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  • File : 1250170786.gif-(Spoiler Image, 37 KB, 640x672, unity fist.gif)
    Spoiler Image, 37 KB Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)09:39 No.35705328  
    Why do they call it the Xbox 360? Because its HD graphics and cohesive online architecture created a REVOLUTION in console gaming.

    PS3 has no lack of AAA titles at retail or on PSN, and is a high quality entertainment experience.

    Wii is forcing the entire market to take a second look at controls and has introduced video games to more people than ever before.

    PC gaming is dying at retail, but falling hardware prices and digital distribution have created a renaissance in PC gaming.

    /v/ is a bunch of cool people with whom I enjoy playing and discussing video games.

    This thread is a vidya love thread. <3
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)09:40 No.35705344
         File1250170824.png-(Spoiler Image, 70 KB, 450x325, vidya love 3.png)
    Spoiler Image, 70 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)09:40 No.35705347
    I love you OP.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)09:41 No.35705359
         File1250170861.png-(Spoiler Image, 7 KB, 191x234, 1249396547269.png)
    Spoiler Image, 7 KB
    You are a huge influence
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)09:41 No.35705368
    ........('(...´.▲.´... ¯~/'...')
    .........\...▲ ▲......'...../
    ..........''...\.......... _.·´
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)09:41 No.35705372
    every time, close to rage. then i spoilers, then didn't <3
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)09:41 No.35705378
    And yet there is a tripfag ego stroking thread on the front page.

    Oh well, I'll still love /v/, because you can always make me laugh.
    >> OhmRice 08/13/09(Thu)09:41 No.35705380
         File1250170895.jpg-(4 KB, 114x160, m_08c16418cc28bc5f4dcb612c90bd(...).jpg)
    4 KB
    >cohesive online architecture
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)09:41 No.35705382
    OP you can Know that I feel the same way about everything you said
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)09:41 No.35705385
    Thanks op, You made my day
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)09:42 No.35705399
    >> Trophy Wh0re !!uiqbEHydo1D 08/13/09(Thu)09:42 No.35705400
    PS3 HAS NO facebook
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)09:42 No.35705407
         File1250170939.jpg-(5 KB, 126x125, 1249933295586s.jpg)
    5 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)09:42 No.35705411
    OP is Jesus of /v/.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)09:42 No.35705414
    Yes it does :3
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)09:42 No.35705415
    /v/ is a bunch of NO GAMES
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)09:42 No.35705427
         File1250170966.png-(Spoiler Image, 81 KB, 1680x1050, vidya love.png)
    Spoiler Image, 81 KB
    Wallpaper-sized version for my 1680x1050 bros.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)09:43 No.35705439
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)09:43 No.35705441
         File1250170999.gif-(1.25 MB, 320x240, 1243913596586.gif)
    1.25 MB
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)09:43 No.35705444
    Best thread on /v/.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)09:43 No.35705448
         File1250171008.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 60 KB, 807x289, vidya love 4.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 60 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)09:43 No.35705452
    OP is a [spoilers]kind man[/spoilers]
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)09:43 No.35705457
    Aww, shucks OP! :3
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)09:44 No.35705469
    Thanks OP
    >> Water !!a0j30T5Lh0B 08/13/09(Thu)09:44 No.35705470
         File1250171054.png-(187 KB, 915x614, Bro.png)
    187 KB
    Typical anonymous poster. Making good threads as usual
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)09:44 No.35705471
         File1250171054.jpg-(82 KB, 1024x1024, link.jpg)
    82 KB
    >this thread
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)09:44 No.35705472
    I like this thread. <3
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)09:44 No.35705474
    6/10, would rage again.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)09:44 No.35705476
         File1250171062.jpg-(123 KB, 768x576, 1249938759831.jpg)
    123 KB
    >> Tannu, The Black Winter Knightess !bYB68/ZEaY 08/13/09(Thu)09:44 No.35705479
    Well said, OP. I laud your skills at putting concepts and emotions into words.

    All the platforms have awesome games, enjoy games /v/.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)09:44 No.35705482
    go eat shit and choke on it, fucking casuals newfag assholes.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)09:44 No.35705483
    /v/ is a huge bunch of stupid 12-year old kids who fall for fat faggots pretending to be anime girls, suck moots tiny cock by spamming ascii pictures and having probably the worst taste in video games ever. Fuck everyone of you! <3
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)09:44 No.35705488
    Halo 3 invented nothing
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)09:44 No.35705489
         File1250171096.jpg-(340 KB, 1280x960, 1248674342058.jpg)
    340 KB
    OP here, disregard that I am actually a true bro
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)09:45 No.35705492
         File1250171100.jpg-(414 KB, 1200x1600, 07062009_001.jpg)
    414 KB
    OP i correct
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)09:45 No.35705494
    these threads are fucking disgusting
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)09:45 No.35705500
    sticky THIS SHIT
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)09:45 No.35705507
         File1250171120.png-(155 KB, 832x1200, kamen rider.png)
    155 KB
    Won't you believe in /v/?
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)09:45 No.35705511

    OP dont forget the PSP and DS

    Awesome handhelds are awesome.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)09:45 No.35705513
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)09:45 No.35705524
    shit thread
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)09:46 No.35705537
    You just made my day a bit better.

    Thank you, kind bro.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)09:46 No.35705546
    Why do they call it the Xbox 360? Because when you see it you turn 360 degrees and walk away.

    PS3 has no GAEMS

    Wii is for CASUALS

    PC gaming is dying.

    /v/ is a bunch of losers

    This thread is shit
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)09:46 No.35705553
    archive this shit.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)09:47 No.35705566
    why u do dis
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)09:47 No.35705582
    ........('(...´.▲.´... ¯~/'...')
    .........\...▲ ▲......'...../
    ..........''...\.......... _.·´
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)09:48 No.35705610
    I request that you get a hug from someone you care dearly for. Maybe that'd change your tune.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)09:48 No.35705619
         File1250171318.jpg-(28 KB, 480x343, hugs.jpg)
    28 KB
    I love this thread.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)09:49 No.35705646
    u mad?
    >>   08/13/09(Thu)09:49 No.35705664
         File1250171381.jpg-(115 KB, 435x435, WAT30.jpg)
    115 KB
    >Why do they call it the Xbox 360? Because its HD graphics and cohesive online architecture created a REVOLUTION in console gaming.

    >HD Graphis
    >2004 medium graphics
    >No anti-aliasing
    >No antistropic
    >720p only
    >inconsistent 30FPS
    >full screen blur
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)09:50 No.35705693
         File1250171439.jpg-(74 KB, 557x433, mario alt.jpg)
    74 KB
    Lonely, bitter posts from the same lonely, bitter poster. Let's cheer him up.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)09:50 No.35705704
         File1250171454.png-(97 KB, 800x303, consolewars4.png)
    97 KB
    best thread in a long time
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)09:51 No.35705706
    Oh shut the fuck up.

    Instant "Lose 1 Internet" for raging in a love thread.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)09:51 No.35705719
    >>35705664 don't have to point that out bro.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)09:51 No.35705722
         File1250171495.jpg-(717 KB, 1400x2188, thelist2.jpg)
    717 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)09:51 No.35705724
    I almost wish a thread like this would get stickied.

    That way, when a bro gets on /v/, the first thing he sees is vidya love.<3
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)09:51 No.35705732
         File1250171501.jpg-(5 KB, 211x166, bum blaster.jpg)
    5 KB
    This thread fucking make me want to BRO FORCE someone.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)09:51 No.35705734
    >antistropic is not a word
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)09:51 No.35705738
    The fuck? There's something wrong with your TV, bro.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)09:52 No.35705742
         File1250171524.jpg-(56 KB, 432x288, 1214314557782.jpg)
    56 KB
    >720p only
    >implying that most current console games even render at that and not something lower
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)09:52 No.35705747
         File1250171529.png-(432 KB, 1843x1024, PCPS3.png)
    432 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)09:52 No.35705759
         File1250171543.jpg-(309 KB, 1037x767, vidya dwelling.jpg)
    309 KB
    Despite the trolling and anger, these threads still bring warm feelings to my heart.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)09:52 No.35705776
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)09:53 No.35705783
         File1250171586.jpg-(654 KB, 1135x3264, 1246547798208.jpg)
    654 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)09:53 No.35705787
    One in a while a positive thread comes along and everyone remembers what that feels like.

    Props to OP.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)09:54 No.35705808

    I thought it was the ps3 people said didn't have true 1080, that it was always just 720 scaled up or some such?

    Am I mistaken? Or do both console not have true HD. It doesn't matter shit to me since I use a 720 monitor to play games anyway.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)09:54 No.35705810
    Methinks you forgot Halo, you dumb nigger.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)09:54 No.35705812
         File1250171643.png-(134 KB, 616x2431, 1241713175283.png)
    134 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)09:54 No.35705830
    wat the
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)09:55 No.35705845
         File1250171707.jpg-(725 KB, 1135x3264, 1231344979604.jpg)
    725 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)09:55 No.35705850
    This image is silly.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)09:56 No.35705868
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)09:56 No.35705877
         File1250171782.png-(82 KB, 187x225, 1246150667628.png)
    82 KB
    >no anti-aliasing
    >implying PS3 has anti-aliasing
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)09:56 No.35705880
    The love holds until a troll appears and the hate be growin'.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)09:56 No.35705892
         File1250171817.jpg-(40 KB, 560x432, ohwow.jpg)
    40 KB
    >sony defense force
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)09:57 No.35705927
    First off, Image Incorrect.

    Second, you're an idiot.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)09:58 No.35705943
    Everyone knows PS3 games look a bit better but who the fuck cares, especially in THIS thread? Get out.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)09:58 No.35705951
         File1250171914.jpg-(294 KB, 816x980, kamina.jpg)
    294 KB
    Another vidya love thread dies at the hands of bitter fanboys and trolls. But have faith, /v/! There will be a day when all of us will stand as one! When all Xboys and Sonyfans, Nintendude and PCpals will play together! If you want to make it a reality, contribute meaningfully to threads about video games! Post your own vidya love threads! Never give up, /v/. I believe in you. I always will.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)09:58 No.35705953
    /v/ actually quite enjoys vidya games

    sometimes it actually buys them
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)09:58 No.35705958
         File1250171926.jpg-(35 KB, 355x457, bro_inc.jpg)
    35 KB

    ........('(...´.▲.´... ¯~/'...')
    .........\...▲ ▲......'...../
    ..........''...\.......... _.·´
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)09:59 No.35705972
    These threads always remind me of how many 10 year old shitheads visit this site, and it accordingly makes me want to puke, and then kill myself by drowning in my puke, mixed with some urine. Please stop visiting this site already, you brain dead retards.

    Get shot. <3
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)10:00 No.35706013

    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)10:01 No.35706059
         File1250172092.png-(34 KB, 119x118, kamina.png)
    34 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)10:01 No.35706067
    I would love for multi-plat games to be multi-plat playable

    So I could play Street Fighter 4 with my 360 and PS3 friends.

    Then get down to some TF2 times.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)10:02 No.35706090
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)10:02 No.35706106
    Anyone attempting to ruin this thread is a huge twat.

    This generation is great no matter what you play your games on.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)10:03 No.35706115
         File1250172180.png-(85 KB, 694x1551, ps3list.png)
    85 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)10:03 No.35706150
    who cares if either the PS3 or 360 have more "power" or better graphics, both consoles obviously allow developers a well-established platform to create quality entertainment, does it really matter if you're happy with what you have?
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)10:05 No.35706191
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)10:05 No.35706196
    this a million times
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)10:06 No.35706234
         File1250172375.png-(34 KB, 716x693, internetbrofist.png)
    34 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)10:07 No.35706310
         File1250172473.png-(84 KB, 800x303, 1250171454556.png)
    84 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)10:08 No.35706342


    >> Louis DeNonno 08/13/09(Thu)10:09 No.35706379
         File1250172569.jpg-(315 KB, 588x460, RAEG.jpg)
    315 KB
    You know what? You guys are a bunch of sweethearts.
    >>   08/13/09(Thu)10:11 No.35706427

    I love how the PC has a screen and a keyboard attached but the consoles have neither.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)10:16 No.35706629
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)10:16 No.35706662
         File1250173018.png-(28 KB, 627x442, 1229641681937.png)
    28 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)10:17 No.35706669
         File1250173029.png-(531 KB, 1218x4936, -v- - The Vidya - Friends.png)
    531 KB
    Once, trolls tried to stop a beautiful friendly /v/ thread.

    And it didn't happen.

    LOVE CONQUERS ALL. Pic related.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)10:18 No.35706715
         File1250173109.jpg-(22 KB, 444x366, 270913946_efa38ec3d8.jpg)
    22 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)10:21 No.35706812
    /v/ is a bunch of RAD BROS
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)10:21 No.35706821

    You should feel bad. Get out of here.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)10:23 No.35706916
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)10:24 No.35706949
    oh god i would hate life if i had to play games there
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)10:25 No.35706967
         File1250173514.jpg-(35 KB, 600x450, 12204429.jpg)
    35 KB
    <3 u /v/
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)10:25 No.35706996
    That setup has more soul than whatever you have.

    It might suck.

    But it has SOUL.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)10:26 No.35707022
    Does this girl have a name, or a set of pics on /rs/?
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)10:26 No.35707031
    you can't 404 friendship.

    I love y'all /v/. May you enjoy your videogames, whether I think they're good or not.

    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)10:28 No.35707074

    Why? She is fucking ugly.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)10:30 No.35707159
         File1250173824.jpg-(31 KB, 345x550, Can't We All Just Get Along.jpg)
    31 KB
    Asian and Western games bring so much to the table...
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)10:33 No.35707318
    Only 403.. ;_;
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)10:34 No.35707331
    fapfapfap.... wut u say?
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)10:35 No.35707383
         File1250174132.jpg-(58 KB, 600x396, getalong.jpg)
    58 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)10:36 No.35707434
         File1250174217.gif-(192 KB, 240x160, 1237256490531.gif)
    192 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)10:38 No.35707489
         File1250174295.jpg-(61 KB, 600x960, flatpaneltv.jpg)
    61 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)10:39 No.35707549
    She's hot and probably 14 or something. Makes it hotter.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)10:40 No.35707562
         File1250174416.jpg-(99 KB, 800x593, pswii.jpg)
    99 KB
    >> thecanadianemo 08/13/09(Thu)10:41 No.35707596
         File1250174488.jpg-(23 KB, 406x388, 1249919377564.jpg)
    23 KB
    [i wish i could blacktext]
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)10:41 No.35707611
         File1250174512.gif-(85 KB, 375x375, Dancin-Sandvich.gif)
    85 KB
    OP is good man, /v/ needs more love.

    I love sandvich.
    >> Romeo !!Z3nRe4hFycO 08/13/09(Thu)10:42 No.35707629
         File1250174541.png-(359 B, 118x44, spoilertext.png)
    359 B
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)10:43 No.35707682
    I approve this message. 360 still hast he best controller this gen though
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)10:44 No.35707690
    I first read the spoilers, then clicked image. FUCK YEAH
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)10:44 No.35707702
    you are a contrarian faggot which is a dime a dozen on the internet, so you're pathetic and we'll just love each other without you!

    have a nice suicide, with any luck! <3
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)10:45 No.35707757
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)10:45 No.35707762
    /v/ is for love of the vidya.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)10:45 No.35707764
    Nicely played.
    >> thecanadianemo 08/13/09(Thu)10:46 No.35707793
         File1250174773.jpg-(80 KB, 400x300, 1250076018826.jpg)
    80 KB
    >because you turn 360 degrees and walk away
    >> Rama !!dZ74bvs+HVz 08/13/09(Thu)10:47 No.35707840
         File1250174863.jpg-(23 KB, 478x468, 1249493212975.jpg)
    23 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)10:48 No.35707856
    Hug these people, and watch them writhe in agony.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)10:49 No.35707915
    /v/, I love you, even if you make me rage, because on the inside I'm laughing. Thanks a lot.

    Also, I love the chocolate milk and sandwiches.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)10:49 No.35707931
         File1250174992.png-(303 KB, 300x426, 1250104393214.png)
    303 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)10:52 No.35708013
    Op lost the game
    and is a fag
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)10:52 No.35708014
         File1250175129.png-(81 KB, 1680x1050, vidya love.png)
    81 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)10:52 No.35708026
    ........('(...´.▲.´... ¯~/'...')
    .........\...▲ ▲......'...../
    ..........''...\.......... _.·´
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)10:52 No.35708029
    ps3 has no faults
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)10:56 No.35708203
    PSX was the climax of gaming. But now the games are still pretty good, and some are even as good in its own way as old ones-
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)10:57 No.35708221
    ........('(...´.▲.´... ¯~/'...')
    .........\...▲ ▲......'...../
    ..........''...\.......... _.·´

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