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    File : 1246816551.jpg-(76 KB, 478x257, HEAVY.jpg)
    76 KB JustAnotherRandom !!p0vsciyTrzR 07/05/09(Sun)13:55 No.33955592  
    So /v/, what you do want to see in the last few Meet the ____ videos?
    For pyro i would love to see this.
    Camera zooms out from the flamethrower to show a young beautiful blonde woman holding said flamethrower. The camera zooms out some more and she is standing next to a door. Some guy walks out of the door, looks at her and says "...Thanks for holding my flamethrower"
    That is all.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)13:57 No.33955645
    pretty much the same except for the guy ruining the scene
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:01 No.33955807
    I want to know what the fuck the medigun ACTUALLY does.
    My bet is that it just makes them really aggressive. Medic is behind the whole war.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:01 No.33955813
    pyro isn't female ;_;
    >> JustAnotherRandom !!p0vsciyTrzR 07/05/09(Sun)14:02 No.33955841
    What are you talking about? The medic is just a peacefull germa... My god.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:02 No.33955859

    The Medigun is powered by blood.

    The Kritzkrieg is powered by Jarate.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:03 No.33955883
    Pyro turns out to be a robot. Or he takes off his mask and there's NOTHING INSIDE ooOOoOoOooOOoOooo
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:04 No.33955921
    If they do reveal who the pyro is I hope he's a very buff very gay fireman. If they just HAVE to make it female to apease all the steam forums idiots then she needs to basically be rosie the riveter.

    Really though the whole point of pyro's personality is that he doesn't have one and unmasking him would ruin that. Its just like how spy isnt french because he displays mannerisms from a bunch of different european countries. He's been disguising as others so long that he doesnt really have a single identity anymore.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:04 No.33955927

    If they do the whole "Pyro is a woman" thing it would be too obvious and dumb.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:05 No.33955963

    The medigun feels like having a full-body orgasm
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:05 No.33955978
    Pyro takes his mask off and there's another mask under it.
    >> JustAnotherRandom !!p0vsciyTrzR 07/05/09(Sun)14:07 No.33956027
         File1246817229.jpg-(28 KB, 252x378, Herman.jpg)
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    The pyro is there burning a load of people, after that the pyro slowly takes off the mask...
    You see long silky hair and...
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:07 No.33956041
    Pyro takes his mask off, showing his face to the other characters, they stare at him in shock, then the video ends.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:08 No.33956068
    Pyro video would be the Pyro talking alot but us not understanding a word. At the end he sits down on the chair in the intel room and turns so you can't see his face as he takes off his mask and says goodbye in a *INSERT FUNNY AND UNFITTING VOICE HERE* voice
    >> Protoman !!0Sud22evSac 07/05/09(Sun)14:08 No.33956084
    >If they do reveal who the pyro is I hope he's a very buff very gay fireman.
    Isn't there already enough gay fanart for this game?
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:08 No.33956087
    I think Meet the Pyro should just be the team speculating what his deal is.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:08 No.33956095
    Oh holy fucking shit that would be the best shit ever.
    Seriously, I'd suck your and valves cybercock, just for that.
    >> TheHappyCamper !!5CGvo6YTfhO 07/05/09(Sun)14:09 No.33956130
         File1246817383.jpg-(243 KB, 596x900, pyro is a chica.jpg)
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    Picture very much related to the subject at hand.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:09 No.33956132
    Pyro will just mumble during the whole video, we will see him remembering his childhood (with kid sized asbestos suit and gas mask) and key moments of his life until the whole shit with red and blu started, in the end he´ll start to cry. Nothing will be revealed about him.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:10 No.33956149
    Meet the Pyro will completely be in First Person View of Pyro.

    End of story.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:10 No.33956179
    This would be awesome.

    I like OP's idea also, except it should be his regular muffled speech with subtitles.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:11 No.33956200

    Medics is Hitlers illegimate Son with Scouts Mom
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:11 No.33956220
    Meet the Pyro should be a 30 minute long special.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:11 No.33956221
    Pyro takes off the mask and reveals that he has a giant boob for a face.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:11 No.33956244
    Goddamn dykes.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:12 No.33956247
         File1246817527.jpg-(99 KB, 640x360, tf2soldier.jpg)
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    "It is truly a marvel of modern medical design. Though there were some unforeseen.... side effects with earlier models"
    - cut to soldier banging his head with shovel at sound of alarm
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:13 No.33956279
    i agree, that is the best art for a girl i ever did see
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:13 No.33956284
    I like.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:13 No.33956300
    You've never met a woman with short hai- met a woman, have you?
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:13 No.33956305
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:14 No.33956321
    This problem has come up before, and there really is no way to create a definitive reveal and make the fans happy. This is what happens when you wrap a character in so much mystery and he's surrounded with so much fan speculation. "Awww, it's just some guy?", "WTF! It WAS a girl!?"
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:15 No.33956356
    The true secret of the Medigun? It heals all wounds: but gives the patient massive, massive amounts of cancer. Luckily, the average lifespan in TF2 is so short, nobody notices.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:15 No.33956367
    Pyro has a hideously disfigured face from fucking with fire.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:15 No.33956378
    Valve has come a long way in "Meet the___" video quality. Let's hope the next ones will be even more epic than MT Spah.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:15 No.33956381

    These would all be awesome.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:16 No.33956410
    Pyro talks the same when he takes the mask off, it is just he is a crazy guy, explaining the handbag in the 2fort base n stuff.

    I hope they do something cool with the Medic cause atm he is the least interesting character in my opinion.
    >> JustAnotherRandom !!p0vsciyTrzR 07/05/09(Sun)14:16 No.33956416
    Or the pyro doesn't have a voice.
    Pyro uses one of those robot things you put against your throat
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:16 No.33956417
    Pyro takes off his mask, but still talks in a muffled voice.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:16 No.33956430
    So true. The longest I've ever held out was with my Engie, and that was only for 13 minutes.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:16 No.33956446
         File1246817815.jpg-(15 KB, 300x333, Katawa_Shoujo___Hanako_x_Lilly(...).jpg)
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    Hanako was pyro all along
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:17 No.33956457

    Fucking brilliant. I'd love to see that.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:17 No.33956480
    Sounds like someone hasn't discovered the Snoipah class yet.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:17 No.33956498

    I lol'd.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:18 No.33956503

    Ever notice how, when ubercharged, the character's eyes glow yellow? Not the Pyro, though. You should see eyes glowing beneath the mask lenses, but instead, the lenses themselves light up.

    The Pyro isn't in the suit. The Pyro IS the suit.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:18 No.33956504
         File1246817887.jpg-(156 KB, 566x800, purge.jpg)
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    The Pyro takes off his mask, revealing him to be this guy
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:18 No.33956511

    Y'see he was just at the dentist having a cavity filled and his jaw's a bit numb.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:18 No.33956514
    The camera has a floor-view angle, out of focus, then "whatever you like" ( starts playing slowly.

    Pyro is straight up gangsta rippin hoes throughout the entire video, and when the song goes "whateva you like" he axtinguishes them.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:18 No.33956527

    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:19 No.33956586
         File1246817999.jpg-(91 KB, 1228x262, pyrohappy.jpg)
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    Is he thinking people thoughts?
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:21 No.33956637
         File1246818081.gif-(332 KB, 300x225, 1239628868044.gif)
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    Meanwhile, at Valve.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:21 No.33956656
    Least interesting? Read his bio.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:22 No.33956690

    You know what I want for a pyro vid? I want all the other members sitting in a room debating on what pyro is and what is his/her purpose there with all these flash backs and stuff.

    Pyro walks into the room not knowing what is going on, then Scout being the giant asshole he is starts to flip on Pyro. A big arguement goes on and then Pyro gets so pissed off he/she rips off their mask to cuss Scout out.

    Except Pyro is female and JAPANESE (because of all those taunt hints) and speaks only JAPANESE and we still don't know what the fuck she is saying. She knees him in the balls. End Video.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:22 No.33956703
    This is....brilliant.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:22 No.33956709
    Sadly, the last sentence kinda ruined it.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:23 No.33956711
         File1246818182.jpg-(36 KB, 146x149, 1238156363558.jpg)
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    >The Kritzkrieg is powered by Jarate.
    >> JustAnotherRandom !!p0vsciyTrzR 07/05/09(Sun)14:24 No.33956740
         File1246818242.jpg-(30 KB, 500x427, 1246255063694.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:24 No.33956747
         File1246818255.jpg-(146 KB, 750x576, 11697tf2snipers.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:24 No.33956762
    Honestly, shit sucks.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:24 No.33956764
         File1246818279.jpg-(9 KB, 218x251, 1238630796838.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:24 No.33956778
    Every class gathers around pyro as he takes off his mask and.....
    Fat ass heavy gets in the way.
    >> Cliff Racer is Spy! !p3NLeeiwb. 07/05/09(Sun)14:25 No.33956783
         File1246818302.gif-(383 KB, 134x170, jizz in my pants.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:25 No.33956790
    Go back to /a/
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:25 No.33956808
    No matter where you talk about it, everyone assumes Pyro is a woman now. If Valve actually did it it wouldn't be surprising or a twist at all.

    There has to be a twist. It will be something few people will see coming.

    If it turns out it really is just a woman I will be severely disappointed.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:25 No.33956809
         File1246818345.png-(78 KB, 326x219, pyrorschach.png)
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    "Where are you going, maggot?"

    Back to cart. Cart must be pushed. Red must be burned.

    "Pyro, you know I can't let you do that."

    Hudda. Of course. Must protect announcers new utopia. One more body amongst the foundations makes little difference. Well, what are you waiting for? Do it.


    DO IT

    *crit rocket*
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:25 No.33956816
    pyro won't be unmasked, it'd ruin the whole appeal.

    if they do unmask pyro though, i want it to some really fucking camp bruno type, to piss off all you cunts who spend your time beating it off to tf2 fan fiction (or any video game related shit like that)
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:26 No.33956849
    >all those taunt hints

    You mean only one?
    >> Bernie !3GqYIJ3Obs 07/05/09(Sun)14:26 No.33956857
    lol, yeah i kind of thinking of the same, but not the girl japanese stuff, i hate weeabo shit
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:26 No.33956871
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    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:27 No.33956880
    Inb4 Pyro is Scouts mother.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:27 No.33956893
         File1246818435.jpg-(3 KB, 143x114, Gob.jpg)
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    Pyro should look like this guy only with less hair and lips.
    >> JustAnotherRandom !!p0vsciyTrzR 07/05/09(Sun)14:27 No.33956920
         File1246818479.jpg-(734 KB, 1440x900, kritzkrieg.jpg)
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    it's true bro, look at it.
    pic related
    i don't rike it.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:28 No.33956928
    >it'd ruin the whole appeal

    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:28 No.33956942
    Oh sure, women wear beanies.
    >> Cliff Racer is Spy! !p3NLeeiwb. 07/05/09(Sun)14:28 No.33956952
    Then again, pyro could be a Tranny
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:29 No.33956966
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:29 No.33956971
         File1246818558.jpg-(73 KB, 800x600, pyroextinguisher.jpg)
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    Hudda hudda hurrrrrrrrrrr
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:29 No.33956974
         File1246818560.jpg-(146 KB, 1024x768, brilliant.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:29 No.33956981
    grats on posting a thumbnail
    >> Hol Horse !!DK41OJfA7pJ 07/05/09(Sun)14:29 No.33956993
    The pyros identity will not be revealed, simply for the fact that he dosen't have one.

    The pyros identity IS his lack of identity. If they were to unmask him/her/it, the entire appeal of the pyro would be ruined.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:29 No.33957014

    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:30 No.33957034
    What I'd like for Pyro, is for the entire episode the rest of the team are trying to get Pyro's mask off. At the end Scout is alone with Pyro, and he sneaks up to attempt to get the mask off, and then it doesn't come off.

    It's not a mask

    It's a head.

    Pyro isn't human
    >> Hol Horse !!DK41OJfA7pJ 07/05/09(Sun)14:30 No.33957042
    Someone already made the point, my bad.

    What the guy before me said.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:30 No.33957043
    You know, I'm not sure if they're going to be able to do a Meet the Medic vid. I mean, the guy who does the Medic's voice also does the voice of Travis Touchdown from No More Heroes, and they're working on a sequel for that right now. Even in the Meet the Spy video, they just used one of his pre-recorded sayings for his part.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:30 No.33957054
    The video won't reveal a goddamn thing, and will most likely leave us with more rage-inducing questions.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:31 No.33957076
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:31 No.33957080
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:31 No.33957100

    It's not like the Medics voice couldnt be imitated. It's just an exaggerated German accent. And voice actors aren't exactly movie stars...
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:32 No.33957129
    Pyro will take off his/her mask, and it will be off-screen or obscured somehow. It will be the final and greatest of the TF2 videos.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:32 No.33957133
    Yeah! His whole 20 lines of dialogue.
    Oh wait, he only said "ney"?
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:33 No.33957151

    Still, I think it probably accounts for why Meet the Medic is one of the last ones.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:33 No.33957185
    Kinda like earthworm jim?
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:33 No.33957194
         File1246818825.jpg-(279 KB, 547x1024, 1245250884365.jpg)
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    Seriously.. to all the people wanting Pyro to be a chick..
    He's voiced by a dude, for one. Not only that, if Pyro WAS a chick, then Pyro would be all sweaty and dumpy. Have you SEEn the Pyro's body type?
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:33 No.33957199
         File1246818830.jpg-(37 KB, 400x400, unfor1.jpg)
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    Nigga, shut the fuck up. All my niggas in my fortress ARE stars.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:33 No.33957203
    He says Nein, which is the german word for No
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:34 No.33957212
    I think the original VA will do it. TF2 is too huge for him to turn it away.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:34 No.33957236

    He's also voice by the Spy's VA. It's not hard to make muffled grunts.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:34 No.33957238
    It doesn't take that long to record a couple of lines. For a short 3 minute meet the medic vid it would probably take an afternoon or 2.
    >> JustAnotherRandom !!p0vsciyTrzR 07/05/09(Sun)14:34 No.33957252
    I GOT IT

    you see it through first person of someone.
    You wake up and there is fire everyone, you try to run out the room and you run down the corrider, you turn to your mother and she says "run baby, and remember i love you" and you take the handbag from her burning hands and you run outside to see your house burning down.

    The next thing you see is the pyros mask, the camera zooms out and the pyro is sitting down next to his flamethrower holding the handbag, he puts down the handbag, picks up the flamethrower and runs outside.

    Flashback again, you see yourself (pyro) playing with a lighter and setting peices of paper of fire, you accidently leave one still on fire and you go to bed.

    do you rike it?
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:35 No.33957256
    If the mask does come off, it'll just be obscured or not in shot or whatever, and it'll just show all the other characters shocked faces.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:35 No.33957274
    That's hardly a "Nein".
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:35 No.33957275

    Oh wow internet tough guys, go fuck each other.

    At least one idea that would work for he/she IF we do get the mask off is at they need to speak a completely different language. The look thing isnt Pyro's charm, its that we don't understand what the fuck he/she says.
    >> Missingno. !!kBwCI1Id0zY 07/05/09(Sun)14:35 No.33957280
    Meet the Pyro will just be the Pyro going on a long and unintelligible monologue as the camera shows some awesome Pyro antics (one of which should be it Flare Gunning a Heavy from far away and then dodging bullets to run up and hit him with the Axtinguisher). In the end, it will begin to take off its mask, but the whole Team zoom-out will ruin it. We then return to the Pyro, putting its mask back on and muttering something.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:35 No.33957283
         File1246818936.jpg-(93 KB, 500x332, 2864612381_d7682390b7.jpg)
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    fuck yes

    Not really alien though, more like that Dr. Who episode when the nanomachines start sewing gas maks in peoples faces.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:36 No.33957314

    They could have it so that the Pyro walks into the respawn room, where the rest of the team is relaxing and talking, when suddenly the Pyro walks in and takes of his mask. Then, for the rest of the video, they use camera angles so that you can never actually see his face, but every team-mate he walks past looks shocked or horrified, until he finally puts it back on and non-chalantly leaves the room.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:36 No.33957319
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:36 No.33957324

    Fucking this...Pyro as Rorschach would be perfect.
    >> CAPT PATAPONS !SjrH5jgt1c 07/05/09(Sun)14:36 No.33957326
    this thread is good, and everyone in it should feel good.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:36 No.33957328
    >there is fire everyone
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:36 No.33957337

    Meh... Why establish it as a guy either ? Leave the morons in the dark ! Pyro comes out and mumbles "mphanks mphor hmmolding it for mph".
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:37 No.33957363
    So stating your opinion makes you an internet tough guy?

    Oh wow, how I love summer.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:37 No.33957384
    Ney? He's German, not a fucking horse.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:37 No.33957388
         File1246819071.jpg-(54 KB, 400x400, niggawtf4.jpg)
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    Love it.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:38 No.33957400
    Simple. Some characters from the team talk about pyro and they finally decide to get a look at what's beneath pyro's mask.

    After long complicated series of actions they manage to take the mask off/make the pyro to take it off only to reveal another mask underneath.

    The End.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:38 No.33957436
         File1246819123.jpg-(37 KB, 500x584, ohshi - !!!.jpg)
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    You know there are points of the Pyro's speech that are half-coherent, right?
    Listen to the damn Japanese language - even muffled, you can tell if somebody's speaking English or not. Besides, it would make no sense of the Pyro was a "Japanese women" who didn't know any English.. considering everyone in the game issues commands via English. Not being able to understand the character would destroy the point of the "Meet the" video.
    They have a point.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:38 No.33957442
    From the first "meet the" video to the Spy.. they have improved a fuck ton. Imagine the last one.. shit.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:39 No.33957463
         File1246819155.jpg-(17 KB, 300x295, phantom scooby doo unmask 1.jpg)
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    The mask comes off AND IT'S OLD MAN JENKINS!!

    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:39 No.33957482
    It's not that he said a clear "Nein" cuntbag.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:39 No.33957484
    -All other 8 classes will talk for Pyro.
    -Behind the mask is another mask.
    >> Cliff Racer is Spy! !p3NLeeiwb. 07/05/09(Sun)14:39 No.33957489
    Maybe the Pyro is a burn victim out for revenge. When the mask is removed, the face is all bandaged and the hair burnt off, leaving the gender a mystery.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:39 No.33957492
    Who said the suit is his/her body type? Maybe it is filled with a type of asbestos stuffing. Or maybe it is their body type, who knows.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:40 No.33957520
    How about after they get the mask off all you see is the back of the pyros head. You see reactions from other team members in the room (the scout pukes) and the camera pulls out to the title as you hear the rest of the team making comments and being sick.
    >> CHARMENDER !!y/xkdN7gVRY 07/05/09(Sun)14:40 No.33957522
    I support your post 130%.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:41 No.33957541
    the entire time the pyro is giving a monologue, pointing at things and commenting, thumbs up, all the while you cant understand a word hes saying.

    then it ends with him standing in a charred field laughing while everyone else burns in a pile under his feet.

    that or they all start rocking out air band style
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:41 No.33957573

    But the Pyro DOES talk in english. It's muffled, but you can still clearly make out things like "Medic" and "Thank you".
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:42 No.33957591
    Pyro was originally meant to be male, Valve only started playing along with the rumor after they heard about it from their fanbase. Pyro also has a male VA, and sounds like a man in the game. He's already "established" as male.

    He'd be androgynous if he had a robotic voice or something, but no.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:42 No.33957595
    a team member pulls of the mask, and below it is darth vader unmasked.

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