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    File : 1247452370.jpg-(67 KB, 800x600, 1247413905004.jpg)
    67 KB Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:32 No.34197652  
    How often does the average /v/irgin masturbate everyday?

    I'm doing this for research.

    I normally do it six to seven times a day. No joke.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:33 No.34197677
    video games
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:33 No.34197680
    Never. I see no point to it.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:34 No.34197717
    None because I'm not a horny 15 year-old.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:34 No.34197723
    Masturbate? You must mean have sex with a woman. And I do that at least four times a day.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:35 No.34197737
    That's bullshit, bro.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:35 No.34197739
    Does this apply to non virgins? Or is the /v/irgin meant to be some joke.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:35 No.34197761
    ITT: Lies
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:36 No.34197778
    Anyone. If you want to include the number of times you have sex in a day, go ahead.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:36 No.34197789
    I don't think so bro. I include jizzing in my assessment of my masturbatory routine, and I seriously doubt you have enough in reserve to jizz six or seven times.

    For me, it's about 1-3 times a day.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:36 No.34197791
    tree fiddy
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:36 No.34197796
    once, twice if my parents arent home
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:36 No.34197809
    about 10-15 times a day, i am a horny 15 year old...
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:36 No.34197811
    3-4 times a day
    my balls ache alot by the end of the day
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:36 No.34197818
    3, sometimes 4. it's pathetic, I know. My problem is that I've put sex up on such a high pedestal that it seems like something much bigger than it probably is. And even though I recognize I'm doing this I can't stop.

    Shit sucks.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:37 No.34197831
    Maybe three times a week maximum. My girlfriend usually takes care of my needs.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:37 No.34197849
    Every other night.
    >> Lord Charleston IV !Q4BYSOvXTM 07/12/09(Sun)22:37 No.34197851
    I like video games too
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:38 No.34197857
    Once or twice a week.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:38 No.34197878
    Once every two days. My dick hurts even after one day if I try it again.

    I prefer taking it up the ass so it's all good.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:39 No.34197894
    I do it once a day but occasionally twice.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:39 No.34197896
    I used to fap once every two days or so but the last few weeks ive been doing it 2-3 times a day.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:39 No.34197914
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    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:39 No.34197918
    I do it even though I can't jizz anymore. Something about having sex once made me a hungry masturbatory machine. too bad i'll never get to have sex again...
    >> Dr Edward Roivas !9f07mkwoqk 07/12/09(Sun)22:40 No.34197935
    6/7 times a week.
    >> (゚ 3゚) Onsokumaru !!ncYyB/oJlJM 07/12/09(Sun)22:40 No.34197947
    Once/Twice every 2~3 weeks.
    >> Τouhou1990 !!+2UGsG7U5U8 07/12/09(Sun)22:41 No.34197987
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    It's disgusting and vile.
    I only do it once a day and that's before I go to sleep.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:41 No.34197990
    At least twice. 3+ times on a good day.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:42 No.34198010
    2 or 3
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:42 No.34198014
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:42 No.34198029
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    >only seemingly female respond in this thread.
    >> Sho_Minamimoto !DRoPZETTAU 07/12/09(Sun)22:43 No.34198032
    Two or three times maybe. Depends on whether or not I'm bored.
    >> Konata's Lover !!WtIuqkU9RQ1 07/12/09(Sun)22:43 No.34198043

    As do I. Right before I got to sleep every 2-3 days. When I get to go home on leave, I fuck my girlfriend everyday that I'm there.
    >> (゚ 3゚) Onsokumaru !!ncYyB/oJlJM 07/12/09(Sun)22:44 No.34198072
    You guys fap way too much goddamn.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:44 No.34198084
    roughly .03 repeating
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:44 No.34198093
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    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:45 No.34198108
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    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:45 No.34198121
    i do it 3 to 4 times a day, rarely do i go beyond the 5 point mark and that only happens when i am extremely bored.

    you have no life op.
    >> DigitalHypnosis !HyPNOnhmsk 07/12/09(Sun)22:45 No.34198124
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    Four on average.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:45 No.34198130
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    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:46 No.34198153
    i don't have a set quota, it depends
    once a day is the average i guess
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:46 No.34198160
    The healthy amount, about once a week.

    I've had to do it 3 times today though because I just got back from a two week family vacation and it just kept getting hard.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:46 No.34198163
    Depends how I'm doing.

    It could be anywhere from once a week to twice in a day.

    I'm gay and haven't come out of the closet so it's the only way to satisfy ;__;
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:46 No.34198166
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:46 No.34198190
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    We masturbate to try find the best pleasurable sensation our body deserves. We masturbate in many different ways, exploring the best possible orgasm, relying on a person to do that for you can be troublesome as "I don't want to do it today" can become a problem! There's a timer!
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:46 No.34198191
    Once every 2-3 days, depending how awesome I want the fap to be.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:47 No.34198204
    1-3 times
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:47 No.34198206
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    >> Goldensox !gHNR8PgoEg 07/12/09(Sun)22:47 No.34198213
    twice a week on winter, daily on summer.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:48 No.34198232

    I feel your pain. Fucking homophobic towns.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:48 No.34198266
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    >> Vidya !!E+RL/SSKTX/ 07/12/09(Sun)22:49 No.34198283
    >> Shadow Monster !GvHxnvWlzo 07/12/09(Sun)22:49 No.34198296
    Once every day or so. So about 5-7 times a week. For a while, I did it at Noon and at Midnight every day for almost a month. I grew out of that.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:49 No.34198298
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    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:49 No.34198317
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    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:50 No.34198332
    once a day
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:50 No.34198336
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    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:50 No.34198346
    I fap once a day mostly out of routine, if I have a busy day I might not remember to fap and won't feel the need to, I rarely go for over 3 days without doing it though. If I have too much free time I might stumble across too much fap material on the internet and go up to 3-4 times in a day.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:50 No.34198358
    once a day
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:51 No.34198363
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:51 No.34198367
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    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:51 No.34198384
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    this is bullshit my cock hurts after 2 times a day. wtf is wrong with you /v/irgins
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:52 No.34198401
    1 to 3 times a day. Deal with it.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:52 No.34198406
    3 to 4 times a week
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:52 No.34198412
    weekends: once in the morning, once at night
    weekdays (work): just once before i go to sleep
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:52 No.34198416
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    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:52 No.34198418
    my balls start hurting if I do it more than twice a day for an extended period of time, and I start dry-cumming.

    I think its cause I cum an excessive amount.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:52 No.34198422
    Maybe 3 or 4 times a month

    *stoicism fuck year*
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:52 No.34198430

    My city is actually pretty lenient, with a very thriving gay community.
    But my family are the ones who aren't lenient... =(
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:52 No.34198434
    My ex's fap record is 13 times in a day.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:53 No.34198457

    12 year old detected.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:53 No.34198459
    Once every month. No joke.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:53 No.34198471
    once or twice a week, usually a tuesday.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:53 No.34198475
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    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:54 No.34198487
    how can one masturbate more than once a day? maybe twice if you haven't in a while but cum takes a while to reload
    >> Chicken 07/12/09(Sun)22:54 No.34198490
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    ..........once or twice a day.......
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:54 No.34198503
    When I first started going through puberty I was a fucking maniac. I'm not gonna go into detail about it.

    Nowadays I'm more occupied with other things and indulge less often. For me it's usually every other day, or every two days, once.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:54 No.34198516
    How many times I masturbate or how many times I cum? Because sometimes I just don't feel like it anymore halfway through.

    "Session"-wise, probably four or five times a week, anywhere from one to three or even four orgasms in a session. Depends on how I feel, whether or not I'm too tired at the end of the day, or even if I'm entertaining company and don't have the alone-time to pull it off.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:55 No.34198532
    I don't see how anyone can fap this often. even 2 a day sounds like it is pushing it, does the semen just drip out of your penis by that point or something?
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:55 No.34198534
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    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:55 No.34198541
    once a day
    >> WezzyP !!dDcp2uLofQS 07/12/09(Sun)22:55 No.34198554
    once maybe twice a month. havent done so this month
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:56 No.34198573
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    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:56 No.34198586
    3 to 4 times a day
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:56 No.34198592
    1-3 times a day.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:56 No.34198594
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    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:57 No.34198617
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    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:58 No.34198628
    About .5 times a day.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:58 No.34198632
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    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:59 No.34198654
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    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:59 No.34198655
    Once or twice or sometimes I skip a day. It all depends on how I feel.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:59 No.34198657
    Once a day usually, but I've gone up to four times in a couple of hours. I've been trying to achieve that whole multiple orgasm thing, but goddamn, I can't even get off without a vibrator.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:59 No.34198678
    1-2 times a day
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:59 No.34198679
    I did it five times the other day, had to stop on the sixth because the little thing on the underside of my dick started to bleed.

    Fun stuff
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:59 No.34198680
    Haven't for the past two weeks. Dunno why. But once I start again it'll probably be 5 to 6 times a week.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:59 No.34198681
    I tend to do it every night before I go to bed as part of my nightly routine. Afterwards I brush/floss/mouthwash/shave etc, take out contacts, and crawl into bed to lay awake doing nothing for hours until the sleep hits.

    You might find it odd that I shave at night, but if I don't I find myself getting obsessive over pulling hairs out of my face and then I never fall asleep.

    Sometimes when I have nothing to do and /v/ just keeps getting me hard, I might fap up to four times a day, but that's rare.

    Sometimes I'll do it before my 6:00 AM shower if I wake up in the middle of a sexy dream.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:59 No.34198682
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    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)23:00 No.34198694
    Once a day maybe twice if I'm particularly in the mood.

    Even when I was younger it was never more then twice.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)23:00 No.34198704
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)23:00 No.34198722
    I was stroking one out until I saw the furry porn

    Yiff in hell furfags
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)23:01 No.34198724
    Once a day is more than enough. If I go for twice, the second time is long as fuck and ends up hurting.

    Just today, I went for a second round, and though I had some A-class fap material, it took around one hour of incessant trying for my load to shoot. But when it did, fuck, I never came so hard in my life. It was like a bullet. It hit the wall on the other side of the room and thank god it missed the window, because I swear it would've broken the glass. Good thing it didn't happen while receiving a blowjob (don't laugh, it happens), because the girl would now be blind and/or paralyzed.

    You now realize you've been reading a thorough description of a man's latest ejaculation. Fag.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)23:01 No.34198731
    Once every three days. Feels better that way.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)23:01 No.34198736
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)23:01 No.34198738
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    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)23:01 No.34198745
    once or twice
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)23:01 No.34198752
    Once or twice a month, really, with some slight variation. Also, what a retarded research topic.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)23:01 No.34198755
    video games hur

    I don't masturbate everyday.
    When I do it's 2-3 times in a row
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)23:02 No.34198773
    Maybe twice a week. Maybe.

    A lot of you must have severe vitamin E deficiencies.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)23:02 No.34198776
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    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)23:03 No.34198804
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    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)23:03 No.34198820
    one for every furry thread i see on /b/
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)23:04 No.34198827
    Try for 2, but usually wind up getting 1. Occasionally 3.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)23:04 No.34198840
    once a day, sometimes 2 on occasion, I usually have sex about once a week at least, for I have a girlfriend
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)23:04 No.34198846
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    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)23:04 No.34198847
    I thought /v/ was NOT furry. I mean you guys go "die furfag" when people post Carmelita Fox for Christ's sake.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)23:05 No.34198874
    Is OP that Blondeboy trap that posted before?
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)23:06 No.34198905
    every other night before bed
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)23:06 No.34198911
    When men abstain from masturbating for long periods of time, they're more likely to have nocturnal emissions. That is alternative way the male body keeps sperm renewed. Fresh sperm are more active and better for reproduction. Old sperm are indeed old after only a few weeks, and less motile. Of course /v/ doesn't have to worry about reproduction. Who wants kids anyway?
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)23:06 No.34198921

    The trolling is so frequent that most of us have given up. Report and move on (like /v/ has mods)
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)23:07 No.34198931
    About twice a week.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)23:07 No.34198959

    You got some serious issues if you got to fap 6+ times a day.

    I'd get a really bad headache if I did more then 3 times a day
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)23:07 No.34198964
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    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)23:07 No.34198975
    Mods are all at church on Sunday, I see.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)23:08 No.34198989
    /co/ has mods.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)23:09 No.34199034
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    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)23:10 No.34199046

    I've never had a nocturnal emission, ever. Even when don't fap for weeks at a time.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)23:10 No.34199071
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    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)23:11 No.34199106
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    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)23:12 No.34199128
    1 time a day
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)23:13 No.34199178
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    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)23:14 No.34199207
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    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)23:15 No.34199234
    Neither have I, but I have however woke several times in my life in the middle of the night hornier than hell. Emphatically horny. Like, rape my younger sister horny.

    To clarify, I wouldn't normally do that.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)23:15 No.34199238
    This is really fucking weird, but lately whenever I fap I get a headache. I don't know why. And I'm afraid to go to the doctor and be like, "doc, my brain hurts when I jerk off!"
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)23:16 No.34199247
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    >> Shiki Misaki !/oQ4N8ZIEA 07/12/09(Sun)23:16 No.34199253
    Between one and three times a day.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)23:17 No.34199288
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    >> /|\ Ashley /|\ !!HKSFZezGkvq 07/12/09(Sun)23:18 No.34199318
    I got bored of masturbation.

    Which fucking sucks because I recently broke up with someone I had hoped wasn't a retarded cunt.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)23:18 No.34199332
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    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)23:18 No.34199338
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    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)23:19 No.34199373
    Once every other day.

    Having a job keeps you from the fapping. Also keeps you out of the mood for it too.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)23:20 No.34199397
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    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)23:20 No.34199408
    less often than I used to, sad to say. I have this exGF who I live with, and it always seems kinda stupid to fap when I can fuck with no issue. that being said, I still wander off downstairs to " check the laundry" every now and then.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)23:20 No.34199414
    I just went a whole week, Sunday to Sunday, without masturbating once.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)23:21 No.34199437
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    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)23:21 No.34199443
    1-3 times a day

    though i have a fellow /v/ goer mate that does it 0-1 times a day
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)23:21 No.34199453
    it changes depending on a few things, like how tired i am. once a week minimum, about 10 times a week maximum.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)23:22 No.34199490
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    We're talkin about guys who jack off like five times a day!
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)23:23 No.34199517
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    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)23:24 No.34199536
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    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)23:24 No.34199543
    It's that time of the month so I can't masturbate. I COULD but it would get kind of messy.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)23:25 No.34199569
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    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)23:25 No.34199573
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    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)23:26 No.34199617
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    >> Chicken 07/12/09(Sun)23:29 No.34199698
    i went two weeks once because i was in another country in some one elses home

    after that i told myself to fap if i gotta because blueballs is the worst
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)23:30 No.34199726
    I have a /v/irgin friend who does it...

    I dunno how often, he never told me. Though I assume it's a fair amount.(I have a major crush on him...)

    Though he's been doing his army training crap over the summer, so probably less lately.
    >> Rice !!midgwtKVc+0 07/12/09(Sun)23:31 No.34199777
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)23:31 No.34199786
    Probably because he's getting his fuck on with his army pals.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)23:33 No.34199863
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    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)23:35 No.34199907
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    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)23:36 No.34199932
    Good luck finding that, kid.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)23:37 No.34199975
    I do it so much that my dick is covered in dead skin. I then peel it off and place the loose skin underneath my tongue. Tastes good man.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)23:38 No.34200006
    >>34199726 major crush on him...
    >> army training crap
    Love is blind.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)23:39 No.34200064
         File1247456372.png-(26 KB, 400x400, 4.png)
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    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)23:39 No.34200083
    >NOT furry

    Haha good one. Though most are just Pokemon/Sonic fans.

    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)23:39 No.34200087
    Once a day? But if I'm tired I won't, or if I'm at a friends or relatives I won't either. It's not imperative that I do it.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)23:40 No.34200094
    >> Auouywonz !hEpdoZ.tHU 07/12/09(Sun)23:40 No.34200108
    I masturbate every time I take a shower and everytime I'm alone in the house

    so 6 times a week
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)23:41 No.34200145
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    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)23:43 No.34200209
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    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)23:44 No.34200269
    Yeah, the Krystal spams are over though.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)23:45 No.34200279
         File1247456728.jpg-(299 KB, 589x518, 1246258491683.jpg)
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    3-4 ......hours
    good damn high stamina
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)23:46 No.34200305
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    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)23:47 No.34200326
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    Needs this.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)23:47 No.34200334
         File1247456836.png-(206 KB, 500x600, 4545.png)
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    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)23:47 No.34200359
    one to two
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)23:48 No.34200397
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    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)23:50 No.34200431
         File1247457000.png-(172 KB, 466x235, Munky.png)
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    About once every 2 days.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)23:51 No.34200476
         File1247457088.png-(117 KB, 951x1280, they're both male.png)
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    Here's something for you /v/irgins to fap to.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)23:52 No.34200508
         File1247457161.png-(230 KB, 450x600, OB000098.png)
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    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)23:53 No.34200549
    2-3x a week
    >> Imrinfected !!toD3+hC9ws/ 07/12/09(Sun)23:53 No.34200552
    Maybe once a day. I do it mainly so I don't get so pissed off at everything so much.

    I forget about it, though.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)23:55 No.34200598
         File1247457324.png-(151 KB, 500x600, esp01.png)
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    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)23:56 No.34200618
    4-5 times a week

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