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    File : 1246813973.jpg-(310 KB, 739x1089, haku.jpg)
    310 KB Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)13:12 No.33953975  
    /v/ a huge smile forms on my face each time I manage to beat the fuck out of a Jin or Noel with this fucker right here solely because him and Tager and considered the worst in the game.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)13:13 No.33954013
    Anyone who takes tiers seriously, including people who intentionally play high tier or low tier characters, are retards.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)13:13 No.33954015
    This guy always gives me a whopping in arcade mode for some reason. I have an easier time with the final boss than him.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)13:14 No.33954043
    Beat them with an Astral Finish with Hakumen just to humiliate them more.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)13:15 No.33954069
    Me too, but I play Bang. Hakumen is a bro.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)13:16 No.33954080
    His Astral Finish is so fucking stupid. 720D that's a counter who the fuck thought that was a good idea.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)13:17 No.33954127
    >A smile forms on my face everytime I manage to mash counter or swing my sword wildly as some idiot Jin or Noel stupidly spams their drives right into my eight foot long range and I destory a quarter of their life with a single swing
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)13:18 No.33954162
    I only play mid tier characters.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)13:19 No.33954172
    You don't have to 'manage' when people play like that. The C button basically presses itself.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)13:19 No.33954180
    Could someone tell me why Hakumen is low tier? He's a fucking beast, even when I fight "high tier" characters that seem to know what they're doing.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)13:19 No.33954193
    It's an extension of his regular D. Once you get the hang of countering doing the Astral becomes pretty easy, especially against Jin spammers.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)13:19 No.33954205

    Slow, no combos.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)13:19 No.33954208
    To be fair Hakumen doesn't have much to work with and you have to be fucking stupid to run into his C.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)13:20 No.33954233
    Nah he has some good combos you just need as many stars as you can get.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)13:20 No.33954236
    I can only beat Icecar Jins and Dspam Noels with Arakune, am I bad? ]:
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)13:20 No.33954237
    I do NOT understand how Haku man is shit tier.

    He hits you once and a quarter of your life is gone.
    ...fuck he GRABS you and a quarter of your life is gone. Granted he isn't heavily based on combos, but a good 5 hit combo and your done.

    again, how the hell is he low tier?
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)13:21 No.33954247
    Hakumen and Tager are considered the worst in HIGHLY SKILLED MATCHES. At the level that basically all of /v/ is at, they'll rape simply because they only have to connect a few times to match the damage of most of the higher characters who rely on combos. People at your level don't know enough about zoning and high damage combos to match a couple swings of your sword.
    >> Ergo !orcjXBxFEE 07/05/09(Sun)13:21 No.33954248
    I use Nu, bitch is insane.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)13:21 No.33954264

    So how do you do 720 without jumping? I think I'm too slow...
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)13:22 No.33954297
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    Enjoy my IRON FIST blocking fucking anything you throw at me and making the game move at a frame per second.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)13:22 No.33954302
    Because his options for getting close are 90% air dashing and 10% the enemy miscalculated how long the sword is.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)13:22 No.33954305
    same here. having a lot of trouble using her glass sword/arrow thing to combo people from the ground and into the air. any tips?
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)13:23 No.33954345

    I understand that, but with his ridiculous range, a
    quick air dash and hes on you. Maybe I just have
    zoning issues.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)13:23 No.33954346
    Lets say this.

    In high level gameplay and Arakune and Rachel will fuck the shit out of Hakumen and Tager just because of how goddamn slow they are. Of course if either get a hold of Arakune or Rachel their also fucked because once Hakumen lands a few hits in your fucked.

    The way Blazblue is currently set up everything is matched up with Rachle and Arakune with v13 slowly making waves as well. If don't match up well with those two then don't expect to leave bottom tier. Carl was bottom tier until DIO started raping the fuck out of everything with the loops he found with Carl.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)13:24 No.33954364
    Haku looks like Nobody from the Kingdom Hearts series. The Samurai type to be precise.
    >> Haku-men is a true bro. Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)13:25 No.33954395
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    easy modo haku-men noob crushing combo:

    C, QCF+A, HCF+C, DF+C

    costs 4 stars but its not hard to do in the heat of a fight

    also F+B (the foot stomp) combos into zantetsu too in you really wanna punish someone abusing lows
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)13:25 No.33954408
    His slashes are slow as fuck. Anyone that knows what they are doing can beat him to the punch or block depending on the situation.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)13:27 No.33954478
    Well the issue is mostly that he's kinda fucked once the opponent figures out a way to get around the air dashing.
    If they start keeping him at a distance with ranged attacks, his best option is to use his long range distortion drive to stun them for a bit. However, that compromises many combos.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)13:27 No.33954483

    I guess I have to practice more.
    I use Nu, so the entire time im running and
    hitting with combos, I do decently until I
    get cornered because I fucked up. Nu has
    a glass jaw can understand why
    I get mad at how much damage he can inflict
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)13:27 No.33954491

    Can you put that in numbers? Not really up to par on fighting terminology.

    Like 236A?
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)13:28 No.33954495
    He's the slowest character in the game, and can't combo without stars.
    Contrast this to nu, who can pressure from fullscreen without tension complete with unblockable setups, and dash cancels to get away. By the time you reach her, she has enough meter to counter assault you. If not she can just burst.
    In the middle is Litchi, who has wonderful mixup and outranges him by far in staff mode, far enough that his drive counters won't even hit.
    The strongest characters in this games are the ones who can zone while dealing damage while moving around the stage. Hakumen can do none of the above without stars, which he burns through pretty quickly if you know how to block.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)13:29 No.33954527

    QCF = 236
    HQF = 41236
    DF = 3
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)13:29 No.33954538
    All you have to do then is block, counter with jump cancellable move, and jump over him, or back away. You're faster than him.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)13:29 No.33954544

    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)13:30 No.33954578
    How does HQF (half quarter forward) equal to half circle?
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)13:31 No.33954622
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    I am the white void. I am the cold steel. I am the just sword. With blade in hand shall I reap the sins of this world and cleanse it in the fires of destruction! I AM HAKUMEN! THE END HAS COME!
    >> Brodot !QRJcoffeeU 07/05/09(Sun)13:31 No.33954631
    That numpad input shit is the worst possible was of doing it.

    QCF/QCB is far superior.

    Why? It applies to both sides.

    QCF means quarter circle forward. Inputs always start at down for these. It's a hadouken.

    QCB is the opposite. It's a whirlwind kick.

    DP is dragon punch. Forward, down, down-forward.

    HCF is half circle forward. Back, down-back, down, down-forward, forward.

    HCB is the opposite of a HCF.

    360 is a 360.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)13:31 No.33954636
    I main Carl, and I have a hard as hell time against hakuman with Carl... and just about everyone else... except Carl.... because I haven't fought a Carl with my Carl.
    >> Ergo !orcjXBxFEE 07/05/09(Sun)13:32 No.33954663
    Start with Crescent Saber, once it hits forward + D, D. Up then D, D up D D.

    Crescent Saber back + d, d then finish with Sickle of Storm.

    Last one a bit harder. Crescent Saber, forward D D jump down + right D D up down right D + D

    Think you can create more from that. Enjoy
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)13:32 No.33954689
    While I play as Nu, she can do this move that she instantly appears on the other side of the screen. I normally do this by accident, anyone know
    how its done?
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)13:33 No.33954725
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    oops thats a typo. i normally use number notation but i know the bros here hate that. it should be:

    5C, 236A, 41236C, 3C
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)13:33 No.33954730
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    The rage, it occasionally turns to sadness now. Then some more rage, particularly if playing Slow Fighter IV.
    >> Ergo !orcjXBxFEE 07/05/09(Sun)13:34 No.33954750
    Attack then double forward or back. It only works with certain attacks like D
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)13:34 No.33954761

    A typo. It should be HCF.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)13:35 No.33954776
    your right! thank you
    >> Chlorine a.k.a F.ø.ü.r. 07/05/09(Sun)13:35 No.33954806
    By double tapping any direction while doing certain moves she uses astral pulsar. She'll cancel the move and dash in whatever direction you tapped to.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)13:36 No.33954815
    dashing (front or back) after certain moves gives her the teleport

    i think its her C attacks and standing D
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)13:36 No.33954831
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    >> Brodot !QRJcoffeeU 07/05/09(Sun)13:36 No.33954838
    Hey bro, I'm Canadian too.

    Was gonna drive over to the US niagara falls to get the game, but they sold out before I could get there.

    I've got a copy coming in the mail, I suggest you get one off of ebay or something for a slight markup.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)13:37 No.33954863
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)13:37 No.33954868

    What about 22?
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)13:37 No.33954893
    I enjoy going to the SRK forums for street fighter tips and combos, is there one equivalent for BB?
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)13:38 No.33954920
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    Nigga please.
    >> Brodot !QRJcoffeeU 07/05/09(Sun)13:38 No.33954923
    Down, down?

    d, d.
    >> Clovis !9L.gxDzakI 07/05/09(Sun)13:38 No.33954926
    One of my friends used Haku-men when I first got the game. (he doesn't own the game, just played at my house)

    He did nothing but spam his upercut slash and his normal slash, and then uses his distorion with the quick stick

    And then he had the nerve to gloat. So I had to switch to Arakune and BEEEEEEEEEEES the shit out of him.

    I don't think any Haku-men player will ever top a decent Arakune; he has NOTHING that can deal with his mindfuckery.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)13:39 No.33954943
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)13:40 No.33954983

    When one of the buttons is D, and all your other notation is in caps?

    What about 2369?
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)13:40 No.33955002

    Thank you very much
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)13:42 No.33955072
    Most Hakumen players don't take advantage of his forward A and forward B. They are his best moves.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)13:42 No.33955098
    Hakumen can cut his clouds and bugs in half with C.
    >> Brodot !QRJcoffeeU 07/05/09(Sun)13:43 No.33955128
    One of the buttons is D, not d.

    2369 is a TK movement, and only ever applies to the 1P side.

    But if you want to nitpick, the f, d, b, u notation is the best possible one.

    Always applies to both sides.

    d, df, f being a hadouken motion.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)13:44 No.33955141
    hi guys, new to this game! how do you cancel attacks and cancel into dashes and stuff?
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)13:46 No.33955234
    >>worst in the game

    lulwhut? Properly used Hazumen can DESTROY. Makes me want to learn to use him.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)13:47 No.33955281
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    note to new bros facing down jins

    the game only takes into account BACK & FORWARD inputs when mashing out of being frozen
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)13:48 No.33955307
    What the hell are Pulsars?
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)13:49 No.33955336
    FDBU notation is a waste of space and takes more time to interpret when reading over things in comparison to other notation methods.
    Every notation in use applies to both sides.
    Numerical notation is best for combo heavy games. It's best for other games too, but the communities are too entrenched in terrible, inconsistent SF notation that still uses things like 'Standing roundhouse' in games where there is no roundhouse button.
    >> Zakuta !nNfx3g9eXc 07/05/09(Sun)13:49 No.33955368
    You know that vs. Noel Haku-Men does alright? Doesn't matter if he's low tier if he does good against a few characters.
    >> Brodot !QRJcoffeeU 07/05/09(Sun)13:50 No.33955398
    236 is the 1P side.

    On the 2P side it means something completely different.

    QCF on the other hand means down, down-forward, forward on both sides, as does d, df, f.

    And it's not the directions that take more time to decipher, it's the numpad.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)13:50 No.33955400
    Easily zoned and shit mobility

    He's shit tier in higher level game play.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)13:51 No.33955408
    Highly magnetized rotating neutron stars that emit beams of electromagnetic radiation.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)13:51 No.33955411
    Few characters have anything that can deal with Arakune mindfuckery.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)13:51 No.33955419

    Only a few attacks can be dash cancelled e.g. Ragna's standing D, Jin's forward C, just double tap forward when it hits. For Jin it's something like forward C -> dash -> standing C -> air combo

    Rapid Cancel is A+B+C at any point during any move, costs 50% heat
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)13:52 No.33955466

    awesome! ty so much
    >> Ergo !orcjXBxFEE 07/05/09(Sun)13:52 No.33955482
    Tiers in fighting games...

    Doesn't it all come down to the player?
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)13:53 No.33955512
    time for awesome haku-men vids

    there's a beastly haku-men player named 0, look him up.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)13:54 No.33955544
    What the hell is a Pulsar? Anybody?
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)13:55 No.33955557
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    Tiers don't matter, they won't make you play better or worse, so ignore them. Only fags care about such vague shit like tiers.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)13:57 No.33955668
    Good luck trying to win agains a very good v-13 with tager
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)13:57 No.33955688
    6 means forward no matter what way you are facing. It's a mapping directly to the same directions all the other notations correspond to.

    When you look at 236, you see the number 2 and see it has 3 numbers and know what input it is. It takes 3 characters minus the button in space.
    If you use d, df, f, you look at each directional input to deccipher it, and it takes 8 characters to display the same information.
    You might as well just say 'hadouken' and save yourself the button input at the end, as it's faster to type and gives the same motion. We'll not even go to half circles.
    HCF,QCF etc notation is fine and efficient as well.
    >> Zakuta !nNfx3g9eXc 07/05/09(Sun)13:57 No.33955691
    0 is perhaps the best Order-Sol in Japan...usually does really well.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)13:58 No.33955708
    Not when both players are of nearly equal skill. Then character advantages can swing the game.

    BB is not balanced, regardless of the fact that EVERYONE is ridiculous That isn't balance, that is insane.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)13:58 No.33955721
    Good luck trying to win against a very good Tager with v-13.
    >> Brodot !QRJcoffeeU 07/05/09(Sun)13:59 No.33955734
    It takes you time to connect f to forward?

    6 means forward on the 1P side, and means backwards on the 2P side.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)13:59 No.33955742
    Trying to pretend that only the player counts in fighting games is just as valid as trying to pretend that only the driver counts in car racing.

    Admittedly, they have a bit more control in the average modern fighting game than what, say, Formula 1 has evolved into, where you go from FUCK YEAR WORLD CHAMPION to HOLY FUCK YOU SUCK ASS, but then again that's still only a drop of 1st to 18th "in the world", which would be considered badass for a Vega player in an SFIV tournament...
    >> Brodot !QRJcoffeeU 07/05/09(Sun)13:59 No.33955762
    Also, you have 236 and 214.

    Your "it takes less thought" argument is bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:00 No.33955770
    It isn't hard
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:00 No.33955783
    Know how they calculate tiers? By pitting two people against eachother, yup.

    Implying two people are equally skilled is hilarious.

    Either way, tierfaggotry is worse than religion.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:01 No.33955799
    6 means 'forward' no matter what side you're on. That never changes.
    I never took time to connect f to forward, but I save time typing 236 rather than d, df, f, and when you're doing 9 move combos, you save a lot of space that way.
    There's a reason most fighting games other than SF use this notation.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:02 No.33955826
    >It isn't hard


    So you can beat say... Mike_Z, no sweat?
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:02 No.33955857
    Tiers are real. The characters are all different, and as such some are better than others.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:02 No.33955864
    Both of which look distinct without actually reading the numbers because your mind knows how to match familiar patterns.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:03 No.33955865
    didn't he get the only haku-men into SBO?
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:03 No.33955870
    >>Good luck trying to win agains a very good v-13 with anyone.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:03 No.33955889
    Are you retarded?

    Seriously, it's not as if there's one Sagat player or one Nu player in the world. When a character wins 3x as many tournaments as other characters even when the Japanese champion plays someone else and the #1 ranked player in the country plays someone else, you can safely tell who the best character in the game is.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:03 No.33955890
    Way to ignore the most important part of his argument there, bro.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:03 No.33955891

    Mike Z was beat pretty bad by Combofiend's Hakumen at Devastation
    >> Brodot !QRJcoffeeU 07/05/09(Sun)14:03 No.33955892
    From what I've seen, the numpad shit is the minority.

    And no, there are two styles of numper pads.

    There are the more common:




    In neither of those is the 6 forward when used as fighting game notation on the 2P side.
    >> Chlorine a.k.a F.ø.ü.r. 07/05/09(Sun)14:03 No.33955897
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    Mike Z never loses. He simply chooses not to win.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:04 No.33955933
    How does it feel to know that you're really Jin too?
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:05 No.33955949
    Brotip: It's notation. It's standardized.
    It always uses
    123, the layout on standard keyboards.

    The side you're facing does not change what direction it maps to. Just because you read 6 as 'right' does not mean 6 means right. It means 'forward'. No matter what side you are on.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:05 No.33955954
    Oh god what have you done to Tager!?
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:06 No.33955985
    It isn't for arrows either, you have to be fucking stupid to not realize the inputs are from the 1P side.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:06 No.33956010
    Specifically, standard US 101/104 key keyboards. And most foreign ones as well.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:07 No.33956029
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    >implying that when two skilled players face off, v-13 will always win
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:07 No.33956043
    We're talking about players equally skilled. In a fight between a good v-13 and a good Tager, odds are v13 will win more matches.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:07 No.33956046
    >>From what I've seen, the numpad shit is the minority.

    >> Brodot !QRJcoffeeU 07/05/09(Sun)14:08 No.33956061
    f means forward regardless of the side.

    forward means forward regardless of the side.

    6 means right, not forward.

    You interpret it as forward, but it is on the right.

    236 means down, down-forward, forward on the 1P side. On the 2P side, it means down, down-back, back.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:08 No.33956063
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    oh god now i remember Tager's joke story ending

    Kokonoe is totally channeling Washu in that scene
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:08 No.33956076
    Jesus christ, you're stupid.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:09 No.33956111
    the numberpad method, like it or not, is pretty much the standard for GG/BB/doujin-type games - get used to it

    Number pad notation = metric system
    QCF notation = imperial system
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:10 No.33956165
    No, it doesn't. It's notation. 236 means 'quarter circle forward' or 'd, df, f' no matter what side you're on. No matter how many times you say it means right, it won't mean right. That's why we have notation, so stupid people can refer to it when they get it wrong.
    Do you get confused when all the movelists in games have sticks making motions assuming you're on the 1p side? Because that's the argument you're making here.
    >> Brodot !QRJcoffeeU 07/05/09(Sun)14:10 No.33956177
    Ultimately, my point is that the number pad notation only ever applies to the 1P side.

    QCF/HCF/f, d, df doesn't matter, because it means the same on both sides.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:11 No.33956196
    Instead of sitting here arguing about which system is best, why don't we just go play the game and enjoy ourselves?
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:11 No.33956202
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    >>How does it feel to know that you're really Jin too?
    I've gotten the full ending, but I haven't 100%'d everyone. Does it ever get explained how Jin went from Jin to Hakumen? Especially since Hamuken existed nearly a hundred years before Jin was born?

    And do we ever get an explaination for why Jin's so crazy around Ragna and wants to kill him?
    Did Terumi possess Jin or something?

    So much shit still left unexplained...
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:11 No.33956239

    9/10, lost one mark for persevering. Should've quit while you were ahead.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:12 No.33956257
    Except it doesn't. You're making an argument on a tenet that is false. 6 means forward in numpad notation regardless of the way you're facing. Think I'm wrong?
    Go tell it to the people writing the notation. They'll tell you you're a fucking moron.
    >> Brodot !QRJcoffeeU 07/05/09(Sun)14:13 No.33956272
    So now the arrows are better? Just a second ago you were arguing that the arrows aren't. (the arrows are identical to f, d, b, u in terms of input)

    I prefer the QCF thing, but you were getting pissy when there wasn't a specific notation for d, d.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:13 No.33956297
    Well, have fun doing your d>df>f+C, faggot.

    2a -> 5b > 6a -> j2d~b -> Taunt -> 214d -> j2d~b -> 5c -> 2d~6 -> j.c -> 8d~6 -> j.c -> 8d~6 -> j.236bb -> j.236bbbb

    cr.A -> B > f.A -> j.d.D~B -> Taunt -> HCB+D -> j.d.D~B -> C -> Cr.D~f -> j.C -> up.D~f -> j.C -> up.D~f -> j.HCF+BB -> j.HCF+BBBB
    What is this I don't even-
    >> Brodot !QRJcoffeeU 07/05/09(Sun)14:14 No.33956339
    Because they've gotten used to the notation.

    Which is why it is an inferior notation. It takes work to get used to. Just because you interpret six as forward doesn't mean it means forward, looking at a numpad it is on the right, and the position does not change based on what side you're on.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:15 No.33956361
    >236 means down, down-forward, forward on the 1P side. On the 2P side, it means down, down-back, back.

    Yes, but on the numpad notation, everything is considered on the 1P side, you know, the default one, so when you go to training mode you won't need to change to other side all the time . So, what's your point? Are you dumb enough that you can't figure out how to read it on the 2P side?
    >> experimentation !wfkrASfoWA 07/05/09(Sun)14:15 No.33956373
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    I think I'm going to try to learn how to play haku-men next.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:16 No.33956404
    Someone please write a Taokaka air combo in easy to understand SF notation.

    See how you had to invent 3 new acronyms and your combo is a complete mess to look at?

    Numpad is here to stay, bitches.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:16 No.33956433
    Modern games tend to use the quarter circle icon, for QCs, the half circle icon for HC, and the Z for shoryus. Those implementations are superior to numpad notation, but you can't rely on them in text as you're not always on a forum that autotranslates to them.
    Arrows are just as inefficient as fdbu and should be avoided for the same reasons.
    Also, again you avoid the actual argument. You're still implying that you can't understand that your inputs flip when you face left, and that even fighting game's internal movelists work this way.
    >> Brodot !QRJcoffeeU 07/05/09(Sun)14:17 No.33956496
    HCF is half circle forward.

    so in your retarded notation, it'd be 41236, not just for 236.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:19 No.33956569
    Just because you can't do a simple translation in your head as implied by the standard doesn't mean the notation is wrong. It means you refuse to interpret it as per the standard and get the wrong result. This isn't the fault of the notation, it is yours and yours alone.
    Numpad notation is written for spacial efficiency and typing. The ease of use after adaptation is mostly conditioning but is is a real benefit.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:19 No.33956573
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    That totally wasn't there.
    >> Brodot !QRJcoffeeU 07/05/09(Sun)14:20 No.33956588
    Of course I'm aware it's reversed on the 2P side, but what about someone new to the genre, who doesn't know that?

    They might assume it's still 236 if they're on the 2P side, in which case would be a QCB instead of a QCF.

    Which is why the non-number notations are superior, they cannot cause confustion as they are applicable on both sides.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:20 No.33956608
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    I play Ragna. Jins and Noels be eating the same fucking combo over and over again when spamming their icecars/drives.

    A standing jab during a D spamming Noel's little spasm will knock her out of hit. Shit is hilarious. You just stand there and slap at them over and over again while they try to mash D as fast as possible.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:20 No.33956621
    Or 426, which is the same input. Some prefer to put it all out for consistency, but it's no more accurate.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:21 No.33956646

    f+AA > j.C > aa +C > df + D > qcf BBBBB
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:21 No.33956647
    Eh, replace it with Qs, dunno what I was doing. Maybe, GETTING CONFUSED BY FUCKING ANCRONYMS WITH SIMILAR NOTATION?

    The SF system is very flawed, considering the amount of time it takes to explain what the shit a "DP" is while leaving it in there to get confused with d, LP, MP, and HP, compared to saying "Num pad faggot" for 623.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:22 No.33956668
    Someone new to the genre reads the notation or gets it explained to them. Just like how you get explained what 'QCF' means, or what d , df, f, means.
    Most people are capable of understanding all of these concepts,
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:22 No.33956674
    426 nigger
    >> Brodot !QRJcoffeeU 07/05/09(Sun)14:22 No.33956687
    Actually, if you're arguing about the spacial efficiency, you're wrong about the numpad one being the best.

    QCF notation is best for that.

    numpad needs 5 spaces for a half circle, QCF needs 3 (HCF/HCB).

    And to someone new to the genre, it's quite possible they wouldn't know 360 meant 360 degrees, and would cause them a moment of confusion.
    >> Brodot !QRJcoffeeU 07/05/09(Sun)14:24 No.33956770
    426 is left, down, right.

    Leaving out the diagonals.

    To someone new, would they instantly know to hit the diagonals? Or could they have the issue where they think they aren't supposed to hit the diagonals?

    Don't forget you have to assume everyone who is using the system is retarded, because the majority of the public is retarded.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:25 No.33956811
    Same combo, now in better format:
    Less space, same combo. Except I have no idea what the fuck AA+C is supposed to mean as your format makes it seem like the AA is an input to be paired with C.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:26 No.33956838
    Jin and Noel aren't considered the best in the game, they are just the easiest to get result with. If you want to be a smug motherfucker about beating someone then pick Carl.

    And when you pick Hakumen you are picking Jin
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:26 No.33956846
    It's basically impossible to do 426 without getting sufficient diagonals for the move to come out unless you're on a keyboard. Or doing it 10x too slow for anything to happen.

    But seriously, combo notation isn't designed for people too retarded to figure out how to get a special move out.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:26 No.33956848
    >Of course I'm aware it's reversed on the 2P side, but what about someone new to the genre, who doesn't know that?


    >> Brodot !QRJcoffeeU 07/05/09(Sun)14:27 No.33956902
    You're overestimating the intelligence of the public.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:28 No.33956938
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    >this thread
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:29 No.33956967
    I mentioned Taokaka because you need to hold forward during her drive during the air combo for it to land - otherwise she bounces too far out. Which crappy retro notation can't account for except for displaying it as a link - which is incorrect.

    But you've avoided this by making a combo that doesn't work.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:29 No.33956968
    Generally that's not a problem, as it's defined in the notation what '360' means.
    Numpad does half circles in 3 spaces as well. 426.

    No, it's back, down, forward.
    It doesn't matter if you leave out the diagonals as it implies you go from one motion to another without going back to neutral.
    You don't have to assume everyone using the system is retarded when you have it clearly explained in a simple manner like most sites for discussing these do. We have 'RTFM' for that.
    You shouldn't make your community be held back by the least capable players.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:30 No.33957041
    No, you're overestimating how much it matters if fucktards can read combo notation when they're incapable of playing the game in the first place.

    >> Brodot !QRJcoffeeU 07/05/09(Sun)14:30 No.33957061
    >You shouldn't make your community be held back by the least capable players.

    This implies writing the combo in a smaller space increases the ability of the community to execute the combo, which is perhaps more ridiculous than insinuating the numpad notation is superior.
    >> Brodot !QRJcoffeeU 07/05/09(Sun)14:31 No.33957093
    Oh come now, my comparison was possible, blind people can't play videogames.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:32 No.33957141
    This thread only proves that you guys are faggots. Just play to have fun and tiers
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:33 No.33957150
    People who can't do special moves can't do 15 hit combos either.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:33 No.33957174
    In each timeline, when Ragna fuses with Nu, Jin jumps after them into the portal. He gets his new body (or... something called SUSANOO) by Rachel, who asks him if he wants to become a true hero. Abandoning his current sword which drew him crazy, he becomes Hakumen and tries to kill the black beast to save Ragna. Then he starts telling people what to do (considering he is from the future...) so that things don't happen again. Noone gives a fuck, he gets sealed up for a hundred years. When he awakens again, Kokonoe finds and repairs him, but he senses Ragna and goes to kill him to prevent him from becoming the Black Beast. While he is at it he tries to kill his "Jin"self as well for his past sins (burning down the place they lived and killing their sister while possessed by Terumi), as a kind of side project. With the seal of fate broken in the true ending, Jin wasn't sent back, so he never becomes Hakumen... I wonder if that'll bother him, though it'll probably not.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:34 No.33957214
    It's not optimized for 'increasing the ability of the community to execute the combo'. That's the individual's responsibility. The notation is optimized to make it easier to communicate fighting game combos quickly, efficiently, and expressively. And it does it very well, as has been demonstrated repeatedly in this thread.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:34 No.33957239
    Actually, it's an outlier, but there was that blind guy who was awesome at soul calibur. Weird, but it exists.
    >> Brodot !QRJcoffeeU 07/05/09(Sun)14:35 No.33957285
    And the QCF expresses it much better, as demonstrated repeatedly in this thread.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:36 No.33957299


    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:36 No.33957323
    Stop jerking off to Mike Z.

    Also: Brodot is stupid
    >> Brodot !QRJcoffeeU 07/05/09(Sun)14:37 No.33957358
    And here comes the idiot's retort.

    "You're stupid."

    With nothing to back it up.

    And Mike_Z is quite good with Tager.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:38 No.33957414
    OP is stupid, Hakumen and Tager aren't the worst characters in the game he probably thinks slow = bad, which it's not. He just wants to make himself feel like he's some kind of superman for using his character
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:38 No.33957440
    QCF/HCF works fine, but unless people want to use SRK for 623, it's inconsistent and not a solid notation. It's no more expressive than numpad notation. You're still doing the same mental translation in your mind. Series of symbols>Motion.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:39 No.33957460
    Story mode. I personally think it's awesome.

    You'll have to read back a few pages, but it's worth it imo.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:39 No.33957470
    That guy looks like Omega from Megaman Zero.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:39 No.33957483
    ...No, they really are the worst characters in the game.
    It doesn't mean they're not playable, or they'll never win, but it does mean they're much more difficult to win with in high level play.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:40 No.33957501
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    Taokaka confirmed for shotacon tier
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:41 No.33957538
    That's bullshit, tell that to a Rachel or a Carl and they'll laugh at your face
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:41 No.33957566
    I can't help it if other people judge you. I've given my logic, and you've stuck to saying the standard is wrong because you don't adhere to it. Can't blame people for putting 2 and 2 together.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:41 No.33957574

    Are you implying Rachel is bad?
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)14:42 No.33957598
    Why Haku is low tier - a visual demonstration

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