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  • File : 1246570894.png-(716 KB, 850x357, Saxton5dollers.png)
    716 KB Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)17:41 No.33810754  
    Hey /v/. Has anyone gotten a letter from their ISP for pirating? Did they ever take any action?

    Got one in the mail a few weeks ago, I was way paranoid, now I'm just a bit paranoid.

    Picture un-related.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)17:42 No.33810793
    i don't know--i just throw all my mail in the garbage once or twice a month
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)17:43 No.33810802
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    you should have posted this as your image. then you could have said pic related.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)17:43 No.33810819
    I used to pirate at least 5 games a day. I wouldn't even play them, I just wanted to stick it to those corporate bastards. My ISP caught me and sent me to the slammer for 8. I'm posting this from the pen.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)17:43 No.33810833
    I've gotten then once in the 2 out of 3 different places I lived in the last 2 years. They did nothing
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)17:43 No.33810840
    cool story, bro
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)17:43 No.33810842
    hope so, that would give me a legal reason to move to a different ISP, and those fucking jewfags wouldn't want that
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)17:44 No.33810851
    Not yet. Getting paranoid though.
    >> Lance Banson 07/02/09(Thu)17:44 No.33810871
    Nah. Either my ISP doesn't give a shit, or I'm like a fucking ghost with all I pirate.
    Friend did though, after getting Spore shortly after release (dumb idea, obvious target, etc), but all it was was a slap on the wrist and hes back on the high seas.

    Put it this way: If they could do anything about it, they would have already. It's just a scare tactic.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)17:45 No.33810894
    I got one from Comcast once, they threatened to suspend or discontinue my internets. They didn't do anything, but i still don't torrent anymore.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)17:45 No.33810906
    I've never heard anything, and I've been pirating regularly for many years.

    If you're paranoid, OP, just use rapidshares, megaupload, etc.
    >> Liquid Snake !!SolHd6XlFcw 07/02/09(Thu)17:46 No.33810942
    I got a few emails a couple of times from Charter about the ESA contacting them about several pirated games. Weird thing is, it is mostly Capcom and Sony games that got me the emails.

    I usually ignore them, although I do not pirate on a regular basis so I think I am OK. Even then, we are ending our service with charter at the end of the month, so it does not matter.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)17:46 No.33810948
    Got one about a year and like 2 months ago. Never did anything about it. However, I was like "Well that was invasive, lets see how I can stop that from happening again." Google is a powerful tool.

    Excellent resource for knowing what you're getting into.
    >> Rinon460 !!eqN7edXu1I6 07/02/09(Thu)17:46 No.33810959
    My friend got one, almost got his internet shut off. He was lucky though, his mother works for the cable company.
    >> cool story bro !KNs1o0VDv6 07/02/09(Thu)17:47 No.33810982
    never been contacted but i once had my cable shut off because they thought i was running an illegal website from my house with all the downloading and uploading i was doing.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)17:47 No.33810993
    >that would give me a legal reason to move to a different ISP
    Your ISP threatening you for illegal activities gives you a legal excuse to move to a different ISP? What?
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)17:48 No.33811013
    I should note that it was 1 year 2 months ago, not 2 separate times.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)17:48 No.33811037
    Got one because my brother downloaded Medieval 2: Total War (and it was only because our CDs were fucked up, he had a CD key and all that). They just threatened to shut down our account if anything concerning torrenting ever appeared. I moved out recently though, at my new place I pirate like a motha fucka.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)17:51 No.33811149
    > Stage Four
    >These kinds of copyright infrinegement letters maybe sent via e-mail and/or mail service. (if they are sent via email, I would ignore it and move on) if they turn off your At this point they are threatening to cut you internet off due to service breaching the TOS (Terms Of Service) and/or already have suspended your internet connection.

    >They are requesting a settlement. (By stage 4 these letters are usually sent by the anti-p2p company not your ISP, but it is not impossible to get a stage four letter from your ISP) I would heed their warning and stay off P2P networks for a while.

    Well fuck, Comcast went ahead and skipped the first three and went straight to the fourth one.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)17:52 No.33811181
    >Type's of Infringement Letters
    looks like a great place to get legal advice
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)17:53 No.33811200
    I thought I got one once, but it turns out they were just notifying me that I won $50 for ordering over one hundred porn movies via Demand.
    >> HIND !!Oo43raDvH61 07/02/09(Thu)17:54 No.33811250
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    I have gotten 3, 2 for the same one and another one last week for Dreamweaver.
    I'm scared to even go to piratebay now.
    Pic related, If i was a HIND he would be my ISP.....
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)17:55 No.33811287
    You've got to be bullshitting.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)17:56 No.33811333

    No. They seriously will reward you with $50 if you order one hundred types of one movie within a month. I won under the 'adult' category.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)17:56 No.33811340
    This is why you should get jobs and buy your games.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)17:57 No.33811392
    they ought to send you a wanker of the year award or something, too
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)17:58 No.33811410
    I've been pirating for about 4 years now. Haven't gotten shit.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)17:58 No.33811424
    >If you're paranoid, OP, just use rapidshares, megaupload, etc.
    Not that easy if it's a large (i.e. any recent) game.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)17:58 No.33811426
    OP here, thanks for putting me at ease. Not really worring anymore.

    I downloaded the torrent that got me caught from The pirate bay as well.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)18:00 No.33811506
    OP here, I usually do just buy my games. It was right before my birthday and I was restless and was bored out of my mind. It was really the only time I pirated a game. And I'm not going to buy a game that I might just be getting for my birthday.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)18:01 No.33811524
    After all that shit that Pirate Bay went through, is it even smart to be using their site?
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)18:01 No.33811548
    Yep. They did nothing.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)18:02 No.33811562
    It depends on what the letter said.
    If it's the typical, "You've been naughty, stop it." They won't do anything unless you continue to be an idiot and get caught more times.

    Plus, it wouldn't be the ISP bringing the action. The ISP is only contacting you because someone else contacted them.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)18:02 No.33811565

    They're buying it just to shut it down, you know.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)18:02 No.33811574
    My friend torrented Adobe Photoshop I think and he got his internet completely shut off for a while and a letter. I can't remember what ISP he had though.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)18:02 No.33811580
    stop spamming (Anom = Anon) jnnls g fd
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)18:05 No.33811691
    ITT: ISPs use lies and slander to discourage piracy.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)18:10 No.33811894
    >ITT: ISPs use lies and slander to discourage piracy.
    You don't even know what slander means.

    >Slander is the oral communication of false statements that are harmful to a person's reputation.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)18:10 No.33811912
    I never said it had perfect spelling, just that it told you what to expect. I should also mention that it tells you what particular ISP letters/emails/messages look like and how serious they are. (brotip: none of them are serious.)
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)18:11 No.33811943
    My internet was shut off for some reason some years back. My dad calls up the ISP to ask why we werent connected and they told him they disabled us as a warning to stop pirating ( I had downloaded photoshop). They threatened to sue us for $500,000.00 if I did it again. They also told me to stop using BitTorrent. I still used BT but i did cut down on software downloades. But then we switched to a different ISP and Ive only been downloading porn really. MU/RS/MF for other stuff.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)18:12 No.33811961
    saxton hale is australian, not american

    also, he never sleeps.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)18:14 No.33812027
    torrents + that TOR program = never get caught?
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)18:15 No.33812116

    Using Tor is more likely to get you caught, since all Tor outlets have to go through the U.S. government sifter by law
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)18:16 No.33812124
    Service providers are not allowed to monitor the traffic coming through. If you get caught, then you most likely got caught by some hired (by Ubisoft) anti-pirate leech on a torrent. All that anti-P2P dude really has is a number, your IP.

    They call your provider and claim that you were doing baaaaad things. Your service provider can get in just as much trouble as you will, so they send you a note saying "hey, some guy said you were infringing on his stuff. Cut it out."

    Your provider does not want to lose you as a customer, but they also don't want you fucking things up for them. If they get enough notices on you, maybe three strikes or something, they will usually deny you service indefinitely.

    It is usually left at that. Seldom is it that the situation will escalate to the point that feds will kick in your door and take your hard drive to see if you have any illegal stuffs and then let the dudes you copied off of prosecute you.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)18:16 No.33812157
    Tor + Vidalia COULD be win but not sure.

    PeerGuardian = TRASH. Don't bother.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)18:18 No.33812211
    1) stop using torrents
    2) find newsgroup
    3) pirate
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)18:18 No.33812225
    Fucking morons
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)18:19 No.33812257
    My friend downloaded Crysis and started playing it... Ten minutes later, he got a call from EA.

    Who woulda thought they'd actually do anything.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)18:20 No.33812284
    some isps care and some seem to not give a fuck.

    if you are in the UK Virgin media are fucking assholes for this sort of shit.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)18:20 No.33812299
    >you most likely got caught by some hired (by Ubisoft) anti-pirate leech on a torrent
    There any way to identify that?
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)18:21 No.33812325
    ok, what about rapidshares = never caught?
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)18:21 No.33812338
    Nope. Funny thing is, is that I've pirated well over 20 games, and for about 4 days in a week a while back I pirated well over 2,000 songs, adobe photoshop, and a few movies.

    It's some local ISP provider who lives in this shit hole of a town with a population of <800.

    Love my fucking ISP.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)18:21 No.33812344

    Was it to thank him for playing that pile of shit?
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)18:21 No.33812356
    and this why I prefer direct downloading
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)18:23 No.33812417
    Rapidshares are easier to spot than torrents.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)18:24 No.33812449
    >fucking ghost
    This. I pirate the shit on my university's network and have never had a reprimand. Scarily though, a guy who lived in my block at uni got reprimanded by the uni for torrenting Fallout 3, which I had also done but I wasn't detected. Another friend got done for downloading roms of Zelda games on GBC. Everyone around me at uni was getting done for pirating except me. I'm either watched over by a higher power or they're closing in on my activities.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)18:24 No.33812459
    Got two from Comcast. One for Starcraft and I forget the other. I called them back to give a bullshit story about how it was a mistake, and the guy tells me the system is automated and nobody actually gives a damn there. Never stopped pirating since.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)18:24 No.33812465

    agreed. smaller isps dont have the man power and/or just dont fucking care. they cant afford to loose customers.

    also once its known that an isp is shitty towards ppl pirating on any scale ppl start to jump ship. I know I would never sign up to an isp that was well known for this sort of shit.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)18:25 No.33812482
    I live in Canada and I have downloaded over 600 games, if I ever get a letter in the mail I will take a shit on it and mail it right back.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)18:25 No.33812510
    i got one, over some shitty movie i was downloading for my dad which i didn't even get halfway through downloading. i lol'd and haven't changed any behavior at all.

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