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07/31/09(Fri)18:29 No.34994647  >stereotypes
up, OP, no one fucking cares who you play as unless it's Nu, and only
because practically everyone agrees she is overpowered.
the characters are for the most part balanced. The game has exactly 1
7-3 matchup, Nu vs Tager. Everything else is at least 6-4. There are 12
characters. You can pick Jin if you want. You can pick Ragna or Noel if
you want. Anyone who judges you and hates you because of who you play
is usually, 9 out of 10 times, a faggot, and they probably suck at the
game as well and are complaining because they can't beat x character.
you are somehow ashamed of using a character because you have been
browsing /v/ for a few weeks and seen nothing but "OMG JIN JUST FUCKING
SPAMS ICECAR ALL DAY LONG" then you have already failed. In the end you
should play who you want to play, not limit your options because some
internet fags tell you to. If you are convinced that just because a
character is overused, or easy to use, that they are a scrub character,
drop that attitude. You can give yourself distinction by NOT BEING A