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  • Blotter updated: 01/01/09

  • File : 1245257546.jpg-(19 KB, 250x352, BLAME!9_1Photo.jpg)
    19 KB Blame! Game Dev 06/17/09(Wed)12:52 No.32974268  
    Hello /v/, I previously made a post here discussing the fact that I was in the process of getting the Blame! license for America, Japan and select European countries(that have Blame! licensed). I plan to make a game that depicts the Blame! universe with honor and integrity. So far the current features are;

    Procedural Environments- Based on the architecture from Blame! style sets will procedurally generate thousands of miles of landscape to explore. These environments will be "logical" based on a custom procedural generation system in order to avoid unnecessary repetitiveness. Various procedural damage, rot and deterioration will break up the monotony.

    Procedural AI- The AI will always be doing something regardless of whether you are around or not. They have routines they follow based on who they are, where they live and what their purpose is. Fights can break out in areas you've already traveled through and if you happen to backtrack you will see the damage then can choose to investigate. Think Shenmue but more advanced.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/09(Wed)12:53 No.32974292
    Procedural Story- Dependent upon your actions the plans of the AI can change and the story can change. The game takes every action into consideration and information about you can spread through town to create new allies or enemies(or alert enemies to your presence) so trying to blend in will change things.

    Massive Physics Based Damage- Anyone who is a fan of Blame! expects the Gravitational Beam Emitter to cause damage. Procedural architectural damage will result and based on the system specs of the PC in question it could show a building breaking into thousands upon thousands of pieces realistically or it could use a combination of particle effects and physics for lesser PCs.

    Scaling Engine- The technology built for this game will be scale-able and as new hardware is released the game itself will change to take advantage of it automatically. The procedural engine will add more AI routines, more AI enabled characters, more physics destruction, more lighting sources, etc.

    Please feel free to list some ideas you would like to see.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/09(Wed)13:06 No.32974878
    No one?
    >> Anonymous 06/17/09(Wed)13:07 No.32974905
    What is Blame!?
    >> Anonymous 06/17/09(Wed)13:09 No.32975063
    Seriously? Or are you trolling me?
    >> Anonymous 06/17/09(Wed)13:11 No.32975127
    Yes, if you were working on such an ambitious project /v/ is obviously the first place you would go.
    I am buying this.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/09(Wed)13:11 No.32975139

    Not trolling, but I just checked it up on Wikipedia. Seems cool bro.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/09(Wed)13:13 No.32975254
    I already know what I want to do with the project and once the licensing is finalized I will have a community forums to get more opinions but for now, yes, I happen to have some free time. So /v/ who is extremely picky and always bitching about the failure of gaming developers is a great place to go for opinions.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/09(Wed)13:13 No.32975255
    Sounds like GOTY every year if the engine can do that.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/09(Wed)13:14 No.32975315
    This sounds a bit too ambitious, I have a hard time believing most of this will be in your final product.
    I won't be Molyneuxed.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/09(Wed)13:16 No.32975390
    The difference being that man has a budget, a deadline and limited resources.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/09(Wed)13:18 No.32975499
    and do you think a no name /v/ goer will have any better?
    >> Anonymous 06/17/09(Wed)13:18 No.32975504
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    >> Anonymous 06/17/09(Wed)13:20 No.32975562
    Well this guy has limited resources and funding.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/09(Wed)13:25 No.32975833
    OP I know for about 4 teams who tried to make a game from Blame! and Noise and you know what? It was nothing because it's impossible to make such a thing as total destruction and FUKKEN ENDLESS SANDBOX WORLD WHERE EVEN AN ELEVATOR TRIP TAKES A FUKKEN 3 MONTH!
    >> Dev 06/17/09(Wed)13:26 No.32975893
    Through several innovative business strategies the budget for this game will easily surpass the limitations of the current generation. Through a mixture of personal investments based off profits from other business ventures and community investment the current budget is just over 40 million and I expect that to grow to 100 million by years end. By 2012(when I expect to release it) the budget will be around 250-500 million. So yes, I expect to be able to make all these features happen.

    Now let's get off this subject and get back to the game.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/09(Wed)13:33 No.32976229
    I don't know what Blame! is.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/09(Wed)13:39 No.32976559

    Ok. Lets play your game a bit. Actually I don't think you're saying truth.

    But anyway, as you know OP, Blame!s megastructure was develiped randomly for about eternity, so there are tons of diffirent species,nations and religions. It's even bigger than a StarWars so your engine suppese to generate all this content by inself. And also, HOW are you gonna make me(player) feel all the gigantism of that world? It's gonna be endless game with 10000+ hours of gameplay?
    >> Anonymous 06/17/09(Wed)13:40 No.32976599
    dammit op why must you taunt me with your beautiful lies
    >> Anonymous 06/17/09(Wed)13:47 No.32976869
    It can't be signle player, its gonna have to be an MMO. With factions/classes. although netgaurd and what not are offlimits.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/09(Wed)13:50 No.32976983

    No. Blame! is all about loneliness. And also MMO idea will FUCKKEN ruin everything.
    >> Dev 06/17/09(Wed)13:50 No.32976995
    They aren't lies. I am putting all of this money into the project hoping for a great return by licensing out the engine to various developers who want to have procedural architecture creation and whatnot.

    Yes. The engine will generate content based on a set of criteria/textures/architectural principles/cultural advancements. Granted the large majority of this content will have not been seen in the manga as the manga only covered a fraction of what the megastructure had to offer.

    As for the size of the world and when it ends...it ends when you say it ends. In theory you could play it for the next 20 years and it will constantly offer more and more things to discover so long as my development team keeps adding in criteria for the engine to create more content with.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/09(Wed)13:57 No.32977299
    It might be about the lonliness, but try pitching this idea to publishers? "You are alone, in a world that never ends, with no directions. Oh and you're supposed to not get bored."
    >> Anonymous 06/17/09(Wed)13:58 No.32977354

    I have screenshotted this thread.

    I saved the image as 'blamelies.jpg'

    I will keep it until 2012
    >> Anonymous 06/17/09(Wed)14:00 No.32977430

    NO MMO I've said. It's plain stupid to try to make everything into MMO. Ofcause it'll bring money but nothing more. Think of it, all the really good games we think of AREN'T MMO!
    >> Dev 06/17/09(Wed)14:01 No.32977451

    Wow, you are missing the point of this project.

    Publishers = deadlines
    Publishers = rushjobs
    Publishers = cancer killing industry

    Through this project I not only hope to make the best videogame ever created, I also hope to change the way the industry does business to eliminate risk and promote innovation. If this project works as planned publishers will be dead and irrelevant from now on.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/09(Wed)14:04 No.32977551
    >custom procedural generation system in order to avoid unnecessary repetitiveness

    Yeah, unlikely, but if you can pull it off it'll be a first. Procedural stuff tends to look very same-y.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/09(Wed)14:05 No.32977600
    Well then good luck to you sir.

    I for one won't be waiting for this vapourware.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/09(Wed)14:08 No.32977724

    Shadow of the Colossus did this pretty well, so it won't be a problem if you give the player an incentive.

    I have to agree that making an mmo game out of Blame would suck incredibly bad. It would turn into sci fi warcraft and alienate most, then you'd have to make a lot of changes to the blame universe to cater to the wow players that would flock to it.
    >> Dev 06/17/09(Wed)14:08 No.32977754
    This system will not only procedurally generate environments it will take into consideration the culture, mindset, age of the area, current inhabitants, upkeep and various other factors to ensure there is no repetition which is not logical. For instance, if the current area is a constant war zone it will be rendered as such. The engine will generate a landscape based on REAL battles (in the sense that bullet holes and damage are computed)

    This will be done by linking thousands of computers together through an online component to utilize the processing power of thousands/millions of PC's at once(with the users permission of course). Think folding@home except apply it to games instead.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/09(Wed)14:10 No.32977834

    both those posts are mine. I think of making a tag for this discusson.

    Ok. How do you think the engine will work? If it's about adding new content via DLC or just updates then your engine is suppose to be easy and suitable for almost everty config emagenable.

    Ok. But it's not the point. Point is that Killy is our protogonist I suppose and I can't emagine the blame game without 9000 km stairway from the beginning of the manga. Killy is a person for who time have no FUCKKEN meaning and Player is a person who is wanting to see all the story in 8 hous (for console) and max 120 (for oldfags of PC rpgs).

    Aslo I have one more question. How can be tha story generated RANDOMLY?
    >> Anonymous 06/17/09(Wed)14:12 No.32977907
    It sounds good on paper but the last time all this kind of stuff was promised to us we got Oblivion instead.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/09(Wed)14:13 No.32977948
    >Killy is a person for who time have no FUCKKEN meaning

    Well that's ideal for an MMO then.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/09(Wed)14:18 No.32978036

    sorry for greentext but
    >This will be done by linking thousands of computers together through an online component to utilize the processing power of thousands/millions of PC's at once(with the users permission of course). Think folding@home except apply it to games instead.

    this. Skynet or what? Ofcause it's chellenging idea but it'll never work as you think it should. I svear you OP.
    >> Anon-Nexis 06/17/09(Wed)14:18 No.32978045

    Prototype (insane biological manipulation, masses of enemies) + Red Faction (rip holes in anything). Stick in gravity-based physics, some procedural generation and make it an action-roguelike (Killy gets beaten up that it'll take a few years to repair, or something)

    FUND. IT.
    >> Dev 06/17/09(Wed)14:19 No.32978049
    Content is generated through sets of information supplied to the engine. This is then mass computed through the entire user base in order to change the game for all those connected to it online. This will ensure things are always changing. As computer hardware advances the need for online connectivity and the cloud computing network will slowly go away. Eventually computers will be able to handle these computations on their own.

    There will no no DLC and no charges beyond the initial game purchase. All payments made after that are optional and to encourage Tsutomu Nihei and my company to create more data sets for the engine to create more content procedurally. This engine will apply to any new game created, not just Blame!.

    There is no "end" and so you play the game so long as it's fun. If you want to you can choose to stay in a town, become friends with some people and live out your life in peace. Or you can choose to keep exploring. Or you can choose to follow objectives you set for yourself or that others give you. You can choose your own fate and there is no "end" even though you CAN be killed(not easily of course and some of these game overs can turn into a branching story path where you live). That is game over. No continues. You may start from the same level but your existence will be erased from the NPC's and no one will know you.

    The story will generate randomly based on the same principles as i've described above and through the other post. Every person and entity in the world will follow a set of rules based on criteria and they will act according to them which opens up story opportunities.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/09(Wed)14:23 No.32978083
    um. wait a second here.

    what are you hoping to do with all this "processing power"? how are you hoping to use it, specifically -- how many cycles, or computations, or packets of data, i mean what do you want to really do? i don't see how you're connecting the concept of cloud computing that has found use in research to a video game.
    >> Dev 06/17/09(Wed)14:29 No.32978202

    I'm using the processing power for exactly what I said i'm using it for. To enhance the gaming experience beyond what conventional computers are capable of. To create games that blur the line of reality and pull people into them. Eventually i'd like to create technology that even allows people to dream inside of games so that when they sleep they can live a second life to reduce crime, increase happiness, pleasure and bring about purpose. Allow people to expand their boundaries.

    Of course...that is something less "possible" and isn't related to this game at all. Just a dream of mine.
    >> Envy 06/17/09(Wed)14:30 No.32978224
    Okay, OP. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.

    When do you plan to set the game and who would you/could you play as?
    >> Anonymous 06/17/09(Wed)14:33 No.32978351
    I feel it's a Skynet

    As for you, OP, I've got your idea. Yes it's awesome but... but... but... it would be like a any sandbox game but without any actual story. It's like make your gameplay experience by yourself. It's not what I (as a player) want to see. I want a story which is wrote by a professional writers and designers. And it's not because I'm lazy to motivate myself to play further, but because RANDOMLY means GENERIC. That how it works. No exceptions
    >> Anonymous 06/17/09(Wed)14:37 No.32978512
    >Just a dream of mine.

    Exactly, because it doesn't make any fucking sense. You want to use this "processing power," but in the context of a video game, where things need to happen in real-time, what are you going to do about these very, very small cycles you're borrowing from users that are transmitted in small packets over the internet using a very, very small amount of bandwidth? You used a lot of colorful adjectives there and you didn't explain at all what goals you have that are currently prohibitive under one computer, and how you will use cloud computing to help achieve your goals, and why you are using cloud computing versus some other method of procedural generation from a source other than the home computer the game is played on.

    Overall I see a half-witted idea and very little planning. I definitely do not see a game. I suggest you get your shit together and come up with some better answers to this very simple question that is apparently a key to your game's design, especially now that you're getting licensing (money) involved. You think an investor will put their money on the line with a half-assed teenager answer like that? Fuck no, buddy.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/09(Wed)14:39 No.32978572

    I said it in the last thread and I'll say it again. FUCK YES.
    also for me, it's a win-win situation, because if you're a troll, I congratulate you to your effort.
    >This is then mass computed through the entire user base in order to change the game for all those connected to it online.

    now. did I understand that correctly, that, while it's (thankfully) not gonna be a MMO, there is only one "world"? meaning the procedural enviroment engine gets its information from all/several players, thus in theory creating a more diverse enviroment (for example, different cultures emerge due to different patterns generated from different players and ther varying playstyle) ?

    and if not, what do you think ybout this idea? does it fit in your concept? is it possible/feasible to do with the engine you envision?
    >> Anonymous 06/17/09(Wed)14:43 No.32978788
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    here's an idea OP:

    when a new game is created, somewhere in the randomness an NPC is created that has the net terminal genes. you have no way of knowing how you're gonna find them, but thats the objective.

    i don't know how you'd make them recognizable over any other NPC, or how you'd gather clues as to their whereabouts. but as far as Blame! goes thats the closest to a story as you're gonna pull off. after all, thats what killy's mission is anyways. why make a Blame! game any other way?

    part of Blame! that i always loved is that when killy is going crazy with the GBE he could be killing any number of net-terminal enabled humans inadvertantly. if you accidentally did that, you could walk around endlessly...

    but i do think you'd need to figure out some way to curb the boredom, something to do other than killing safeguards and silicon life all the time and being an overall badass.
    >> Envy 06/17/09(Wed)14:47 No.32979006
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    >>32978788 i don't know how you'd make them recognizable over any other NPC
    >> Anonymous 06/17/09(Wed)14:48 No.32979078
    it would also be really easy to incorporate a survival horror feel to the game...not necessarily in control or lack of ammo, but with the nature of the enemies and the potentially poor lighting you could run into some pretty intense battles.
    >> Dev 06/17/09(Wed)14:50 No.32979147
    There will be two modes to show off the capability of the engine. One will follow the manga storyline STRICTLY and allow you to play it out in a linear fashion. The second mode will allow you to explore freely and make choices. You can still choose to play out the manga storyline at this point and simply make different choices. These choices will force the characters around you and the factions interested in you to "think" and modify their course of action. There will be a professional story mode for those who want something more linear or semi-open ended.

    What is not done with the cloud computing can be done with the current hardware available. Like I said, it's a scalable engine that will only present the PC with information it CAN process. Anything immediately in front of you such as destruction to the environment, AI of characters in your direct vicinity, etc. This will obviously be a game REQUIRING a multi-core CPU to get the most out of it. You will never be traveling and seeing stuff so ridiculously fast that the cloud computing information won't be able to keep up. You aren't Neo, you are Killy.

    Correct. All players who choose to connect to the cloud will impact each others gaming experience. You will have several options to choose just how greatly that impact is. You can toggle player damage, enemy damage, cultural impact, health of a city or bosses/enemies, etc. If you choose to cut off your game entirely from other players then the cloud will ONLY compute what happens between NPC's.

    This is all possible.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/09(Wed)14:50 No.32979148

    i kinda meant it as 'how to avoid endlessly eyescanning every NPC you come across'. that would just make it a numbers game if you ever happened to get close to them.
    >> Envy 06/17/09(Wed)14:50 No.32979181
         File : 1245264644.jpg-(130 KB, 697x1100, Blame!_v03_c016_p128.jpg)
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    Which, you know, is pretty easy to do if you're Killy or one of the other special agents of the pre-safeguard system.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/09(Wed)14:54 No.32979362
    FFFFUCK I was just about to suggest the same thing you post-stealer

    anyway. I agree. that wouldn't limit the way to do what you want, but at the same time give the game a sublime "story" or goal you can follow. you could have/find some sort of genetic scanner to search for clues as to where to find such humans.

    actually I think it is important to implement this in the game. don't let yourself get carried away too much from your
    and remember to make a game.
    while I generally like your ideas, I wouldn't want a second reality to "life" in.

    and, while I'm optimistic, I'm still doubting you're in a phase beyond rough planning and ideas.
    I'd like to see more substantial answers as to how exactly you plan on realizing procedural generation with the help of cloud computing.
    but that probably requires an in detail explanation of the engine you're developing.

    so my question comes down to the following:

    how far in development are you with the engine?
    >> Anonymous 06/17/09(Wed)14:57 No.32979497

    and killy doesn't even know how to do that until sanakan reactivates the ability or whatever. would the scanning ability be an upgrade? a latent ability that has to be awakened?

    i'm talking from a creative aspect, when you're making killy, does he automatically scan humans when they are in range? will the NTG alert pop up on screen? or do you have to run up to each person and interact with them? i have a hard enough time not checking every goddam box in fallout, i'd hate to HAVE to do that to every person lest i potentially miss a NTG carrier. that would get very old.

    i guess the storyline of the manga and free roam being separate makes a lot more sense. i was wondering what would draw anybody other than a hardcore fan to want to wander around the megastructure aimlessly.
    >> Dev 06/17/09(Wed)14:59 No.32979602
    >but that probably requires an in detail explanation of the engine you're developing.

    Exactly. You won't be getting any such explanation for obvious reasons(length, security, etc)

    >how far in development are you with the engine

    About 11 months. Many of the features I already mentioned are working on a lesser scope. We've managed to link together several computers to create a believable AI system based on certain patterns and sets of data.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/09(Wed)15:01 No.32979709
    So, you still haven't answered my first question. WHAT is being computed in the cloud? WHAT are you actually planning on using that for? So far you've said vague things like "what isn't possible under normal conditions," but I don't think you even know what that means. Have you even developed a model for "procedural generation"? What are you generating? And how are you certain that this isn't possibly generated under "normal conditions"? And assuming you do generate these... I don't know, you haven't specified -- using cloud computing, how does one computer get access to that data? Does it go to a central server? The user then downloads it, asynchronously, like Spore? Spore's concept is very smart because the data being shared is also central to the first person experience, because in order to play the game at all you have to make the content being shared in the "cloud," which isn't actually a cloud so much as it is users seeding the procedural functions that make the aliens, worlds, etc. with their monster design and gameplay choices.

    You've come up with this complicated technical answer that you haven't fully explained to a problem you haven't fully explored. I'm not even convinced there is a problem yet, because you haven't even proposed a concrete... ok, fuck it, why am I even wasting my times on this. Your plan needs help my friend.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/09(Wed)15:03 No.32979769

    also, how do you calculate/speculate on the strenght of the cloud? do you add your own servers/processing center?
    you said that you plan on using cloud computing as a substitute until personal hardware is up to par with the needs of your engine.
    correct me if I misunderstood something, but that means as long as this harware power isn't mainstreamed, the procedural engine is dependant of the cloud. how big - i.e. how many people playing - does it need to be?

    what if the game isn't played by enough people? how will the engine scale down if I have only my own cumputing power available? will I experience a shittier procedural generation?
    >> Anonymous 06/17/09(Wed)15:06 No.32979907

    >About 11 months. Many of the features I already mentioned are working on a lesser scope. We've managed to link together several computers to create a believable AI system based on certain patterns and sets of data.

    Fuck no... It's not true... and if it is... fuckkkkk. I don't know what to say more.

    I want such a game, but it's so fuckken fantastic that you've said here. I wouldn't say nothing more from this point and will just observe the conversation. Ofcause I have FUCKKEN buch of ideas, because I was in one of those teams thinking of Blame!Game. But... you just ripping me in two
    >> Envy 06/17/09(Wed)15:12 No.32980098
    >>32979147 One will follow the manga storyline STRICTLY and allow you to play it out in a linear fashion. The second mode will allow you to explore freely and make choices.
    Okay so this first mode you're playing as Killy then? While the second mode you're playing as... Killy again? And before Net Sphere access had been made and the City's growth stopped?

    Killy was pretty broken until Sanakan attacked him and he later recovered his functions, yes. But I assume if you're palying Killy he'll have all his functions during most of the game anyway? As far as scanning range goes Killy is able to spot a door 3000km away at one point, he should only really be limited by line of sight.

    In game I imagine the best way to do it would be to have automatic scanning for Net Genes and the ability to switch through a number of information overlays giving you various information about just about everything. The modes would be split up into things like battle, environment, general personal information etc. Not to mention different eyefilters. Think AvP2 Predator mask filter except a lot more complex, taking in huge amounts of information and presenting it in a way the user can understand.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/09(Wed)15:14 No.32980198
    wtf is blame? seriously, what.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/09(Wed)15:15 No.32980230
    from wikipedia

    >Blame! (ブラム! Buramu!?), pronounced "blam", is a ten-volume cyberpunk manga by Tsutomu Nihei. The tagline for this manga is

    i lol'd.

    everyone who cares needs to die in a fire
    >> Anonymous 06/17/09(Wed)15:18 No.32980335

    as far as I understand OP, the engine he develops is supposed to create the enviroment the player moves in.
    this includes large architectural structures, the AI life and behavior, and, here comes the cloud computing part, include informations from other palyers from which it gets its variation.
    as far as I understand you, you don't see any actual processing that is distributed through the cloud and hence lifting pressure from the individual PC, right?

    while I'm not OP, I think (because it seems the most logic to me) OP means that this computing enviroment is envisioned as parallel processing cloud, meaning that - simplified - one user PC generates the architecture, one generates the AI and so forth, and that the generated information is shared between the users.

    now that sounds similarly ridiculous as onlive, but the catch is, as far as I understand this concept, that this information is created in sectors relatively far away from the player that the cloud has time to generate it until it actually needs to be displayed to the user.

    I know it still sounds very speculative, but maybe that helps. also this pretty much would still make it necessary to compute a large part with ou own PC, thus leaving little computing power to spare for the cloud, and as such, a need for a big cloud, or better, alot of players.
    and I don't know if these two factors don't scale to steep to overlap (meaning a surplus of precessing power).
    >> Anonymous 06/17/09(Wed)15:19 No.32980385

    shit the fuck up moron. I suppose you've never read it because you even can't FUCKKEN do this.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/09(Wed)15:22 No.32980494
    ok, i like this mind-game, even if I think op is trolling. but I'll play along;

    -OP what is your experience in game development? Have you ever worked on big projects. Do you know how money (shortage) influences game development?

    -A game like the one you described will never have much buyers. Enthusiastic ones, but not in high enough numbers to make a big project like this profitable.

    -This grid-idea sonds good but will only work if you have many many people using it.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/09(Wed)15:23 No.32980530

    >cool story bro.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/09(Wed)15:26 No.32980643
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    another suggestion. make upgrades of yourself/killy (in terms of interface, scanners, retina filter etc.) possible through computer terminals found in obscure places.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/09(Wed)15:28 No.32980723

    >I am putting all of this money into the project hoping for a great return by licensing out the engine to various developers who want to have procedural architecture creation and whatnot.

    >Wow, you are missing the point of this project.

    Publishers = deadlines
    Publishers = rushjobs
    Publishers = cancer killing industry

    Through this project I not only hope to make the best videogame ever created, I also hope to change the way the industry does business to eliminate risk and promote innovation. If this project works as planned publishers will be dead and irrelevant from now on.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/09(Wed)15:29 No.32980791

    I like the story and cyberpunk itself. What's wrong with that now?

    Also: go troll somwhere else
    >> Anonymous 06/17/09(Wed)15:31 No.32980870
    Fuck yeah, I pull up /v/ and this is the first thread I see. Give me a few to read through it.
    >> The voice of reason !lihEkz0v7I 06/17/09(Wed)15:32 No.32980879
    >I like the story and cyberpunk itself

    >cyberpunk itself


    die in a fire.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/09(Wed)15:34 No.32980969

    Good luck with that. I really doubt you'll be able to get the licenses.

    If I were you I would just begin the work now, and if you can't get the licenses just change all of the names.

    I was making a top down 2d game with a similar feeling, but stopped due to real work coming up, but at least real work pays the bills.

    add me on aim: thepkeod
    >> Anonymous 06/17/09(Wed)15:37 No.32981091
    This will all turn into a generic jrpg by the end so who gives a shit.

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