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    File : 1246640671.jpg-(138 KB, 550x667, hiro.jpg)
    138 KB Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:04 No.33851978  
    Japanese games, what's your opinion on them?

    Love them, can't stand them? Why?
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:05 No.33852003
    Vampires used to be cool.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:05 No.33852009
    Stop spamming: http://www.AnónTá
    >kfg fbnknkyfyggdpoyhgbh oii
    >> Noet !!ebl5LP6PhGT 07/03/09(Fri)13:06 No.33852042
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    I can't stand anime and JRPG's, inb4 anime and JRPG spam or JAPANESE CULTURE FAR BETTER THAN PIG DIGUSTING AMERICAN not that it's hard to have a better culture than America, hell even Australia has a better culture.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:07 No.33852060
    I never understood where the WWII idea of buck toothed japs came from. Sure, some of them have bad teeth but they never have buck teeth.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:07 No.33852073
    I can't think of any Australian games, but I agree nonetheless.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:07 No.33852091
    I like good japanese games and dislike bad japanese games.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:08 No.33852096
    i like tekken
    i like street fighter
    so japan's cool
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:08 No.33852104
    Yes, because a culture that encourages businessmen to work 16-hour days followed by binge drinking every night while ignoring your family and sleeping with prostitutes is indeed a superior culture.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:08 No.33852105
    Couldn't care less where games come from.

    The only thing I dislike is games using anime-style when it just doesn't fit. See: Castlevania DS.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:08 No.33852110
    I don't care where my games come from because I'm not a faggot.
    That being said I enjoy Japanese games usually more than Western ones, because I'm neither into FPSs nor RTSs.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:08 No.33852114
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    Games are good or bad because their design is good or bad not because of where they're made. I love both Baldur's Gate 2 and Imperishable Night.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:09 No.33852141

    We practically invented beating your wife

    You're welcome
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:09 No.33852146
    I don't think it's Japan to blame for that
    Isn't Austrailian culture pretty much the same thing, only with different native people to kill?
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:09 No.33852156
    I dislike Japanese culture. I don't like anime or manga, and I don't like when they try to make games look like their cartoons, like Valkyria Chronicles. Looks like shit.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:09 No.33852166
    It makes sense to go with the squinty eyes, I guess?

    Dude, that's a fucking awesome culture. Work-booze-whores? FUCKING GENIUS CULTURE.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:10 No.33852177
    Japanese games cover a variety of genres, hating them all is stupid. Not all of them are ANIME KAWAII ^_^.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:10 No.33852191
    OP is asking me to generalize. Can't do that. Some games from Japan are good (MGS, FF, DMC and Tekken) other plains suck (too many to mention, just like western games)
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:10 No.33852193
    Australians don't have a culture. They're just the criminal offspring of Britannia. The only redeeming feature of Australia is that they have koala's and shit.

    Other than that? They're the lowest of all English speaking countries. Even Canada is more impressive than Australia.

    There more you know.
    >> Nix !!fgP86OQ43z1 07/03/09(Fri)13:11 No.33852210
    I don't give a shit where a game comes from as long as it's enjoyable.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:11 No.33852218
    Hahah no!
    Oh, no.
    >> Romeo !!Z3nRe4hFycO 07/03/09(Fri)13:11 No.33852224
    around 90% of JRPG's suck

    regarding other games, well, most of the japanese games suck as well

    Something good occasionally does come from japan but that happens rare today

    which is ironic because 10-15 years ago ALL the good games came from japan
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:12 No.33852260

    inb4 ausfags get trolled

    I'm an ausfag
    >> Noet !!ebl5LP6PhGT 07/03/09(Fri)13:12 No.33852267
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    >Implying that America has a better culture.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:12 No.33852268
    Part of propaganda during WWII to make the japanese seem less than human in the eyes of americans. Same with german nazis.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:12 No.33852276
    >I suck
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:13 No.33852283
    Most jap games have too much shit on the screen. I prefer the design idea to keep the screen clean and UI/HUD minimal and informative.

    Half-life 2 has a really nice UI/HUD, even though the game is sorta generic shooter except for the grav gun. Most japs games however just throw shit in there, jesus christ; GGX, Street fighter, most FF-games, valkyria, etc etc.

    I just can't stand the amount of crap going on just to hide the fact that some games have horridly paced turn-based combats that aren't that fast so they must be spiced up with flashy animations.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:13 No.33852298
    Than Australia? Definitely
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:13 No.33852305
    The only thing I dislike about Japanese games is how they have "game laws" like... in a JRPG, you can jump 10,000 feet in midair while executing an attack but can't jump over a box on the field. Or you can summon pillars of flame in combat but can't illuminate a darkened room, you can cause earthquakes but you can't open a locked door. I don't like the idea of battle and field being governed by different laws. WRPGs are a lot better about this.
    >> Evil Emperor Proteus !Pf61BYvMqU 07/03/09(Fri)13:14 No.33852318
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    Depends on the game.

    Really, what hopeless faggot just lumps all japanese games into one category and hates them all just cos he hates JRPG's?

    /v/ thats who
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:14 No.33852322
    Eh, some games are good. Some are generic as fuck JRPGs.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:15 No.33852340
    how about you faggots stop caring where games came from??

    normal people won't despise you for buying a game with animu characters on the top of it you fucking anti-social shitheads
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:15 No.33852362
    America practically invented the modern culture of all countries. They all import America's movies, music, television, literature, and even food.

    What about Australia? What do they have? Koala's and shit.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:15 No.33852369
    Don't care where the game comes from. It's either good or it's not.
    >> Noet !!ebl5LP6PhGT 07/03/09(Fri)13:15 No.33852372
    But there is nothing to be proud of. I mean, you guys are America, laughing stock of the world. Atleast Australia is fabled because of the special breed of niggers they got there and the kangaroos. You have sex scandals, handegg and the highest level of immigrants in the world.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:16 No.33852391
    I don't really have a problem with Japanese games other than the shitty animu cliches that seem to infest most of them.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:16 No.33852399
    So basically, you hate everything about JRPGS, because shit game laws are the bread and butter of JRPGS.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:16 No.33852403

    NO, BEN, NO!
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:17 No.33852440
    you know no normal people obviously
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:18 No.33852452
    If it's a genuinely good game, I don't give shit what country it came from.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:19 No.33852491
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    >normal people won't despise you for buying a game with animu characters on the top of it
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:19 No.33852517
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:20 No.33852531
    The difference between being the laughing stock of the world and not being liked is that one of them doesn't have a bunch of nukes
    Australia means jack shit to the rest of the world. The most important thing they've done was probably the Olympics a while back
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:20 No.33852535
    >Australia is fabled

    I keep forgetting that place even exists until they pipe up about something stupid, like koala outbreaks or dingoes eating babies.

    They're like that weird guy in the back of the class no one notices until he does something like jack off during a test or make retarded outbursts.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:20 No.33852536
    You're just the typical jealous Australian, you know deep down that you're wholly irrelevant to the world.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:20 No.33852550
    It seems I've stumbled upon a nest of... trolls.

    In their natural habitat, trolls are quite docile. But make even one audible noise, and they're all over you like white on rice. Just be careful not to bait them, and they're safe to observe from a distance.

    Ah shit. I've posted. Dammit, run, RUN!
    >> Evil Emperor Proteus !Pf61BYvMqU 07/03/09(Fri)13:21 No.33852554
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    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:22 No.33852597
    independently developed jap games can be pretty decent
    professional jap games are usually the boringest shit
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:23 No.33852646
    Japan generally makes better games than the west, there's no way you can refute it.
    >> Noet !!ebl5LP6PhGT 07/03/09(Fri)13:24 No.33852661
    I'm an Eurofag
    That might be true, but it's still better than that fat kid who stutters and a shames itself but makes up for it by intimidating people and throwing money around.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:26 No.33852740
    >but it's still better than

    No, it isn't, nothing is better then that kid, it's quite simply the lowest of the low.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:26 No.33852742
    You wish you were a Eurofag, at least then you could tout that you're the punching bag of the US. Australia isn't even worthy of being dominated, they're like a whiter Darfur.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:26 No.33852760
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:27 No.33852798
    >JRPGs haven't changed at all
    >I'm basing this off the idea that I'm expecting FF14 to be a first-person RTS rythym game, but it ended up being a RPG.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:27 No.33852811
    Love them, because they're awesome.
    >> Noet !!ebl5LP6PhGT 07/03/09(Fri)13:28 No.33852816
    No I seriously am, I can look out of my window without seeing kangeroos.
    slightly worse than?
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:28 No.33852827
    Japanese games are shit.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:28 No.33852828

    nigger please, do you honestly think people give a shit if you walk over to the counter with a copy of persona 4..?

    And this japan hating shit is just the successor of emo hate. Consider yourself to have some seriously issues if you can't get over it within a year.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:28 No.33852844
    >I'm an Eurofag

    Great education system you have over there, now keep your worthless opinions about your betters to yourself, 'kay?
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:28 No.33852848
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    I believe this message sums up everything perfectly.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:30 No.33852911
    then Western games are DOUBLE SHIT.
    >> Evil Emperor Proteus !Pf61BYvMqU 07/03/09(Fri)13:31 No.33852930
    >The Western world practically invented the modern culture of all countries. They all import movies from each other, music, television, literature, and even food

    Fixed for overly inflated American ego.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:31 No.33852933
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    if this thread proves anything it is that the Amerikkkans teenagers are a bunch of pathetic arrogant dipshits.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:31 No.33852947
    >BAAAWWWWW we are an oppressed group. NO ONE UNDERSTANDS US
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:32 No.33852975
    So British people get all pissy at things that don't involve them?
    I GUESS that works
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:32 No.33852996
    Stop spamming: http://www.AnónTá
    >kfg fbnknkyfyggdpoyhgbh oi
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:34 No.33853051
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    A good game is a good game. Who cares what country its from?
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:34 No.33853079
    Listen, just because you were born in a horrible third-world country doesn't mean that you can't move to America and join in on all of our grandeur.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:36 No.33853138
    I don't mind them but avoid the cheesy as fuck animu games.
    >> Noet !!ebl5LP6PhGT 07/03/09(Fri)13:36 No.33853139
    Good, now I'll just enjoy my free healthcare.
    >> Evil Emperor Proteus !Pf61BYvMqU 07/03/09(Fri)13:37 No.33853176
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    >i troll you

    nice try, trolling doesnt work when you see it coming a mile away.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:38 No.33853197
    Give us a break. We're all hyped up over tomorrow.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:39 No.33853231

    is it really trolling if it's the truth? I think your dictators have merely brainwashed you into thinking you're better than you really are. It's quite a pity.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:40 No.33853267
    Bitches & Whores
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:40 No.33853273
    Canada = whores of england

    Australia = whores of england

    Scottish = whores of england

    America = bitch slaps england
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:41 No.33853313
    America won't last another 30 years.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:42 No.33853350
    ITT: Country bashers.

    Most likely summer /v/.
    >> Evil Emperor Proteus !Pf61BYvMqU 07/03/09(Fri)13:43 No.33853361
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    >i troll you

    Still not working man...
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:43 No.33853367

    Oh boy looks like we've got a man from the future here guys.

    Tell us about DNF
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:43 No.33853368
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:43 No.33853372

    Says whom? envious euro-twats? ausfalia? china? lollololololol

    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:43 No.33853374
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:43 No.33853385
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    most movies
    literature (kenzaburo oe)
    shootemups and fighting games

    most manga
    snack foods
    most anime series
    role playing games
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:44 No.33853397
    "I don't know what that is"
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:44 No.33853400
    I don't hate them but it's something you grow out of. If you're older than 14 and still playing them.... well I got back news for you
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:44 No.33853407
    I guess you're really that far along, what a shame. Just remember, since we're better than you... We'll always take the high road. Come join us when you're tired of being insignificant in the world.
    >> Noet !!ebl5LP6PhGT 07/03/09(Fri)13:44 No.33853413
    Russian/Chinese economy says so.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:45 No.33853447

    You just lost
    >> Evil Emperor Proteus !Pf61BYvMqU 07/03/09(Fri)13:46 No.33853483
    >North Korea

    Oh please, its not possible to use nukes intelligently. Those nukes will do shit. The second the first nuke is launched literally the entire planet will unleash armageddon all over Korea. Nothing will be left, not even rubble, just a perfectly smooth, flat wasteland of nothing where north korea used to be.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:46 No.33853500
    >good: movies, cuisine
    >bad: manga, roleplaying games
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:47 No.33853509
    We already destroyed the Russians, and China isn't strong enough to defeat Tibet and Taiwan... you think they're going to beat the one and only super power in the world? Please, show some intelligence.

    When worse comes to worst, we always have a stockpile of nukes to drop on every living creature in the world. We're never going down, why? because you can't make us.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:47 No.33853510

    ...You mean that culture that enevitably failed and opened up the rest of berlin?
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:47 No.33853529
    I don't know about buck teeth in general, but I've seen a lot of Japanese people with protruding teeth. When they close their lips they look like they have a dog's snout.
    >> Evil Emperor Proteus !Pf61BYvMqU 07/03/09(Fri)13:47 No.33853531
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    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:47 No.33853532
    I only play mature games for mature gamers such as myself.jpg
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:48 No.33853577

    Now you're just being pathetic, your image macro only further validates my initial statement.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:48 No.33853582
    This thread is the perfect example of why the entire human race hates america and how america makes up atleast 85% of the worlds most stupid humanbeings.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:49 No.33853588

    Communism != Russian culture
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:49 No.33853607

    >> I'll pretend I think he's trolling
    >> Noet !!ebl5LP6PhGT 07/03/09(Fri)13:50 No.33853636
    Oh wow, I have even less faith in the US now.
    >> Evil Emperor Proteus !Pf61BYvMqU 07/03/09(Fri)13:50 No.33853641
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    Your three earlier posts indicate its the other way around.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:50 No.33853645
    >China isn't strong enough to defeat Tibet and Taiwan... you think they're going to beat the one and only super power in the world? Please, show some intelligence.
    Thank for the laughs, Amerifag!
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:51 No.33853658

    >>You mean that culture

    >>Copy paste a different statement

    >>Summer /v/
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:51 No.33853683
    >This thread is the perfect example of why the entire human race hates america and how america makes up atleast 85% of the worlds most stupid humanbeings.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:52 No.33853706
    the rest of the world is just a jealous child, mad because they're not as good as the US. We're the younger, more successful, and wildly good-looking brother. You guys are the fat, old, balding parasites of the world.

    I can see why you would be envious.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:52 No.33853713

    >>Bawww America is better than us and rubs it in our faces.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:52 No.33853714

    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:52 No.33853718
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    This is the single worst thread in all of 4chan history.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:52 No.33853719
    They are vidya.
    I like the vidya.
    I love jRPGS as much as I love wRPGS
    For instance right now I'm playing Baldur's Gate Tutu and Final Fantasy 1 PSP remake.
    Both are great games.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:53 No.33853757
    LOL, no .>>33852491 here. I do the judging.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:53 No.33853759
    >says Americans are stupid
    >uses human beings as one word
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:54 No.33853794
    >because they're not as good as the US. We're the younger, more successful, and wildly good-looking brother. You guys are the fat, old, balding parasites of the world.
    It's funny because America has the biggest percentage of fat people in the world.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:55 No.33853830
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    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:55 No.33853841
    You're wrong.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:56 No.33853869

    If it had a point we'd all get lipo at the same time considering most americans can afford it.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:57 No.33853897
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    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:57 No.33853901

    Now I want to go to Japan, if it means I get to play sweet vidya and drop bombs on Hawaii (not a real state).
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:58 No.33853928
    I can't stand any of their anime shit. Not a huge fan of JRPG's but I like a couple.

    Everything else is usually pretty cool. RE, Tekken, Siren, Metal Gear, Silent Hill, Dynasty Warriors, Ninja Gaiden, Mario, Sonic, Everybody's Golf, Streets of Rage etc, that's all good.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:58 No.33853951
    We don't, actually. Per Capita the U.S. is actually like 4th or something. Still fat as fuck, but percentage wise isn't number #1.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)14:01 No.33854044
    If done right the stories can be extremely compelling, if done slightly wrong they come off as extremely cornball.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)14:01 No.33854052
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)14:04 No.33854157
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    what's with this I can't stand anime crap...?

    Most of you pricks should have at least growing up watching some form of dubbed anime.

    This anime hating shit is getting really pathetic
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)14:07 No.33854270
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    >what's with this I can't stand anime crap...?

    Well people have different tastes. I personally don't like the teen angst/romance bullshit in alot of it, the over the top fight scenes etc
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)14:08 No.33854290
    I just saw Grave of the Fireflies. I'd like to see more films like that and less Dragon Ball Z malarky.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)14:08 No.33854313
    No, but you're sure fond of bearded necks. You disgust me, not only as a gamer, but as a human being.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)14:09 No.33854342
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    Sure thing bro.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)14:09 No.33854361

    We like robust anime, not sure if thats the thing to call it.

    Gundam, Robotech,

    Niggas killing niggas in giant robots in the future, not baww I'm cloud early 20's faggot constantly bitching and whining.

    All these feminine pussy characters, wheres the manly men of skull squadron?
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)14:10 No.33854393
    Older stuff is cool.
    But recently it's too flooded with this whole moe bullshit which is the worst trend ever, worse than the NGE teen angst stuff, the Dragonball power level shit, etc.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)14:11 No.33854421
    I don't like anime shit because it almost always takes place in a god damn highschool. And when it doesn't, it's still filled with nothing but clichés taken right out of the big handbook of "what MUST be in Japanese games". It makes them all completely predictable and pointless.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)14:11 No.33854442
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)14:12 No.33854475

    Atleast when we got power levels, we got over nine thousand and alot of goku blows up large object # 34505567
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)14:12 No.33854496
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    International hatred in recent generations began with the start of the Iraq War, most prominently in the Middle East where the war was taking place. Given that there were still plenty of groups still upset with the U.S. helping Israel (or simply targeting them because they see the U.S. as the "biggest, most powerful country), it took little flame to light the fuse that would spawn such acts as flag-burnings and dragging dead infantry through the streets. Other countries, such as those in Europe, merely hopped on the bandwagon, making former U.S. president George W. Bush seem as though he were a heartless devil, or a brain-dead mongoloid. Yet in truth, only England really had anything to do with the Iraq War, as they were the only nation in the area to send an infantry to the combat zone that was larger than 2,000 troops. Countries like France, who seemed to cry the loudest, did not spare anyone anything.

    However, times are changing. Although it's obvious Iraq cannot be evacuated overnight given the lack of governmental infrastructure, much of the al Qaeda influence in the area has either been eradicating or fled to seperate countries, such as Iran or Afghanistan. At the moment, U.S. president Barrack Obama is putting his focus back on his own soil, most notably attempting to deal with company bankruptcy and the lack of U.S. healthcare which was (surprise!) often due to massive spending on the war. Or using far more credit than any single human being could pay off without winning the lottery and being abducted by a UFO.

    At this point in time, anyone who is still mocking the U.S. is either a bitter Middle-Easterner (which can be justified) or a bitter European (which cannot). Or an Asian who has been fed propaganda.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)14:13 No.33854516
    EVANGELION is the greatest 2D animation series ever.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)14:14 No.33854541

    >> Professor Kcan !KAHgXYtN0M 07/03/09(Fri)14:15 No.33854574
    I like some japanese games.
    I don't like most JRPGs. I do like some of them (I remember I played a lot of Shining Force and golden sun back in the day)
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)14:15 No.33854579

    Cowboy Bebop
    Courage the Cowardly Dog
    Johnny Bravo
    Ghost in the Shell
    Dexter's Laboratory
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)14:16 No.33854621

    Like I said,

    Niggas killing niggas in giant ass robots.

    Japan should stick to what its good at.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)14:17 No.33854665
    To the people who think all anime is moe and highschool: Stop watching shows like Clannad , lucky star, K-on, Haruhi

    Soul Eater, Gintama, Hajime no Ippo, Bartender, god they're not hard to find.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)14:18 No.33854686
    I don't like Japanese games in general, especially Final Fantasy games. But my favorite game is Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. I'm so confused~
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)14:18 No.33854702
    If a game is good then who cares where it's from? How pathetic do you have to be to worry about what others may think if you like a game from any particular country? Grow some balls for once.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)14:18 No.33854706
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    >implying the Iraq "war" was NOT a move to take resources
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)14:18 No.33854711

    I watched it all again over the last 3 days. The End movie is exhausting, but beautiful if one spends the time to deconstruct it.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)14:19 No.33854731
    Or a self hating American who has become fed up with the constant lies of his government.
    >> Viewtiful Bro !!LXVvKMWF6tF 07/03/09(Fri)14:19 No.33854753

    Three of the four anime you just listed are shounen, bro.

    I don't think /v/ will take kindly to shounen.

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