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    Also, I might start using the Twitter (ugh) for those, in addition to other stuff.
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    File : 1248371275.png-(323 KB, 853x480, haruhiannoyed10.png)
    323 KB Why I use a tripcode Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)13:47 No.34645062  
    Hello /v/. I decided to share a bit about my intentions. As you can see I am anonymous now, but I will reveal my identity soon in this thread.

    I would like to explain my reasoning behind the tripcode usage. To put it plainly, it gives me an identity. I love knowing that when I post, anonymous shivers out of respect and glances upon my sheer writing ability, factuated opinions, evidence backed up by my integrity and gaming knowledge that rivals that of the editors of Kotaku.

    I like being an individual, separating myself. With my tripcode, I represent the cream of the crop on /v/. Anonymous falters in comparison, and I am not afraid to lay the smack down on unruly little troublemakers by making use of my Godly posting abilities.

    It should be evident from this post alone that my intellectual capabilities far exceed what your little brain can tolerate, therefore the only reason for disliking or discrediting me is your blatant ignorance and jealousy.

    Thank you for listening.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)13:49 No.34645126
    >> Hankonomics !8E8WWtoI8c 07/23/09(Thu)13:50 No.34645158
    I value my self as a high calibre poster.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)13:51 No.34645182
    I fucking hate you.

    10/10 for pissing me off you shit.
    >> Rez !n4STXg8IrU 07/23/09(Thu)13:52 No.34645215
    this is going to be a great thread
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)13:52 No.34645237
    >anonymous shivers out of respect
    Stopped reading here. Hidden.
    >> SAGE SAGE 07/23/09(Thu)13:53 No.34645243
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)13:53 No.34645247

    A tripcode should be used if it's important who the OP is in a thread.

    You are a fucking fagit.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)13:53 No.34645263
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)13:53 No.34645275
    >I love knowing that when I post, anonymous shivers out of respect


    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)13:53 No.34645277
    >I like being an individual, separating myself.

    Funnily enough that isn't the point of 4chan. Go on Myspace or Facebook or something. You tripfags are just attention whores. Peeg disgusteen.
    >> Miles Edgeworth !0NNKUcIB6. 07/23/09(Thu)13:53 No.34645282
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    >165 posts and 54 images replies
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)13:54 No.34645298
    >> Myristal !!RzHXt1pWsmw 07/23/09(Thu)13:54 No.34645311
    Hey there Haruhi
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)13:55 No.34645322
    >Why I use a tripcode
    >To put it plainly, it gives me an identity

    You might as well tell us why the moon is bright too, you fucking tripfag piece of shit.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)13:55 No.34645324
    Fuck off, Jack, stop wasting your already pathetic life on this website. Try something more productive, like knitting or making those 'ship in a bottle's
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)13:55 No.34645326

    i really need to download that that tool...
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)13:55 No.34645329
         File1248371726.jpg-(28 KB, 420x236, haruhiannoyed9.jpg)
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    No, this is false. A tripcode should be used to give a certain poster a sense of uniqueness and integrity. He should be able to be proud of being different and knowing that he accomplished something anonymous cannot; being a recognized, worthwhile and interesting contributor.

    Just like myself.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)13:55 No.34645341
    Not video games. Reported. 
    >> TropM !FGENGARhd. 07/23/09(Thu)13:56 No.34645347
         File1248371761.png-(25 KB, 128x80, gengar3fur6.png)
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    time to sit back and watch the shit fly...
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)13:56 No.34645358
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)13:56 No.34645368
    Lanced Jack\Lanced Jack imitator, you just summed up the mindset of every tripfag in a few paragraphs. Props to ya.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)13:56 No.34645370
         File1248371806.jpg-(36 KB, 640x480, snapshot20080708214950.jpg)
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    This. If you're not using your Tripcode to contribute to the thread in a productive manner, you shouldn't be using it at all. Now, using it for discussion is encouraged, but if you're going to just troll, or shit up the board, just don't.

    If receiving recognition over the internet is seriously that important to you, why don't you start your own Chan and be an Admin, or try to become a mod on some other Forum? It would be satisfying, I guarantee it.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)13:57 No.34645384
    You use a tripcode because you want attention you don't deserve

    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)13:57 No.34645389
    posting in a lanced jack thread

    newfag detector
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)13:57 No.34645412
    >anonymous shivers out of respect

    Jesus Christ, Jack.

    I'm pro-tripfag, but your ass isn't even trying anymore.
    >> Τouhou1990 !!+2UGsG7U5U8 07/23/09(Thu)13:57 No.34645417
         File1248371869.jpg-(95 KB, 315x315, Desukawaii.jpg)
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    Hello Gary!
    I thought you weren't awake at this time of day!
    >> sage Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)13:58 No.34645425
    sage for the sagethrone
    >> Professor Kcan !GVlOobwVdk 07/23/09(Thu)13:58 No.34645433
         File1248371890.png-(3 KB, 203x208, hurrr.png)
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    This'll be fun.
    >> Miles Edgeworth !0NNKUcIB6. 07/23/09(Thu)13:58 No.34645439
         File1248371894.gif-(65 KB, 256x192, edgeworth-normal(b).gif)
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    I'll join you there, this should be fun. If you call watching the past 5 tripfag circlejerk threads happen yet again fun.
    >> Selffaw 07/23/09(Thu)13:58 No.34645444
    Sure, trolling can be funny, but not when it's CONSTANT. We're rapidly slipping farther and farther away from real discussion. This can be a much better place to talk about games than other boards, since most people here type in an intelligent matter, and a lot of us have common interests, BUT THIS STUPID TRIPFAG HATE SHIT IS GOING TOO GODDAMN FAR.
    >> Herbert Schultze !0vfTlgixAQ 07/23/09(Thu)13:58 No.34645453
    It's Lanced Jack most likely. The filenames are similar to his. Also, lol at the anons that are "so tired of this shit" but post without their sages
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)13:58 No.34645455
         File1248371911.jpg-(11 KB, 271x273, surprised bugs bunny.jpg)
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    >gaming knowledge that rivals that of the editors of Kotaku
    >gaming knowledge
    >> JustAnotherRandom !!p0vsciyTrzR 07/23/09(Thu)13:58 No.34645461
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)13:58 No.34645464
         File1248371926.jpg-(11 KB, 390x343, haruhiannoyed8.jpg)
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    You missed the point entirely. I do not need to be admin or mod, since my aura of tripfiend recognition is with me at all times.

    When I post, my post stands as a guiding light and beacon in the dark to anonymous. Anonymous knows that when I post, I post valuable information. He listens. He follows my doctrine.

    My tripfiend stature is simply unrivalled and I can best everyone in an intelligent debate.
    >> TropM !FGENGARhd. 07/23/09(Thu)13:58 No.34645472
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    I'm a mod on 4 forums and an admin on two, all under diferent names :3 it does feel nice
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)13:59 No.34645481
    10/10 all y'alls been trolled.

    Wish it weren't too late to say nobody gives a shit, because apparently /v/ does. Bad /v/.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)13:59 No.34645490
    Kill yourself. No one wants you to continue living. Not even your parents. This is the truth and you know it. Do everyone a favor and cease to be alive.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)13:59 No.34645491
    I'm hanging back too, at least I have the decency to only use my tripfagcode when I'm writing fanfiction or at least discussing it. I'd prefer these threads to be wiped off the board completely without the use of the extension, but since it's here, might as well be entertained for a bit.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)14:00 No.34645530
         File1248372012.jpg-(76 KB, 1227x350, -v- - The Vidya_1248371974156..jpg)
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    >Why I use a tripcode

    ur doing it rong
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)14:00 No.34645534
    Even imitations of Lanced Jack is bloody annoying
    >> MaxL !!9e1fWM+S5Fn 07/23/09(Thu)14:00 No.34645540
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    >> JJXB !!p3MtaB+5+0a 07/23/09(Thu)14:01 No.34645571
    ...attention whore. the only acceptable reason for tripcode use is post tracking. why? because you never know if a thread will get big and as a result, having a tripcode will help you and others track who is talking to who in the thread since you do want to know if your replying to the same person you intend to reply to in a good discussion.
    beyond that is inexcusable since you give people who use a tripcode for the good reason a bad name by whoring for attention or trolling.
    >> Water !!a0j30T5Lh0B 07/23/09(Thu)14:01 No.34645575
         File1248372093.jpg-(20 KB, 492x329, popular.jpg)
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    MANNNNNN Dont you even know....

    How FUCKING popular I am?

    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)14:01 No.34645578
    Look at all those trolled faggots in here.
    How can you all fall for such obvious trolling like this?
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)14:02 No.34645597
         File1248372127.jpg-(25 KB, 557x380, haruhiannoyed7.jpg)
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    No. There are plenty of anonymous posters and tripfiends alike who value me. My reputation and rank is a marquee achievement for 4chan. Nobody has ever been as popular as me, and all this due to my worthwhile contributions and basically my dominance over less worthy posters.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)14:02 No.34645598
    stop being a dick and join and join the man train
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)14:02 No.34645601
    This is my first time browsing /v/ in the morning.
    Holy. Shit. And I thought evening was bad.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)14:02 No.34645620
    Thanks for confirming my assumptions that only children use trip codes.

    Thread hidden, and filter confirmed to be never removed.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)14:02 No.34645634
    You're a class A faggot? Congrats.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)14:02 No.34645639
    I'm hoping you got your Crysis Punches ready, bro
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)14:02 No.34645643
    >gaming knowledge that rivals that of the editors of Kotaku.

    Holy shit. I shed tears when I read this. Beautiful.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)14:03 No.34645652
    Op is Lanced Jack.

    Troll of the year, all years. He can make you bite any shit he wants and I don't know if it's because of his arrogance what but he really gets to you. It's amazing.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)14:03 No.34645675
    inb4 op revealing himself to be all tripfags
    >> Tonks !y8pXzWklVo 07/23/09(Thu)14:03 No.34645681
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)14:03 No.34645684
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    >> JustAnotherRandom !!p0vsciyTrzR 07/23/09(Thu)14:03 No.34645685
         File1248372239.jpg-(35 KB, 464x278, 113428-1-1.jpg)
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    So how do you guys feel about Splinter Cell:Conviction?
    looks good? looks bad?
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)14:04 No.34645687
    So since lots of people have blocked you by now with the 4chan Thread Filter Greasemonkey script you decided to go anon just to avoid it? Man you've fallen even lower this time.

    Oh well, hiding the thread anyway.
    >> Water !!a0j30T5Lh0B 07/23/09(Thu)14:04 No.34645701
         File1248372266.jpg-(18 KB, 490x332, internet.jpg)
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    I don't think you understand..
    You see...
    I'm from the internet
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)14:04 No.34645711
    >As you can see I am anonymous now, but I will reveal my identity soon in this thread.

    What the fuck? Are you batman?
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)14:04 No.34645713
    >gaming knowledge that rivals that of the editors of Kotaku.


    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)14:05 No.34645757
         File1248372335.jpg-(48 KB, 640x480, snapshot20080709124025.jpg)
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    Trust me, that "beacon of light" you think you are isn't produced from the correct chemical reaction. If anything, you're more like a wild fire left over from a Lightning storm. How the fire fighters can't put you out is beyond me, but you're not helping the board, or this Chan in any way. In fact, you're just spreading the fire and leaving ashes in your wake.
    >> JackieChonk !qQN2D3pbqM 07/23/09(Thu)14:05 No.34645764
    My argument for anonfags. Anonymous came about from the movie Fight Club about how everyone is equal and blah. Fight club came out about 10 years ago. Stop living your life trying to be like Tyler Durden because you won't be. Faggots.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)14:05 No.34645770
    Someone is mad that everyone is using thread filters now and their attention whoring posts are getting ignored. Go back to your trip and enjoy your circle jerk with other tripfags so I don't have to see it.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)14:05 No.34645777
    I fucking love you water
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)14:06 No.34645795
    I don't get it, why does everybody take these threads so seriously?
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)14:07 No.34645839
         File1248372441.jpg-(38 KB, 600x337, haruhiannoyed6.jpg)
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    It appears you are the child who is afraid to let people judge his posts on merit instead of hiding behind a mask. A tripcode means that people can track and recognize you.

    Everyone who uses a tripcode is not afraid to show his intelligence, therefore automatically is the best poster on /v/. Anonymous lacks the courage and ability to be judged by others, therefore he is a coward.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)14:07 No.34645847
    Although I believe OP has some points, I think he forgets that there are plenty of good Anonymous posters on /v/, but because they lack a trip, it is akin to pissing in an ocean of piss. Regardless, some of us don't always want the attention of a trip, and don't mind being ignored.

    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)14:07 No.34645856
    >my integrity and gaming knowledge that rivals that of the editors of Kotaku.

    absolutely fantastic trolling, would read again.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)14:07 No.34645857
    I secretly hope it's all sarcasm I don't get. I can deal with being one stupid guy, but I'm not so sure I can handle being in a society of them.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)14:08 No.34645859
    Looks great so far, I'm just hoping they strike a balance with the whole "tagging" system so that it doesn't make things too easy.
    >> Water !!a0j30T5Lh0B 07/23/09(Thu)14:08 No.34645897
         File1248372539.jpg-(13 KB, 483x335, popular2.jpg)
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    Do you know how popular I am on the internet?
    >> Pyro !!+/Ce5IrGmeZ 07/23/09(Thu)14:09 No.34645910
         File1248372563.jpg-(22 KB, 600x337, 622379-pyr_super.jpg)
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    mhm mhm mmmhm mhmhm mhm
    >> Janced Lack !!Y8Gfzllnsik 07/23/09(Thu)14:09 No.34645931
         File1248372595.jpg-(66 KB, 600x406, haruhilol4.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)14:10 No.34645957
    Good thing the filter works in every field
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)14:11 No.34646010
    >Everyone who uses a tripcode is not afraid to show his intelligence, therefore automatically is the best poster on /v/

    What kind of a faggot are you? Retard
    >> MaxL !!9e1fWM+S5Fn 07/23/09(Thu)14:11 No.34646025
         File1248372701.png-(415 KB, 556x1000, 1239074155820.png)
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    Jack go outside or something.
    >> Water !!a0j30T5Lh0B 07/23/09(Thu)14:11 No.34646032
         File1248372707.jpg-(16 KB, 481x337, Fromtheinternet.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)14:12 No.34646054
    >70 replies
    >15 minutes

    Good God.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)14:12 No.34646059
    /v/ is about video games. Most of the time.
    You don't need a name to talk about games.
    You don't need recognition in order to provide opinions.
    You don't need a name to be unique, or to have integrity.
    >> JJXB !!p3MtaB+5+0a 07/23/09(Thu)14:12 No.34646075
    i take it seriouslty because it's not what is or isn't in the name field that determines post quality, it's the post content.
    a question to all of the people that think tripfags are the "cancer": would you rather see an anon posting "LOL PS3 HAS NO GAEMS" or a tripcode user posting a detailed and non-troll reason for not having a PS3? i know that there are sensible anonymous and trolling tripfags as well but why hate the fact they have a tripcode when it's their post content that's the issue and that issue could also be reflected onto any anon who makes a bad post too.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)14:14 No.34646126
    not video games

    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)14:14 No.34646136
    Sounds like some underage b& that just wants to stick out in the crowd.

    Well I'm going to say this blatantly. You're an attention whore who thinks that having a "tripcode" makes you special.

    What makes you special? Because you have a name which probably no one refers to you in real life?

    Seriously, consider the fact that NO ONE CARES. No one. At all. You're just another person in the crowd, but because you have a name it makes you unique. An individual, as you stated.

    I find this irrelevant. I am Anonymous. But look at me, writing a substantial argument against a person who believes that he or she is above myself. Who are you to state that? You're a nobody. You are exactly like me. You and I are the same. But unlike you, I don't need to stand out in the crowd.

    If you were TRULY unique, with your so called "godly" posting abilities, you'd have the BALLS to show off your actual name. But you aren't going to.

    Say what you will. I couldn't care less what a "tripfag" could say in response to my argument.
    >> sage sage 07/23/09(Thu)14:14 No.34646138
    sage goes in all fields
    >> Janced Lack !!Y8Gfzllnsik 07/23/09(Thu)14:15 No.34646155
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    It seems that anonymous is afraid to admit the truth. Tripfiends are the indisputable heart of /v/. It is only because of our valiant efforts that this board survives.

    Without my tripfiend contributions, /v/ would turn into /b/ with videogames.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)14:15 No.34646169

    We hate tripfags because, as Lanced has already shown, they are retards who apparently see themselves as better than everyone else.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)14:15 No.34646186
    Anyone else laugh at water during this thread?
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)14:17 No.34646262
    I laughed at Water, that brilliant Kotaku line, and everyone who typed more than 3 sentences.
    >> Janced Lack !!Y8Gfzllnsik 07/23/09(Thu)14:18 No.34646269
         File1248373085.jpg-(23 KB, 252x177, haruhilol.jpg)
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    You are wrong. Everything you said is nullified by the fact that you lack a tripcode. Nobody takes anonymous seriously anymore.

    It requires a reputation on 4chan to be worthwhile and taken seriously. I am living proof. When I state my opinion, people take it as fact solely because of who I am. This is the reach of my prowess.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)14:18 No.34646273

    Here's some news; /v/ would survive with or without you tripfags.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)14:18 No.34646279
    Well, I find these threads hilarious.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)14:18 No.34646284
    Jack, I love you.

    Let us have sweet sweet sex now and have it be the wonderful unification of epic troll and furfag. <3
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)14:18 No.34646294

    Yeah, definitely. Making stupid threads about the importance of tripfags is definitely saving /v/ from becoming /b/. Good job.
    >> Jouten !!du1YQ4EjONG 07/23/09(Thu)14:19 No.34646347
    Hey now, that's not true... I would only consider myself slightly lower than average... but then in a weird way I'd be considering myself better than other tripfags... This is quite a conundrum. Maybe... Same could be said for every poster on /v/ if it's their reasoning is twisted in the proper ways?
    >> JJXB !!p3MtaB+5+0a 07/23/09(Thu)14:20 No.34646361
    hate those tripfags, fair enough. but don't tar every tripcode user with the same brush. if people remember me or not is something i could care less about, unlike the tripfags who troll or attention whore.
    >> suckmyballs,op !G5PwXi2rBU 07/23/09(Thu)14:20 No.34646371
    You're a fag.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)14:20 No.34646384
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)14:20 No.34646392
    IF you don't think that it already is, you should just leave. Part of the reason we have /b/ with games is because of tripfriends, we have threads like this talking up the front page, instead of some sort of legitimate discussion. The only 3 tripfriends i currently respect are Sho, Oberleutnant (who has not posted in months) and Osakamaru because these people actually like games, and only use a trip to provide identification to prevent misinformation, and do not insist in creating threads where Anon like me will inevitably respond to and further the cancer.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)14:21 No.34646405

    No. Just no.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)14:21 No.34646414
    If you want an "identity" get the fuck off 4chan, there is no need for that here.
    If you want to know when you "post" type noko in the email field and it will bring you straight back to your post.
    If you think you have good writing abilities go write a book or blog or something. Also, this is 4chan. We don't shiver.
    If you want to separate yourself go find a forum to post on, no need for that here.
    And lastly, if you think you are any better than anyone here, remember, you are still on 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)14:21 No.34646416
    Why would anyone worth salt want to be recognized here?
    >> suckmyballs,op !G5PwXi2rBU 07/23/09(Thu)14:21 No.34646417
    You mostly add to the /b/ shit here.
    >> Janced Lack !!Y8Gfzllnsik 07/23/09(Thu)14:21 No.34646421
         File1248373296.jpg-(11 KB, 390x343, haruhiwtf3.jpg)
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    No it would not. Tripfiendery is the sole purpose /v/ exists. moot himself said that tripfiends are the best contributions to boards. He personally expressed his gratitude when I met him and thanked me for my selfless dedication to making /v/ a better place.

    If everybody on /v/ was Anonymous, this board would be terrible.
    >> AnonymousNow AKA the Raging Moon, Wailord, Captain Tide, Type B 05 Hierophant 07/23/09(Thu)14:21 No.34646437
    I think I am an above-average poster. However, I do not consider this to be linked to my ridiculously long list of names.
    Instead, I have my names for several reasons. One is for recognition, not as a superior, but as a particular poster. For example, if you had a dozen pastry chefs, and the one with the beard had a knack for biscuits, how would you likely remember that chef before you knew his name?
    But the other reason is a personal quirk - collecting names. Most of my names are blue and/or tidal related. In fact, I may start bartering with tripfags and other Namefags for names. Retarded? Possibly. Interesting? Yes.
    >> Surfing Furret 07/23/09(Thu)14:22 No.34646458
    Uh... You appear to have that last bit mixed up. Y'see, if you WEREN'T here, then people wouldn't copy you and turn /v/ into /b/ with occasional vidya.

    This is fact, although like other name/trip/imagefags you'll just start again tomorrow. And the circle will continue to run rings around this fair board.

    I know you're pissed about everyone typing your name wrong, but that's life. Good luck in your next troll, Janx.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)14:23 No.34646482
    Someone asked me to explain trolling recently.

    I said:

    Lanced Jack.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)14:23 No.34646483
    holy fuck
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)14:23 No.34646498
    >implying /v/ isn't terrible
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)14:24 No.34646559
    >gaming knowledge that rivals that of the editors of Kotaku


    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)14:24 No.34646560
    You got banned for having no life, and continue to shit-post through proxy because you still have no life. Get a fucking life.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)14:25 No.34646571
         File1248373503.png-(4 KB, 201x227, 1247203919840[1].png)
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    Lanced Jack you already tried to go anonymous before.

    It didn't work because we recognize your faggotry, and you won't stop using those stupid pictures.

    Maybe you should go back to /a/?
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)14:25 No.34646604
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    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)14:26 No.34646624
    confirmed for filter
    >> Janced Lack !!Y8Gfzllnsik 07/23/09(Thu)14:27 No.34646678
         File1248373650.jpg-(11 KB, 390x343, haruhilol7.jpg)
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    But you cannot blame me for being so popular and internationally famous. People desire to be like me simply because of my perfectionism, the fact that I ooze excellence with every post and thread I make.

    You shan't hate me for upholding the values of 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)14:27 No.34646682
    If we ask you to gtfo, will you gtfo?
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)14:28 No.34646720
    Sigh... Tripfags are not the way, we must return to the brofist bombings of summers past, it is the only way to cure the cancer.

    ........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
    ..........''...\.......... _.·´

    >> !OSakaQCVow 07/23/09(Thu)14:29 No.34646752
         File1248373760.jpg-(24 KB, 482x357, entertainer.jpg)
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    >107 posts and 27 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

    Pic truly related
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)14:30 No.34646778
    I like how you are only answering select posts jack.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)14:30 No.34646803
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    >/v/ would turn into /b/ with videogames.
    >implying it isn't already
    >> JJXB !!p3MtaB+5+0a 07/23/09(Thu)14:31 No.34646820
    it's both anon and tripfags causing the shitposting. but jack is one of the biggest problems on the tripfag side. it's hard to pinpoint the anon side's problems since you can't individually identify if it's a well-known troll or good poster if they post as anon.

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