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  • File : 1246316980.jpg-(23 KB, 400x356, a - v.jpg)
    23 KB Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)19:09 No.33650528  
    sup /v/irgins.

    /a/ is vastly superior to /v/ in every imaginable way.

    Why, you ask? Well, here are a few reasons why:

    1) /a/ is nearly troll-free whereas /v/ is ridiculously overwhelmed with trolls.
    2) /a/ actually possesses thread which are purely intellectual (i.e. no "LOLITROLLU," "NEWFAG," "SUMMERFAG," etc.). All /v/ has is "LOL I SO LOVE VALVE, POKEMON, AND HALO ^___^."
    3) /v/ is just an off-shoot of /b/.
    4) /a/ existed before /v/ proving that /v/ is shit.
    5) and in a private convo I had with moot just an hour ago he said that he'd rather go to /y/ than /v/.
    6) the /a/ tripfriends are much more admirable than /v/'s tripfags.
    7) every single male that posts on /v/ is at least twice as likely to be a virgin than a male posting on /a/.
    8) and why so many sonic threads? fucking f/v/rries.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)19:10 No.33650569
    and you're an idiot so points are irrelevant.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)19:11 No.33650580
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)19:11 No.33650585
    if /a/ is so much better, how come lanced jack is there?
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)19:11 No.33650586
    Moot's favorite board is /v/.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)19:12 No.33650664

    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)19:12 No.33650667

    Stopped reading there.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)19:12 No.33650691
    last post
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)19:13 No.33650695
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)19:13 No.33650705
    lolno /v/ and /co/ are the best boards in this shithole.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)19:13 No.33650716
    Copypasta shit, sage, I love /a/.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)19:13 No.33650737
    >I'm going to start an interboard war for teh lulz

    Go back to /b/.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)19:14 No.33650742
         File : 1246317243.png-(279 KB, 442x335, Hilarious Reaction Image.png)
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    >/a/ is vastly superior to /v/

    I chuckled.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)19:14 No.33650745
         File : 1246317248.png-(125 KB, 328x1017, 1231840410713.png)
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    /co/ was here. /a/ and /v/ are dawwwww
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)19:15 No.33650800

    Can't stop laughing

    /a/ is worse than /b/
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)19:15 No.33650807
    /sp/ here



    /sp/ IS THE BEST

    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)19:15 No.33650839
    I went to /a/ once to ask them if they could recommend more things that were like Ghost in the Shell (I dislike 99.9% of anime, but GITS was awesome).

    They recommened something to me that when I googled turned out to be "shota"...which I then discovered is this sick sub-section of anime that involves underage cartoons butt-fucking and sucking eachother's cocks.

    Fuck you /a/. I just wanted some more quality things to watch.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)19:17 No.33650896
    >/a/ is nearly troll-free whereas /v/ is ridiculously overwhelmed with trolls.

    We gave you Lanced Jack. We are now reasonably troll free.

    >and in a private convo I had with moot just an hour ago he said that he'd rather go to /y/ than /v/.

    dohohoho i thought you were just a faggot until that, now i know its a troll
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)19:17 No.33650922
    Sup /co/. Stop sucking superhero cock 24/7 365, please.
    If you think about it you're the biggest bunch of faggots on 4chan. Your shit is like if /v/ only talked about Madden, Nintendogs and Wii Fit 95% of the time. Or if /a/ only talked about Akira, Naruto, Bleach and Pokemon all day.

    Step your game up or move the fuck over to IGN's comics section where all the other capes and tights faggots hang.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)19:19 No.33650982
    This thread and others like it make /v/ sturdier, simpler, and superior.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)19:19 No.33651007
    I'm serious now. If you want quality anime to watch then your best bet is to
    1. Ask /tv/. They have the best anime threads on 4chan and also the overall best taste
    2. If /tv/ are acting like children. Try asking /v/. Alot of dudes here watch anime and fuck me we beat the shit out of /a/ at their own game.

    tl;dr never ask /a/ about good anime.
    >> Maximilian Thermidor !!hzeFKjF7lyF 06/29/09(Mon)19:20 No.33651050
         File : 1246317643.jpg-(112 KB, 720x511, 1244926156794.jpg)
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    Old copy pasta is old but...

    >1) /a/ is nearly troll-free whereas /v/ is ridiculously overwhelmed with trolls.
    >/a/ is nearly troll free

    Makes me laugh every time.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)19:21 No.33651088
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    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)19:22 No.33651123
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    >> sage sage 06/29/09(Mon)19:22 No.33651124
    ITT people dont realise the irony of replying to a troll thread about trolling
    This should be the last post, otherwise /a/ will prove they are better by not taking this shit seriously
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)19:22 No.33651136
    /a/ might be better, but anime is not an interesting topic.

    I like videogames. Some anime series are good, but it's not WOW LET'S TALK ABOUT IT BECAUSE IT IS JAPANESE.

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