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  • File : 1246294189.jpg-(128 KB, 539x393, konataattention2.jpg)
    128 KB Steam giveaway Janced Lack !!Y8Gfzllnsik 06/29/09(Mon)12:49 No.33632860  
    Alright guys, I bought the Valve Complete Pack twice. I'm willing to give it away to one of my trustworthy /v/ companions.

    The first person who can say something nice about me, Janceru~ Lacku~, without breaking a smile, will get this gift.

    Who will it be, I wonder?
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)12:50 No.33632903
    I wouldn't want anything from you faggot, it might be infected
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)12:54 No.33633050
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)12:57 No.33633137
    I honestly don't really know who you are. I've heard people call you a troll but I've never witnessed it myself. You seem like a nice person and the Lucky Star pics you post make me smile. I don't understand why people are so rude to each other on this site but it is kind of funny. You seem like an okay persone and I hope your life is worth living :)
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)12:59 No.33633262
    Forced kindness is stupid. Real kindness is great,

    To you, whoever you are, if you really bought a double of the Valve complete pack with the intention to give it to somebody, well then... I think thats a little weird but I guess its generous. I'd be interested to know who's going to win this.

    I'll say thanks in advance from the guy you will give it to.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)13:04 No.33633439
    Generosity comes a long way. Good job, mate.

    PS: Lucky Star is great.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)13:04 No.33633463
    I've seen you post about a bit at first i thought you were just a typical tripfag but atleast you actually talk about fucking video games unlike nigba ect.

    Theres nothing else anyone can say about you, faget.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)13:04 No.33633470
    You're nothing but a GIRL GOLFER.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)13:04 No.33633474
    Nigba is a better troll than you

    You're ok though

    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)13:05 No.33633490
    your a troll and a weaboo faggot
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)13:05 No.33633500
    You were an hero.
    >> Gum !!siIyP6rDebk 06/29/09(Mon)13:05 No.33633517
    You are a gigantic faggot.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)13:05 No.33633518
    what a bunch of nice people
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)13:06 No.33633539
    I like you, but I already have every Valve game. Feel free to give it to someone who needs it more.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)13:06 No.33633540
         File : 1246295172.jpg-(18 KB, 290x256, double jumper.jpg)
    18 KB
    Jack just take some ammo ... you .. you
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)13:06 No.33633564
         File : 1246295203.jpg-(11 KB, 282x255, double jumper2.jpg)
    11 KB
    >> Pinjk Mage !CurlyBOCPY 06/29/09(Mon)13:06 No.33633575
    But you are not the real Lanced Jack. The real one's tripcode is Lanced Jack##zomgwarudo
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)13:07 No.33633581
    i always liked you jack i dont want the game either :3
    >> Kurokona !!Wzibuz8tB+B 06/29/09(Mon)13:07 No.33633582
         File : 1246295238.jpg-(62 KB, 933x635, 12433609701.jpg)
    62 KB
    So this is where you hide when not on /a/...

    well... off to a different board
    >> hidden reported 06/29/09(Mon)13:07 No.33633586
    >Janced Lack !!Y8Gfzllnsik

    >> Janced Lack !!Y8Gfzllnsik 06/29/09(Mon)13:07 No.33633589
         File : 1246295248.jpg-(98 KB, 400x400, konatabaw2.jpg)
    98 KB
    You know, I do have feelings.

    Do you enjoy hurting them?
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)13:08 No.33633616
    you're a tripfag

    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)13:09 No.33633655
         File : 1246295346.png-(167 KB, 961x631, tripfags.png)
    167 KB
    >> Phoenix Wright !8OdQ6CnyY2 06/29/09(Mon)13:09 No.33633670
         File : 1246295371.gif-(6 KB, 256x192, 55645747.gif)
    6 KB
    How do you feel about Touhou1990 stealing your thunder?
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)13:09 No.33633677
    Man, another trip to the filter.
    >> Janced Lack !!Y8Gfzllnsik 06/29/09(Mon)13:10 No.33633699
         File : 1246295410.jpg-(39 KB, 403x396, konatalol.jpg)
    39 KB
    Cross-board stalking?

    Good god. You're worse than Taiga.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)13:10 No.33633718
         File : 1246295438.jpg-(104 KB, 752x700, cat.jpg)
    104 KB
    I do not really know a lanced jack... guess its taim to lurk moar. However I'd still appreciate some steaminess in my life! If nothing else you're a white knight kinda guy for handing this kinda thing out to the community! I'll take it off your hands if nothing else *shrug*
    >> onion Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)13:12 No.33633777
    u're a maget
    >> Janced Lack !!Y8Gfzllnsik 06/29/09(Mon)13:12 No.33633786
         File : 1246295554.jpg-(34 KB, 580x540, konatacute10.jpg)
    34 KB
    I adjusted the rules.

    If you want the pack, you have to:

    1. Say something nice about me.
    2. Acknowledge my reign over 4chan and applaud me.
    3. Have stalked me for at least a month.
    4. Own a PS3.
    5. Agree that Japanese products are superior to Western products.

    Bombs away!
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)13:12 No.33633791
         File : 1246295561.jpg-(13 KB, 363x364, The Big Lebowski.jpg)
    13 KB
    Whatever happened to the good old days of instant Sage bombing of Lanced Jack threads?
    >> sage sage 06/29/09(Mon)13:13 No.33633837
    >> Kurokona !!Wzibuz8tB+B 06/29/09(Mon)13:13 No.33633850
         File : 1246295632.jpg-(48 KB, 960x720, Kurokona-1.jpg)
    48 KB
    No, this was a chance encounter.

    Highly unlikely to happen again since daytime /v/ is crap.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)13:14 No.33633859
    sage for faggots
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)13:14 No.33633864
         File : 1246295662.jpg-(104 KB, 562x437, derp3.jpg)
    104 KB
    1. You're a neckbeard faggot.
    2. See 1.
    3. See 1.
    4. Yep.
    5. Both are shit.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)13:14 No.33633869
    Sometimes I give people stuff so they like me, too, Jack. We are kindred ronrey.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)13:14 No.33633870
    Can't do 2 and 3 but I got the rest of them down.
    >> Phoenix Wright !8OdQ6CnyY2 06/29/09(Mon)13:14 No.33633876
         File : 1246295678.gif-(73 KB, 256x192, phoenix-handsondesk(b).gif)
    73 KB
    Just come out and say who you REALLY are moot.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)13:15 No.33633890
         File : 1246295700.jpg-(50 KB, 345x345, I dont think so tim.jpg)
    50 KB
    >I bought the Valve Complete Pack twice
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)13:15 No.33633894
    Admittedly, while your insistance that we are "tsundere" for you gets on my nerves sometimes, at least you, ya know, ACTUALLY TALK ABOUT GAMES. Which a lot of other tripfags seem to be unable to do, and therefore I respect you for that.
    Also- Lucky Star is the best show about nothing ever.
    >> Capt Haddock !ylTYjMKvJk 06/29/09(Mon)13:16 No.33633928
         File : 1246295760.jpg-(90 KB, 333x327, captainhaddock.jpg)
    90 KB
    Listen here you Jacapane! You scoundrel! You Twad-Waddle Buffoon, nobody wants your crap so why don't you take a hike?

    ...I do own a PS3 though.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)13:16 No.33633931
         File : 1246295762.jpg-(116 KB, 803x775, hey jack I got a present.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)13:16 No.33633934
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)13:16 No.33633942
    Leave your PSN, friedn
    >> Pink Mage !CurlyBOCPY 06/29/09(Mon)13:16 No.33633944

    Shame I can't see those b& for trying it.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)13:16 No.33633945
    Ahh summer /v/
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)13:16 No.33633950
         File : 1246295799.gif-(35 KB, 256x192, edgeworth-shrug.gif)
    35 KB
    Another crazy story. What proof do you have Wright?
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)13:16 No.33633956
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)13:17 No.33633968
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)13:17 No.33633983
    >>33633894 here.
    1. See my previous post
    2. sure, why not?
    3. I know where you live, Jack. You're that guy from my college course. The one who, just like me, considers Japanese games > western games.
    4. I play on my boyfriend's PS3 (lolhomo) all the time, does that count?
    5. I concur.
    >> Janced Lack !!Y8Gfzllnsik 06/29/09(Mon)13:17 No.33633984
         File : 1246295847.jpg-(996 KB, 1217x1548, vidyatrolled.jpg)
    996 KB
    In honour of my greatness, I've decided to not give you anything because I'm a little teasing bitch, and instead turn this into a thread specifically about me and my persona.

    Remember the good times we had, /v/? I do.

    I'm swapping /a/ for /v/ again very fucking soon, rest assured
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)13:18 No.33634006
    Don't you know? As soon as someone offers something on Steam, the underage faggots on /v/ eat it up because they are broke douchebags.
    >> Sir Captain Dah The 5th, Esquire !wYJ1Qxd2JA 06/29/09(Mon)13:18 No.33634015
    well fuck you
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)13:18 No.33634040
    >Janced Lack !!Y8Gfzllnsik
    Go back to being banned.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)13:19 No.33634066

    >1. Say something nice about me.
    you're a tripfag, sorta like a voluntary nigger.
    >2. Acknowledge my reign over 4chan and applaud me.
    i'm amazed how ignorant a person can be
    >3. Have stalked me for at least a month.
    i wouldn't never associate myself with you online or irl
    >4. Own a PS3.
    even if i had one, see 3
    >5. Agree that Japanese products are superior to Western products.
    trying too hard
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)13:19 No.33634076
    I'm just playing along with Lanced Jack, bro. Beats doing other stuff while I wait for Megami Tensei Online to update.
    >> Janced Lack !!Y8Gfzllnsik 06/29/09(Mon)13:19 No.33634079
         File : 1246295980.jpg-(38 KB, 454x317, konatawtf4.jpg)
    38 KB
    I finished College 4 years ago and I never had a homosexual in my course.
    >> Phoenix Wright !8OdQ6CnyY2 06/29/09(Mon)13:19 No.33634090
         File : 1246295989.gif-(29 KB, 256x192, phoenix-sheepish(a).gif)
    29 KB
    Well...none as of right now. But I'm pretty sure.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)13:20 No.33634098
    Just a friendly reminder to download the 4chan Post Filter, and filter this faggot's tripcode.

    That said, this thread is now filtered, good day.
    >> The Golden Boat 06/29/09(Mon)13:20 No.33634107
         File : 1246296015.jpg-(18 KB, 426x304, 1245599156914.jpg)
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    Do you even buy games?
    All you talk about is demo's.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)13:20 No.33634112
    He's dead.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)13:20 No.33634121
         File : 1246296033.jpg-(41 KB, 574x432, hatethesea.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)13:21 No.33634144
    Haha, lanced jack was challenged by /a/ to troll /v/ and see if people here would give him attention. And it seems he is still able to do it. Daytime /v/, I am disappoint.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)13:21 No.33634151
         File : 1246296081.jpg-(18 KB, 207x314, veri funi man veri funi.jpg)
    18 KB
    >I never had a homosexual in my course
    >> TropM !!rf6l/CITqIB 06/29/09(Mon)13:21 No.33634153
         File : 1246296083.jpg-(7 KB, 100x60, 19580652.jpg)
    7 KB
    I have no ps3..
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)13:21 No.33634166
    1. You're the interesting kind of unique and show great dedication towards trolling.
    2. I went to /a/, and realised your supremacy.
    3. I frequently open tabs you have
    4. Getting a HDMI cable to connect it to my monitor tomorrow. Want to play Valkyria Chronicles
    5. The highly efficient capital technologies Japan use to produce its manufactured goods trump most of the technologies used in the West, and therefore many Japanese Products have higher manufacturing standards.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)13:21 No.33634167
         File : 1246296107.png-(102 KB, 250x250, Rocko's Modern Life.png)
    102 KB
    The only chemo for the cancerous Lanced Jack threads is to ignore them.
    >> Accelerando !!KU4ka94526Q 06/29/09(Mon)13:21 No.33634168
         File : 1246296107.jpg-(26 KB, 307x369, 1244169514872.jpg)
    26 KB
    Yo lanced
    hahaha your mind is sick always
    in b4 134 posts and 44image replies omitted

    good one lanced, but really...
    this summer is fucking terrible, even with/without you
    its like a virus
    fucking summer...
    >> Janced Lack !!Y8Gfzllnsik 06/29/09(Mon)13:21 No.33634170
         File : 1246296108.png-(211 KB, 456x417, konatacute5.png)
    211 KB
    Of course, I've been playing a lot of Overlord 2, Arma 2 and Anno 1404.

    Shit's awesome.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)13:21 No.33634172
    i went awound anada squil, and dey sey hey andenay runna way
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)13:22 No.33634178
    excluding yourself, of course :3
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)13:23 No.33634217
         File : 1246296183.png-(46 KB, 295x336, Klonata.png)
    46 KB
    Hey Guys, what's going on in this thread?
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)13:23 No.33634221
         File : 1246296187.png-(8 KB, 190x160, 73847.png)
    8 KB
    Foolish fool foolishly making up foolish theories.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)13:23 No.33634230
    Janced Lack, I think you're a cool guy. I don't see why there's so much hating on you, it's not lik- HAHAHAH!!

    Oh man, I thought I could do it, but I just couldn't hold it!! Man, what a fag.
    >> The Golden Boat 06/29/09(Mon)13:23 No.33634233
         File : 1246296208.jpg-(18 KB, 327x388, 1242254136442.jpg)
    18 KB
    Well if this is a troll its not a very good one.
    All other threads just happen to be shit atm apart from one or two.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)13:23 No.33634236
    worth a try

    1.You troll the retards
    2.Better than Toxic Jester and Nigba, that's a fact
    3.Double Dragon
    4.Yep, but I don't really want to post my PSN.
    5.Can I say I like both equally?
    >> The Golden Boat 06/29/09(Mon)13:24 No.33634252
    Overlord 2 any good?
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)13:24 No.33634256
    Stop it faggots
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)13:24 No.33634271
    Janced Lack likes the Tripple, and thus is cool.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)13:24 No.33634273
         File : 1246296273.jpg-(75 KB, 508x677, Lanced Jack is a faggot.jpg)
    75 KB
    I'd block you but I like posting this picture too much to stop
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)13:24 No.33634288
         File : 1246296289.jpg-(48 KB, 640x480, I SEEEEE.jpg)
    48 KB

    Mysterious are the ways of the anon Jack.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)13:25 No.33634296
    At least you're nice about your trolling.

    Nigba tries so hard to insult everyone back and in the end fails miserably by recycling the exact same insults over and over again
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)13:25 No.33634301
    suck my dick u useless cunt
    >> Janced Lack !!Y8Gfzllnsik 06/29/09(Mon)13:25 No.33634302
         File : 1246296308.jpg-(32 KB, 565x397, konatawin3.jpg)
    32 KB
    >3.Double Dragon

    Oh shit you're still around? Made my day :3

    Give me your MSN, the game is finished (or as finished as it will ever be).
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)13:25 No.33634314
         File : 1246296332.png-(50 KB, 922x417, Stop_Lanced_Jack.png)
    50 KB
    It's because someone sees his name and reacts just how he wants.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)13:25 No.33634316
    You are a fake and even more of a faggot than the original. You didn't buy the Valve complete pack twice, who the fuck would do that ever? Not even Gabe himself.
    I do own a PS3 though so I feel slightly sick to be associated with you.

    >5. Agree that Japanese products are superior to Western products.
    >Bombs away!

    My my, what an odd choice of words.

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