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    File : 1248392171.jpg-(17 KB, 472x357, 1247937149547.jpg)
    17 KB Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)19:36 No.34658927  
    im gonna clear some things up for you /v/

    you play video game because they are fun.

    most of you do not have a gf not because you are unattractive, but because you have standards and are smart enough to not be fucking any skank that comes along wanting your dick.

    the reason you are on /v/ all day instead of out mingling at the bars is because you dont like to waste what little money you have on beer and drinks (not to say you don't like getting drunk) you would rather spend it on what you really enjoy which is video games and the greater majority of the people are selfish ignorant retards that have no personality and ultimately you have no interest in getting to know them and so you do not.

    you should not feel bad for doing what you like and the reason you don't have many friends is because most people are fucking stupid. you should be glad that you are a individual with principles and standards and most of /v/ are these people as well, which is why we are all on here.

    also in b4 cool story bro
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)19:37 No.34658983
    I love navigatr
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)19:38 No.34659004
    That's the dude from the "Gaming in the Clinton years" videos, right?

    I didn't register a single thing you said OP, I was too busy thinking about a Lara Croft game with breast cancer.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)19:41 No.34659150
    Yeah me too. That review was hilarious
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)19:44 No.34659248
    If you dont get Donkey Kong Country, YOU'RE STUPID.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)19:45 No.34659268
    Shits true.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)19:45 No.34659279
    Wasn't as good as driving a pregnant woman to the hospital through traffic
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)19:46 No.34659341
    >120 posts and 43 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)19:47 No.34659351
    wheres that guys post. YOU CANT HIDE FROM US YOU SPOILER GUY
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)19:47 No.34659362
    which one was that?
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)19:47 No.34659370
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    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)19:49 No.34659447
    The sad thing is this is the only honest thread on /v/ today.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)19:53 No.34659589
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    Thanks, you too bro.
    >> Nergal !XkNeRgALvk 07/23/09(Thu)19:55 No.34659661
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    Well that hit home.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)19:56 No.34659709
    i love you /v/
    >> Myristal !!RzHXt1pWsmw 07/23/09(Thu)19:57 No.34659760
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    This made me feel good.

    /v/, you're a true bro
    >> LeroyP !ejw4rfC5NU 07/23/09(Thu)19:57 No.34659786
    Great post OP, thank you for boosting my self esteem.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)19:58 No.34659801
    that would be awesome to be in the situation the guys are in that picture
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)19:58 No.34659829
    i thought everyone knew this
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)19:59 No.34659836
    op hear, found a cool site yo
    http://www.Anom - m +
    dff ccs d do
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)20:04 No.34660027
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    OP is my fucking hero

    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)20:06 No.34660097
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    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)20:07 No.34660118

    I seriously :3'd.

    Thanks for the pep talk, news anchor Tobin Bell. :3
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)20:09 No.34660204
    So true bro, so true.
    >> Chicken 07/23/09(Thu)20:11 No.34660278
         File1248394293.jpg-(83 KB, 590x775, 1240427452694.jpg)
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    most women in the /v/ dweller common age rage (18-23 i'd guess) are a punch of immature cunts racing out of highschool thinking they're worth something because of it
    >> Sin X !!E8y5cx4Qt+B 07/23/09(Thu)20:11 No.34660288
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    If anyone says "cool story bro" is a big faggot, OP is a true bro.

    Thank you very much OP.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)20:11 No.34660292
    OP is a fat greasy haired italian kid.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)20:12 No.34660327
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    OP here and thats not me.

    I figure a lot of /v/ is dealing with these things and i thought it coming from a fellow anon might help put there minds at ease.

    keep postin /v/
    >> Floyd !3wBXbThGsc 07/23/09(Thu)20:13 No.34660361
    hahahahahaha oh god Navigatr.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)20:14 No.34660380
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    OP deserves a brofist
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)20:15 No.34660442
    Thanks OP, you're a true bro at heart.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)20:16 No.34660465
    Maybe a little but too positive here and there, but strikingly true in the womens part
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)20:16 No.34660476
    >most of you do not have a gf not because you are unattractive

    This is what convinced to take your post as bullshit.

    ITT: Denial
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)20:16 No.34660489
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    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)20:17 No.34660502
    Nice lady-killer pink shirt there NAVGTR, no ring on your finger I see...

    So besides breast cancer and driving legally, what other great ideas do you have for games?
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)20:17 No.34660525
    no i am a white 23yr old former marine.
    nice baseless statement though
    >> Chicken 07/23/09(Thu)20:20 No.34660628
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    being attractive plays a big part with shallow women (not as big a part as your wallet) but you know you've seen uglier men than yourself out there with decent chicks

    but quite frankly, you shouldn't be letting what some broad thinks of you hold you back

    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)20:36 No.34661330
    wow he really has to type out everything so carefully to get his point across?
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)20:38 No.34661388
    Nobody plays games for the multiplayer.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)20:40 No.34661477
    The pic of Navgtr is from when he went on screen to "address" the shit storm over his FF7 review (what else right?).

    One of his problems with the game is that the FMVs are spread out too far with actually having to play the damn game. In a video game...
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)20:40 No.34661479
    >> Floyd !3wBXbThGsc 07/23/09(Thu)20:42 No.34661534
    As someone with extremely low self confidence let me just say that being a cocky little fucker and showing dominance goes a long way for women.
    Not that I would know.
    Low self confidence and all.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)20:47 No.34661734
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    >> Chicken 07/23/09(Thu)20:47 No.34661758
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    but where does being a cocky dick get you? then you're the same as all those guidos

    it'll get you laid but at what cost?

    not saying have low self esteem is a good thing, but you should always be aware of your limit so you can learn how to break it
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)20:47 No.34661763
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    >> Floyd !3wBXbThGsc 07/23/09(Thu)20:54 No.34662012
    Not when your limit is the ground.
    Like mine.

    In other news shouldn't you be out doing some pumpkin headed accenters in that made up land you're going to?
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)20:55 No.34662084
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)20:57 No.34662129
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    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)20:59 No.34662218
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    Yeah... I see what you mean...
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)21:00 No.34662243
         File1248397210.gif-(127 KB, 150x116, 7572686754a03a7d0e8392.gif)
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    omg a thread on /v/ that's positive?
    i am proud of you /v/
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)21:01 No.34662272
    Why can't people like us be allowed to be ourselves? Acting like expected (self-confident, cocky etc) will only make us feel more miserable in the end
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)21:01 No.34662310
    /v/ - Trying to justify not having a life and piracy since 2004.
    >> Tosoto !!fIHLi7D4iiz 07/23/09(Thu)21:03 No.34662365
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    Truth time.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)21:03 No.34662373
    >you play video game because they are fun.
    yes. anyone who manage to graduate highschool should have worked out other peoples opinion counts for shit.

    >most of you do not have a gf
    because i really am socially inept. no neckbeard. but im chipping away at it .

    >the reason you are on /v/ all day instead of out mingling at the bars is
    because ^. also because im broke as shit and pirating games is cheap.

    >because most people are fucking stupid.
    that's what deluded neckbeards like to think.
    you can be a nerd without being a narcissist asshole.
    now back to the normal schedule. trollan, rollan.
    >> Tosoto !!fIHLi7D4iiz 07/23/09(Thu)21:05 No.34662437
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    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)21:06 No.34662491
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    Most of you don't have GF because you're unattractive and socially retarded.

    The reason you are on /v/ all day is because you don't have a job or go to university / college.

    You should feel bad for what you're doing because you're wasting my oxygen, the reason you don't have many friends is because you don't go outside and, as I have already mentioned, are socially retarded.
    >> Chicken 07/23/09(Thu)21:09 No.34662603

    also i'm not even in ireland for another 4 odd weeks

    i don't want to fucking go at all to be honest
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)21:10 No.34662653

    What if I don't want to be where I am...

    I have this friend who went on vacation to Hawaii and he'd call me when he comes back so we can do shit together.

    That was a month ago and he is currently the only friend I have...

    Or maybe he thinks of me as some weird lonely insecure creep when we do hang out and that's why he hasn't called.
    >> Tosoto !!fIHLi7D4iiz 07/23/09(Thu)21:13 No.34662772
         File1248397986.png-(180 KB, 428x510, 1238345313098.png)
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    If you don't like where you are now, then do what you have to do to change.

    Crying about it won't ever fix the problem.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)21:14 No.34662811
         File1248398044.jpg-(38 KB, 633x603, 1246063098282.jpg)
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    ok you need to grow some fucking balls i am sorry.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)21:15 No.34662865
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    >> Chicken 07/23/09(Thu)21:16 No.34662901
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    >What if I don't want to be where I am...
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)21:17 No.34662920

    I thought you were going to be a bro and give me a legit suggestion...

    By all means, spit on my face and shit down my throat when I'm down on the ground with petty suggestions such as, "do something about it, you just aren't trying enough."

    As much as I want to compensate with my low self-esteem and loneliness, I will spare your time, and ask: Have you ever talked to a guy in your class whom seemed to become a possible friend due to common interest and talking in class everyday. Then when the course is over and it's next semester, you see him, attempt to wave at him, but he won't even give you eye contact?

    Yeah, I'm not trying at all, I'm being delusional, and don't try to change worth shit.
    >> Chicken 07/23/09(Thu)21:20 No.34663066
    >Then when the course is over and it's next semester, you see him, attempt to wave at him, but he won't even give you eye contact?

    then that man is a coward and a betrayer, cast of the shackles tying you to him and make a new friend

    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)21:20 No.34663085
         File1248398453.jpg-(34 KB, 453x453, 1231859895500.jpg)
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    If you are unhappy, but don't want to put the effort into making yourself happy, then you can kill yourself for being a weak, lazy faggot. Or you can learn to like being a weak, lazy faggot.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)21:21 No.34663097
         File1248398475.jpg-(52 KB, 957x800, 1246054129188.jpg)
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    OP here: dude you sound like a girl. i am sorry but you need to man the fuck up. you make that friend of yours sound like he was your bf for god sake. get some testosterone in you work out get in shape and dont be so emotional god damn.
    i didn't want to make a fucking pity thread.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)21:24 No.34663269
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)21:25 No.34663288
    >you play video game because they are fun.
    Exactly, they are a legitimate as reading books or watching soap operas for entertainment.
    (My games have better characters than your novelas, mamá!)

    >most of you do not have a gf
    That's cause I haven't met a chick who I truly find worthwhile, and the only chick I did find, wants nothing from males, not even females.
    She says she's asexual and I want to make her sexual.
    And with my current lifestyle having a girl wouldn't be that fun, I'm underage, and my parents still beat me.
    So I'm waiting until I go to college, away from all the shit that is a highschoolers life.
    >the reason you are on /v/ all day instead of out mingling at the bars is
    Because I want to have a worthwhile past time, those things only make you happy for the time being, then the satisfaction leaves.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)21:25 No.34663293
    make more than 1 friend

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