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  • File : 1250714484.jpg-(27 KB, 320x240, Picture 1.jpg)
    27 KB Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)16:41 No.36099241  
    Why is the majority of the fighting community so...mad? Minus BlazBlue all ive gotten from people after a match is hate mail
    Some guy just sent me a message on XBL after beating me in Marvel Vs Capcom 2 and then sent me his phone number to prove a point(pic related, if you guys are bored go ahead and call it, apparently he's a tatoo artist and can wipe his ass with hundreds) Not the first time ive gotten mail like this so why is everyone so mad or just all around douchebags when it comes to fighting games?
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)16:43 No.36099335
    I'm getting sick of it as well. Every time I play online (Blazblue or MvC2) I get hate mail about how much I suck. I realize I suck, great you won.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)16:43 No.36099337
    that fuhrer guy from the street fighter thing is the greatest.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)16:43 No.36099365
    oh and the reason the pic is really shitty is cause i took it with like a 3-4 year old webcam
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)16:43 No.36099388
    just reply with:

    U MAD
    >> Rasputin !!pLB+3CKYKT2 08/19/09(Wed)16:44 No.36099423
    Reply with "u mad" or ":3".
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)16:44 No.36099430
    I did one time and they threatened to cut up my face with scars to remind me about how scrubby i am
    <3 Street Fighter 4 on PSN
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)16:45 No.36099449
    i always reply with "your tears. they are delicious"
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)16:46 No.36099547
    Do like I do and delete every message without reading it.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)16:47 No.36099593
    But that takes away the fun of asking people if they're mad and having them throw a massive hissy fit to prove a point on the internet
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)16:47 No.36099612
    Niggers, in good part.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)16:48 No.36099672
    Does that say "pussy lol pussy pussy pussy"?

    Well, that guy's certainly a badass. I wouldn't mess with him if I were you, OP.
    >> Pikabitch !FKk4keqK9w 08/19/09(Wed)16:49 No.36099714
    for some reason you have to completely kick their ass to get a compliment, well, with me anyway.
    some guy kept asking me
    "r u a little kid? your name is pika13oom and you play as CARL CLOVER."
    i sent him pikachusideglance.jpeg
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)16:49 No.36099719
    Funny part is, I never get hate messages unless I lose. I don't fucking get it.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)16:49 No.36099725
    Yes it does, along with his phone number for some odd reason...i dunno, i havent called yet, too busy not wasting my time with faggots
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)16:50 No.36099769
    niggers are fighting games' main audience
    niggers = crack rage
    therefore niggers are always angry
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)16:50 No.36099804
    The BlazBlue community is surprisingly nice, from what I've seen. Never gotten a hate mail, only GGs, compliments and friend invites.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)16:50 No.36099819
    >fighting community
    come on now its, xbl is full of shooter fags. the fighting community is only truly located at arcades
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)16:51 No.36099858
    I normally reply with "I'm sorry, I don't speak chinese." No matter what they said. Oh, and bait them into swearing and calling you a faggot so you can report them and get them banned.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)16:51 No.36099867
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    thats my area code
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)16:51 No.36099875
    yeah same here, some tips even on how to play better
    >> Dogmeat !!Ce+pkJXNbi+ 08/19/09(Wed)16:51 No.36099884
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)16:52 No.36099926
         File1250715143.jpg-(29 KB, 240x323, mace windu eating a sour candy.jpg)
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    >implying anyone goes to arcades anymore
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)16:53 No.36099977
    Stop playing ranked. Stop playing with niggers. I always play on player matches and don't get any hate mail. Even with people who use MSP and lose against Roll/Dan teams
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)16:53 No.36099998
    The first time I've ever gotten hate mail was yesterday. It was in Blazblue. This guy made a room called "I HATE SF FANBOYS" and his name was SNKLegend and some numbers. I thought that was funny so I fought him, and it was a pretty close fight. Really boring though.

    He sent me a message afterward going "BITCH"
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)16:53 No.36100008
    cant read the phone number, otherwise i'd call it
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)16:53 No.36100013

    It's a shame

    The shit fighter has the best fans
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)16:54 No.36100045
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    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)16:54 No.36100051


    Whatever you say grandpa.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)16:55 No.36100070
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    >> Over-G !!OvGYpcRMSml 08/19/09(Wed)16:55 No.36100072

    God, I hate San Antonio SO MUCH. People like this make me ashamed to have been born there.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)16:55 No.36100085
    210 523 3898
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)16:55 No.36100095
    All of you are no better than the faggots who sent you the hatemail in the first place

    if you learn how yo control yourself you wouldnt respond with a LOOLLOLO FUCKUBACK FAGET.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)16:55 No.36100105
         File1250715337.jpg-(94 KB, 600x600, 2mngn7o.jpg)
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    >mace windu eating a sour candy.jpg
    >implying nobody goes to arcades anymore while there are still several, big successful ones
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)16:55 No.36100123
         File1250715354.jpg-(51 KB, 460x500, peter moore has a boner.jpg)
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    >mace windu eating a sour candy
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)16:55 No.36100124
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    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)16:56 No.36100164
    do what this man says

    bust his ass or threaten to sue for verbal assault and psychological problems
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)16:56 No.36100165
    I only get angry messages when I play UFC:undisputed.

    Stuff like "U spam reversals like a bitch" or "I don't like how you play"

    Makes me lol.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)16:56 No.36100168
    >phone number starting in 21
    normal portuguese retard, forget it OP
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)16:57 No.36100183

    Get out of here.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)16:57 No.36100194
    No offense Ameribros

    But it's only you guys who do this
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)16:57 No.36100216
    people always be hatin on us, my fellow playa.

    you just have to play on... on, playa.

    and threaten to punch them in the ovaries.
    >> iNTi !!ewJjWVGZErj 08/19/09(Wed)16:58 No.36100247
         File1250715492.gif-(372 KB, 300x167, 1243881001962.gif)
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    real bros play super street fighter 2 turbo hd remix on psn
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)16:58 No.36100260
    Can you disable the ability to recieve messages from random strangers?

    Wii friend codes are looking pretty good right now.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)16:58 No.36100262

    lol more like this
    >> Pyramid Head !/O89fJMhC2 08/19/09(Wed)16:58 No.36100265
         File1250715510.jpg-(15 KB, 320x240, 1250372792626.jpg)
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    I haven't really experienced any sort of hate mail when it comes to fighting games, although I've seen enough examples from threads on /v/ to the point where I'm surprised I haven't. Although I am playing BlazBlue.

    I've gotten a bunch of compliments on my Litchi, like, "Hey I can tell your Litchi is really coming along, keep playing man, we need more Litchis online." and stuff like that.

    Feels good man.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)16:58 No.36100269
    I love the psychology behind sore loserdom.

    "I lost, therefore you were 'cheap' and didn't really deserve to win even though I couldn't beat you."
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)16:58 No.36100277
         File1250715522.jpg-(6 KB, 240x135, blazbluebang.jpg)
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    Everytime i win at Blazblue i send a message like:






    And when someone ragequits: SOONER OR LATER YOU WILL FACE JUSTICE

    I'm not really mocking anyone, and it's nice because everyone replies with warm-hearthed, funny replies

    I just love playing Bang

    PSN, by the way
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)16:58 No.36100278
    on PSN, I played MVC2 and beat some dude's Akuma/Amingo/Iceman with Dan/Servebot/Darkheart

    We played 6 more matches and I won 4 of them. (he used different characters, rogue, magneto, sentinel, the usual)
    He sent me a message telling me how fun it was to play someone who doesn't just pick the usual "best" characters.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)16:58 No.36100289
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)16:59 No.36100297
    call them and use the duke nukem soundboard. put it up on youtube.
    >> Edgeworth !QRJcoffeeU 08/19/09(Wed)16:59 No.36100308
    It's XBL, not PSN.

    I've yet to get any hatemail on the PSN, but I've gotten a few messages on XBL about how I'm "cheap".

    Well, I may have gotten some hatemail on the PSN after a Blazblue match, but I couldn't tell since it was in moonrunes.
    >> Zeed !!ySfQrtw6xQv 08/19/09(Wed)16:59 No.36100312

    Beat ANYONE on that game and you will get death threats.

    That games community is full of angsty 13 year olds.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)16:59 No.36100329
    >210 area code
    Found the problem, OP.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)16:59 No.36100330
         File1250715583.jpg-(86 KB, 800x600, ober.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)16:59 No.36100339
    Just for fun I googled a guy's PSN that was trash talking me non-stop because he kept playing as only Ji nand beating me (He was lvl 30, I am lvl 2) and he's on hahahaha
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:00 No.36100351
    I once threatend to get this child banned because he called me a Jew and I was all "You said it in an insulting way, are you making fun of the holocaust? Are you saying Israel isn't good? Are you saying Jews did WTC!?"

    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:00 No.36100363
    I just go for the tried and trusted "lol u mad"
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:03 No.36100408
    You fuckers want to see how bad the fighting game community really is?

    I mean you guys really want to know?
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:03 No.36100412
    I disagree
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:03 No.36100426
    1) Kick enough ass in fightan to get hate mail
    2) Report the users
    3) ???
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:03 No.36100460

    This guy is hilarious.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:03 No.36100477
    I have gotten precisely three messages from BB opponents on PSN. One was just gg. Another saying that he liked seeing someone using Tager. The third?

    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:03 No.36100483
    this is why Wii online is the best online system. Nothing good has ever come out of being able to receive unsolicited messages from strangers.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:04 No.36100503
    Does anyone have the XBL message where the sender threatens to poop on you?
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:04 No.36100514
         File1250715845.jpg-(414 KB, 576x768, 1241980423539.jpg)
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    Inb4 entire thread is oberfuhrer.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:04 No.36100518
    Why is the same PSN guy oberfuhrer56 keeps getting posted again and again.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:04 No.36100548
    I lol my ass off at this one every time
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:04 No.36100560
         File1250715885.jpg-(101 KB, 750x600, umad.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:05 No.36100603
    Never get shit like this on Steam.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:05 No.36100633
         File1250715950.png-(124 KB, 1000x1076, cereal sad.png)
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    I wish i had oberfuhrer ragemail
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:06 No.36100664
    I rarely play online games.

    But I've never had a hate mail from either XBL and PSN. Although I let a friend play on my 360, whilst I was on my free month. OH THE MESSAGES I FOUND THE NEXT MORNING. He didn't even use the headset and I doubt he was griefing.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:06 No.36100667
    Fireball traps are lame, but not uncounterable.

    Or maybe I just say that because I play Balrog.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:06 No.36100671
    this is why i stop playing versus in resident evil people allways shoot first and end up dying anyways and i get hate mailed for being awesome
    >> Edgeworth !QRJcoffeeU 08/19/09(Wed)17:06 No.36100673
    He's trolling.

    But I'm supporting the son of the deposed king of Nigeria! Try to tell me that isn't good.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:06 No.36100678
    I've never sent any hate mail, but I've got some, yes.

    Maybe I should do this shit as Arakune lol.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:06 No.36100694

    >ask for jesse my dads name is doug

    Gets me everytime
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:07 No.36100756

    I linked to the wrong post, fuck this shit
    >> !BAWKersLBg 08/19/09(Wed)17:08 No.36100762
    Hate messages in broken English are by far my favorite. Sometimes I'll reply back with something that has nothing to do with the game and I'll be as verbose as possible.
    >> Over-G !!OvGYpcRMSml 08/19/09(Wed)17:08 No.36100771
    inb4 everyone calls oberfuhrer
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:08 No.36100787
    you're fucked now, that's like 15 4chan Demerits
    >> Rage Emitting Diode !RaGERRuxPQ 08/19/09(Wed)17:08 No.36100814
    OP needs to learn how to use a camera.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:08 No.36100816
         File1250716135.jpg-(131 KB, 1600x343, ober.jpg)
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    googling this guy brought up a whole bunch of shit
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:09 No.36100848
    It's obvious anyone who plays fighting games does so because they are bullied in real life. I feel sorry 4 u guise.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:10 No.36100870
         File1250716203.jpg-(39 KB, 387x512, ohyou.jpg)
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    >Lincoln Park
    Oh god I lol'd.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:10 No.36100872
    The crazy fighting game hatemail on Live! is the sole reason I'd want to cheat, just so I can keep getting bullshit wins and watch fuckers go completely nutty.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:10 No.36100874
    He's been on the bad losers wall of shame many times.
    >> Echo 08/19/09(Wed)17:10 No.36100881
    Let me just say that I fucking love playing with people like you.

    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:10 No.36100900
    only time i send hate mail is when people rage quit on shooters whilst being the host.
    can't take it, then DONT FUCKING HOST.
    One guy was being cocky as hell with his buddies, didnt have a mic on as well. His buddies were like FUCK YEAH MAN WITH ******* WERE GONNA KICK YOUR ASSES!
    first 5 minutes in im at 11-3 k/d and this guy mr. BIG SHOT gets a kill on me and humps me.
    I then proceed to give the same treatment.
    he rage quits, and turned out to be the host.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:10 No.36100914
         File1250716258.jpg-(13 KB, 240x275, 1220105741862.jpg)
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    >my dad's name is doug
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:11 No.36100927
         File1250716284.jpg-(31 KB, 800x511, brotastic.jpg)
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    >And when someone ragequits: SOONER OR LATER YOU WILL FACE JUSTICE

    shit yeah
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:13 No.36100977
    more rage screens!
    >> PhantomLight !foNL5ycv6E 08/19/09(Wed)17:13 No.36100988
         File1250716433.jpg-(134 KB, 800x1200, SDC10241.jpg)
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    No problems on BB so far. Added three people to my friends list, and got some compliments on keeping pace against a good Nu player as Arakune, despite me being around thirty player levels lower than him.

    SFIV....... let's just say the idiots online are one of the main reasons I stopped playing.
    >> Dogmeat !!Ce+pkJXNbi+ 08/19/09(Wed)17:14 No.36101047
    We need more people like you.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:14 No.36101059
    The scrubs/leavers in MVC2 are ridiculous, sorry but you aren't going to win with your shitty random Spiderman, Ryu, Gambit teams. I don't get why they get so mad and drop, when they pick the most retarded team set-ups.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:14 No.36101083
         File1250716493.png-(29 KB, 302x250, dats not nice.png)
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    >Good evening Doug, You should probably take away your sons Xbox, he's very sending people bad messages over Xbox Live and giving them your address and name.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:15 No.36101131

    Meant to quote that one, my bad
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:16 No.36101149
    ask for jesse my dads name is doug
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:16 No.36101159
    What are some cheap tricks i can pull in SFIV i want to piss everyone off, ill hire it and post results.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:16 No.36101181
    I mostly use Jin, and every time I beat a Ragna I either send



    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:17 No.36101188

    >he's very BUSY

    fuck i need sleep
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:17 No.36101221
    Learn to fireball trap with Sagat.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:17 No.36101230

    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:17 No.36101231
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:18 No.36101249
         File1250716700.gif-(52 KB, 390x600, 1220268542166.gif)
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    I wonder why Capcom games attract so many fucking retards.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:18 No.36101255



    Nice, haha. And how are the replies going?
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:18 No.36101272
    ill hire it for my ps3 ,dont want to pay for live, cant be fucked
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:18 No.36101282
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    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:19 No.36101304

    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:20 No.36101393
    Dude is "Underground" as well. He seems cool as fuck.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:21 No.36101438
    What, are you living on the south side with all the niggers?
    The major cities are the only places in Texas where you have a chance of finding sane or intelligent people.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:24 No.36101562
    if i win happens about 70% of the time people rage quit and im talking across the board here MvsC2 Street Fighter 2 HD + 4 KOF i dont have my headset on so its not my vocals or opinions & yea i got a stick coz i want to play fighters but seriously is there that much butt hurt from lossing one match
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:24 No.36101565
    i have never got hatemail on sf4
    even though i play seth

    psn by the way
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:25 No.36101645
    No east side is black.

    South side is a healthy mix of black, mexican and white trash.
    >> Cyan Medic !h99MW0XJUg 08/19/09(Wed)17:27 No.36101726
    I honestly haven't had a single piece of hatemail on SF4 on the 360. Then again, I play Player matches, and kind of suck. But after nearly every match, I send a message saying "Good game, bro." and I always get positive responses. I have never seen a ragequitter. On the other hand, I watched a stream of PC SF4 last night in which there were no less than 3 ragequitters.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:28 No.36101789
         File1250717309.jpg-(81 KB, 750x600, 1250571608512.jpg)
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    OH WOW about 80% of those guys are PSN im not surprised, ps3 fanboys are pretty hardcore they just need to chilax sometimes.
    >> Edgeworth !QRJcoffeeU 08/19/09(Wed)17:29 No.36101864
    They happen more in ranked matches where people lose inches on their e-peen when they lose matches, and when you really hand them their ass.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:30 No.36101890
    I usually send out messages, but its usually good game, nice match, etc. i've never got any hate mail, but i have had people ragequit alot when i beat em badly in MvsC2. i wish peopel were more civil with these things, i really only play to have fun, why get mad over a game?
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:30 No.36101924
    I'm underground too, fuck you.

    I like the word, underground, Pro sounds too faggy.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:31 No.36101965
    I've yet to receive a negative message of any sorts while playing Virtua Fighter 5 on XBL and I really suck. Hated Soul Calibur IV though, Jesus Christ - I've yet to find a single decent human being there... ;___;
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:31 No.36101978
    The only time I've gotten hate mail was on TF2 on Xbox Live. I played around a couple of rounds at Dustbowl and was doing pretty well with scout. I kept running into the same three guys over and over again and getting crit bats and killing them. I got tired of playing and quit eventually. Then I got a message calling me a pussy for quitting. I resorted to the usual "u mad" and they all sent bad feedback on me. I lol'd. In before

    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:31 No.36101981
    did you actually call and tell him that? lol win
    >> PhantomLight !foNL5ycv6E 08/19/09(Wed)17:31 No.36101982
         File1250717484.png-(770 KB, 1024x768, 1237609455583.png)
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    I've been looking for that image for a while now. Thank you for posting it.
    >> Edgeworth !QRJcoffeeU 08/19/09(Wed)17:31 No.36101985
    I only rage at the fightan when I'm playing someone who is clearly leagues above me in terms of skill, and I can only get one or two hits on them before losing, then they act smug and try to rub my nose in it. Even then it's not so much rage as frustration.

    That's just bad sportsmanship.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:31 No.36101987
    Not exactly my definition of healthy, but ok
    >> Sage This Shit 08/19/09(Wed)17:31 No.36101989
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    1 internet for you.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:33 No.36102108
    I laughed far harder than I have any right to.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:34 No.36102160
    >mace windu eating a sour candy.jpg)
    >> PhantomLight !foNL5ycv6E 08/19/09(Wed)17:34 No.36102185
    Quoted the wrong person somehow. Durp.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:34 No.36102209

    yeah thats one cool thing about xbl if you dont want to deal with the shit talking you can change zones and not get to any bitching

    thats what the underground zone is for shit talking it says in the descriptiong so dont be surprised if they do.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:35 No.36102227
         File1250717709.jpg-(461 KB, 1280x718, PEECEE.jpg)
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    Happens constantly on the PC version. Not so much rage messages, but rage quitting is much more frequent.
    1) The X button is right there.
    2) PC players are very weak.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:38 No.36102473
    You guys want to know how to really piss people off in fighting games?


    Play Ryu or Ken, throw out Jab Shoryuken CONSTANTLY. Only throw it out on wakeup if they fall for it, otherwise just shoryuken seemingly at random. Don't throw a fireball from the other side of the screen, SRK that shit. Whenever you hit them, taunt.


    Taunt. Motherfuckers HATE taunting in Blazblue.


    Play as Ash Crimson.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:38 No.36102488
    I don't really care though.

    Its not like getting hate mail will make me have a heart attack or some shit.

    I've got shit from players in the Pro zone too, I mean its fucking xbox live.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:39 No.36102546
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:39 No.36102559
    There are 2 kinds of players, the one plays for fun and the one plays to win. Fun cares only about the intensity of the battle, the nice saves, etc. Win only, well, wants to win, and does everything to achieve that, cheap tricks, hanging on the ledge, etc thus is very affective in winning. If by chance a Win gets tossed around by a Fun ( without cheap tricks ), there is going to be some anger with the Win. The Fun wouldn't like the natch to last short, but wouldn't care if he lost. But if a Win meets another Win, its just who performs the most cheap tricks, then anger is bound to happen. And that last example is the majority of the community which your speaking about.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:41 No.36102642
    They don't like being giggled at by Dr. Doom in MvC2 either.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:43 No.36102745
    Something really weird just happened, I just beat a level 1 Jin with Arakune by spamming 5a (without curse).

    That dude/dudette sent me a message, I thought to myself "lol hate mail".

    "gg. That was fun. xD".

    Now I feel kinda bad for some reason.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:44 No.36102816
    This has nothing to do with PC gamers being weak. Same thing happens on console only those fools need to reset. Both teams are ragequitters and angereaters. Most of them anyway.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:44 No.36102842
    should've replied:


    then post on /v/ how hardcore you are.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:45 No.36102895
    I get lots from Battlefield 1943. Yesterday I got "gay" and "yeaaaaaah". I played it for about an hour and completely dominated everyone.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:48 No.36103097
    Easy now! Remember that Sephiroth is temporarly cool again with Dissidia and whatnot.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:49 No.36103183
         File1250718582.jpg-(62 KB, 640x360, seth.jpg)
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    i main seth on xbl

    i wiped the floor with this ryu in a player match like 5 times. he boots me and sends me a voice message that says:

    "i didn't realize seth wore nike shox you faggot"

    i lol'd fucking hard when i actually looked at seth's feet
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:50 No.36103243
    >hurr console war time
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:50 No.36103247

    family/casual zones bro never shit there

    of course your gonna get shit on pro, all they care is about wining fucking MLG fags are pro those fags rage alot.

    also underground is shit talkers and glitchers

    the other zones dont get shit ever.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:51 No.36103283

    Damn, does that count as hate mail?
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:51 No.36103289
    Nah it doesn't bother me that much outside of 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:51 No.36103330
    I think I'm pretty decent ;-;
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:52 No.36103376
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    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:52 No.36103383

    Yeah no. PC gamers are fucking babies.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:54 No.36103520
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    I like finishing off combos with a taunt with Tao

    I think I've given 30 or so of that taunt achievement to people online
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:55 No.36103589
    Wait what?

    Nike shoes? but he's barefoot.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:56 No.36103649
    it's the best i've ever gotten

    i get generic "stop throwing me you pussy faggot" messages all the time, but that message was funny as hell
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:57 No.36103709
    he stands on his heels, like he's wearing a pair of invisible shox
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:58 No.36103740
    to be fair, if i get pwned hard on any game, i send the person a "gg" or somethign simialr in my good nature. The guys who do suck, i send advice such as "you are to predicable" or "you suck, get better"

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