!!p0vsciyTrzR 07/05/09(Sun)14:34 No. 33957252 I GOT IT you see it through first person of someone. You
wake up and there is fire everyone, you try to run out the room and you
run down the corrider, you turn to your mother and she says "run baby,
and remember i love you" and you take the handbag from her burning
hands and you run outside to see your house burning down. The
next thing you see is the pyros mask, the camera zooms out and the pyro
is sitting down next to his flamethrower holding the handbag, he puts
down the handbag, picks up the flamethrower and runs outside. Flashback
again, you see yourself (pyro) playing with a lighter and setting
peices of paper of fire, you accidently leave one still on fire and you
go to bed. do you rike it?