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  • File : 1251052973.jpg-(17 KB, 341x338, rocket.jpg)
    17 KB Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)14:42 No.36384208  
    Jessie and James their names are actually based on American outlaw Jesse James.

    Pokémon mindblow thread.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)14:43 No.36384244
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    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)14:44 No.36384280
    /v/ - pokemon
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)14:44 No.36384307
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    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)14:45 No.36384339
    pikachu means PS3 HAS NO GAEMS
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)14:45 No.36384344
    The tablet that you save at in Shadow of the Colossus is just a really big memory card.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)14:45 No.36384362
    inb4 Ash in a coma theory
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)14:45 No.36384363

    mind = blown
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)14:45 No.36384372
    you mean everyone didnt get that joke?
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)14:45 No.36384380

    Oh you.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)14:46 No.36384396
    I hope not, that shits long and i know id read it again
    >> Sabrina's Hopeless Fanboy !!+IUn33Ru+01 08/23/09(Sun)14:46 No.36384410
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    So are Butch and Cassidy...
    >> BucShot !.jiKWiU..E 08/23/09(Sun)14:46 No.36384427
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)14:46 No.36384439
    If ekans is snake spelled backwards, and arbok is basically cobra spelled backwards, then... muk?
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)14:46 No.36384449
    that ones kinda obvious tho butch and cassidy arnt exactly common names but jesse and james are kinda
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)14:47 No.36384480
    mind = ifuguredthatwheniwas10jackass
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)14:47 No.36384481

    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)14:47 No.36384499
    Explain coma theory
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)14:48 No.36384525

    I must know this.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)14:48 No.36384586
    In the japanese version their names are based on famous samurai.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)14:48 No.36384604
    OP here:


    I swear I never thought about this until now. I mustn't be the only one. ;_;
    >> Silph Co. Executive !/CEO/yY4XI 08/23/09(Sun)14:49 No.36384610
    I thought this was obvious.

    Bitch and Cassidy pretty much really brought it to light to anyone who didn't get it yet.

    Shame on you if you were still clueless after Attila and Hun showed up.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)14:49 No.36384621

    Don't go there.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)14:49 No.36384622
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    >> sage sage 08/23/09(Sun)14:49 No.36384637
    this is all obvious shit guys, i knew this when i was fucking kid, /v/ is full of idoits
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)14:49 No.36384648

    "Did one ever know the reason why the pacing and story development change after Ash was hit by lightning in the beginning episodes? How Ash and his world were relatively normal until after the incident? I have a theory. The accident with the bike put Ash in a coma. Days later he was found and was hurried to the hospital and treated with heavy medications. This is why Team Rocket became less menacing. The medication took effect and stabilized his coma dreams, instead of being terrifying, they became idyllic, and he's able to live out his Pokémon master fantasies.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)14:49 No.36384668
    lawl u actully continued watching it after the first season?
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)14:49 No.36384678
    who the fuck is butch and cassidy and attila and hun? this better be first gen or otherwise i don't give a shit you nigger
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)14:50 No.36384680
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    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)14:50 No.36384711

    If one had noticed, the early episodes of Pokémon were of amazing quality. The rest of the series is just the results of his subconscious mind fulfilling his desires, as well as attempting to escape them. Should Ash realize he's in a coma, he would wake up, but suffer brain damage. So he has to take down all his mental barriers one by one until he can come to grips with what he is and escape his coma.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)14:50 No.36384714
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    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)14:50 No.36384717
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    Add Metal Coat to Rhyhorn...
    >> Silph Co. Executive !/CEO/yY4XI 08/23/09(Sun)14:50 No.36384741
    There is a kind fellow who has recently been streaming every episode for the past few weeks, 6 days a week. c:
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)14:51 No.36384749
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)14:51 No.36384763


    also, every other pokemon fact that we know can go ahead and take a read of what I just said and have it apply, except for the muk part. That muk part's for muk only. NO NONMUKS ALLOWED TO ENJOY THAT PART.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)14:51 No.36384772
    I heard of Jesse James after watching pokemon, so I immediately made the connection.
    >> sage 08/23/09(Sun)14:51 No.36384774
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    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)14:51 No.36384780
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    Coma in delicious comic form.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)14:51 No.36384792
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    >> OPs 08/23/09(Sun)14:52 No.36384821
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    >> Silph Co. Executive !/CEO/yY4XI 08/23/09(Sun)14:52 No.36384829
    Butch and Cassidy are first gen. Attila and Hun are second gen.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)14:52 No.36384834
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)14:52 No.36384855
    in short
    ash is in a coma using pokemon to get over the fact that he is in a coma.

    Everyone represents some part of him
    for example
    Brock is sorta like his sexuality

    His whole quest to be the best there ever was is just him trying to wake up.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)14:52 No.36384858
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    pokemon thread?
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)14:52 No.36384861
    gengar is an evil clefairy
    >> Late Bloomer !GBxlNIirmU 08/23/09(Sun)14:52 No.36384867
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    Mareep is a YELLOW sheep.

    Mareep spelt backwards is "Pee Ram"
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)14:53 No.36384912
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)14:53 No.36384920
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    Cubone is an abandoned baby Kangaskhan with a dead Charizard's skull on its head
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)14:53 No.36384942
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    >> Klavier !9PYHoUe.Iw 08/23/09(Sun)14:53 No.36384953
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    The Pokémon are mutated versions of Earth's species, which originated as the Pokérus virus. Creatures with the Pokérus grow and evolve more quickly. When the original comet with the Pokérus virus on it hit Earth, it already had Pokémon forms from other planets upon it (such as Clefairy and Deoxys).

    It is said that Ditto is the Pokérus in a pure, sentient form. Mew may be related to this form, but in a more advanced evolution and even fused with another primitive Pokémon species.

    In the present day, most of Earth's earlier life forms have been replaced entirely by Pokémon versions except for some birds, fish, and humans. Some say humans are already being infected by the Pokérus virus, hence the phenomenon of children gaining the mental capacity of adults and reaching sexual maturity as early as 10.

    The destructive nature of the Pokérus virus is what caused the previous planet it was upon to be destroyed due to the power Pokémon process. Many of the god-like Pokémon (so-called "legendaries") that exist today survived the last planet's destruction, and possibly several other planets before that one's, by using their various powers to manipulate time and/or space, even traveling between dimensions.

    Pokémon are already at a state so dangerous that they can destroy entire cities and landscapes. (This explains the rudimentary scale of most cities and towns, as well as the lack of roads and highways.) Some work on a smaller scale, kidnapping children or devouring individuals' souls. It is only inevitable that people fucking Gardevoirs and Lucarios will spawn a human-Pokémon species that will entirely wipe out the human population.

    The Pokérus virus will be the inevitable end of all life on earth as it spreads.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)14:54 No.36384975
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)14:55 No.36385037
    That Gen 3 and 4 have an unholy amount of copypasta to themselves is something everyone's aware of. Most of the ones you list stroke me the instant I saw them, except for the alleged Kabutops counterpart, which doesn't really look similar at all. I say look because yes, I refuse to touch/remember anything after Gen 2, so it's not like I know that thing's backround.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)14:55 No.36385039
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)14:55 No.36385064

    Is this confirmed?
    >> Klavier !9PYHoUe.Iw 08/23/09(Sun)14:57 No.36385176
    They don't really look that similar, except maybe Tropius/Meganium and Aggron/Rhydon. Though Beautifly pretty much is copypasta from the Caterpie line since Hoenn had to have brand-new Pokémon.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)14:57 No.36385205
    >repressed sexuality

    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)14:58 No.36385230
    I thought Ash dies in the first episodes and than Ho-oh flies by and revives him.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)14:58 No.36385237
    My brain
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)14:58 No.36385256
    Ah, I guess I shouldn't have scrolled to the bottom so fast.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)14:58 No.36385270

    Would be cool, but as you can breed two cubone to get a cubone it doesn't really make sense.

    They didnt really think the whole "dead mother" thing through very well.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)14:59 No.36385318
    It's not a Charizard's skull, it's his mother's.

    Crystal Pokedex Entry for Cubone:
    >It lost its mother after its birth. It wears its mother's skull, never revealing its true face.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)14:59 No.36385321
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    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)14:59 No.36385335
    u mad?
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)14:59 No.36385336
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)14:59 No.36385339

    same spelled backwards :O
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)14:59 No.36385357
    the designer wanted cubone to be charmander, but they didnt like the design for it. So he gave it a charizards skull to show what it was meant to be. That bits confirmed. The part about it being a baby Kangaskhan is just a rumour.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)15:00 No.36385380

    Rearrange the letters of Mareep to get Ampere. Now it makes sense.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)15:00 No.36385404
    I answer that
    with this
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)15:00 No.36385407
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)15:00 No.36385431
    That sounds too real I can't find any flaws.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)15:03 No.36385606

    Explain Missigno.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)15:04 No.36385639

    Actually, if it is bred, it is born WITH the skull on its face.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)15:06 No.36385796

    Pokerus infected an psycho.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)15:06 No.36385808
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    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)15:07 No.36385829
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    >> Klavier !9PYHoUe.Iw 08/23/09(Sun)15:07 No.36385890
    The Pokerus caused things to mutate extremely quickly, so Missingno's just a freakish extreme case. Most of these sort of species would die out quickly due to natural selection, but for some reason the Cinnabar coast is a sustainable habitat for them.

    And yeah, that was copypasta from an earlier thread like this. I elaborated on the details a little.
    >> KawaiiGamerGirl>_< !L1yG6WXVK6 08/23/09(Sun)15:07 No.36385904
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    Pokemon is for little kids. You guys need to grow up.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)15:08 No.36385913

    Something goes wrong with the evolution and chansey gets horribly deformed?
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)15:08 No.36385914

    How the hell did I not get that?
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)15:08 No.36385944
    It looks that way.
    >> BR FIST !x5zYRYtvio 08/23/09(Sun)15:09 No.36385976
    I lol'd
    >> Klavier !9PYHoUe.Iw 08/23/09(Sun)15:09 No.36386012
    >Pokemon is for little kids
    >KawaiiGirlGamer>_< !L1yG6WXVK6
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)15:11 No.36386088
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    mind = blown
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)15:11 No.36386100
    Missingno Stands for Missing Number. It's a glitch an a video game representation for a fantasy world inhabitated by magical creatures.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)15:12 No.36386171
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    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)15:12 No.36386174

    no shit, really?

    Thanks Sherlock.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)15:12 No.36386179
    penis = blown
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)15:12 No.36386204

    Or "Rape me"

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