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  • File : 1249844768.jpg-(102 KB, 500x375, redring.jpg)
    102 KB Anonymous 08/09/09(Sun)15:06 No.35465742  
    What causes the red ring problem to begin with?
    >> Anonymous 08/09/09(Sun)15:06 No.35465782
    Microsoft's timebomb that's set to detonate when your warranty expires
    >> Anonymous 08/09/09(Sun)15:07 No.35465823
    Shoddy manufacturing and an all around badly designed piece of equipment.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/09(Sun)15:08 No.35465836
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    >> Anonymous 08/09/09(Sun)15:08 No.35465869
    Microsoft's reminder that it sells software, not hardware
    >> Anonymous 08/09/09(Sun)15:08 No.35465872
    >> Anonymous 08/09/09(Sun)15:09 No.35465898
    Planned obsolescence
    >> Anonymous 08/09/09(Sun)15:09 No.35465902
    X-clamps on the bottom of the mobo get hot and warp upwards, pushing the GPU away from the mobo.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/09(Sun)15:09 No.35465903
    >> Anonymous 08/09/09(Sun)15:09 No.35465915
    The lead free solder that they used for the gpu and cpu. It cracks when it gets too cold after getting too hot.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/09(Sun)15:09 No.35465933
    I own an Xbox, I would rather own a PS3.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/09(Sun)15:09 No.35465943
    This. Heat problem mainly seems to be solved in the newer consoles because they're using smaller, more efficient components.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/09(Sun)15:09 No.35465945
    The crazy heat produced by the machine. My old 360s used to make audible cracking and popping noises as they gradually got warmer, but the one I've had for the last year or so doesn't do that.
    >> Rinon460 !!JBgjJyk+HsA 08/09/09(Sun)15:10 No.35465949
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    It's a multitude of things, OP.
    Funny story, my xbox rrod'ed because it was plugged into a surge protector.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/09(Sun)15:10 No.35465963
    also the gpu was/is attached to the motherboard by a ball grid array which are just balls of solder.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/09(Sun)15:10 No.35466001
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    >Implying RRoD isn't something created by ps3 fanboys
    >> Anonymous 08/09/09(Sun)15:11 No.35466030
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    >> Anonymous 08/09/09(Sun)15:13 No.35466109
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    >implying PSTripple fans could actually create something.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/09(Sun)15:14 No.35466160
    Now hold on one second. Microsoft's keyboards and mice fucking rock.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/09(Sun)15:14 No.35466189
    Jesus christ that dog is a fucking dumbass.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/09(Sun)15:15 No.35466227
    they are made by logitec you faggot
    >> Anonymous 08/09/09(Sun)15:16 No.35466241


    >> Proud_Casual_Gamer !ooOkJLlW76 08/09/09(Sun)15:18 No.35466376
    I RROD'ed my friends X-box because I stepped next to it. It was on a couch in a small room and I was getting around it.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/09(Sun)15:19 No.35466430
    There's dozens of things that cause red ring, the most common being overheating and huge amounts of dust inside the console. The damn things seem designed to fail. I got in 4 360 repairs this week, all with the same problem, all made within 1 month of each other.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/09(Sun)15:19 No.35466433
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    >> Anonymous 08/09/09(Sun)15:20 No.35466455
    >What causes the red ring problem to begin with?

    There's a bunch of reasons. It's not just one.

    The microprocessor fabrication process has, inherently, a huge amount of failure associated with it. How clean the air is, earth's magnetic fluctuation, the purity of the feedstock.

    And then, on top of the fabrication, there is the heat.

    And those two combined are what kill modern processors. The thermal-delta tolerance for some fabrication processes is just very small, and it happens that Microsoft's processor design did not account very well for the necessary tolerance.

    Which is why they hired a third party to update their processor design. But there's only so much that could be done and still make the thing backward compatible.

    Also, planned obsolescence factors into everything that Microsoft does. Sony does the same thing. They both want monopolies and a consumption-based business model.

    >> Anonymous 08/09/09(Sun)15:25 No.35466709
    >Sony does the same thing

    but all sony consoles are extremely reliable, my PS2 has fallen from a height 5 times with games inside it and both the games and console work fine.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/09(Sun)15:27 No.35466803
    The PS2 was known for it's DRE problem in the beginning, so no. Everyone fucks up, even Sony.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/09(Sun)15:27 No.35466820
    I never actually got one.

    I put it horizontally ontop of a book so the vents weren't covered. So it's probably a ventilation/cooling problem.

    Still better than PS3.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/09(Sun)15:28 No.35466865
    well I am just basing it what I have seen, not a single person I have met has had a Sony console fail.

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