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  • File : 1251775070.jpg-(37 KB, 219x300, 3073639194_f447846bea_o.jpg)
    37 KB Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)23:17 No.36962668  
    So how many bros are going to buy this?

    inb4 halo sux.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)23:18 No.36962702
    what is it exactly? ive seen the commercials, but i dont get what makes it different
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)23:20 No.36962794
    It's like Halo, but without the shield regen and ZOMG healthpacks.

    Also, more stealth.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)23:21 No.36962814
    halo sux
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)23:21 No.36962845
    I'm thinking of getting it when it's cheaper, as Bungie themselves have said they don't see why it should be full priced-- but Micro$oft is making it that anyway.

    But I am excited for when I actually do play it.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)23:22 No.36962856
    dont need to, all my other bros are already getting it.
    >> TCKaos the Bro !dGeyRY6iVs 08/31/09(Mon)23:22 No.36962858

    This is actually going to be a good game, but /v/ is too cool to play good games.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)23:22 No.36962861
    More stealth and squad orientated (like Republic Commando if you've ever played it).

    New weapons are the suppressed SMG and magnum, which now both have scopes and I think are stronger. The Brute Plasma Rifle from Halo 2 is also making a return.

    Has Firefight mode, which is like Horde mode from GoW 2.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)23:23 No.36962902
    Halo more like Halblow
    >> Sudowoodo !!3qUlT4d9A1L 08/31/09(Mon)23:23 No.36962906

    > what is it exactly? ive seen the commercials, but i dont get what makes it different

    No regenerating health, you're not a super soldier, which means you can't run into things like an idiot. More squad based than the other games. It explores more of what happened in new mombasa. You find fragments left over from your mates and then you get to learn what happened to them, by playing as them.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)23:23 No.36962932
    If it was like 20 bucks then I would
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)23:23 No.36962951
    Call of Duty, but in the Halo universe. 'nuff said
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)23:24 No.36962962
    yaa lets buy the same game AGAIN

    Gates and Jobs both are a master of this shit. "How to trick dumbasses out of their money."
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)23:24 No.36962964
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    >> Over-G !!OvGYpcRMSml 08/31/09(Mon)23:24 No.36963000
    Preordered it today. If we get any extra Limited Editions in, I'll change my preorder to that before the street date.

    ...I'm a sucker for anything olive drab.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)23:25 No.36963015
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    Fuck off, you aren't a bro.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)23:25 No.36963036
    I would if I had a 360. But I don't so I won't.
    >> Sudowoodo !!3qUlT4d9A1L 08/31/09(Mon)23:25 No.36963038

    >yaa lets buy the same game AGAIN

    Oh you mean ninten-oh, nevermind.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)23:26 No.36963097
    Hell Yeah.

    I love all consoles and PC. The only thing is I fucking hate sony. I figure by supporting this game I'm helping kill the playstation once and for all.

    Shit Xbox 360 gets a $100 price drop, and GTAL Episodes from Liberty City and a new Halo game

    PS3 is fucked. I'd buy this just for the lulz
    >> Digitaldevil !!5BmXmcdTxCy 08/31/09(Mon)23:26 No.36963098

    Plenty of bros play Halo.

    I'll be there OP, hopefully M$ change their mind about it being full-priced. Not worth $60 for a few maps and a campaign.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)23:26 No.36963106
    I prbably will
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)23:27 No.36963136
    I honestly am.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)23:27 No.36963139
    If it's anything like Republic Commando I'm in.
    >> Sudowoodo !!3qUlT4d9A1L 08/31/09(Mon)23:27 No.36963150

    >Not worth $60 for a few maps and a campaign.

    Glad my dad works for MS.

    I'll be getting it for $25
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)23:27 No.36963171

    When it hits $40 or lower.

    I was all set when they said $40, but fuck MS if they think Im going to purchase an expansion pack at full fucking price.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)23:28 No.36963211

    why is machinima filled with 14 year olds?

    and why can't they spell?
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)23:29 No.36963237
    I can't wait to get this expansion pack! Im hoping its in the $10-$15 range.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)23:29 No.36963263
    If you really like Halo, wait out on this. Show MS they can't get away with it.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)23:30 No.36963345
    Lol, I see the Sony Defence Force has dispatched into this thread, oh well.

    I think the lack of new weapons isn't a problem, the new play style (stealth and squad) make it a very different game as opposed to "I'M THE MASTERCHIEF BITCH, GET OUT OF MY FUCKING WAY".
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)23:30 No.36963370
    I'd buy it if it weren't an FPS on a console. Easily the only console exclusive I give a fuck about.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)23:31 No.36963383
    Does it bother anyone else that the only thing unexposed on the troopers is their fingers?

    It should have been full body cover.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)23:31 No.36963385
    >Has Firefight mode, which IS Horde mode from GoW 2.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)23:32 No.36963451
    Meh, buying it for my sister. Not my bag.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)23:32 No.36963478
    Well seeing how it has less then 5 hours campaign and the EXACT same multi. Not anytime soon.
    >> Tomba! !!9Xs+QI2E0Z2 08/31/09(Mon)23:33 No.36963488
    Im piratan the french leak now.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)23:33 No.36963501
    Already got a pre-order
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)23:33 No.36963503
    I'm going to download it illegally because I'm a piratefag.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)23:34 No.36963533

    not one mention of sony in this thread, bro
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)23:34 No.36963561
    Halo 3: scoped pistol and silenced smg edition
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)23:34 No.36963571
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    I have it paid off already. It looks like it might actually be the next good game in the Halo series.
    Halo: good
    Halo 2: crap
    Halo 3: decent
    I like the idea that they're going back to the shield and health system. Maybe it'll stop the completely regenerating health craze that's been picking up speed.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)23:35 No.36963581
    >less then 5 hours campaign

    Sure, keep making bullshit up about this game to rationalize your bandwagoning hatred.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)23:35 No.36963610
    The Halo series is completely overrated. The only thing I give them credit for is their ranking system. When you see a 50 and your 40, you know your getting raped. 10th Prestige lawl...
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)23:36 No.36963630
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    >> TCKaos the Bro !dGeyRY6iVs 08/31/09(Mon)23:36 No.36963642
    Supposedly fingerless gloves make handling a gun easier. They should have used the two-fingered gloves that Big Boss used.

    That would have made more sense.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)23:36 No.36963666
    You should know that when they say a 5 hour campaign they mean 1.5 for any real gamer
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)23:36 No.36963677
    It's an expansion. Even Bungie said that it is short.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)23:36 No.36963682
    ps3 slim is going to get fucked in the ass by this and the new GTA

    you gotta love it
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)23:37 No.36963705
    It's actually a solid 7 - 10 hours.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)23:38 No.36963762
    I have never beaten a Halo game, just played a few matches of Halo / Halo 2 with some buds at college. I don't hate Halo, but I've never really been huge into it. I mean, it looks alrig--what's that? Like half the cast of Firefly is in this game? Preordered. Paid in full.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)23:38 No.36963767
    >5 hour campaign

    lol, you sony fangoons crack me up
    >> Over-G !!OvGYpcRMSml 08/31/09(Mon)23:40 No.36963885
    Gives you better dexterity, makes reloading/using the selector switch, etc. easier.

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