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  • File : 1251975957.jpg-(131 KB, 295x450, supernintendosegagenesiswheniwasdeadbrok(...).jpg)
    131 KB Proud virgin thread/virgin discussion thread Taro Mill !Pu424dkVP6 09/03/09(Thu)07:05 No.37120387  
    Bonafide /v/irgin here. Ever feel like the only reason you want to pop your cherry is because society is telling you to? I think if being a virgin didn't carry so much shame and social stigma I'd be a lot happier and content with my current (non-existent) relationship history. Never even kissed a girl open mouthed, boo ya!
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)07:07 No.37120429
    virgin too but you should acknowledge the problem so that you can fix it.
    its healthy, its what our highly evolution-tuned beings are created to do
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)07:08 No.37120453
    sex fag here,

    No, its because sex is real fucking neato
    >> Taro Mill !Pu424dkVP6 09/03/09(Thu)07:09 No.37120493
    If I find a girl I like (or more acurately one that will like me back) and I feel she's worthy of my first vaginal ejaculation (the japanese girl in my office likes me but asians aren't my thing) then I'll have sex, but I'm not going to pursue sex just to say I'm not a virgin anymore.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)07:11 No.37120535
    I'll never have sex and I'm completely fine with this. I do think sex is too big an issue in our society. It's just mating. If you aren't planning on having a child you should not be having sex. Peroid. (pun intended). We are not apes, you should be able to control your desires. Proud virgin at age 21 and a free thinker here.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)07:13 No.37120579
    quality thread.
    >> Taro Mill !Pu424dkVP6 09/03/09(Thu)07:13 No.37120587
    Also, am I a faggot for turning down oppurtunities to with girls I don't care about because I want my first time to be special?
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)07:14 No.37120608
    Unless you state your age the argument is pointless.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)07:14 No.37120614
    >I dont like japs
    Right on. BROFIST
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)07:14 No.37120616
    >200 posts omitted.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)07:15 No.37120623
    by doing that you made the only girl that liked you think that she was fat or unattractive so now she is going out with some fag who beats her up and does coke with her.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)07:15 No.37120643
    buy a fleshlight, take my word for it, you wont be missing out on anything
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)07:16 No.37120656

    But sex is awesome...
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)07:16 No.37120658
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    >because society is telling you to

    Fuck off, teenager.

    I'm so sick of all of this pseudo intellectual bullshit on /v/.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)07:17 No.37120681
    >because I want my first time to be special
    It's just sex goddamit. What are you, a girl?
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)07:17 No.37120682
    I'm like OP, but this saturday I'm going to have sex several times with the girl of my dreams, because I helped her through a breakup and she fell in love with me.
    Who said being the niceguy doesn't get you anywhere?
    >> Taro Mill !Pu424dkVP6 09/03/09(Thu)07:17 No.37120685
    18, 19 at the end of October.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)07:17 No.37120699
    sex doesnt seem all that cracked up to you. why? because you've never had sex.

    try it, then come back and say the shit isnt the best way to spend your time. i love video games but sex> video games every day and twice on sunday

    oh, and the society thing, it more like a mutual agreement on one of humans most basic instinct, not any kind of collective consperacy
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)07:18 No.37120710

    >Proud virgin at age 21 and a free thinker here.

    I lol'd. The justifications /v/ makes for their own pitiful lifestyles always makes me smile.
    >> Cyan Medic !h99MW0XJUg 09/03/09(Thu)07:18 No.37120719
    Apathetic virgin here. I feel like if it will happen, it will happen. If not, no great loss.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)07:18 No.37120720
    go get trolled on /r9k/ or /adv/
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)07:18 No.37120731

    Ok, fair enough then. Have sex when you want, nobody cares except for you.

    There is no pressure other than the one you make for yourself, I waited, fucked, and went on with life because that's how it goes.
    >> Taro Mill !Pu424dkVP6 09/03/09(Thu)07:19 No.37120737
    I want my first to be emotionally engaging and memerable not just a shag.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)07:19 No.37120744
    I also agree with >>37120681
    We all know the only reason you haven't had sex is because you're an acne ridden unpopular 15 year old. But, like all unpopular teenagers you blame it on the "conformists". Yeah, only conformists have sex and it's not important, nothing good ever came of sex.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)07:19 No.37120751

    No you're not. Don't go into a relationship if you don't want it to go anywhere.
    >> Chowder !.QqkDUCQV2 09/03/09(Thu)07:20 No.37120760
    That's nothing to be proud of. :|
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)07:20 No.37120765

    It won't be.

    You will come early or not at all and if she is a virgin too your dick will be covered in blood.

    Welcome to life.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)07:20 No.37120766
    >implying people have sex because they're sheep with no personality, and you're the rebel for refusing to fit in.

    -People have sex because it feels good.
    -You're not a virgin by choice, you're a virgin because no one wants to have sex with you.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)07:21 No.37120780
    putting sex on a pedestal like this will only lead you to disappointment.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)07:21 No.37120800

    Sex isn't all that great.

    Drugs however..
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)07:22 No.37120818
    I'm a virgin too, but I don't try to make up some retarded excuse to actually kid myself into believing that the pathetic way I live my life is actually a good thing.

    Don't bother thinking up stupid shit like "SEX IS ONLY GOOD BECAUSE SOCIETY TELLS YOU THAT! ANARCHY RULES! FUCK THE POWER! I'M A FREE SPIRIT" because we both know it's a load of bullshit. If you had an opportunity to fuck an attractive woman with a good personality, you would jump at the chance.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)07:24 No.37120873
    27yo sex fag here.
    You kids make me laugh. You have no idea what you're talking about, whick makes your "radical" positions on the subject look completely ridiculous. Just shut up, and get on with your lives.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)07:24 No.37120875
    virgin here.

    I don't need an excuse, I just don't care.
    >> Taro Mill !Pu424dkVP6 09/03/09(Thu)07:25 No.37120879
    Any girls on here local to Kent or London that want to help me with my predicament. I work for an investment bank, I'm 6ft2, dark hair, blue eyes, emotionally in-touch but an assertive, free-thinking libertine and not a doormat to anyone. I'm generous, outgoing and would be open to anything from a fling to a proper relationship.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)07:25 No.37120906
    >Good personality
    Pick one.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)07:26 No.37120927
    first time should be up the butt
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)07:27 No.37120945
    So, you're a fag?
    >> Taro Mill !Pu424dkVP6 09/03/09(Thu)07:27 No.37120948
    Also, please don't lump me in with my fellow virgins who pretend they don't want sex because it's easier to think than the fact that they can't get sex.
    I'm just impartial as to whether or not it happens now.
    >> Kazuma !!JIPK28Ffleh 09/03/09(Thu)07:27 No.37120953
    Is this like being proud of having Asperger's?
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)07:27 No.37120963
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    This thread.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)07:28 No.37120997

    >investment banker
    >free-thinking libertine

    Found your problem.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)07:28 No.37121011
    taro is an EASY MODO troll
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)07:30 No.37121051
    its funny how every virgin thinks he is so original and unic in that he had no rellashionships, and that its somehow important.embrace your fail, faggot
    >> Taro Mill !Pu424dkVP6 09/03/09(Thu)07:31 No.37121114
    Lol, I was diagnosed with asperger's when I was like 7 or something. Not proud of it though, in fact I think I could of been misdiagnosed like many kids on 'the lower end of the aspergers syndrome spectrum' (counsellors words) have been.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)07:32 No.37121134
    You're too old
    >> Taro Mill !Pu424dkVP6 09/03/09(Thu)07:33 No.37121172
    18's old now? Thanks for informing me bro.
    >> Chowder !.QqkDUCQV2 09/03/09(Thu)07:35 No.37121234
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    >Virgins telling other virgins sex isn't that great.

    Sorry, bros, but there is nothing better than a good fucking.
    >> Taro Mill !Pu424dkVP6 09/03/09(Thu)07:40 No.37121396
    I don't doubt you man but I can wait because until then I don't know what I'm missing.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)07:43 No.37121470
    sex is great, really, really great. but shooting up heroin for the first time is much better.
    >> Taro Mill !Pu424dkVP6 09/03/09(Thu)07:45 No.37121528
    Go make a heroin gamer thread then, this is a virgin gamer thread.
    >> JOTARO MOTHERFUCKING !KUJO9wJ2/g 09/03/09(Thu)07:47 No.37121598
    It would be cool to have sex I guess, I'm in no rush though.

    It will happen when it happens.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)07:50 No.37121692
    I just want to know what it feels to hug a girl :(
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)07:59 No.37121989
    >> Taro Mill !Pu424dkVP6 09/03/09(Thu)08:06 No.37122198
    Yeah same. I had a crush on a girl in college. I'd of been happy all week if I just could of hugged her pasionately and she'd hugged me back even if she was like 'dont tell anyone this happened' aftter. yeah, a hug would be awesome.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)08:26 No.37122803
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    >Ever feel like the only reason you want to pop your cherry is because society is telling you to?
    >> Huldra !CUTEnII0VA 09/03/09(Thu)08:27 No.37122836
    I wish I was still a virgin.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)08:28 No.37122888
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    Then get some female friends and hug them, you fucking pussy. I'm a gamer and yet I have several close female friends, one of whom I'm fucking and all of who hug me everyday, probably because I actually took some action.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)08:29 No.37122907
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    >Ever feel like the only reason you want to pop your cherry is because society is telling you to? I think if being a virgin didn't carry so much shame and social stigma I'd be a lot happier and content with my current (non-existent) relationship history.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)08:30 No.37122951
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    >>Ever feel like the only reason you want to pop your cherry is because society is telling you to

    uh... no, thats your natural instinct telling you that you need to plant your seed.


    Lose some weight, take a bath, comb your hair, and talk to a bitch.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)08:31 No.37122981
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    >Ever feel like the only reason you want to pop your cherry is because society is telling you to
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)08:33 No.37123022
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    >All of who hug me every day...
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)08:34 No.37123055
    I'll be honest, your dick can't tell the difference between a vagina and your hand. If you're a virgin or not is only known by you. If there's such a heavy social burden on being a virgin, then lie about it. Only person who will know you're lying is yourself, and since you said you don't care...who cares right?
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)08:35 No.37123079
    So wait you're telling me i wack off 6 times every day because its natural and not some compulsive wanking disorder?
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)08:35 No.37123084
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    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)08:37 No.37123136
    >I am happy being society's waste product and not continuing our species.

    Yeah okay, you fuckup. And never even kissing a girl open-mouthed? What the fuck is your problem? Pics of you
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)08:38 No.37123187
    >not continuing our species

    Honestly /v/, we're over populated and wasting our resources like fuck crazy. Just be a bachelor and get a one night stand...every night.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)08:40 No.37123219
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    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)08:40 No.37123231
    Your dad had enough game to knock some bitch up and have you. You are forever living in the shadow of your dad if you remain a virigin
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)08:43 No.37123312
    My dad bitches every day about how he would've stayed a bachelor and fucked random bitches. Sad thing is we're pretty well off me and my bro thanks to our jobs at different firms. Probably drop his sorry ass off at a home...
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)08:43 No.37123319
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    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)08:44 No.37123366
    I remember when sex was supposed to be save till after marriage. Then I remember when it was supposed to be save for "the one".

    Now what? In our modern society there is hardly any decency anymore. You have to be a fucking Christian in order to hold on to any good values of society.

    And before anyone says anything, I'm not Christian, and I'm not a virgin. All of you "sexfags" are acting like gigantic faggots. And I honestly think most of you "sexfags" are virgins from the way you talk. Losing your virginity isn't a milestone in your life, you're either a colossal faggot who can't fit in with the crowd, or a frat boy. Wait, maybe that's the same thing.

    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)08:46 No.37123425
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    ITT: Fat Americunts making excuses for why they can't get laid.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)08:47 No.37123450
    To actively pursue sex to lose the title of virgin is to be desperate.
    It is far more depressing to be a "man with a misguided quest for sex" than to be a virgin who simply doesn't give a fuck about it. Personally I don't care about "fucking" anyone - girls are too much trouble and for now I'm doing well professionally and socially without girlfriends. If I ever accepted one of my friend's requests to be my girlfriend, it would severely impact my everyday life, and for now I'm feeling good just the way I am.

    Marriage and shit can just wait.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)08:47 No.37123457
    Obvious asspained virgin
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)08:47 No.37123462
    I've been raised by antisocial overbearing helicopter parents who volunteer their kids out for slavery, was exposed to anime in my teen years, have nothing but beaten down and abused brothers, and am in line for basement dweller status.

    It is the perfect recipe for long term virginity.
    >> Huldra !CUTEnII0VA 09/03/09(Thu)08:48 No.37123493
    It upsets me that scum are breeding so fucking much, but intelligent people who would be amazing parents are refusing to have children.

    I am going to have about 2 of my own children and then I am going to adopt and foster others kids so I can attempt to make the world a little bit better :)
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)08:48 No.37123502
    If I wanted to bag some needy fat chick, I coulda done 4 by now. But ya know the fuck what? I had some fucking standards and popped to a steaming hot piece of ass who was Australian of all things, it was like fucking candy it was so sweet, I didn't hold out because of some twisted anti-social regard, but because I wanted some hot ass, not some cheap fat gamer chick whose obsessed with Cloud Strife.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)08:49 No.37123509
    100% agree. fuck bitches get money
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)08:49 No.37123530
    ITT virgins make up excuses for being society's bottom rung
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)08:49 No.37123535
    Oh. And no pets.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)08:50 No.37123552
    brotip: women like scum more then intelligent people
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)08:51 No.37123578
    >Earns 500k a year
    >Owns 3 seperate franchises
    >bottom rung

    I'm pretty impressed with myself at the age of 21, if i'm bottom rung so be it. No time for bitches people, too busy making cash.
    >> Huldra !CUTEnII0VA 09/03/09(Thu)08:51 No.37123601

    Not really true. And by scum I just mean unemployed alcoholic twats on benefits.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)08:52 No.37123610
    It's like i'm really in Australia.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)08:53 No.37123641
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    I'm a virgin and I've had a couple of opportunities to have sex. Honestly I believe most kids have had at least one opportunity to do it by the age of 20, normal ones that actually attempt a social life, that is.

    I never took them. I just don't see myself banging some slut when I have absolutely no interest in them, only to have to tell them I don't want a relationship with them afterward. I can't bring myself to be that type of person, even though I know that's awfully hypocritical considering some of the other shit I've done. I just believe betraying a person's trust is one of the worst things you could ever do as a human being.

    I also have trust issues because my mother was a slut and left me with my grandparents after my father and her broke up for some biker fuck. I guess that's why sexually fueled relationships hardly phase me.

    I'm a-ok with fapping though!
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)08:53 No.37123645

    What is it that Rodney Dangerfield says in Caddyshack? Something about how that will only amount to a $4 million funeral? I'm happy for you, I really am, but from the sound of it you should stop and enjoy life more. You're only 21, for Christ's sake! You're in the prime of your life, you can worry about being a workaholic later
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)08:53 No.37123646
    Virgins ARE the bottom rung of society. They fail so hard at life that they can't even accomplish the most basic biological drive. Once. It's catastrophic failure on the most natural level.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)08:53 No.37123669

    Yeah, too busy to deal with women but you will hop on 4Chan & flaunt your made-up story of making $500K.

    Go back to flipping burgers at McDonalds, bro.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)08:54 No.37123684
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    My little soldiers, you keep on fighting.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)08:55 No.37123723

    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)08:55 No.37123733

    They do have a lot of time to refine their 'skills', if you will. Women like scum because it makes them feel better about themselves, like their doing some service by shaping a piece of shit into a fancier piece of shit. Us smart successful (government job 40k a year) types make em feel insecure and helpless, bitches are bitches, no matter how you slice it.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)08:55 No.37123735
    Oh wow...i'm almost 20 and no chick has ever been interested in me not in the slightest. Heck i'm pretty damn fit too. I guess if you're ugly, you're ugly.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)08:55 No.37123748

    Who are still higher up on the societal rung then you.

    See >>37123645 for how much of a loser you are.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)08:56 No.37123764
    It's 11pm where i am. I can do whatever i want with my spare time man. Also lol u jealous?
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)08:56 No.37123778

    Nah bro you're just ugly.
    >> Huldra !CUTEnII0VA 09/03/09(Thu)08:56 No.37123779

    I guess. I'd kill for an intelligent and interesting man, but they're too good for me so I am pretty much stuck with the scum :(
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)08:57 No.37123795

    >Earns 500k a year
    >Owns 3 seperate franchises
    >Posting on /v/

    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)08:57 No.37123820
    You're a girl? Damn you're just as dumb as the rest of them, hurrr i only get scum. No shit seeing how that's all you're looking for, derp.

    Fukken stoopid.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)08:58 No.37123838
    Just don't go shootin' up a gym.

    Sex isn't everything. Once you've had it, then what? What exactly changed about you that makes you that much of a better person?
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)08:58 No.37123853
    This made me laugh, not rage. Learn to troll. 0/10
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)08:59 No.37123886
    Why would i do that? Not an aggressive or depressive guy. I enjoy playing the vidya and hanging with my mates. I've lived 20 years of my life without women why would i care now? Seeing my mates all pussywhipped only boosts my happiness too.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)08:59 No.37123887
    Jesus christ go read The game by neil strauss, he is fucking BALD and dresses horrible.

    Read venusian artist, right now.

    Get the fundementals on high status and characteristics of a leader, you need to attract them first, and women cant decide on their emotions, they are geneticly designed to feel at certain things, as are men.

    If you dislike it, then point on what specific arguments made in the book and qoutes didnt work out for you.

    Go to MASF forum and read lay raports.

    When both these 2 guys get laid a 7-8's, then you have no fucking reason not to.
    >> Huldra !CUTEnII0VA 09/03/09(Thu)09:00 No.37123902

    I'm in no way looking for scum, I'm just saying that's all I can get. Personally I'd rather be single forever than to be with someone like that.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)09:00 No.37123911
    This is shit sex fiends say to drive away virgins from their breeding grounds.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)09:00 No.37123919
    You're probably fat, if not then i dunno what to say.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)09:01 No.37123924
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    Proud furry here. Enjoy your NOT GETTING SEX situations. I'll just be over here, raping mah dog.
    >> Huldra !CUTEnII0VA 09/03/09(Thu)09:01 No.37123933

    Yes, I am fat.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)09:01 No.37123942
    OP doesn't want to conform to society by having sex.
    Yet he wants his first time be something "special", wich is a standard created by said society.

    Wait to be a hypocrite
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)09:02 No.37123974
    ITT: Dumbasses who think virginity means something. Slap on a rubber & go get laid.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)09:03 No.37124008
    Then lose it. It's not hard. Also stop whining about that intelligent guy bullshit, theres smart neckbeards earning a damn good living who you've probably turned an eye too you shallow person you.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)09:04 No.37124042
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    Britfag here.

    ITT: Faggots responsible for the end of the American century.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)09:05 No.37124089
    The courtship dance, like all other things, is a social construct. Courtship is a necessary lifetime skill, which is taught to roughly 95% of the population. The other 5% can be found on /v/.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)09:05 No.37124104
    It was a play on this guy:

    I can tell you one of two things are happening:

    You're either ugly(don't be ashamed of this) or overweight, maybe both. This results in men either fucking you for the sake of getting an easy quick fix or you're the only type of girl that would care enough for them to have a relationship with them.

    Your best option is to focus on improving your appearance, getting fit, getting established, and pursuing your life. Eventually you'll find someone different from scum.

    Though it always irks me when overweight women(and overweight = chubby) complain about getting nothing but "scum".
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)09:06 No.37124110
    My girlfriend is lolling at this thread.
    That's how much of a fag you guys are.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)09:07 No.37124141

    Yeah but their probably ugly or fat. Why should a woman fuck an ugly fat dude?

    Post a picture of an ugly fat woman on 4chan and see what the reactions are. Will anyone care if she's smart and sweet?

    Why should you hold women to have a different standard to men? Why shouldn't women want to get fucked by hot guys?

    If you're a smart and sweet guy but an ugly fuck, well you're in the same boat as an ugly fat sweet and smart girl.

    Neither of you are likely to be attracted to each other also.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)09:07 No.37124156
    inb4 pussy on a pedestal
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)09:08 No.37124166
    >>37123641 guys now that you can...fall in love with a girl and her and then you can wait a few months and...well...if you want you can fuck her...
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)09:08 No.37124174
    Keep your bitch on her chain.
    Men are talking.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)09:11 No.37124259
    ITT people expect to be noticed by the opposite sex when they don't do shit for their appearance
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)09:11 No.37124268
    Nigger say what?
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)09:11 No.37124272
    >And by scum I just mean unemployed alcoholic twats on benefits

    Are you a britfag? And you date these guys?

    Fuck you.
    >> Bobucles 09/03/09(Thu)09:12 No.37124307
         File1251983555.png-(127 KB, 686x953, friends.png)
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    ITT: Friend zone assholes who won't give in to a horny woman desperate to get laid.
    >> sage does nothing! 09/03/09(Thu)09:12 No.37124310
    # All posts should pertain to video games, their consoles, etc. Threads should remain on topic and stay in theme with the board. Don't post errant material.

    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)09:12 No.37124313
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    I'm celibate until marriage due to my religion. You guys are fucking pathetic.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)09:14 No.37124371
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    >Implying that religion isn't pathetic

    Enjoy your magic man in the sky.
    >> Huldra !CUTEnII0VA 09/03/09(Thu)09:15 No.37124384

    I am a Britfag and no I do not date them.
    I have surprisingly high standards.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)09:15 No.37124387
    Pick up artist and video games.

    They are related, proof
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)09:15 No.37124401
    Religion means more to me than that, but of course /v/ is filled with idiots who are worthless to everybody.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)09:15 No.37124402
    Your comic sucks.

    No one likes an obsessive person. It might be cute on the outside, but if you've ever been with an obsessive person it's fucking bullshit.

    Jerk jocks give them sex and enough breathing room to enjoy themselves, while being handsome, sexy, and confident. The entire principle of the alpha male. Of course women will go after them in a heartbeat, just like men will go to the hot as fuck spermbuckets whenever they open the opportunity to them.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)09:15 No.37124403
    >I have surprisingly high standards.

    What is your ideal guy then? Let's see how shallow you are.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)09:16 No.37124424
    I finally got a girlfriend, almost 1 year already. Since half the relationship I finally realised I was happier fapping to quality porn at my own leisure than fucking my girlfriend.

    True story.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)09:17 No.37124450
         File1251983842.png-(29 KB, 730x358, iqvirginity.png)
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    The higher your IQ, the more likely you are to be a virgin. Also high-IQ females are more likely to be virgins than males, so there are plenty of still pure intelligent women out there for you to make your move on when you guys are ready.

    The reason sex is so glorified is that most people are borderline retarded. They literally have nothing to be proud of and never will have anything to be proud of other than their bodily functions, such as having sex or making loud farts.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)09:17 No.37124457
    You...aren't attracted to chavs. And this makes you have high standards?

    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)09:18 No.37124479

    Want to improve the world? Kill yourself and take as many as you can with you.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)09:19 No.37124505
         File1251983970.jpg-(4 KB, 108x245, tila_tequila_in_a_lovin_mood.jpg)
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    >I do not date them (chavs).
    >I have surprisingly high standards.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)09:19 No.37124511
    The trouble is, intelligent people need to have sex more or else we'll end up with generations of fucking idiots down the line. It's already happening in fact, just take a look at the frenzy over shit like Twilight.

    Dumb people need to die for the human race to live.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)09:19 No.37124514
    I'm the only virgin I know, all my friends are not. Honestly, seeing all the drama and phone bills they get from their relationships, I don't think I want any part of it.

    I get lonely sometimes, wonder what it's like to hold a girl in my arms, and have her hold me back. But then I just play the latest vidya and everything... is... okay......

    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)09:19 No.37124515
    Want to improve the world? Have as many White children as possible. Do not adopt.
    >> Bobucles 09/03/09(Thu)09:20 No.37124551
         File1251984054.jpg-(160 KB, 380x570, idiocracy_24.jpg)
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    you gotta love that downward trend. Makes certain movies all the more worthwhile.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)09:21 No.37124556
    whoa now.
    farts are awesome.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)09:21 No.37124560
    I think what /v/ needs is for us all to turn up at a warehouse and have a giant sex orgy in the dark so we can pretend we are fucking whoever
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)09:21 No.37124574
    >The higher your IQ, the more likely you are to be a virgin.
    Where your argument does have merits, virginity is vastly more tied to society's image standards than intelligence.

    If you're fat, ugly and don't take care of your body, no matter how dumb or smart you are, you aren't likely to get laid. If you're gorgeous, fit, and well-kept, no matter how intelligent or dump you are, you're likely getting the pussy on a daily basis.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)09:21 No.37124585
    You'll find someone someday :3
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)09:22 No.37124597

    You mean become even bigger faggots then you losers are already?
    >> athens !SysNpnp3nU 09/03/09(Thu)09:22 No.37124607
    I'm a pretty good, straight A student. I've nearly finished my bachelor's and will get a 2:1 for sure if not a first. I am going to Law School after that and want to specialize in Admiralty or Corporate Law.

    I am still a virgin. But I'm not a defeatist faggot like some of you, if you are like me and still a student (a good one with a good future) then just wait until you're pulling in money and fuck bitches then.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)09:23 No.37124626
    intelligent people know that being fit isn't worth the work, we can still be intelligent without lean bodies. it gives us all kinds of time we'd otherwise spend at the gym or showering twice daily. time that we instead use to browse 4chan
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)09:23 No.37124639
    I'm the same. I just don't give a fuck. I have also never cried over loneliness.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)09:24 No.37124676
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    >intelligent people know that being fit isn't worth the work
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)09:24 No.37124683

    holy shit, shallow much? enjoy your whores. you'll be alone and broke in the end.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)09:24 No.37124688
    Enjoy holding that girl knowing the relationship won't last for another two months, and probably knowing she doesn't give two real shits about you. Flirtatious relationships never fucking work. Ever.

    If you don't have a greater reason to be with someone other than "hay ur cute an we like the same stuff", any relationship with them is doomed.
    >> Huldra !CUTEnII0VA 09/03/09(Thu)09:26 No.37124755

    According to my friends I am attracted to "ugly" men. I guess makes a lot of sense since appearance doesn't matter too much to me and I focus more on personalities. The only major thing I like in a partner is that he is physically bigger and stronger than me, and well groomed/hygienic.

    Personality would take way too long to write and I have to go now!
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)09:26 No.37124761
    I guess I'm a virgin because I could only have sex with a person I trust. Add paranoia and you've got yourself somebody who would need to be asked out and not to have him ask others out.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)09:26 No.37124763
         File1251984371.png-(151 KB, 432x320, 1248432635751.png)
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    >intelligent people know that being fit isn't worth the work
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)09:26 No.37124771
         File1251984390.png-(580 KB, 635x571, PCGAMINGMASTERRACE.png)
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    Prove me wrong.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)09:26 No.37124777
         File1251984396.jpg-(60 KB, 400x377, 2206.jpg)
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    >intelligent people know that being fit isn't worth the work
    >implying you are intelligent for making such a statement
    >> athens !SysNpnp3nU 09/03/09(Thu)09:27 No.37124792
    >shallow much?

    In what way?

    Or are you one of those asspained fags who think money doesn't matter? Protip: It does. More than you could ever imagine. Even not being able to worry about bills is a massive weight off most people's chest.

    >you'll be alone and broke in the end.

    Yeah, yeah. And you'll be swimming in pools of gold with your doting wife. We can all spin a cool story around these parts bro.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)09:27 No.37124809
         File1251984456.jpg-(83 KB, 463x433, 1251899937386.jpg)
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    Good example of why the world is fucked - assholes who think they're intelligent and better than everyone else, but they're actually dumb assholes.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)09:27 No.37124815
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)09:28 No.37124831
    surprised this thread hasn't hit 200 posts yet
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)09:28 No.37124841
    >intelligent people know that being fit isn't worth the work

    id say its worth the work, but im pretty lazy.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)09:28 No.37124844
    >The only major thing I like in a partner is that he is physically bigger and stronger than me, and well groomed/hygienic.

    >confident personality



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