07/14/09(Tue)13:12 No. 34271891 MAKING THIS /v/ RELATED: Fall Christmas 2009 iphone makes crazy money from games, Price drops, games, the fight over Christmas Fall/Christmas 2010
Project Natel is released with 2 full titles (Rare, EA) and a couple of
Arcade titles and 3 cameo uses in first party titles (Halo Reach, Alan
Wake, Lips) Wii HD is rumoured/leaked/announched. It's backwards compatible with GC & Wii. Sony continues to try really really hard to justify the extra money it costs to buy their console. E3 2010-2011 Games
announced, motion controls refined and shown, Wii HD announced, More
small DLgame developers get formed. More companies merge. Vin Diesel
announces Hanibal game/movie tie in, James Cameron announces
exclusivity for his gam on the Xbox 360/Natel. Sega continues it's putter into irrelevence. Many Sega titles ported to the iphone.