map pack extracts out to 1.10 GB
    >> Anonymous 09/08/09(Tue)01:30 No.37460648
    wtf this game is shit'

    go play bubble bobble
    >> Imrinfected !!toD3+hC9ws/ 09/08/09(Tue)01:31 No.37460674
         File1252387876.jpg-(191 KB, 1600x900, haloce 2009-09-07 23-50-26-78.jpg)
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    TAB is to switch weapons

    Q is your flashlight key

    F3 toggles player name indicators

    F2 shows the MOTD and gametype stuff

    F1 shows scores

    On coldsnap you can pick up vehicles with the Pelican if they're on the helipad with Q(Your flashlight button.)
    >> Imrinfected !!toD3+hC9ws/ 09/08/09(Tue)01:32 No.37460713
         File1252387926.jpg-(256 KB, 1600x900, haloce 2009-09-07 21-36-53-45.jpg)
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    The server is /v/IDYA
    Pass is rage

    Alternatively, you can direct connect to my IP:
    >> Imrinfected !!toD3+hC9ws/ 09/08/09(Tue)01:32 No.37460740
    Q: Why am I so pissed off?
    A: Because I suck at games and Imrinfected kills me too much
    >> Anonymous 09/08/09(Tue)01:40 No.37461167
    My only encounter with you was you bitching like a faggot about being killed in freelancer.
    >> Imrinfected !!toD3+hC9ws/ 09/08/09(Tue)01:42 No.37461242
    Oh right, you're one of the faggots camping outside of the noob planets killing any players before they can do anything about it.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/09(Tue)01:45 No.37461415
    I recall your bitching including complaints that he was hacking in order to kill you. This implies that you wouldve had a chance if he hadnt been (and he wasnt).

    You just suck.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/09(Tue)01:47 No.37461512

    >You just suck.

    BROTIP: Try not to make trolling obvious.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/09(Tue)01:48 No.37461565
    As if it isnt already obvious by the fact that Im calling him out on his faggotry?
    >> Anonymous 09/08/09(Tue)01:48 No.37461571
         File1252388909.jpg-(25 KB, 268x402, Prof_Anders.jpg)
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    I love Halo.

    I also want Professor Anders to do me up the butt while calling her professor.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/09(Tue)01:49 No.37461597
    So you admit you're trolling?
    >> Zone375 09/08/09(Tue)01:50 No.37461657

    Op I would be more then happy to fight you on Halo:ce but I don't have my good PC but if you ever play online and you see the name LeVr-36D that's me
    >> Anonymous 09/08/09(Tue)01:51 No.37461720
    Mr. Imrinfected. I've actually had this game for a while(bought on release) and I finally decided I'd install and play with you bros , but I keep getting a message telling me I can't download some patch cause I'm not an Administrator. Does it mean I have to make the profile for Halo an admin or something else? Obviously my PC user profile is set to admin. If you can't help it's alright. I just want to play teh vidya.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/09(Tue)01:51 No.37461739
    Hey Imr, its Glowcat/Shapiro.
    I love you and ancient. that is all.

    downloadan gaemz
    >> Anonymous 09/08/09(Tue)01:52 No.37461777
    This is small time trolling.
    >> Imrinfected !!toD3+hC9ws/ 09/08/09(Tue)01:52 No.37461795
    Okay, cool.

    Don't give a damn. I stopped playing that game because you guys were faggots. I don't have anything more to say to you.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/09(Tue)01:54 No.37461916
    Oh, did you now? As I recall, you went off to play on the official roleplaying server (AHAHAHA) before sodding off to Fallout Online, where you were thoroughly raped.
    >> Imrinfected !!toD3+hC9ws/ 09/08/09(Tue)01:56 No.37461988
    Just download the stuff I linked. Halo: PC is different from Halo: CE.

    In the future when something asks you to use something as an administrator but you already are, start in safe mode and try it. Google can show you how to do that.


    Yeah, we're pretty cool.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/09(Tue)01:57 No.37462014
    Wait wait wait guys back the ballsack back up.

    Ballsack backup.


    Halo was shit on PC.

    I am basing this upon an experience I had 2 years ago at a LAN party.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/09(Tue)01:57 No.37462052
    you must've played the original and not CE
    >> Anonymous 09/08/09(Tue)01:59 No.37462143
    try this one, maybe you will like it, check his video, seems interesting enough, installing right now so hopefully this pc can run it
    >> Glowcat! !XVdtJ3M8z6 09/08/09(Tue)01:59 No.37462155
    download is taking a bit, I'll be in game soon enough.

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