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  • File : 1246582721.jpg-(103 KB, 1024x768, arcade84.jpg)
    103 KB Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)20:58 No.33818846  
    I"m thinking of making my own Arcade business with a few college buddies.

    Any suggestions from people with experience with owning an arcade?

    Also, suggest some good arcade games to get for the place.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)20:59 No.33818872
    Street Fighter 3s and 4.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)21:00 No.33818913
    Will never fly.
    Enjoy faggits coming in and breaking all your shit without spending money.
    Peeing down the back of cabinets and causing you other general trouble.
    Can play better games at home.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)21:01 No.33818957
    DDR Extreme, SuperNOVA, SuperNOVA 2, and DDRX.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)21:01 No.33818963
    BE UNIQUE. Have the classics but for the love of god stop with the same shit we see everywhere.

    Have some things that are truly weird to keep people coming back.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)21:01 No.33818981
    One of my dreams in life is to be ridiculously rich and open an arcade with a crap ton of fighters
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)21:02 No.33818983
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    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)21:03 No.33819027
    Instead of making them coin op machines get people to sign up and pay a fixed monthly members fee.

    That gets rid of no fags coming in and hasseling people.
    Unless they want to pay for that privillege of course.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)21:03 No.33819034
    Sunset Riders
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)21:04 No.33819079
    along with an arcade there should be other things. Maybe a place to eat food. karaoke? You know what I'm talking about though.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)21:05 No.33819089
    i like that
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)21:05 No.33819105

    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)21:05 No.33819107
    That's at least $40,000 right there. Good luck getting 40,000 players to pay off the costs of the cabinets alone.

    I've worked as an arcade attendant for five years. Your only hope of staying in business is to open up an arcade in an area that already gets a ton of foot traffic. Either that or you need a ton of start-up funds to open a generic giant "funplex"
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)21:05 No.33819116
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    Get Police 911, but for the love of god, position it so that people aren't constantly walking by behind it throwing off the sensors. It's my favorite arcade game, but this has been a problem everywhere I know that has it. Put a partition or something behind it if possible.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)21:05 No.33819122
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    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)21:06 No.33819151

    Also make sure you have some rhythm games like DDR or Pop n' Music, that shit prints out cash (or at least quarters)
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)21:06 No.33819169
    Fighting games, specifically street fighter 4, 3s, BlazBlue and KoF12. Then get marvel vs capcom 2 along with capcom vs snk 2. All good sellers. Then get your music games along with some driving games and some more casual shit and you are set. Also, have it in new york please.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)21:06 No.33819179
    Enjoy bankruptcy, sorry brah, arcades are done.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)21:06 No.33819183
    Arcades are a thing of the past. I doubt you can get one to be successful no matter what you do.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)21:06 No.33819184
    This sound like a good idea, what about time limit?
    >> /v/King !!FJttmpCw5hh 07/02/09(Thu)21:07 No.33819206
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)21:08 No.33819247
    Arcades are dead. You would probably be better off with a video game bar...large flatscreen tv where people can play competitively and drink. With an arcade like section containing only retro games mostly multiplayer.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)21:08 No.33819257
    OP here.

    I really like that idea.

    I was also thinking of having a room for people that want to bring in their PC's and LAN, maybe even some room for tabletop games and shit. I could also host tournaments for gamers in the community.

    Basically I'm imagining a giant nerd sanctuary.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)21:08 No.33819259
    dont do it
    nobody goes to arcades anymore
    >> Nigger !JNSD7jqUrc!!NwNS1gjJtuF 07/02/09(Thu)21:08 No.33819262
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)21:08 No.33819277
    Fuck you, we need more arcades. Thinking like that won't get us more arcades.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)21:09 No.33819302
    It will never be that busy. Arcades are shit holes these days
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)21:09 No.33819327
    This is why Japanese arcades are so successful, all that foot traffic. Have an arcade by a train station and bam, they're making money.
    >> Wat !!0FE15ItCJNr 07/02/09(Thu)21:10 No.33819343
    lol good luck making any money
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)21:11 No.33819387
    >I'm thinking of losing my own money with a few college buddies.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)21:11 No.33819398
    Marketing 101
    Arcade is late in its maturity curve. You can make some improvements, but you will file bankrupcy soon. It'd be like starting a VHS factory. And if you do decide to pursue this venture, please make it a limited liability partnership and don't invest all your money into it.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)21:11 No.33819401
    Where will you be putting this arcade?
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)21:13 No.33819502
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    build it next to a wal-mart or a wegmann's/other big grocery store so bored kids have somewhere to go when their parents are shopping
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)21:14 No.33819527
    chinatown fair would like a word with all you fags
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)21:15 No.33819557
    Where??? Fuck you had better be in washington nigger
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)21:15 No.33819558
    Works because of the foot traffic of NYC and the fighting game scene.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)21:16 No.33819637
    >> Sudowoodo !!3qUlT4d9A1L 07/02/09(Thu)21:17 No.33819647
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    Arcades are dead in America bro.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)21:17 No.33819655
    There's only gooks in there.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)21:17 No.33819665
    Jesus, OP, that is a terrible idea, I encourage you to NOT do it.
    If you really, really think it might work, do yourself a favor and write a business plan before you get a leasing contract.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)21:19 No.33819718
    Right now we live in Morgantown, WV. We're not sure if we should go somewhere busier or try here.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)21:19 No.33819725
    Get Guilty Gear XX: Accent Core Plus, DDR SuperNOVA 2, In the Groove 2, Initial D Arcade Stage 5, Street Fighter III: Third Strike, Capcom vs. SNK 2, Maximum Tune 3 DX, Beatmania, Marvel vs. Capcom 2 (I hate this game, but it's for the faggots), and any other interesting games.
    >> Liquid Snake !!SolHd6XlFcw 07/02/09(Thu)21:20 No.33819774
    Best idea? Make it a hybrid. Arcades alone won't bring in the big bucks anymore, so you have to do it with another business, like a game store or internet cafe or something. Or, you could always think outside the box and have like a console that you can play new games on, or hold various events and such to attract people.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)21:21 No.33819810

    Also we're not even really serious about this anyway. We're just brainstorming what we should do with our lives since we just graduated.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)21:22 No.33819866
    >>33819774 That's exactly what I was thinking. With that model I can see it actually be a popular place for people to hang out and get repeated business.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)21:23 No.33819928
    >>33819725 here.

    By the way, do NOT make it coin-op. Make it so people use a card or something. Let them put cash into a machine where it gives them credit inside the card and let them just swipe and play.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)21:24 No.33819939
    I bet you didn't graduate in business.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)21:24 No.33819942

    Make it a mix of a bar and vidya games. I'm not sure how much arcades would fly, but having consoles in there would be great. If you had an entrance fee of like 5-10 dollars and charge extra for beers and food, that would be awesome.

    Pool tables, video games, and alcohol. You can't go wrong with that.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)21:25 No.33819994

    Also a good idea, since we do live in Morgantown.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)21:27 No.33820037
    a liquor license isn't easy to get
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)21:27 No.33820062

    that's a step in the right direction at least, I wouldn't trust a business major to run a Mcdonald's.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)21:27 No.33820065
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    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)21:28 No.33820086
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    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)21:28 No.33820103
    No women, ever. There's a reason bars are made to be boring without other people.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)21:29 No.33820148
    Don't get a SF4 machine unless you want to be broke. Nobody except hardcores are playing that at the Arcades since everybody has the game at home now.
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 07/02/09(Thu)21:30 No.33820165
    These days arcades only work if you have another business. This why Dave and Busters is still in business and still offers arcade games.

    They offer food and games.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)21:30 No.33820178
    first do go with the coin route and do this, there is an arcade where i live that does great with this, charge like 5 or 10 dollars to get in and the play for how ever long you are open do it
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)21:31 No.33820205
    >>33819928, once again.

    If you want to succeed, make it an internet cafe as well. How about this idea? Mostly made for the internet cafe, and the arcade games are just there for extra fun. Just get some really great arcade games, and put them on the side. Make sure you sell food and drinks at the front counter, overprice it a bit. Here come your bucks. I have something similar here to me called Howie's Game Shack. 90% computers, 9% consoles, 1% arcade. It has about 100-something computers, about 20-30 consoles, and only one arcade game which is In the Groove 2.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)21:31 No.33820238
    Where is your image from, OP?
    >> inb4chan !yebRKfiero 07/02/09(Thu)21:32 No.33820276
    invest in a great security camera system
    Keep the floor plan very open with all machines against walls if possible
    pool tables in middle
    then you can see whats going on / stop vandals
    Buy shop in college town and stay open untill 5am

    sell coffee
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)21:33 No.33820297
    Do this but make it a fighting game. Or DDR, both sell well but I feel that if you are running a console place that a fighting game community would help your business.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)21:33 No.33820300
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)21:34 No.33820328
    Never owned one, but I worked one for a few years during college.

    You can't own an arcade in the traditional sense these days. You're better off starting a more traditional business and just incorporating video games into it. A lot of people suggest a bar or restaurant. Someplace that already sees a lot of foot traffic and preferably people looking to spend money and interact with people. You're not going to get nerds to leave their homes for expensive pay-to-play gaming, so prepare for selling to casuals who are either families or drunk (sometimes both).
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)21:34 No.33820351
    ddr, fighters, and shmups

    NO racers
    NO lightgun games

    FUCK air hockey
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)21:34 No.33820362
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)21:36 No.33820416
    Yeah, because a non-business major would do a better job in pretty much everything hurr durr.

    It's fucking annoying saying that my major is business because every faggot insists on offering his ignorant opinion on how to correctly do business. And I always look like an asshole when I say I'm not going to invest money in their ebay store or some other stupid idea.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)21:36 No.33820432
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)21:37 No.33820461
    Get *good* versions of rhythm games and keep them maintained. You'll get a set crowd of people that will spend quite a bit of money.

    Get good fighting games too. You'll make more money off of the people who enjoy the atmosphere then any kiddie faggots coming in for a birthday party.

    But also have a kids section so that you can entertain the kiddie faggots and their birthdays.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)21:37 No.33820490
    Fuck you niggers, Time Crisis owns your face. House of the Dead is okay, but not Time Crisis-levels of epic.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)21:41 No.33820601
    Please OP, consult a business advisor before you do this shit.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)21:41 No.33820618

    The key to success for arcade games are fighting, light-gun, driving, and rhythm.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)21:42 No.33820683

    what do business advisors know about arcades? talk to someone who owns a successful arcade / owns Dave & Busters / is Nolan Bushnell or something.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)21:43 No.33820715
    Have the 4-Player Simpsons Arcade Game

    Maybe get Mario Kart too, tried it at Epcot, was fun.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)21:44 No.33820749
    Make it 18 years+ and you need to show identification. Also, don't do it.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)21:46 No.33820819
    This is a piece of advice that you will thank god for later down the line.

    Don't release a fucking arcade in the US, move to Japan and you might not go bankrupt.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)21:47 No.33820859
    Why no Racers or lightgun games?

    Maybe that shitty Nascar game could be missed, but Initial D and Maximum tune are awesome.

    And fucking hell Lightgun games are the best.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)21:49 No.33820932
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)21:50 No.33820951
    I think the best place to set an arcade is at a movie theater
    You need something to do before the movie starts, and kids like movies
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)21:50 No.33820994
    Ever wonder how they got so big?
    They bought out every competitor after they filed Chapter 11 Bankruptcy. If OP doesn't want to become one of those, he might as well be ready to save at least $2 million, buy a Dave & Busters franchise license and keep it casual.

    Nerd havens don't exist for a reason.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)21:53 No.33821088
    Kind of true, the 3 biggest arcade in Montreal are near movie theathers (well those who were open when I was a kid and are still opened.)
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)21:53 No.33821125
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)21:56 No.33821249
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)21:58 No.33821315
    these games needed

    the house of the dead 4
    sega rally championship
    time crisis 4
    in the groove 2 haxed with over 2000 songs (i know how to hack them)
    lots of billiards
    lots of hockeys

    the lost world: jurassic park
    alpine racer 2
    the house of the dead 1 (cos is awesome)
    L.A. machineguns
    operation tiger

    OH MAN i love arcades since i was a little child X3
    >> BemaniAK !G6cT2e/Q4g 07/02/09(Thu)21:59 No.33821346

    You instantly have the best Internet Cafe in the world.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)21:59 No.33821365

    This, especially the rhythm game part.

    My local arcade had a DDR machine that was always well maintained and was constantly full, its was their biggest money maker, for reasons I cannot comprehend they replaced it with In the Groove, the arcade was a ghost town after that and it closed down like 2 months later.

    Also, have some good security, you would be amazed at how angry people get over DDR.
    >> BemaniAK !G6cT2e/Q4g 07/02/09(Thu)22:02 No.33821460
    ITG is a better game, barely any real difficulty walls, in DDRX you get some 11's and 12's and to do anything higher than that you need to do Paranoia ~Hades~ on Challenge, which is shitloads harder..

    But it doesn't have the brand recognition.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)22:02 No.33821462
    Name it Flynn's
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)22:03 No.33821483
    Replacing DDR with In The Groove? My God. It must have been run by fucking morons. I hate when I go to an arcade and they have In The Groove instead of DDR or Stepmania. I mean, diagonal? REALLY?
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)22:05 No.33821572
    You're thinking of Pump It Up.

    ITG is the exact same as DDR.

    And Stepmania Arcade machines? Who really does that anymore?
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)22:05 No.33821596
    raiden, pig skin, asteroids and track and field ( 4 player, very important) also, you should charge one flat admission rate, then rig the machines for free play.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)22:07 No.33821653
    wow so youre a dancer too?
    i cant complete energizer hard but its a 10 : (
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)22:09 No.33821738
    Build it on the West coast so you can incorporate a cannabis coffee shop when weed is inevitably decriminalized here.
    >> BemaniAK !G6cT2e/Q4g 07/02/09(Thu)22:10 No.33821748
    I play ITG2 tons more than DDR.

    I have to go into the city to get to a DDRX machine, that's always hogged, but my local Mall has a small arcade with a pretty much perfect ITG2 machine that nobody ever uses.

    It's so cash.

    With difficulty, hardest song I've passed is Robotix Expert, level 11, I think I usually get an A- or a B+
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)22:12 No.33821861
    There are no arcades where I live. Well, that's not completely true. There's one in the mall, but its mostly driving games. There's a mini golf place that SAYS they have an arcade, but it's pretty much all ticket games.

    I did find an small arcade in a dead mall in the middle of bumfuck with a darkstalkers machine. And I found a Roses store that happened to have a Metal Slug and a Samurai Showdown. That was cool.

    But there are no real arcades anywhere near my town, and I don't believe there's an establishment with more than one fighting game anywhere in the state.

    I would love an arcade near college campus that was open till 5am and served coffee......
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)22:16 No.33821962
    You make all your money off drinks. Arcade portion is just the gimmick.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)22:31 No.33822581
    Also there are wings. And they're only like a quarter each. Shit, I could walk in with a roll of quarters and spend 5 at the arcade and 5 on wings. Awesome.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)22:37 No.33822801
    OP, regardless of how it seems like there need to be more good arcade machines, assuming that enough people will actually come is totally idealistic. Stop wasting time and come up with a better idea.

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