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  • File : 1250653890.jpg-(40 KB, 380x536, 00114320c9df0bf3041c19.jpg)
    40 KB Wetalo !8fWGKwbkAk 08/18/09(Tue)23:51 No.36069782  
    K, I just saw this movie.

    Why is it not a video game yet?
    >> Xbro to the Max Bro !!vtKEpUL6hQ+ 08/18/09(Tue)23:51 No.36069799
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)23:51 No.36069800
    because modern movie games are terrible
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)23:51 No.36069801
    It's called "HALO"
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)23:52 No.36069814
    because every gun in it is already in other videogames
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)23:52 No.36069816
    K, I just saw this thread.

    Why is it not about video games yet?
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)23:52 No.36069819
    because movie to game tie ins always suck balls?
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)23:52 No.36069855
    its called section 8 it practicly has the same name
    >> Auouywonz !hEpdoZ.tHU 08/18/09(Tue)23:53 No.36069865

    D9 featured a gravity gun, lold
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)23:53 No.36069873
    Dont talk shit on Butcher Bay faggot. That was a good tie-in.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)23:54 No.36069913
    alright perhaps was I slightly hasty

    MOST tie ins suck

    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)23:54 No.36069914
    great movie

    i loved the gravity gun like weapon
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)23:54 No.36069931
    new meme
    >> Over-G !!OvGYpcRMSml 08/18/09(Tue)23:54 No.36069941
         File1250654067.gif-(2.84 MB, 260x142, PIG CANNON.gif)
    2.84 MB
    Best parts of the movie, now in .gif form
    >> Xbro to the Max Bro !!vtKEpUL6hQ+ 08/18/09(Tue)23:55 No.36069991
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    >> L80UDP !!5MKmFf90u5c 08/18/09(Tue)23:55 No.36070001
    cause it would be bad =(
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)23:55 No.36070003

    K, I just saw this meme.

    Why is it not a video game yet?
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)23:55 No.36070005
    Why would you want anything associated with this movie to suck?

    If they were to make a videogame independent of the movie, but set in the same universe, that could be pretty decent.
    >> Over-G !!OvGYpcRMSml 08/18/09(Tue)23:56 No.36070040
         File1250654188.gif-(2.68 MB, 260x142, mind=blown.gif)
    2.68 MB
    also, new reaction.gif
    >> Emochu 08/18/09(Tue)23:56 No.36070048
    So the movie is not ruined by a piss poor rushed video game that is made to catch the fad
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)23:57 No.36070069
    The movie wasn't that great.
    It was so fucking slow.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)23:57 No.36070070
    What about your own company, Wingnut Interactive? District 9 feels like it would have been a great game.

    We definitely felt like District 9 would have been a great video game property, and both Neill and myself love games, but we just couldn't get our heads together ... I was working on The Lovely Bones, and he was busy filming District 9, and we just couldn't get together on it in time.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)23:57 No.36070101
    It's called half life 2
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)23:58 No.36070138
    I'd play it.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)23:58 No.36070168
    Half Life.
    >> Tron Bonne !xlYhXhJVKA 08/19/09(Wed)00:00 No.36070251
         File1250654424.jpg-(113 KB, 283x353, G.I._Joe_The_Rise_of_Cobra_Cov(...).jpg)
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    Speaking of which... I've just been playing this game. It's beyond terrible....
    >> Weston 2235 5916 7192 !4kUgebheng 08/19/09(Wed)00:01 No.36070288
    District 9 was a B movie.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)00:01 No.36070299
    Multiplayer would be god awful broken.
    >> Frenzied 4855 2582 8513 08/19/09(Wed)00:01 No.36070322
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)00:02 No.36070371
    Fucking robot section. BULLET MAGNETISM FUCK YEAH

    also, mini game where you cuuuuuuuuuuut soooooooooooooome caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaake
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)00:03 No.36070376
    District 9 was supposed to be Halo

    Halo has now invented scifi films
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)00:03 No.36070400
    K, I just saw this spoiler.

    Why isn't it a video game yet.
    >> Wetalo !8fWGKwbkAk 08/19/09(Wed)00:03 No.36070412
    And I loved it, thought it was fantastic.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)00:04 No.36070455
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)00:05 No.36070483
    >> Wetalo !8fWGKwbkAk 08/19/09(Wed)00:06 No.36070544

    God, that scene was disturbing. The popcorn sounds...
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)00:06 No.36070558
    i liked it, although i thought the lightning gun was way overused, wouldve liked to see some of the other ones.

    that and at times the robot scene was kinda gay.

    overall 9/10 good sirs
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)00:07 No.36070596
    Great movie.

    A couple iffy things about it, but it's better not to think about them and enjoy it.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)00:07 No.36070615
    Did anyone else think something was suspicious when at the start, during the interviews, the black guy was in prison?
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)00:07 No.36070628
    Watch they make a game with the plot set up like a sequel where the prawn come back and their is the cliche humans fight aliens. wikus brings peace among the two sides
    >> Anubis !!ziUQ3BW+28D 08/19/09(Wed)00:08 No.36070672
    I also just saw that movie and thought the same thing, then realised there would be way less action to stealth sequence ratio. Like how would you play him going from door to door getting eviction sigs?
    >> Over-G !!OvGYpcRMSml 08/19/09(Wed)00:08 No.36070694
    Blomkamp is a master troll. You just know he did coolface.jpg on opening night.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)00:08 No.36070698
    I also just saw the movie today, and was thinking the same thing.

    In my opinion it would be good to make it take place before the movie, focusing on the
    conflics between the alien population
    and the military.

    You would then be able to choose which side you
    wanted to play on, with a different storyline for each.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)00:09 No.36070711
    well.. its like half life 2, but we allowed the aliens to stay
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)00:09 No.36070737
    I would like it better if he was still a bit of an asshole.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)00:09 No.36070739
    The Prauns look like Vortiguants. This is like Half Life, but if humans were the bad guys. There's even a gravity gun in the movie lol. Peter Jackson plays way too much Half Life 2.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)00:09 No.36070750
    LOL at this part in the movie my friend yelled "That's FUCKING metal"
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)00:10 No.36070774
    My favorite part about this movie is that with its 30 million dollar budget, they created an action scene more exciting and fun to watch than the entire transformers movie

    Actually my favorite part was when the guy who hit the mech with a truck got out and started shooting it while it was down only to be blown up almost instantly
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)00:10 No.36070789
    Niell, the director, said he loves to play Half-Life 2: Deathmatch.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)00:10 No.36070797
    its a lot like resistance
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)00:11 No.36070819
    Gravity guns are actually quite plausible for a super-advanced race to have.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)00:11 No.36070831
    the movie was a shit ton like the half life universe
    >> Wetalo !8fWGKwbkAk 08/19/09(Wed)00:11 No.36070862
    I just loved it when the main character dude first uses the shockwave alien gun on the weapons dealers, fuck that was awesome
    >> Over-G !!OvGYpcRMSml 08/19/09(Wed)00:12 No.36070895
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)00:12 No.36070906
    kinda like the force gun or whatever from dead space
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)00:12 No.36070907
    District 9 really sucked assholes. I like GI Joe ten times better.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)00:13 No.36070981
    I enjoyed almost every single time a weapon was fired in this movie, they were just so brutal and exact, well the crippled guy saying HOLY SHIT when the shockwave gun was used was pretty damn funny
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)00:13 No.36070990
    wikus is faggot
    >> Wetalo !8fWGKwbkAk 08/19/09(Wed)00:14 No.36071017
    I have yet to see GI Joe.

    I want to, but I'm probably seeing Inglorious Basterds on Friday, then I start school on Monday. So I'll probably just have to wait for the DVD rip to leak out early and torrent the movie.
    >> Over-G !!OvGYpcRMSml 08/19/09(Wed)00:18 No.36071253
    Blomkamp really knows how to do an action scene.

    God, he's probably my favorite director now. His "mixed media" approach is god tier. I love seeing guncams and surveillance cameras mixed in with regular footage.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)00:19 No.36071338
         File1250655576.jpg-(610 KB, 1280x1024, RFOM_1280x1024.jpg)
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    0/10 only good thing was the Snakeyes Vs Stormshadow fights and flashbacks plot was stupid
    REx didn't just say hey i'm still alive,Destro fucking SCOTTISH!, Duke + Baroness relationship? movie fucking failed hard

    Also District 9 made a movie it's pic related

    >> Over-G !!OvGYpcRMSml 08/19/09(Wed)00:23 No.36071550
    GI Joe was one of those "remove brain, enjoy film" movies. And it still appealed to the 12 year old in me even if they fucked canon in the ass, against a wall, sideways.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)00:26 No.36071742

    Agreed. G.I. Joe was simply eye candy. If you went in with high expectations, you made a mistake.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)00:30 No.36071940
    Loved how the protag went from a somewhat unlikeable loser to killing machine of GAR and awesome.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)00:31 No.36071988
    My brain was removed after the first 5 minutes, then I just chuckled every fucking time they referred to "knowing is half the battle"

    >> Over-G !!OvGYpcRMSml 08/19/09(Wed)00:32 No.36072028
    Hearing Dennis Quaid say "knowing is half the battle" made me giggle like a Japanese schoolgirl.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)00:33 No.36072076
    Oh hell yes, I got hard, he delivered that line perfectly
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)00:34 No.36072167
         File1250656490.jpg-(112 KB, 500x500, D9_SWEET_BW.jpg)
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    GOD YES, so I'm not the only one who thinks D9 deserves a well-made game.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)00:39 No.36072410
         File1250656746.jpg-(19 KB, 400x300, district-9-01.jpg)
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    If there ever was to be a D9 game, I want it to be about Christopher traveling back home and getting help or something. Perhaps a trilogy that represents each year that it takes to get help and return back to Earth?

    >> Emochu 08/19/09(Wed)00:42 No.36072581
    It deserves one yes but it is rare as pandas fucking at the zoo for a movie videogame tie in to be any good they are all rushed into production to catch onto a new fad

    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)00:45 No.36072703
    First time I've heard that expression

    If District 9 turns into a game it needs Mass Effect style alien sex
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)00:46 No.36072744
    not a trilogy, but a once-off game that was basically like the sequel to the movie. you play christopher, he goes back home, recruits fuckers, they come back and beat the crap out of the local military while rescuing the earth-bound prawns.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)00:50 No.36072892
         File1250657435.jpg-(9 KB, 254x321, "Meh".jpg)
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    District 9 was a rip-off of many popular games out there. The dude's hand=Prototype. Him becoming an alien=Resistance. All the weapons=Resistance/Half-Life/Ratchet and Clank.

    Just play those games if you want District 9. Was a decent film, but I don't think I would watch it again.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)00:51 No.36072940

    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)00:53 No.36072998
    Can somebody explain this? I missed first 15 minutes of the movie, came in while Wikus was evicting the yellow prawn.
    >> Over-G !!OvGYpcRMSml 08/19/09(Wed)00:56 No.36073183
         File1250657801.jpg-(25 KB, 381x276, wikus.jpg)
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    inb4 advice prawn
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)00:57 No.36073232
    You sir, are a dumbass. plenty of movies take inspirations from other sources of entertainment. Have you heard of George Lucas getting plenty of his ideas from other sources? No one never called him a rip-off of that.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)01:04 No.36073624
         File1250658256.jpg-(4 KB, 328x65, secret.jpg)
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    Non-human here. Whoever successfully translates this text may gain the secret to using our weaponry.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)01:06 No.36073734
    You just lost the game.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)01:07 No.36073803

    sometimes i want a movie to think deeply about, other movies i just want a fun movie to enjoy ala EYE CANDY.
    >> DFG !!aAXqUhFzNpl 08/19/09(Wed)01:15 No.36074120
    Call it a rip off- it may as well be the best compilation of the most awesome shit movies/videogames had.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)01:16 No.36074150
    First part is you..
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)01:19 No.36074238
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)01:20 No.36074256
         File1250659206.png-(80 KB, 424x434, 1250568935569.png)
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    GO GO GO
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)01:20 No.36074285

    I knew what it said before I even translated it. :/
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)01:21 No.36074311
         File1250659296.jpg-(128 KB, 407x405, wc2010.jpg)
    128 KB
    SOUTH AFRICA WITH ALIE...actually just South Africa
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)01:22 No.36074340
         File1250659334.jpg-(62 KB, 424x434, 1250449018569.jpg)
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    Too late, bub.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)01:22 No.36074343
    If anything, I'm observant. And plenty of people call George Lucas a rip-off.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)01:22 No.36074353
         File1250659351.jpg-(41 KB, 425x315, sad chris is sad.jpg)
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    I thought District 9 was one of the best sci fi movies I've seen in recent years.
    Also felt like bawing at the end.
    Chris is a true bro.
    >> DFG !!aAXqUhFzNpl 08/19/09(Wed)01:24 No.36074446
    Have you seen 'Moon'?
    That was a good movie, too.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)01:25 No.36074472

    I wouldn't say a rip-off of Prototype. And there's been so many movies about transforming into alien/monster/whatever the fuck nowadays that you can't really look at Resistance in specific (otherwise you're saying Resistance ain't that original, either).
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)01:26 No.36074540
    If it gets a game, it should be about a post-Chris leaving conflict between Pro Forma and the MNU security. Maybe a chance to play as both PF and MNU, with Human v. Non-human online play? ( And maybe also MNU v. Non-human rights groups online too.)
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)01:27 No.36074572
         File1250659625.png-(76 KB, 424x434, adviceprawn2.png)
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    >> Brigand !!Pk4Dex0Ur9y 08/19/09(Wed)01:27 No.36074578
         File1250659638.jpg-(139 KB, 579x767, 1245198052570.jpg)
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    Anyone else felt that there needed to be more Thomas? (Wikus' personal security guard) He was pretty cool for an MMU.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)01:27 No.36074596
    Knock off of Alien Nation= great movie.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)01:27 No.36074606
         File1250659670.png-(349 KB, 900x777, 1250471362799.png)
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    >>Bio Suit using a Gravity Gun to pick up a dead pig and fling it at an enemy

    >>Prawn urinating outside while wearing a bra


    >>CJ being adorable

    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)01:28 No.36074638
    Lol'd and raged when Wikus handed him the plug and he grinned when Wikus said "here, have a souvenir of your first abortion"
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)01:28 No.36074645
    Only if it has online co-op so I can run my own catfood blackmarket.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)01:29 No.36074664
    this makes my pants happy
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)01:31 No.36074766
         File1250659874.png-(72 KB, 424x434, adviceprawn3.png)
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    >> Samus Aran !!vp/rdLPeINp 08/19/09(Wed)01:32 No.36074830
    Wikus went from a dickface to badass back to dickface in the movie, but boy when he was badass, he was badass.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)01:34 No.36074907
    lol'd. that was pretty much my only problem with the movie. Why does their spaceship fuel make him transform into one of them?
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)01:36 No.36074996
    they torched a shanty full of baby aliens. they started popping like popcorns.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)01:37 No.36075055
    oh, god. that suit was fooking awesome.

    too bad he didn't know how to use it's defenses.

    maybe he could have just had it follow him instead of riding it.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)01:37 No.36075074

    The same reason their alien ship can hover forever: because the story says it does.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)01:38 No.36075087
         File1250660305.jpg-(146 KB, 424x434, PRAWN.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)01:38 No.36075099

    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)01:39 No.36075118
    in the beginning, he was only borderline asshole, though. he seems to understand, for the most part, but he doesn't have much tolerance when they mess with him.

    gotta agree, though, the worst was when he bonked the prawn.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)01:39 No.36075123
    More than 70 posts and not a single rule 34 prawn pic yet? For shame, /v/.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)01:43 No.36075169
    Derp, meant to say 100
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)01:43 No.36075178
    more like super-advanced biotechnology, and the use of their DNA in their fuel, as with all their technology.
    >> Over-G !!OvGYpcRMSml 08/19/09(Wed)01:43 No.36075187

    No, seriously. The fluid was a multi-use nanomachine solution, and when it hit Wikus, it assumed he was an injured prawn and started "fixing" his non-prawn body.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)01:44 No.36075229
    >> Samus Aran !!vp/rdLPeINp 08/19/09(Wed)01:44 No.36075240

    Yes, I would have to agree on the borderline. I mean, he was understanding (compared to the rest of the humans), but not completely (perhaps intentionally?).

    It's funny how aliens were more human than humans, even humans who turned into aliens.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)01:44 No.36075244

    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)01:44 No.36075253
    I figure it's like this. The fuel is pure stem cells mixed with prawn blood.
    1. it took them 20 years to collect a vial. stem cells are hard to come by.
    2. they said their technology is based a lot on biology
    3. stem cells can be used to grow pretty much any body part using DNA of the part you want to grow. Mix it with prawn DNA, and BAM. human-to-prawn transformation juice
    4. they were all malnourished when they arrived. from giving all their blood to the ship's fuel.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)01:45 No.36075289
    oh, and
    5. the blood is the same color as the fuel
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)01:45 No.36075291
         File1250660721.jpg-(85 KB, 424x434, 1.jpg)
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    already been posted but i think mine's funnier
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)01:45 No.36075302
    I lol'd when they framed him for extended sexual contact with a prawn.
    >> Over-G !!OvGYpcRMSml 08/19/09(Wed)01:46 No.36075317
    I don't want prawn prawnz (DOHOHOHO) on /v/.

    Go to /d/ for that.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)01:46 No.36075347
    seems to be "the" year for sci-fi movies.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)01:47 No.36075350
         File1250660822.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 555 KB, 1200x1200, prawn_orgy2.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 555 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)01:47 No.36075373
    This shit is better than the generic "Humans are so great, let's show how they can overcome adversity" movies. This is why in the grand scheme of things, I am very doubtful advanced lifeforms from other planets would even want to establish contact with us.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)01:47 No.36075388
    Kinda stupid, but I guess it makes more sense than not explaining it at all.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)01:48 No.36075396
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    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)01:48 No.36075408
    Main character was kind of a selfish fag, but he redeemed himself towards the end.

    Also, he's a pussy. He's in this giant battle mech armed with at least 5 flesh-evaporating weapons, and he runs because that douchebag merc leader yells at him. He only goes back when he realizes they're going to kill Michael.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)01:49 No.36075468
    I'm convinced that the entire reason we HAVEN'T heard from alien life IRL is that they've seen all our scifi movies already, and they're like "HOLEEEEEE SHIT, STEER CLEAR OF THAT PLANET"
    Cause I can't think of a single movie where we treat aliens nicely.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)01:50 No.36075513
    It'll be a PS3/PSN exclusive cause its a Sony funded film :)
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)01:50 No.36075521

    Mars Attacks.

    See where that gets us?
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)01:50 No.36075530
    He represents the majority of human beings on earth though. Selfish, cowardly, and socially stagnant about the issues happening around them. It wasn't until fate would fling some shit at him that he finally moves his ass for others.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)01:50 No.36075544
    he never knew how to use the damn weapon. it's not like he suddenly knew how to read prawn language.

    he ran because he was being overwhelmed, and he can sympathize with christopher wanting to be with his son.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)01:51 No.36075568
    oh please. that was a parody.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)01:53 No.36075693
    i think half life was a pretty good movie why isnt it a video game yet?
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)01:53 No.36075707
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    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)01:54 No.36075722
    Agreed. Also we already discriminate one another based on the pigmentation of our skin. Now let's assume that not all intelligent lifeforms out there are even carbon-based... how much are we gonna discriminate then? Also, we being humans, a cowardly bunch, would be absolutely intimidated by space-age technology/weapons and will assume that all aliens that have it is out to get us. First things we as a human race will try to do is acquire these weapons and kill the aliens who had it.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)01:54 No.36075729
    I'm more curious as to what the hell happened to the Prawns in the first place. Why was the ship in such disarray? What happened on the ship that caused them to be so primitive. I know that a lot of them were workers, thus not so intelligent, but this leads the question of what role was Christopher? Maybe a ship technician? And where are all of the other intelligent Prawn, such as the captain of the ship?
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)01:55 No.36075767
    There should be more GIFs of the carnage this movie gave us.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)01:55 No.36075797
    Spider-Man would like a word with you.
    >> Hol Horse !!DK41OJfA7pJ 08/19/09(Wed)01:56 No.36075813
    Alot of things in the movie were meant to be left to the imagination.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)01:57 No.36075858
    So when the humans started kicking them around, why didn't the aliens use their weapons to kill them all?
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)01:57 No.36075867
    Christopher Johnson did say that they can't go back home for whatever reason. He's only going back to try and rescue his people before they're all experimented on.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)01:57 No.36075885
    The control centre of the ship broke away from the mother ship. We assume something happened on the ship. But yes, Christopher and his yellow friend are probably some of the few (or only) surviving intellectual prawns after they were allocated in District 9.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)01:57 No.36075896
    I uploaded most of the Advice Prawn pics to the MNU Spreads Lies facebook page.

    They seem to like it.
    >> Hol Horse !!DK41OJfA7pJ 08/19/09(Wed)01:58 No.36075915
    It was an entire planet against them. I seriously doubt that even with advanced weapondry, they could take on an entire planet.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)01:58 No.36075941
    Obviously. I wasn't expecting them to reveal stuff like that, and it is always fun to speculate. I was just wondering what some of you guys were theorizing about said events.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)02:19 No.36075979
    PS3 theme
    >> Over-G !!OvGYpcRMSml 08/19/09(Wed)02:21 No.36076026
         File1250662915.gif-(2.7 MB, 260x142, t48310_MNU truck toss.gif)
    2.7 MB
    I only have one more in addition to the two from earlier.

    Also, wat:
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)02:23 No.36076064
    But wasn't he only saying he couldn't go back home when Wikus was refusing to help him?
    I don't think his yellow friend was all that intelligent. He couldn't fully comprehend that they were searching for their technology, not the human's, and he wasn't smart enough to be polite to the MNU to avoid conflict.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)02:23 No.36076077
    I will not be played!

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