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    File : 1249163696.jpg-(70 KB, 800x600, 800x600_kronk.jpg)
    70 KB The Emperor's New School Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)14:54 No.35023888  
    I just happened to catch an episode tonight. I'm not sure the name of it, but I'm extremely disappointed at Disney, ABC and the writers for not thinking it through more - In the episode, Kronk loses his 'good angel' and as a result, goes after Kuzco with a 'disintegrating ray' - chasing him through the school with it.

    I'm sorry - but after Virginia Tech and all the other horrible school shooting incidents over the years I find this episode disgusting and disturbing. It was unnecessary and completely inappropriate for the Disney channel or any channel, for that matter.

    Bad move, guys. Bad move.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)14:57 No.35023987
    Some soccer mom with too much time on her hands?
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)14:58 No.35024049
    You politically correct faggot!
    >> Boco !VhlThuhFdo 08/01/09(Sat)14:59 No.35024095
    You missed /co/.

    Also, lighten up.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)15:00 No.35024136
    poor OP I bet he thought would garner way more support on this
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)15:00 No.35024147
    Squeak squeakers McSqueaken
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)15:01 No.35024165
    Why? Her argument was rather stupid and quite flawed.
    >> Evilpants 08/01/09(Sat)15:02 No.35024187
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    Stop feeding plox.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)15:02 No.35024207
    >>Some soccer mom with too much time on her hands?

    >> DFG !!aAXqUhFzNpl 08/01/09(Sat)15:03 No.35024265
    (People walk by)
    You know that was the best part of the movie.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)15:04 No.35024275
    Actually, I pretty much got the 'support' I expected. I'm not surprised, sadly, by any of the responses here - in fact, I'm a little disappointed, because I got exactly what I anticipated from such a twisted culture.

    Just because people have been numbed to violence in every day life, doesn't mean our children should be subjected to it in such an in-your-face manner - not on the Disney channel. Because it happens everywhere else, doesn't make it right or justify it. Maybe to you it sounds paranoid or ignorant to be offended by something like this, but impressionable minds have been skewed by less. Believe what you want - maybe violent games and shows don't affect and infect the minds of young people enough to drive them to shoot up a school. But they've certainly affected how jaded people can be about such things.

    I almost lost one of my best friends in the Virginia Tech shootings and she herself attended the funeral of many of her dear friends, and silly cartoon or not, I find it disgusting that someone would think it would be funny to portray gun violence in a school on a children television show. Maybe in your minds it's just a joke, but I highly doubt the thirty-two families that buried their children, because some psycho decided to go on a killing spree are laughing. Maybe when it's your friend, or your child, or your spouse, or someone you love and care about, you'll be able to comprehend just how unfunny it is.

    I don't care what anyone says about me, or how much you insult me or my ethics - I believe what I believe for a reason and I stand by that.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)15:07 No.35024418
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)15:11 No.35024588
    you're funny
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)15:13 No.35024675
    If you still think it's funny, then feel free to read the following... It's the death toll of the Virginia Tech Shootings.

    Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia
    Deaths: West Ambler Johnston Residence Hall
    1. Ryan Clark, age 22, a senior in Psych/Biology/English from Martinez, Georgia
    2. Emily Hilscher, age 19, a freshman in Animal Sciences from Woodville, Virginia
    Deaths: Norris Hall
    Room 204 (Solid Mechanics)
    3. Liviu Librescu , age 76, a professor of Engineering and Holocaust survivor from Ploieşti, Romania
    4. Minal Panchal, age 26, a masters student in Architecture from Mumbai, India
    Room 206 (Advanced Hydrology)
    5. G. V. Loganathan, age 53, a professor of Engineering from Tamil Nadu, India
    6. Jarrett Lane, age 22, a senior in Civil Engineering from Narrows, Virginia
    7. Brian Bluhm, age 25, a masters student in Civil Engineering from Louisville, Kentucky
    8. Matthew Gwaltney, age 24, a masters student in Environmental Engineering from Chesterfield, Virginia
    9. Jeremy Herbstritt, age 27, a masters student in Civil Engineering from Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
    10. Partahi Lumbantoruan, age 34, a PhD student in Civil Engineering from Medan, Indonesia (Indonesian article)
    11. Daniel O'Neil, age 22, a masters student in Environmental Engineering from Lincoln, Rhode Island
    12. Juan Ortiz, age 26, a masters student in Civil Engineering from Bayamón, Puerto Rico[14]
    13. Julia Pryde, age 23, a masters student in Biological Systems Engineering from Middletown, New Jersey
    14. Waleed Shaalan, age 32, a PhD student in Civil Engineering from Zagazig, Egypt
    Room 207 (Elementary German)
    15. Christopher James "Jamie" Bishop, age 35, an instructor of German from Pine Mountain, Georgia
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)15:13 No.35024705
    16. Lauren McCain, age 20, a freshman in International Studies from Hampton, Virginia
    17. Michael Pohle Jr., age 23, a senior in Biological Sciences from Flemington, New Jersey
    18. Maxine Turner, age 22, a senior in Chemical Engineering from Vienna, Virginia
    19. Nicole White, age 20, a junior in International Studies from Smithfield, Virginia
    Room 211 (Intermediate French)
    20. Jocelyne Couture-Nowak, age 49, a professor of French from Nova Scotia, Canada
    21. Ross Alameddine, age 20, a sophomore in English/Business from Saugus, Massachusetts
    22. Austin Cloyd, age 18, a freshman in Int'l Studies/French from Champaign, Illinois
    23. Daniel Perez Cueva, age 21, a junior in International Studies from Woodbridge, Virginia/Peru
    24. Caitlin Hammaren, age 19, a sophomore in Int'l Studies/French from Westtown, New York
    25. Rachael Hill, age 18, a freshman in Biological Sciences from Richmond, Virginia
    26. Matthew La Porte, age 20, a sophomore in Political Science from Dumont, New Jersey
    27. Henry Lee age 20, a freshman in Computer Engineering from Roanoke, Virginia/Vietnam
    28. Erin Peterson, age 18, a freshman in International Studies from Centreville, Virginia
    29. Mary Karen Read, age 19, a freshman in Interdisciplinary Studies from Annandale, Virginia
    30. Reema Samaha, age 18, a freshman in Urban Planning from Centreville, Virginia
    31. Leslie Sherman, age 20, a junior in History/Int'l Studies from Springfield, Virginia
    32. Kevin Granata, age 45, a professor of Engineering from Toledo, Ohio
    33. Seung-Hui Cho (23) a senior in English from Centreville, Virginia/Seoul, South Korea (died in Room 211)

    ...You still think it's just a joke?
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)15:13 No.35024709
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    >> Muon 08/01/09(Sat)15:14 No.35024746
    Take it to NeoFAGs, /v/ doesn't give a fuck
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)15:14 No.35024752
    If your kids such a fucking moron that they can't distinguish between what's ok in fantasy and what not ok in real life then your kid, is fucked beyond anything you could ever do to try and fix them.

    Take your weeping vagina somewhere else and shit all over another board, you can't even grasp the moral of the episode can you? You can't even even tell me what the intent was, all you can do is react to an image or phrase in the middle of the argument and use that as a base to get all bitchy and fearful.

    Your stupidity is immense, severe and annoying.

    Moral: shooting people is bad only evil people do it, fuckwit
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)15:16 No.35024809
    Video games?
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)15:16 No.35024833
    Wow, are you one of those poeple who get's offended by everything, and every show / movie is somehow connected to a violent episode in the US history?!

    You're seriously overreacting.
    It's a cartoon,
    Do you also hate Mulan, because it's settled in China and China has been torturing Tibet for centuries?
    Do you Boycot Kim Possible, because the bad guy plays around with weapons of mass destruction?! - Just like it was claimed the Middle east had?!

    Lighten up.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)15:19 No.35024957

    Yep, it's what some people in this country have turned to, politically correct freaks. Welcome to the age of paranoia, folks!!

    It's a show, get over it.

    And if you could only slightly compare the moral, social, and violent values that video games now have nowadays, ENS would be Sesame Street.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)15:20 No.35025013
    I agree I think they should make this show more historically accurate including the human sacrifices and suits made out of human skin. Also don't forget the wall of impaled heads.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)15:20 No.35025021
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    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)15:20 No.35025041
    No, guys, OP is correct: Disintegration Rays have become way too prevalent in society.

    We need to place a ban on Disintegration Rays, because if your child finds one in your house, they make take it school and use it on other students, as clearly seen in the cartoon.

    Just say no to Disintegration Rays. And Doomsday Devices.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)15:22 No.35025144
    OMG isolated incident better make schools into prison's........oh wait.

    Psycho's are Psycho's their gonna kill people anyway doesn't matter whats on TV, if you think you live in violent times, there's nothing anyone can do for you might as well never leave the house.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)15:23 No.35025201
    Good metatrolling. 6/10.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)15:24 No.35025237
    dude, you dont get it.

    it explains to children what happens when you loose your white dressed mind guy
    so you learn that you need to keep the guy alive else you kill your classmates duh
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)15:24 No.35025273
    >I am a faggot and find this episode disgusting and disturbing
    >Who are you and where do you live?
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)15:25 No.35025318

    To the OP..are you serious? You live in a whole..correct? So what's next? Your going to complain about the Sci-Fi Channel airing Godzilla movies, because said character blows up buildings, and that reminds you of 9/11? OMG. Can you be anymore close minded?

    Oi..only in the United States of America folks! =D
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)15:26 No.35025334

    also saging for teh lulz.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)15:26 No.35025349
    i can't wait to play video games
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)15:29 No.35025480
    Fucking awesome. Cho is a credit to the team.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)15:29 No.35025527
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    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)15:31 No.35025584
    This thread is what happens when politically correct bullshit, dumbasses, and liberals rule the land. Welcome to the start of Obama's shitty culture.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)15:32 No.35025647
    oh wow you're dumb
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)15:32 No.35025680
    yer its a kids show
    who cares
    with games were u can shoot/run over hookers who cares if kronk has a bit off a fit at kuzco
    lol this is like nothink
    wat happened at virginia tech is not a product of cartoon violence but probablt americas dodgy gun laws

    calm down and open ur eyes a bit more
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)15:33 No.35025705
    You are so correct! I also think happiness should be banned because Hitler was happy once... are you like Hitler? Thats what I thought!
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)15:34 No.35025744
    I boycot Kim Possible because it SUCKS and in no way is a real Disney Show.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)15:36 No.35025836
    time for some video games....
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)15:37 No.35025864

    >Zagazig, Egypt

    I read that as Zigzag egypt and lol'd hard

    besides I don't know any of these people therefore I have no care for them
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)15:37 No.35025876
    I'm about as a blue blazing liberal as they come, and this fucking shit OP brings up annoys the hell out of me too. Things like you said do too for that matter, with that kind of cheap generalization. I don't blame art for changing our culture. If you think that's what it is to be a liberal, you're listening to way too much talk radio.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)15:40 No.35025977
    This. It's not video games, or cartoons, or movies that are to blame for violent children. It's parents first and foremost. If you leave your child unattended and expect the school and television to educate them then you're a complete idiot.
    Sure, there's always the random case of a mentally deficient child but that just means that as a parent you'd have to keep an even closer watch on your offspring.
    Kids don't do violent things because they saw it on tv, they do it because parents didn't bother taking time and explaining to them the difference between reality and a fictional story. Because they couldn't be arsed to teach their kids what's right and wrong. And, may I add, because they didn't smack the shit out of them when they deserved it.

    OP, while I can understand that you are offended by the act, you also have to try and understand that just because you find something offensive it doesn't mean it's inherently bad. A normal, healthy child looking at that scene won't see it through your point of view. It'll just something funny to them.
    This might be just a personal opinion, but I think the biggest problem with people protesting against certain scenes or actions in kids' entertainment is that they forget that a child doesn't view something the same way as an adult.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)15:42 No.35026094
    Did you ever watch the old Bugs Bunny cartoons. Yosemite, and Elmer Fudd constently ran around with guns. And Wile used a lot of bombs, but usually blew up himself up. And there was not a lot school shootings when they were on tv. It's all about how you raise your kids and teach them about real violence.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)15:43 No.35026117
    lmao, who cares?! i don't see how him losing his good angel has anything to do with school shootings.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)15:43 No.35026124
    hey OP, I play counterstrike maps that take place in schools and the civilians are hostages and I shoot the hostages
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)15:44 No.35026156
    the point that everyone is trying to make is that it's simply a cartoon. and the majority of those incidents were because the killers were influenced by the way they were raised or because no one liked them.

    the fact is that a show about magic potions that turn people into animals and an egotistical emperor trying to pass high school isn't what drives people to kill people, it's their intolerence of people and their own lives.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)15:45 No.35026180
    I’m not going to try to change your mind; your beliefs are your own. Whether people were personally touched or watched the news, these events are not taken lightly. I'm not attacking you or your beliefs in any way. I'm simply trying to say that the problem isn't with the television show, its with people, so it's unfair to place the blame entirely on media.

    That being said, it's a children's show; it’s meant for entertainment. Not everything can be like the Carebears. The Power Rangers kicked people. Tom & Jerry beat each other. These weren’t the best influences for children, but they learned eventually. Personally, it was when my finger snapped because a friend did a “super awesome move” from an episode of “Xena.” No. Really.

    Check out John Hinckley Jr. for example. People do stupid things every day and our response is to say "What a lost soul; someone mustn't have loved him." If we’re going to fix America’s violence, we need more attentive parents, teachers, guidance counselors, bosses -- religious leaders if you believe -- and peers who are not afraid to speak up to help their friends. We can't keep passing the blame around. Something has to be done.

    (as a side note: I don’t know where you’re from, but that show is on when I’m coming home from work at 2am. If we're within one or two -- maybe even three -- time zone of each other, no child should be up then. THAT is a problem.)
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)15:46 No.35026206
    Please stop trying to be a victim... It's a very tragic thing, but you can't just blame everything you see as relevant for the shootings... I wonder why it's mostly in USA shootings occur. The rest of the western world also have problems and the people who start shooting eachother happens much less elsewhere. Why do you give people so much access to guns? Why is there so much intolerance and brutal teasing of people? These are the causes of the shootings I see, sorry for generalizing but I am just telling what I see as the cause of your shooting crazy culture... It is a very crude generalisation, sorry....
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)15:46 No.35026212
    Unless Disney also released a school shooting simulator inspired by this episode I don't care.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)15:46 No.35026214
    ITT: walls of text
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)15:47 No.35026231
         File1249166838.jpg-(74 KB, 333x250, cory_in_the_house-show.jpg)
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    Disney channel is shit except for Cory in the House, it's a terrible show but goddamn, that nigga done lost his mind.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)15:47 No.35026251
    As for me, I prefer to live in a country where people are actually happy. And don't complain like utter prudes to a freakin' cartoon.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)15:49 No.35026299
    I've never been in the popular clique in high-school, and it was still among the best periods of my life. We treated each other like respected colleagues at least, while all your kids get in school is abuse and rivalry. And guess what - last week I attended one of your "R-rated" horrors at the theater with a hundred or so elementary school children, since the rating didn't apply here, and they all enjoyed it like the fictional spectacle that it was. It was pure, harmless fun for the people that love the genre, and in no way did it corrupt anyone.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)15:50 No.35026346
    I watched this once out of curiosity. It's such a rip-off of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air it's uncanny.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)15:52 No.35026421
    Would rage again.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)15:54 No.35026485
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)15:58 No.35026650
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)16:00 No.35026737
    >blue blazing
    >blazing blue

    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)16:04 No.35026897

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