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    File : 1246879575.jpg-(350 KB, 978x720, postal 3.jpg)
    350 KB Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)07:26 No.33995941  
    4chan:The Game.
    >> I've got something in my front pocket for you 07/06/09(Mon)07:30 No.33996026
    Nothing has changed, they are still vaginas for making this in third person. It's like I'm really playing Saints Row 2.

    Who the hell decided that it would be better in third person?
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)07:34 No.33996106
    The only reason to make it 3rd person is so that you could change the character to be a leather clad dominatrix whilst you tazer everybody... just me then.
    >> I've got something in my front pocket for you 07/06/09(Mon)07:36 No.33996144

    Killing some gimp with a shovel is meaningless without first person.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)07:37 No.33996166
    Decapticate head with shovel, piss on it, burn it, then play soccer with it. Yeah seems like normal day at /b/
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)07:38 No.33996177
    You do loose a lot of a visceral thrill of pouring gasoline over somebody, leaving a trail then lighting it without First Person.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)07:39 No.33996193
    Meant to be lose... dammit.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)07:39 No.33996202
    They should add in optional 1st person then?
    >> Bucko !j6N8vaCNiY 07/06/09(Mon)07:39 No.33996212
    Stop acting like Postal has always been 1st person. 1st game was isometric. They haven't really "changed" anything, they just haven't stuck with anything.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)07:41 No.33996226
    Postal is too good for /v/.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)07:41 No.33996229
    Wait there's going to be a Postal 3?
    I missed the second one.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)07:42 No.33996277
    Yeah but Postal 1 was just terrible.

    It was like the Manhunt 2 of its day: Hated by parents because LOL THINK OF THE CHILDREN, and hated by gamers because it was a very horrid 2-stick shooter... without the 2 sticks :|

    Postal 2, while adding little the shooter format was about adding as much cool stuff as you can. As a result they made the FPS most fun to play since Duke Nukem 3D.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)07:43 No.33996282
    Postal guy is holding a giant raccoon.

    Cannot unsee
    >> Ted !EdkZ8D5w6U 07/06/09(Mon)07:43 No.33996297
    They made 3 games from that Uwe Boll movie? Wow
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)07:44 No.33996305
    wow, only four character models in OP's pic
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)07:44 No.33996311
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)07:45 No.33996327
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)07:46 No.33996349
    inb4 all niggers look the same.
    >> OILMAN !!82z1MhR5RQF 07/06/09(Mon)07:46 No.33996350
    Loving the artstyle, hating the bloom
    >> Bucko !j6N8vaCNiY 07/06/09(Mon)07:46 No.33996351
    Some people claim the first is better than the 2nd. I have yet to find out. If it ever arrives. ;_;

    Also Uwe Boll is gonna be in Postal III, most likely killable. :]
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)07:46 No.33996361
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)07:47 No.33996375
    i think its a badger, one that has been through a cartoonish clothes dryer.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)07:48 No.33996396
    That is one furry badger, I wasn't aware the Source Engine could render fur that well.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)07:48 No.33996397

    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)07:48 No.33996399

    its a badger
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)07:50 No.33996457
    Postal 2 was awesome.
    This one better have the same voice actor, he was awesome.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)07:50 No.33996460
    Well comparing the two is unfair anyway as they're both Postal games in name only.

    As retarded as the dick and tits jokes were in the 2nd, there was a lot of satire there.

    Postal 2 was more of a psychological test than a game. Every NPC, every Mission was just testing you to see how long you'd go before loosing it and killin g everybody.

    If you actually waited in Line at the bank to cash a check, I think you might have been the 2nd coming of Christ.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)07:50 No.33996462

    Badger Badger Badger Badger

    >> Bucko !j6N8vaCNiY 07/06/09(Mon)07:51 No.33996483
         File1246881076.jpg-(53 KB, 460x551, james_hetfield_metallica_460_9.jpg)
    53 KB
    Is it just me or does Postal Dude look like James Hetfield?
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)07:51 No.33996488
    >Postal 3
    >Runs on Source Engine
    >No Dismemberment
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)07:51 No.33996493

    but... but character design is hard.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)07:52 No.33996504
    Postal 3 features Uwe Boll as an NPC. That's the only reason you need to buy this game.
    >> Bucko !j6N8vaCNiY 07/06/09(Mon)07:52 No.33996509
    Probably will, wasn't he the same in the first one aswell?
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)07:52 No.33996519
    >> Bucko !j6N8vaCNiY 07/06/09(Mon)07:53 No.33996531
    No dismemberment? Have you watched ANY footage?
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)07:53 No.33996534
    I can't wait.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)07:53 No.33996535
    I don't get what there is to unsee.
    He IS holding a raccoon.
    >> SuperKonker !!MRSUFGm5yXe 07/06/09(Mon)07:54 No.33996554

    >> SuperKonker !!MRSUFGm5yXe 07/06/09(Mon)07:54 No.33996568

    Actually, its a badger. The weapon is called The BadgerSaw
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)07:55 No.33996590
    This game is being released on the 360, so I highly doubt you can still piss on people as well as some of the other crazy shit you could do in 2. It's a pity, good times man.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)07:56 No.33996599

    Holy fuck a segway!

    I'm sold.
    >> Bucko !j6N8vaCNiY 07/06/09(Mon)07:57 No.33996648
    Pissing has been confirmed in screenshots.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)07:58 No.33996661

    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)07:58 No.33996688
    I'd love to see it come to consoles, but I fear you're right.

    Postal 2 wasn't a technically impressive game, it was just the sheer amount of stuff you could do in it that made me play.

    I know a more mainstream game just won't be as taboo.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)07:59 No.33996694

    Looks more like the U3 engine. It's almost like I'm watching a Gears of War trailer.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)07:59 No.33996702
    Seriously? Fuck yes then! I didnt think they would include it since the 360 is a family console what with the uproar after the virtual rape scene in mass effect.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)08:00 No.33996753
    P3 is using the source engine, which is just as bad a choice as UE3.

    It's meant to be an open-world game, but as with the 2nd, it was marred by Loading screens as you went from block to block.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)08:02 No.33996794
    There was pissing in Overlord. It's the context that gets it banned, not the content.

    If Postal dude can't piss on anybody, or does it just at set points they'll allow it.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)08:02 No.33996805
    oh god yes
    >> Bucko !j6N8vaCNiY 07/06/09(Mon)08:03 No.33996825
         File1246881799.jpg-(202 KB, 1024x768, postal-04.jpg)
    202 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)08:04 No.33996862
    All Source games are third and firstperson. Change with a console command

    Thirdperson: Thirdperson
    Firstperson: Firstperson
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)08:05 No.33996880
    Can you aim?!?!?!

    I want to aim my pee! It's no fun unless you can walk up to a cop and piss in their face until they throw up!

    Also... WTF do the graphics look worse than Postal 2?
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)08:07 No.33996956
    .jpg compression.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)08:08 No.33996962
    >If Postal dude can't piss on anybody, or does it just at set points they'll allow it.

    That would ruin the whole idea of pissing, if that were the case then they should just leave it out. Thankfully it looks like you can piss on anyone at any time.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)08:10 No.33997015
    That doesn't account for the low resolution textures and aliasing.

    Image is clear of compression artefacts :|
    >> Bucko !j6N8vaCNiY 07/06/09(Mon)08:10 No.33997022
    Not a clue, don't see why not.

    And the AA was turned off in that picture.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)08:10 No.33997023
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)08:10 No.33997024
    Running With Scissors is good company who enjoys video games. They wont get rid of anything that was obviously fun. If at all, the console versions will be censored.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)08:11 No.33997057
    >Teenage boys on /b/: The Game
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)08:15 No.33997216
    q4 2009 was the best i could find
    It WAS meant to be released this summer, but that's video games for you.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)08:16 No.33997243
    >implying /b/ isn't a bunch of teenagers.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)08:18 No.33997319
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)08:22 No.33997565
    Would have been a lot better in first person.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)08:24 No.33997649
         File1246883083.jpg-(139 KB, 800x600, Postal2_01.jpg)
    139 KB

    AA or not it still looks like shit graphics. I agree with the person who said the graphics looked worse than postal 2, they almost do that/look identical. If you focus on the main character then yes its better but I mean the surroundings, they look like copy-pasted stuff from postal 2 pimped up a nitch by some fan-mod.

    I remember thinking postal 2 had pretty good graphics back in 2003 but an improvement of like...25% more advanced graphics 6 year later? I mean come on.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)08:25 No.33997677
         File1246883112.jpg-(237 KB, 640x480, postal-2-apocalypse-weekend-ex(...).jpg)
    237 KB
    The P2 expansion was just fucking awesome. I have faith in my hear P3 will not suck.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)08:27 No.33997793
    >The Game
    >> Bucko !j6N8vaCNiY 07/06/09(Mon)08:27 No.33997805
    One of the devs said they wanted 1st person, but now they say they understand the 3rd person and it really works for the game.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)08:28 No.33997859
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)08:29 No.33997886

    You are part of the cancer that is killing gaming. Who the fuck cares for graphics? In a few years, graphics will be life like, and will need no improvements. ONLY THEN will we receive true games.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)08:29 No.33997907
    I love how this game portraits everyone around the postal dude who isnt white look like worst kind of people there is. I mean look at this picture and everyone in it. You only got: Big Nigger, Backstabbing Beaner and Hot Sexy White Prostitutelady in the picture

    And its got like 10 people in it.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)08:30 No.33997981
    >shit graphics
    If you are playing postal to look at pretty graphics, then it's not the game for you. If you are playing it to taser someone, burn them alive then piss on them to put them out followed by watching them crawl in agony before you light them up again, then it's the game for you.

    Apocalypse weekend was terrible compared to the main game.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)08:31 No.33998019
    wait why did they switch from unreal engine to source engine?
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)08:32 No.33998047
    what's with the raccoon?
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)08:33 No.33998102
    Why not?
    Source engine is pretty good, also, POSTAL 3 CONTENT IN GMOD, FUCK YEAH
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)08:33 No.33998114
    >Apocalypse weekend was terrible compared to the main game.
    Are you fucking retarded? Boomeranging machete, fucking scythe, hordes of nigger midgets, hallucinations, fapping and hammering cows with a fucking hammer. If that's not awesome i don't even know anything.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)08:33 No.33998128
    but they had already made postal 2 in unreal, why not keep using unreal?

    unless they were too cheap for unreal 3
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)08:34 No.33998145
    3rd person only
    Looks like a bad case of consolitis
    Oh well at least Postal 2 with the right mods was a masterpiece
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)08:34 No.33998174
    Stop spamming your shitty board on the best site:

    > sog dglknh gnslfjfhn mfs mf jghycgdfgbg
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)08:34 No.33998183
    Actually, I never even thought about the amount of mods and shit this game will get due to it being on the source engine. FUCK YER
    >> Bucko !j6N8vaCNiY 07/06/09(Mon)08:35 No.33998231
    It's a badger.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)08:35 No.33998233
    Like they're keeping anything about the game in any way...
    Also, unreal 3 makes games look like brown shit
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)08:36 No.33998280
    >unless they were too cheap for unreal 3
    The unreal 3 engine is horrible, everything looks like plastic covered in jelly.

    It had some nice weapons, but the level designs were terrible, also little to no free roam. You can get a mod that adds the AW stuff to the normal postal 2 game.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)08:37 No.33998296
    no, uncreative game devs make games look like brown shit

    mass effect isn't very brown, for example
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)08:37 No.33998329
    Is there any other kind of shit?
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)08:38 No.33998359
    So i say the graphics suck, I never said that was the only reason I think its gonna suck you idiot.

    I saw a trailer like a year back where the guy was bragging about the graphics, even back then they where "meh".

    Also youre supposed to get a vacuum cleaner to suck up sperm in a brothel with and you can shoot it on people etc. The guy talking was so proud about that.

    I dont see what the "new" stuff is all about. How is repacking shit giving us a new game?

    3rd person, new weapons. What else is new? I dont count having a machine shooting sperm on people as something new and exciting for a followup since you could piss in the 2nd one which for that time was pretty new.

    "look, hes saying omg i got splooge on me instead of piss and throws up this game is so funny and new XD".

    It still looks like a poor followup. Maybe its me getting old or something. or i guess the newer generations havent played any real shit/piss/vomit-on-stuff-all-you-want yet and therefore this seems exciting.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)08:39 No.33998406
    It was shit and you should feel sorry for thinking it was good.

    I have played fan-mods made by 14 year olds better than that.
    >> Cammy fan !!gh3hyLhv/6n 07/06/09(Mon)08:39 No.33998407
    and you can throw the sledgehammer up a cows ass

    I'm not kidding, it gets stuck right up the cows anus

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