!!0xTAcSTOSZ6 07/25/09(Sat)14:49 No. 34739231 Welcome!
I hope you enjoy your time here, everyone is very kind. I would like to
inform you though that you have some identity issues. Your name clearly
states you are XxSephirothUchihaxX, while in your post it says you are
XxSasukeUchihaxX. To become popular and noticed, there are 3 ways. 1.) Be informative, have good opinions. 2.) Be incredibly stupid and pretend you're trolling. 3.) Make 4 threads a day about yourself. I
do suggest you drop your signature though, most people don't approve.
Also, if people start posting in your thread with "sage" in the email
field, you're doing good! "Sage" is a form of popularity voting, and
every time you are "saged," you get another vote. Have a nice day!