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    File : 1246923482.png-(27 KB, 800x700, 1244871031088.png)
    27 KB Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)19:38 No.34024934  
    You get any drawfag of your choice do draw one image of whatever you want. Catch is, it has to be vidya-related. What do you ask for?
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)19:39 No.34024975
    Don't mind me, just a bored drawfag trying to get ideas through a paper-thin disguised thread.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)19:39 No.34024999
    Noel tickling Rachel.
    Both are naked.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)19:39 No.34025012

    wall of dicks
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)19:39 No.34025013
    draw yourself a sage
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)19:40 No.34025023
    a boomer skullfucking a headcrab
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)19:40 No.34025024
    more cap-tan
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)19:40 No.34025027
    Samus fighting giant manifestation of /v/'s rage.
    >> Quagsire !BALDCFdFzA 07/06/09(Mon)19:40 No.34025036
         File1246923623.jpg-(145 KB, 1152x864, GRIGORI.jpg)
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    Father Grigori tearing up Ravenholm in a monster truck
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)19:40 No.34025046
         File1246923636.gif-(19 KB, 405x300, =X.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)19:40 No.34025058
    Either girl can be switched for any BlazBlue female, and nudity can be switched for whatever skimpy clothing you want.
    >> 40%, Love Is Blind !sBPA/ggN3A 07/06/09(Mon)19:41 No.34025066
    Me andLilly Satou together with my Pokémon team.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)19:41 No.34025071
    bondage of leaf from pokemon
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)19:41 No.34025090
    Dante battling Kratos
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)19:41 No.34025092
    Theresa from Fable 1 getting skullfucked.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)19:41 No.34025100
    this this a thousand times this
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)19:43 No.34025147
    lily spiking hisaos tea with viagra
    she bringin it to him coz hes ill in bed
    and she fully plans to take advantage of him later
    bu right now, ses got a nice pretty fascade on
    my fantasy
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)19:43 No.34025152
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)19:43 No.34025169
    I'm assuming with their feet.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)19:44 No.34025212
         File1246923874.png-(51 KB, 786x746, 1243198657817.png)
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    it's been done before


    I'd go for this too
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)19:45 No.34025246
         File1246923929.png-(11 KB, 500x500, 1244870807450.png)
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    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)19:46 No.34025271
    vidya porn
    >> Matt Hazard !c.8/GdjQOA 07/06/09(Mon)19:46 No.34025277
    I like this one
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)19:46 No.34025286
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)19:47 No.34025326

    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)19:47 No.34025334

    My favorite is the kawaii one.

    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)19:48 No.34025350
    I'm more of an upper-body fan, myself. But whatever drawfags are willing to draw is OK with me.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)19:50 No.34025428
    How about Litchi and Taokaka tickling each other?

    Using their breasts.
    >> Viewtiful Bro !!LXVvKMWF6tF 07/06/09(Mon)19:50 No.34025432
    Alright, get this, drawfag.

    You take a bunch of vidya penguins (Dedede, Chill Penguin, Empoleon, a prinny or two) and you draw them looking all gentlemanly and shit. Tuxedos and canes and whatnot.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)19:51 No.34025485
    Also sounds good.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)19:52 No.34025515

    I stopped reading right there.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)19:53 No.34025525

    This is incredible and disturbing and INCREDIBLE
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)19:54 No.34025555

    too bad drawfags probably won't see this thread.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)19:55 No.34025634
    Don't shatter my dreams, man.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)19:56 No.34025642
    >implying drawfags come to /v/

    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)19:56 No.34025686
    Taokaka behind Makoto (or whatever that squirrel-girl's name was) with a fork and knife in her hands.
    >> Hol Horse !!DK41OJfA7pJ 07/06/09(Mon)19:56 No.34025688
    I'm fine with this
    >> Viewtiful Bro !!LXVvKMWF6tF 07/06/09(Mon)19:58 No.34025753

    Well, I'm sorry you're one of those faggots that probably hopped on the penguin bandwagon once March of the Penguins was shown in theatres.

    Or maybe its because of RuneScape, because RuneScape invented penguins, amirite?
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)20:00 No.34025830
    >I liked penguins before they were "cool", so there!
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)20:02 No.34025890
         File1246924935.png-(Spoiler Image, 208 KB, 500x600, 1245751067292.png)
    Spoiler Image, 208 KB
    I'm a drawfag and I come to /v/ but i'm too tired to draw
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)20:06 No.34026109
         File1246925217.png-(31 KB, 626x615, 1246385352923.png)
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    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)20:08 No.34026189
    Bridget kicking Jun in the balls.

    It's at least half vidya related.
    >> The End 07/06/09(Mon)20:09 No.34026204
    Solidus Snake on top of a cliff, with faint images of the Cobra Unit on one side and Foxhound on the other. Besides him are his two katanas forced into the ground with little streams of blood flowing down the blades. Behind him are thousands of littered dead RAYs with blood splattered everywhere. Also put Ocelot next to him, in a cool I DON'T GIVE A FUCK stance.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)20:10 No.34026281

    mm, Naomi from MGS and Taokaka raping Solid Snake.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)20:10 No.34026290
    Tao + Noel doing some hawt lesbian sex?
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)20:11 No.34026312
    Is Dorf Fortress vidya related?

    I'd ask for a dwarf hurling down a cliff covered in bats then.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)20:12 No.34026360
    That's a repost.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)20:13 No.34026389

    Sadly, this is true.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)20:14 No.34026427
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)20:15 No.34026460
    Working on this.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)20:15 No.34026464
    Didn't that drawfag do another pic?
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)20:16 No.34026527

    I think, but I didn't save it.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)20:21 No.34026732
         File1246926072.jpg-(117 KB, 531x720, 27254671254.jpg)
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    Bump for tickling.
    >> Isaac Clarke - President of /v/ !ZBOKf28dpM 07/06/09(Mon)20:22 No.34026776
         File1246926129.jpg-(102 KB, 486x500, IsaacClarkePlayingCards.jpg)
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    It's not going to be any time soon, but I am totally drawing that.

    Question: Why Cobra Unit and not Dead Cell?
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)20:22 No.34026788
    Same. Thread died the moment I tried to save it.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)20:23 No.34026846
    Heavy Weapons Guy as an animu girl with huge tits.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)20:25 No.34026922
    I'd have Graph draw some Etrian Odyssey girls :3
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)20:27 No.34027013
    Graph? Who the hell is that?
    >> The End 07/06/09(Mon)20:28 No.34027084
    I forgot about Dead Cell. Maybe they can be bowing down next to him or something. If you want to replace Cobra Unit go ahead.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)20:32 No.34027218
    A drawfag. He draws big tits, among other things.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)20:33 No.34027293
    >big tits

    Pix or he never existed.
    >> Anonynigra 07/06/09(Mon)20:34 No.34027355
    I personally like mm, he does some damn good work, I'd love to see him do some Taokaka.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)20:36 No.34027460
    I like M&M's as well, but I fail to see how that's related.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)20:37 No.34027498
         File1246927058.jpg-(185 KB, 500x500, 1.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)20:38 No.34027530
    rule 34 on Final Fantasy Mystic Quest
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)20:38 No.34027546
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)20:42 No.34027726
         File1246927366.jpg-(42 KB, 777x598, hwgal.jpg)
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    >> Anoon !9pI4h3/VLg 07/06/09(Mon)20:44 No.34027803
    Strangely enough I feel compelled to come back to this thread now.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)20:44 No.34027805
    *wince* Ew. Why can't we get any good drawfags anymore?
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)20:46 No.34027876
    It's good yet shitty at the same time. But the shitty part is just stemming from my personal tastes.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)20:46 No.34027890
    They got chased off by complainers like you.
    You seriously don't like that picture?
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)20:47 No.34027917
    Oh hi Graph. Draw us some stuff.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)20:49 No.34027977
         File1246927755.png-(9 KB, 218x227, moon3.png)
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    Just throwing this out there
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)20:49 No.34027979
    Look at how fucked up the breasts are (I doubt the artist even saw one in real life), crappily done animu faces, and scribbly , plain lineart.
    >> Anoon !9pI4h3/VLg 07/06/09(Mon)20:49 No.34028004
    I actually feel quite honoured you think that's me.

    But no, it isn't. I'm a shit artist.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)20:50 No.34028043
    Whatever you draw make sure you do a naked version too. A more naked version.
    >> Anonynigra 07/06/09(Mon)20:51 No.34028099

    Personally I'd have linked to his Peach work, or Rule 63'd Bowser, since I'm not a big fan of Toadette.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)20:51 No.34028101
         File1246927901.jpg-(141 KB, 762x400, 1246813310913.jpg)
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    I believe you're doin' it wrong.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)20:51 No.34028105
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)20:53 No.34028178

    i'm honoured you think I was, in any way, doing it right
    >> Dynablade !l8j8gV/kcE 07/06/09(Mon)20:53 No.34028190
         File1246928014.jpg-(136 KB, 692x900, Morrigan is exasperated.jpg)
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    Probably just another Morrigan picture.

    I had a request for a motorboating picture with her and Lulu, but the person never did it..
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)20:54 No.34028237
         File1246928073.jpg-(27 KB, 400x396, 1245294642720.jpg)
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    >I'm a shit artist.
    >implying Graph isn't
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)20:54 No.34028245
    No, drawfags became banned on sight because furfags and shitty ass deviant art weeaboos who could barely wield a pencil were coming out of the woodwork and drawing pokemon porn and starting attention whoring tripfag/drawfag threads.

    There were like 2-5 drawfags threads on the frontpage for awhile. Then a mass banning happened. It was very much welcomed.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)20:55 No.34028268
    A 500 foot tall Zero Suit Samus taking a huge dump in a stadium labeled /v/
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)20:56 No.34028314
    i would like a picture of the heavy weapons guy coaching his sons foot ball game. the son is a cross between the heavy and the medic
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)21:01 No.34028542
    Saved any of the non-furry pics? I heard of this, and was curious of /v/'s definition of shit art.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)21:02 No.34028578
         File1246928531.png-(11 KB, 500x500, scout.png)Thumbnail unavailable
    Have scout wearing a dog head instead
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)21:04 No.34028684
    aww fuck, damned image collisions
    >> Isaac Clarke - President of /v/ !ZBOKf28dpM 07/06/09(Mon)21:06 No.34028751

    Oh boy, I bet it's awesome in the other thread!
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)21:07 No.34028789
         File1246928836.png-(262 KB, 500x700, 1205623311199.png)
    262 KB

    solid snake holding a boquet of flowers while in combat with a giraffe and devouring yoshi
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)21:07 No.34028808
    Goddamn, I laughed my ass off.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)21:08 No.34028859

    ........... and this is shit, how?
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)21:09 No.34028886
    Pikachu or Pikaman on a unicycle.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)21:10 No.34028923
         File1246929007.jpg-(575 KB, 1359x986, IMG6.jpg)
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    I do not normally care about drawfags because I am not a faggot.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)21:13 No.34029066
    >But I cared enough to drop by and shout out my opinion due to my huge ego.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)21:14 No.34029130
         File1246929298.jpg-(36 KB, 524x483, hmm.jpg)
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    there was a lot of pokemon faggotry to go along with pictures like these, he is probably incapable of differentiating between two different pictures so you should feel pity

    but yeah, the whole situation was blown out of proportion and it's best not to listen to anyone's opinion on the subject, they're likely wrong
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)21:19 No.34029347
    Needs archive.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)21:27 No.34029701
         File1246930065.png-(130 KB, 500x333, 020.png)
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    It's kind of terrible. Sorry. I sort of rushed so I could get it done before the thread died.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)21:29 No.34029793
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)21:29 No.34029797
    Sure is a lot of brown n' blooman in there.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)21:30 No.34029817
         File1246930231.jpg-(56 KB, 584x576, 1190773319793.jpg)
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    >it's kind of awesome
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)21:32 No.34029900
    Chrono Trigger's Lucca dressed as a vault dweller.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)21:32 No.34029915
    Yeah. I ran out of ideas pretty fast.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)21:34 No.34029987
         File1246930471.jpg-(21 KB, 300x480, DarthRevan.jpg)
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    Rembrandt's rendition of Darth Revan. It would be...glorious.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)21:34 No.34029988
    Rocket from Rocket: Robot on Wheels
    by Scott under.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)21:35 No.34030023
    >ran out of ideas

    That sums up /v/ pretty well.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)21:38 No.34030138
    fuck you
    >> Weston 3523 4060 0847 07/06/09(Mon)21:42 No.34030318
    Isaac as a necro-morph.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)21:43 No.34030356
    >> Weston 3523 4060 0847 07/06/09(Mon)21:45 No.34030415
    or Duke Nukem holding a M60, riding a T-Rex.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)21:49 No.34030531
         File1246931340.png-(68 KB, 378x733, 0021.png)
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    This'll probably be the last one I do today. Unless somebody posts an idea that I like and doesn't take up too much time.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)21:52 No.34030644
    Everyone should draw Taokaka porn, in honor of Blazblue's release
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)21:56 No.34030811
    You misspelled Rachel.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)21:57 No.34030842

    porn is always possible in drawfag thread but it's usually of poor quality given that it usually takes 40min -1:30hours to do your average oekaki, let alone anything better

    there are better things to request
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)21:57 No.34030861
    Erm, if it isn't too much trouble, could you draw Lucca dressed as a vault dweller?
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)21:58 No.34030901
    Already been done.
    >> Weston 3523 4060 0847 07/06/09(Mon)21:59 No.34030939
    Please do one of these. It would be awesome.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)22:00 No.34030996
    No one has done >>34025036 yet?

    I am disappoint.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)22:04 No.34031143
    If you give me an example of what you mean by vault dweller, and the outfit isn't horribly complicated.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)22:10 No.34031371
    My rendering of either Duke or a necromorph would be absolutely terrible.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)22:17 No.34031679

    Right away!
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)22:22 No.34031907
    Alright, if the thread dies before I'm done I'll post it in the index.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)22:26 No.34032073
         File1246933615.jpg-(91 KB, 588x1347, the_Girl_Dweller_5.jpg)
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    I'm keepin' this motherfucker alive, don'tcha worry.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)22:43 No.34032770
         File1246934610.jpg-(36 KB, 400x337, 1246910229027.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)22:46 No.34032871
         File1246934760.png-(21 KB, 400x400, 1230230907570.png)
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    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)22:49 No.34032993
    Shepard fucking Liara in front of the council with Wrex and Garrus shooting their guns into the air.

    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)22:52 No.34033102

    Give them sombreroes and that'll be the world's most awesome rule 34.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)22:54 No.34033205
    A kick ass pidgeot
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)23:09 No.34033932
         File1246936188.png-(59 KB, 248x538, 022.png)
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    Sorry it took so long. Hope it's ok.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)23:10 No.34033960
         File1246936218.jpg-(222 KB, 900x670, 7a574fc2551f4776e098b6adcbdb81(...).jpg)
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    >> Missingno. !!kBwCI1Id0zY 07/06/09(Mon)23:12 No.34034045
         File1246936360.jpg-(253 KB, 600x422, Missingbird3.jpg)
    253 KB
    More fanart of Porygon Z.

    And it better be fucking good.

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