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  • File : 1249875013.jpg-(22 KB, 320x320, 06_kevinsmith_lgl.jpg)
    22 KB Anonymous 08/09/09(Sun)23:30 No.35491003  
    Why is there so many gay people on /v/?

    Not that it's a bad thing, I'm just curious. It seems like every other thread someone posts at least one image of two male video game characters fucking each other, or someone posts an image of their dicks to show to the rest of the guys on /v/.

    It seems strange that a group that is a very small minority, would seem like a vast majority on a video game image board completely unrelated to sexual orientation.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/09(Sun)23:31 No.35491066
    Because 4chan attracts all of the dregs of society.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/09(Sun)23:31 No.35491067
    >> Anonymous 08/09/09(Sun)23:31 No.35491089
    its because tf2 is the first shooter that girls have ever liked, and since theyre all from /b/ round here, its always gay porn time

    that said, tf2 is a great game...but leave it to the womenfolk to ruin something good COUGHGARDENOFEDENCOUGH
    >> Anonymous 08/09/09(Sun)23:32 No.35491166
    There are a lot of "bisexual" guys here. And by bisexual I mean "I've been so sexually desensitized by the things I've seen here that I would be open to fucking either sex, as long as it doesn't have tentacles or is missing a head."
    >> Anonymous 08/09/09(Sun)23:33 No.35491227
    and gaymen
    >> Anonymous 08/09/09(Sun)23:34 No.35491245
    /v/ is the gayest board on 4chan

    I mean, think about it. Girls don't come here so we're automatically gayer than /y/
    >> Anonymous 08/09/09(Sun)23:34 No.35491265
    Because video games are for fags. It's like asking why there are a lot of queers on a gay pride forum.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/09(Sun)23:35 No.35491335
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    >> Master Sparks !!SAGveut/1uW 08/09/09(Sun)23:36 No.35491385
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    I'm bisexual, but the thought of having a cock rammed up my ass is a major turn on.
    Not only that, but I think the aspect of being able to feel each other's heartbeats during sex is the most romantic thing you can do.

    The thing I don't like with females is they can't give me the love back.
    Sure they can wear a strap on but that's not the same.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/09(Sun)23:36 No.35491409
    I really don't think a lot of people here are actually gay. This is made especially evident by how almost all of the gay pictures posted here are extremely feminine, like dick girls or little anime kids like Ash.

    The dudes jacking off to Snake porn are probably gay though, or at least bisexual.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/09(Sun)23:36 No.35491415
    >> Anonymous 08/09/09(Sun)23:37 No.35491468
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    gay dude here.

    All I can say is I love the vidya... I dunno...

    dicks and vidya... that's just how I roll.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/09(Sun)23:37 No.35491488
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    >the aspect of being able to feel each other's heartbeats during sex is the most romantic thing you can do.

    >Shoving your penis up the spot where your partner recently defecated from

    >Most romantic thing you could do
    >> Anonymous 08/09/09(Sun)23:38 No.35491512
    Kevin Smith said on smodcast hes was trying to get his next movie to have the word dick in the title. Something like, three dicks, or something.A
    >> Anonymous 08/09/09(Sun)23:38 No.35491535
    >Shoving your penis where your partner recently pissed and oozes blood out of
    >> Master Sparks !!SAGveut/1uW 08/09/09(Sun)23:39 No.35491571
         File1249875558.jpg-(23 KB, 300x241, Marisa 11.jpg)
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    That's only with men.
    With women I hear you can feel their heartbeat through the vagina.

    It's romantic either way.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/09(Sun)23:39 No.35491597
    There are two kinds of gay dudes here.

    1. The cool ones. You wouldn't even know they were gay unless they told you, and they're true bros.

    2. The flaming fags. They're militant, angry, and always try to start an argument about how bigoted everyone else is. They are not true bros.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/09(Sun)23:40 No.35491608
    Or you could just, you know, cuddle with your head on their chest.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/09(Sun)23:40 No.35491622
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    Don't forget the discharge, anon... don't forget the discharge :D
    >> Anonymous 08/09/09(Sun)23:40 No.35491629
    Because it's an anonymous message board and most people aren't afraid to reveal their true nature here.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/09(Sun)23:40 No.35491658
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    >Implying women urinate from their vaginas
    >> Anonymous 08/09/09(Sun)23:41 No.35491665
    I'm not gay, I just pretend to be one on the internet for laughs. Gay for Big Boss etc
    >> Dry Bones 08/09/09(Sun)23:41 No.35491676
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    problem /v/?
    >> Anonymous 08/09/09(Sun)23:41 No.35491677
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    you have succeeded in giving me a hard-on. Thanks.

    also, Bi guy here. Girls can't understand you as much as a bro can. Most women are fucking manipulative, and i've had it with lots of their bullshit.
    >> Master Sparks !!SAGveut/1uW 08/09/09(Sun)23:41 No.35491697
         File1249875690.jpg-(31 KB, 300x268, Marisa 73.jpg)
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    That's not the same.
    It's extremely personal to have sex.
    Anyone can cuddle.
    I used to cuddle with my sister all the time.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/09(Sun)23:42 No.35491729
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    >> Dry Bones 08/09/09(Sun)23:42 No.35491753
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    dem thighs
    >> Anonymous 08/09/09(Sun)23:43 No.35491781
    The idea of male bisexuality is a fucking joke.

    If you enjoy a dick in your ass, and/or enjoy putting your dick in another man's ass, you're gay. If you suck dicks, you're gay. If you get your dick sucked by a man, you're gay. There's no fucking gray area.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/09(Sun)23:43 No.35491789
         File1249875794.jpg-(24 KB, 400x320, cheshire-cat.jpg)
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    We're all a little gay for Big Boss here...
    >> Dry Bones 08/09/09(Sun)23:43 No.35491799
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    something the matter?
    >> Master Sparks !!SAGveut/1uW 08/09/09(Sun)23:44 No.35491847
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    You made me chuckle a bit.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/09(Sun)23:44 No.35491858
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    What's going on in this thread?
    >> Anonymous 08/09/09(Sun)23:44 No.35491871
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    why the hell not? I don't understand this. There are people who clearly can cum and enjoy themselves fucking a woman or a man...

    so that's not bisexuality? Whaaaat?

    Seriously, I don't get this idea of NO GREY AREA.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/09(Sun)23:44 No.35491873
    thats bisexuality, asshat.

    You're gay and straight at the same time. You enjoy women and men.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/09(Sun)23:44 No.35491878
    I've never really understood anal sex. If I was gay, I could get past everything but that portion. The dicks are tolerable, dudes are cooler than chicks, etc. The anal sex though? Nah.

    For example, I can get past all of the more disgusting aspects of a vagina because I know that it has a practical purpose for it. I was biologically meant to ejaculate inside of that. An asshole though? I can't really get past all of the gross factors, considering I would FAR prefer to just use the guy's mouth, because I know that he didn't just have a load of shit in there.
    >> Dry Bones 08/09/09(Sun)23:45 No.35491945
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    >> Anonymous 08/09/09(Sun)23:46 No.35491962
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    >> Anonymous 08/09/09(Sun)23:47 No.35492050
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    very pleasurable to stimulate the prostate..

    anal sex is often done by hetero people ALL THE TIME. Doesn't seem to bother heteros.

    As long as the partner is clean and has taken care himself it's not a problem.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/09(Sun)23:48 No.35492074
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    Because beards are hawt, and the only ones that grow them more than videogamers are the UNIX guys; yum.
    >> Dry Bones 08/09/09(Sun)23:48 No.35492097
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    i can always post the rest of this
    >> Anonymous 08/09/09(Sun)23:49 No.35492123
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    >> Anonymous 08/09/09(Sun)23:49 No.35492156
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    >> Anonymous 08/09/09(Sun)23:50 No.35492191
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    >> Anonymous 08/09/09(Sun)23:50 No.35492194
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    >gay thread

    There needs to be more Big Boss here.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/09(Sun)23:50 No.35492196

    I don't believe in bisexuality, but I suppose you could technically define me as a bisexual. It's not that I'm particularly attracted to a man or a woman, but that I really just don't give a shit.

    Pillow, hand, man, woman, unmarked doll with hole in it, etc. I would fuck them all and it wouldn't really be much of a different experience for me, because I really wouldn't care. Physically, I could fuck anything and be just as capable of ejaculating. Mentally though? I have some moral limitations, for example, animals would be one place where I draw a line. That's just wrong, but that doesn't mean that I would be disgusted by the idea from a physical perspective, I just think it's wrong and I would never do it because of that.
    >> Gay Purple Man !3I4SJbCh8M 08/09/09(Sun)23:50 No.35492205
    You're all a bunch of faggots.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/09(Sun)23:51 No.35492272
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    >> Anonymous 08/09/09(Sun)23:52 No.35492287
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    >> Anonymous 08/09/09(Sun)23:52 No.35492294
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    >> Anonymous 08/09/09(Sun)23:52 No.35492318

    I don't know, man. I still hate the idea, even if I was to place a woman in that scenario. I can see why it might be pleasurable for the person receiving, but I don't see why the person pitching wouldn't be just as happy with any other tight hole.

    Also, for other things like rimjobs, wouldn't the slight residual shit smell still be there when you have your nose that close? Even with as much cleaning as you could possibly do?
    >> Anonymous 08/09/09(Sun)23:53 No.35492343
    I'll fuck most anyone. As long as they're not a kid or animal. I'm good with fucking.

    I'm a beast.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/09(Sun)23:53 No.35492361
         File1249876406.jpg-(93 KB, 512x336, Arthur.jpg)
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    What's going on in THIS thread?
    >> Anonymous 08/09/09(Sun)23:53 No.35492392

    Because sexuality is completely STATIC and people's orientations always need to be clearly defined!

    >> Anonymous 08/09/09(Sun)23:54 No.35492423

    never had an issue with shit.

    Believe, I'm a fag. We're clean fabulous ocd peoples. We have our ways.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/09(Sun)23:55 No.35492443
    >anal sex is often done by hetero people ALL THE TIME. Doesn't seem to bother heteros.

    It only bothers heteros when it's female-on-male anal, by way of dildo or strap-on.

    Mostly because when people think of male getting fucked in the ass they automatically think gay. So you won't be seeing much pegging in porn, much less people admit to doing it.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/09(Sun)23:55 No.35492459
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    >> Anonymous 08/09/09(Sun)23:55 No.35492482

    I've seen pegging porn. SHIT WAS HOT.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/09(Sun)23:56 No.35492502
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    >> Anonymous 08/09/09(Sun)23:59 No.35492647
    Oh u guys.
    >> nyorero~n 08/09/09(Sun)23:59 No.35492674

    >> Anonymous 08/10/09(Mon)00:00 No.35492700
    I hate people that make a big deal out of their sexuality. It's such a fucking waste of time.

    I don't care if you're bisexual, I don't care if you're straight, I don't care if you're gay, and I don't care if you're a lesbian. Why do you need to show affection in public? Can't you just let it drop for a few hours and then fuck like rabbits when you get back home?

    I've been in a committed relationship for about 7 years right now, and we NEVER make out and fondle in public. It just doesn't happen, because all of that honeymoon newlywed bullshit is over with and we can move on with our lives together without all of that. The point of this being that it's perfectly possible to maintain a relationship without anyone else ever needing to know.

    In this day and age, you could be gay, or bisexual and no one is going to care. No one is going to try to kill you in the streets, and you'll still be able to get whatever job you could want. Hell, you could even get a civil union and show public affection.

    So why do I see gay pride parades and other things? What is the point? Is their life really so small and meaningless that the majority of the things they do in life revolves around activism for a cause about who they fuck?
    >> Anonymous 08/10/09(Mon)00:00 No.35492714

    I don't think I could look at IRL pegging porn -- actually IRL porn doesn't do it much for me, either. Sometimes, but not most of the time.

    I'd love to see more doujins like that but most of it make the dildo really fuckin' huge, same with the kid's (it's usually a shota) dick, so it's a turn-off. I rarely see pegging that I actually could fap to.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/09(Mon)00:01 No.35492768

    Don't underestimate the amount of trolling that occurs here. I'll wager there are a large number of heterosexual trolls who post gay porn specifically because it makes some people uncomfortable.

    Anyway, homosexuals and bisexuals are supposed to make up around 10% of the population. Are you saying that more than 10% of the porn here is gay? I'm not seeing it. Since a dozens or hundreds of people might see a thread, there's going to be plenty of gay men to post gay stuff, even if you discount trolls and yaoi-obsessed women.
    >> Gay Purple Man !3I4SJbCh8M 08/10/09(Mon)00:02 No.35492791
    Sir, I approve of you. That gay pride shit pisses me off to death. I don't go around wearing a god damn rainbow everything.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/09(Mon)00:03 No.35492843

    It's because of the bigots that still constitute much of the US population that they do it. Not that I'm condoning pride parades, I think they're annoying too

    But I can understand why they do it.
    >> Master Sparks !!SAGveut/1uW 08/10/09(Mon)00:05 No.35492909
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    So wait, you hate me for saying I'm bisexual in a thread about sexuality?
    You're funny.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/09(Mon)00:07 No.35492999

    >> Gay Purple Man !3I4SJbCh8M 08/10/09(Mon)00:07 No.35493006
    I didn't say I hate you bro, It's just that Gay Pride shit pisses me off.
    I don't want fucking extra public attention. Just give me my god damn food.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/09(Mon)00:08 No.35493028
    >>35492700 No one is going to try to kill you in the streets, and you'll still be able to get whatever job you could want.

    Actually, gay people do still have a disproportionate incidence of being victims of assaults and such because of prejudice. Just because you're lucky enough to not know any assholes, or the people you know haven't shown that side of themselves, doesn't mean they don't still exist. It's a minute problem compared to what it once was, but it still exists.
    Pride Marches are usually just an excuse to get together and have a big party, anyway, so don't sweat it too much.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/09(Mon)00:08 No.35493050
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    Spah sappin' mah inhibitions!
    >> Anonymous 08/10/09(Mon)00:10 No.35493125
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    >Why do you need to show affection in public?
    >> Anonymous 08/10/09(Mon)00:11 No.35493196

    >It's because of the bigots that still constitute much of the US population that they do it.

    So they're just trying to piss them off? I don't see how that helps anyone, it just seems like pointless retaliation to me. No amount of protesting is going to change the hearts and minds of people, especially when the protesting is only adding fuel to the fire.

    Maybe something would be different if there actually seemed to be a point to the pride parades though, for example, maybe if they dressed in normal clothing with gay pride slogans, and held up large friendly banners when they were walking. I just don't see how a bunch of guys wearing thongs on a float and dancing is doing anything but reinforcing a negative stereotype about homosexuals.
    >> Ditto !!DOqnzri5l1P 08/10/09(Mon)00:11 No.35493200
    No, he was just saying that people who're in Gay Pride Parades and have cars covered in rainbow bumper stickers are annoying. As a gay man, I agree.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/09(Mon)00:11 No.35493214
         File1249877514.jpg-(365 KB, 1200x1200, Yangus.jpg)
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    I'm sure all of /v/ is gay.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/09(Mon)00:12 No.35493218
    Keep going and don't stop, for the love of God.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/09(Mon)00:12 No.35493223
    This video game sucks and so does this thread.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/09(Mon)00:12 No.35493242
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    >> Anonymous 08/10/09(Mon)00:13 No.35493269

    This, besides the fucking part. Seeing gay sex just doesn't bother me. I don't want to fuck a dude or anything, I've just become desensitized.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/09(Mon)00:13 No.35493286
    I'm mostly straight, but I'm still pretty sure I could have a relationship with a really feminine trap.

    I don't think it makes me full-out gay for admitting attraction to men who look like women.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/09(Mon)00:13 No.35493299
    Bisexual male here
    I hope you guys enjoy being attracted to only one sex. I'll be here fucking a girl one moment & cuddling with a guy the next.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/09(Mon)00:14 No.35493323

    >but reinforcing a negative stereotype about homosexuals.

    not a stereotype if its true
    >> LucariBRo !7iDLucario!!05UoUkeE209 08/10/09(Mon)00:14 No.35493330
         File1249877674.png-(187 KB, 500x500, 1230695865185.png)
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    lol at you people and having to apply labels to things. Not all of you may be gay, but every single one of you are FAGS.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/09(Mon)00:15 No.35493383
    It fucking pisses me off that theres so many fucking fags here. No wonder alot of people i know always relate video games to homossexualism
    >> nyorero~n 08/10/09(Mon)00:17 No.35493442

    Best be trolling, son.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/09(Mon)00:18 No.35493478
         File1249877882.png-(111 KB, 247x248, 1248923176673.png)
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    >alot of people i know always relate video games to homossexualism

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