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  • Blotter updated: 01/01/09

  • File :1245085759.jpg-(26 KB, 418x307, scn002.jpg)
    26 KB APB BETA TESTER Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)13:09 No.32861443  
    Family and Friends beta tester here, I tried making one of these a few months ago, but all I got was "LOL NIGGER GAME", but now it seems that E3 made a difference.

    closed BETA is planned to start in September. No open BETA is scheduled. 360 version might not see the light of day do to file size issues, though the game will work on a 360 or PS3 controller if wanted, or even yet, a steering wheel. My reason for making a thread now is because the build for current BETA has been updated and I wanted to share a few things.

    -First build of race mode has been implemented. The final build is hoping to add a quick and easy interface for the race menu so you can simply race on the fly; money, race length(straight away, first one to the marked red light wins, quick circuit(laps) and rally(point A to point B.)) and full internal customization to cars(make them go faster and all that good stuff).

    -Generally more shit to do. All a thug really had to do was either rob someone, do "runaway" skirmishes which aren't too exciting, kill a bitch, group with people and hilariously melee a bitch to death or graffiti till shit happens.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)13:10 No.32861493
    We finally get to test robberies and heists!. The worst shit you do, the more heat you get. So far my gang was brutally raped when we attempted a jewelry heist. We totally fucked up do to taking our sweet ass time getting everything we could, which ended with the cops taking up the front entrance, making our getaway driver take off like a bitch. We decided to take the back exit, thinking we'd at least get a chance to spread out and get away with some earnings. We were wrong, first faggot out the back door got hit with a shotgun blast to the chest. We were a broke scenester gang(We all wore hoodies with hockey masks and tight jeans. My hockey mask had pink around the eyes like eyeliner. :3) so the best we had was glocks and one guy with an AK-47, the rest was spent on a really good getaway van. I was lucky enough to make it out and down the street, taking out a cop that looked like 50 cent and one that looked like an old 70's PI before a hail of gunfire ripped through my back. It was breathtaking.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)13:10 No.32861499
    is this an MMO or just an online GTA style game? it looks interesting.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)13:11 No.32861531
    Later during the day while the game was late night, I snuck around some revamped areas, looking for lone people to mug till I noticed they made up a mini mall looking area. Not many people were around so I went in the back alleys and found one that had a shitty wooden back door, So I crashed(doors can be opened by kicking, crowbar, sledge hammer, battering ram or the yet to be given "mini explosive charge". Lockpicking is in as well, but the latest build make it all fucked up. ) the door open and raided around which turned out to be a thrift store. I swiped what was in the cash register and tried to crack the safe to no avail. I noticed several things worth swiping that fit in my inventory. Two used MP3 players, WWII DVD box set and a baseball bat. I then went into the other side of the store and found larger objects like a used CRT TV, used Computer and a "Fun Box 2.36" gaming console. These couldn't be carried via inventory, so I then got members of my gang over to the area with our van. We stealthily swiped the place clean of anything worth real value(which will actually change overtime). One of our members decided to walk in the front of the mall, looking at the other store, noticing a "Cash out 'N Dash Out" pay loan store. So after filling up on items we went over to the back of the next hit, noticing the door was a green steel door. We attempted to open it with a crow bar and some foot work, again to no avail. Frustrated, we trashed the front window, setting off an alarm, causing us to split without anything from the cash shop. the suburbs have yet to get the revamp, but we'll supposedly be allowed to break into homes at some point.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)13:11 No.32861571
    -Arrest system has been updated slightly. on Our failed jewelry heist, two of our guys got arrested, losing inventory and spawning inside of jail cell that opens in about 30 seconds(which was more than enough for several cops that were camping the police station's cell room, mocking those who got arrested) which you're then allowed to leave. Before, you would only spawn in front of the nearest station with no drawbacks. More is said to be done, like time based on punishment. There was a talk going on during a world chat with a dev. where they wanted to base time on deaths. The discussion came up after 4 rich motherfuckers in white jumpsuits with matching fedoras went into an area in the middle of the main city, Big fountain, benches and shit; during the day and the area was unusually filled. The niggers opened fire on EVERYONE there, taking out niggers left and right till the cops came. They ran down streets while in a gun fight till they took over a car and went into a chase. Eventually, one was killed and the others were arrested. Such an epic event, yet only 30 seconds in lockup and the removal of their holding possessions. Dev. talking about 2 minutes per NPC, 5 per cop and a certain amount ending in permanent holding till publicly executed. Even talked about chores to be done before being released
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)13:12 No.32861595

    Also, I don't see why this wouldn't work on 360. They've been developing it for 360 since it was announced.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)13:12 No.32861606
    LONG WALL O TEXT OF A READ, but it's the info I'll be giving you. There's a few more things, but I can't get them off the top of my head. Servers are currently down till Thursday. :/

    Also, ask me anything.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)13:13 No.32861632
    I hope this game doesn't require a top of the line PC to run.

    This is the first PC game that has interested me in years.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)13:14 No.32861663
    How's the netcode? Is it like playing GTA with a few hundred people or the choppy lagfest most of these games turn into? Also what are the tentative system requirements for 30+FPS?
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)13:14 No.32861667
    what is it like? Are there skills and shit? How is it the cops got there so quickly?
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)13:14 No.32861704
    Sounds fucking awesome, I can't wait to make a gang of fatasses
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)13:15 No.32861729
    Have you played as the coppers?
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)13:15 No.32861736
    hurr durr inb4 viral marketing
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)13:16 No.32861785
    Sounds great OP. Any word on release at this point? Also, is the combat real time like a shooter or is it more like an RPG?
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)13:17 No.32861812

    so.. are there central servers? is each one persistent? What's the projected playercount?
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)13:17 No.32861817
    >> Manly tears !!BC3VfEoLilP 06/15/09(Mon)13:19 No.32861874
    No beta for me? not interested.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)13:20 No.32861908
    This is for the PC?
    >> Manly tears !!BC3VfEoLilP 06/15/09(Mon)13:21 No.32861971
    This smells like viral, huge wall of text looks like it was copy and pasted.

    NO BETA NO BUY BITCH, guess what happend to the last game that i didn't buy and had no beta.

    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)13:21 No.32861974
    Can I dress up my character as a real Mafia type? Brown longcoat and all? Also, are there any period weapons?

    You can bet I'd love to walk into a restaurant filled with my enemies in brown longcoat and fedora, then pull out a Tommy gun and kill the bastards.
    >> Phoenix West !!cVyp+jQHJja 06/15/09(Mon)13:24 No.32862061
    Can you work out in gym and up your stats?
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)13:24 No.32862064
    The character costumization is apperantly pretty extensive, so it would not surprise me if you could.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)13:25 No.32862088
    Yeah, I'd like to see your system and how well it runs.

    More screens, and such.

    Also, if you are arrested, wtf are you supposed to do? stop playing for the day?

    I don't quite believe you.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)13:25 No.32862125
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)13:26 No.32862143
    what the hell is this?

    Why not write what shitty game you are testing?
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)13:26 No.32862144
    ANSWER THE QUESTIONS. Quit proving you copy and pasted this from a different forum.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)13:26 No.32862145
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    I honestly don't accuse this often, but this reeks of viral
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)13:26 No.32862146
    How much shit is instanced with small groups (like WoW battlegrounds) and how much is proper open world stuff where other players are just wandering about doing their own thing?
    >> I'M GAY FOR FRANK YANG 06/15/09(Mon)13:27 No.32862191
    Game sounds too good to be true you promise much, this will be your first mistake
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)13:27 No.32862195
    >closed BETA is planned to start in September. No open BETA is scheduled.

    There is a large scale beta planned for this winter, which will more than likely be an open beta to give the servers a real good stress test.

    >360 version might not see the light of day do to file size issues

    I doubt it because a 360 version has already be confirmed by EA I think it was, the guys publishing this game. But the PC version will come out first.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)13:27 No.32862201
    Why is this game sounding more and more like GTA SA multiplayer RP
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)13:27 No.32862209
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)13:28 No.32862257
    Way to troll OP, you piqued our interest and then abandoned the thread. Fag.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)13:30 No.32862322
    Do you live in and around Dundee? Any opinion on the large split between Real Time Worlds and Ruffian?
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)13:31 No.32862386
    >Why is this game sounding more and more like GTA SA multiplayer RP

    Because it pretty much is when you take into consideration that the founder of Real Time Worlds, the company making APB, is Dave Jones the man who is most known for being the original Creator of the GTA series. And the lead designer in an interview stated that APB is what Dave Jones wanted GTA to be.

    Here's a link to the interview with EJ Moreland, Lead Designer for APB
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)13:32 No.32862397
    >and full internal customization to cars(make them go faster and all that good stuff).

    sounds interesting

    >Dev. talking about 2 minutes per NPC, 5 per cop and a certain amount ending in permanent holding till publicly executed. Even talked about chores to be done before being released

    does not sound interesting
    >> Manly tears !!BC3VfEoLilP 06/15/09(Mon)13:33 No.32862466
    Posts some screenshots or b& for viral fag.
    >> Garcian Smith !CleaneRJWg 06/15/09(Mon)13:34 No.32862521
    There has to be some sort of penalty for breaking the law.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)13:35 No.32862553

    Here's another interview for you guys to check out,
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)13:35 No.32862568
    Do to us taking so long and the unluckiness of having several cops near the area. I'm guessing other people fucked around close by, so cops were still hovering around over it. It was a busy day since robberies were new.

    Skills like hot wiring, lockpicking and safe cracking is already in-game, though slightly broken. Mini-games that go from shit easy to faggot hard. There's been said to get skills like "stealth" for melee lovers, complete with stealth kills and "medics" for the healer lovers. Though nothing else has been said or shown.

    The lag isn't really noticeable, there's times where it comes up, though that's due to shitty BETA servers. Those used on release will be way more stable.

    I'm on a 3.8 quad core processor, 4gb of ram and running on a decent video card with no drop. Game is set to be very adjustable to lower end machines.

    Q1 2010. It's just like a third person shooter. Sort of like GTA IV's, just not nearly as rough and awkward.

    The one thing they seem to love churning out is fucking clothing.There's coats, ties, tuxedos anything to make how you'd like your character. Though there isn't much if you're trying to make romans or some other kind of old time gang.

    Yes, there's Tommy guns. We're expecting to also get weapons like a Thompson and a greaser gun.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)13:37 No.32862625
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    Oh man, a MMO GTA game! How awesome!
    It seems everyone forget that multiplayer was worst part of GTA IV and Saints Row 2 aswell
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)13:39 No.32862715
    I hear it's pay-to-play, which fucking sucks but hey.

    How much is it a month?
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)13:39 No.32862721
    >GTA IV
    How exactly is GTA IV awkward? Please, enlighten me.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)13:39 No.32862723
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    1) Is the vehicle customisation capable of pic related?

    2) Has 3d locational voice chat been implemented yet and how good is it?

    3) Have they decided how much they want the monthly fee to be? Have they mentioned microtransactions at all (I really hope not)?
    >> Manly tears !!BC3VfEoLilP 06/15/09(Mon)13:42 No.32862821
    Not defending this viralfag OP but GTA4 multiplayer was shit due to autoaim and lag, since this is an MMO thats something you don't have to worry about i guess.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)13:42 No.32862824
    >Yes, there's Tommy guns. We're expecting to also get weapons like a Thompson

    Um, you know where the name "tommy gun" comes from, right?
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)13:44 No.32862909
    The interview I read said it's not going to be pay to play at this point.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)13:44 No.32862928
    I hope they have Katanas so i can slice through tanks while listening to One Winged Angel xD
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)13:45 No.32862937

    If it isn't pay-to-play I'm going to fucking cum.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)13:45 No.32862965
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    >Yes, there's Tommy guns. We're expecting to also get weapons like a Thompson and a greaser gun.

    >Tommy Gun

    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)13:46 No.32862981
    >themes that play when you kill someone

    I call the Domination sound from TF2
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)13:47 No.32862992
    It's hard to explain. It just looked odd to me. The way it zoomed, the way it moved. There was something with it that just didn't click with me.

    Though the decal limit is small right now for testing purposes, I've seen people make some pretty creative things. Though I haven't seen cursive writing for decals. But I guess you can make it out of the dots if you had enough decal adds.

    Voice chat isn't in yet.

    Do to the way the servers are being put, it might go the way of Guild Wars. Though the usual thing is "if charged with a monthly fee, they will be competitive with other current MMOs".
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)13:47 No.32863015
    Yeah it seems from the interview with that lead guy that RTW haets themselves some paying to play games. And as for micro transactions they're thinking on it but in the end most of the transactions will be between players for cars, weapons and clothes.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)13:48 No.32863045
    If you're truly a beta tester, please make threads as frequently as you like. I'd like to know all I can about this fantastic premise for a game.

    From what I've read since E3 it's as if Realtime Worlds has been stealing copies of awesomegameidea.doc from my hard drive.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)13:48 No.32863053
    I think he got confused, he was probably thinking of the Thompson SMG you get in WW2 games.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)13:48 No.32863063
    OP is full of shit. His stories sound exactly like something that would come from his imagination.
    "making our getaway driver take off like a bitch."
    >This is a game, not real life.

    "several cops that were camping the police station's cell room, mocking those who got arrested"
    >No.. just no.

    "WWII DVD box set"
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)13:49 No.32863095
    Sweet I can't wait to play this once then me and my friends move on to something else.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)13:49 No.32863098
    The best computer in my house only has a Radeon 9800. Will this suffice, even for the minimum requirements?

    I think it should...they've been making this since 2006...
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)13:49 No.32863116
    Please, the word you're looking for is 'due'
    >> Manly tears !!BC3VfEoLilP 06/15/09(Mon)13:49 No.32863122
    Blatant viral, give me some ingame shots or die.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)13:50 No.32863133

    Hey faggot, when people think Tommy gun they think of the round drum magazine version.

    When they think Thompson they think the one soldiers in WWII used.

    Same gun, yeah but what the fuck.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)13:50 No.32863156
    Correct. The one in the game is the stereotypical barrel tommygun. The one coming up looks a bit different and uses a normal magazine.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)13:50 No.32863162
    Read it again. Here, this will help.
    >Yes, there is a Thompson. We are hoping to have other weapons like the Thompson.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)13:52 No.32863243
    So what you mean is that there's already a drum-fed Thompson in the game and they're adding a magazine-fed version.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)13:53 No.32863273
    Whilst I would also love for it to be free to play after the initial purchase, I really can't convince myself that they'd do that.

    I mean, there's so much new technology in this game and it's been many years in development, it must have a huge budget and to make that amount back through sales alone they must need to shift millions of copies. PC games don't tend to shift millions of copies these days unless they're The Sims or have a Blizzard logo somewhere on them.

    If this game comes through on its promises customisation- and gameplay-wise, I'd shell out £5-8 per month to play it.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)13:53 No.32863274

    u mad?
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)13:54 No.32863284
    if it's not pay to play, i'd gladly pay $60 for it
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)13:54 No.32863319
    And what was our driver going to do? risk losing out main investment? Fuck that.

    Yeah, because no one ever heard of box sets. I thought it was clever to have a thrift store and have an items like WWII DVDs there.

    The items like the DVDs are simply just for sell. There was even shit like a coffee table that you could steal in there.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)13:55 No.32863346
    lol APB has a 100 player cap.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)13:55 No.32863355

    Same. This game looks tight as fuck. It's from the Crackdown (Vastly underrated game) guys, so this could be legit.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)13:55 No.32863356
    >enough decal adds.

    What's this? Do you mean you need to earn tokens to apply decals or something?
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)13:57 No.32863421
    Box magazine-fed, rather.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)13:57 No.32863427

    100 per server. If the city is about the same size as GTAIV, which only has like a 16 player limit on MP games, this will be fun.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)13:58 No.32863492
    I meant the decal limit. Every game only allows you to add so much, and at the moment the game only allows a low limit for testing purposes. I believe it's 45.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)13:59 No.32863537

    Ah fuck, so that means there will be a max of like, 8 crooks and 8 police?

    What the fuck.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)14:00 No.32863562
    A tommy and a thompson are the same fucking thing
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)14:00 No.32863568

    not the op but are you fucking stupid?
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)14:00 No.32863587
    >What's this? Do you mean you need to earn tokens to apply decals or something?

    From the interview with the lead design guy they seem to be going that route where you get tokens to apply decals and customizations to your character and car. And there's rare tokens that you can find and get that will allow some "plastic surgery" to be done to your character in case you wanna change their facial structure. It's a good idea to a degree so people don't go overboard at the start and it makes you pretty much work for what you want your character and car to really look like and be special.
    >> Chicken 06/15/09(Mon)14:00 No.32863590
    killing moral fag cops in this game will make it all worth it
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)14:02 No.32863647
    If it's as good as the OP makes it sound, I'll probably be in a constant state of ejaculation the first time I play it
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)14:02 No.32863661
    i agree but it sounds like perma death how they were taking about it. also being locked up for a good half hour to an hour doesn't sound like fun at all.

    also what about the police? do they also get something similar? or does everybody roll a cop so they don't have an hour downtime because they weren't careful or have their character permanently erased?
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)14:02 No.32863674
    100 per server.

    From what I remember, the Tommy Gun seems to have a longer looking barrel than the Thompon I would see in WWII games, or in pictures in general.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)14:03 No.32863693
    Thanks Beta guy, more questions:

    4) Melee combat has been mentioned, is it simple (GTA 3) or more complex (GTAIV)?

    5) How do enforcers arrest criminals? Do you have to weaken them with gunfire, tazers etc. or do enforcers rush in and cuff them?

    6) Is there anything to make criminals choose surrender over death? Is there anything to make enforcers choose arresting over killing?

    7) Is it going to be a good game?
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)14:04 No.32863765
    I remember hearing something about dynamic chases and encounters with other players. What do they mean by this?
    >> Younity 06/15/09(Mon)14:05 No.32863777

    Are you so lonely that being able to interact with 100 people in an online city isn't enough for you.. not to mention you could go to another sector to be greeted with another 100 unique users.

    You can whine and complain about numbers but until we are playing the game and understand how big each sector is containing those 100 users, we won't really understand the significance of it yet.


    you're a moron
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)14:06 No.32863836

    Have you ever played San Andreas multiplayer? It's only a small section of the city and it's faaaar from crowded.

    Tl;dr: your a idiot
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)14:07 No.32863863
    >7) Is it going to be a good game?
    no. next question please
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)14:07 No.32863865
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)14:07 No.32863877
    It would be awesome if there was a mechanic to break people out of jail. You'd need a large team with a wide range of skills to get away with it and have some way of communicating with the people in the prison.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)14:08 No.32863932

    Don't you have summer school?
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)14:10 No.32864003
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    I can't wait to make this guy and crack some skulls
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)14:11 No.32864048

    >> Younity 06/15/09(Mon)14:11 No.32864052
    That would be fun. I'll be playing as a Brolice so being able to hold the fort would be a great gameplay element

    FUND IT!
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)14:12 No.32864064
    I doubt there going to use micro transitions if its on the xbbro 360, They said before that users playing the 360 WONT have to pay monthly, As they feel the xbox live payments are enough.

    I cant see you having to pay real life cash for new shit, More using the cash you earn in crimes/arresting to upgrade.
    >> Matt Hazard !55hgeDsMKA 06/15/09(Mon)14:13 No.32864098
    WoW with guns
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)14:13 No.32864109
    how much is the subscription gonna be?

    and will it be eve style where we get any expansions free or wow style where you have to pay for them?
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)14:13 No.32864111
    i'm getting my hopes up for the car customization but all it'll be is

    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)14:13 No.32864117
    Does it show if you're an npc or not? I'd like to just be a civilian and drive around obeying the law and such
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)14:14 No.32864128

    tripfags are so fucking retarded
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)14:16 No.32864201

    Unfortunately, if you end up with a multi-day jail time this game won't get off the ground very quickly. No one would want to play a criminal if consequences art that bad.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)14:16 No.32864205
    i've already trained my to not even look at the title and name. it'll make your time on here better if you don't pay attention to those things.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)14:16 No.32864227
    Agreed. Next he'll be saying GTA with guns
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)14:16 No.32864229

    Melee combat is still a little wonky since it's still on an ongoing work to make it good. At the moment there's a generic combo you can do just by spamming, a block button and then melee weapons. People are praying for more melee weapons and a very stable melee mechanic for fight clubs, so I'd like to see how they take the reaction of those.

    5) At the moment it's sorta GoW style. You go incapacitated, laying on the floor, a cop can then go up to you and cuff you or just shoot the shit out of you. You lay on the ground for 30 seconds in arrested mode, giving a criminal a chance to come and break you loose. When the 30 seconds are up you just disappear and spawn in the police office. Gang players are asking for some kind of kidnap system where they take a cop and gain big ransom money. But Devs' are saying the biggest up for gangs is taking the dropped gear of the cops. High tech rifles and what not.

    Not at the moment. No suicide button. Cop's main reason for arresting is for the bonuses. You get the cred to use better weapons and gear, up to armored SWAT vans, special speedsters built for cops and even nonlethal weapons like teargas.

    Going to be an awesome game if everything goes as planned.
    >> Younity 06/15/09(Mon)14:17 No.32864256
    Yeah because you know as an unlawful criminal like those losers stuck in Los Angels de Illidan I'm gonna be speccing in the Brutality tree because theyve got an awesome 30pt talent called 'Murder'. I also love how I can arena vs other cops and unlawfuls to boost my 'carnage rating'. if i get it to 1650 then I can buy a MechanoStrider S2000.

    You're so fucking stupid/
    >> Dr. Pepsi !!MGYzUMk/+Fq 06/15/09(Mon)14:18 No.32864294
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    This sounds AMAZING!!
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)14:18 No.32864295
    Can the cops use microphones (or yell) for you to surrender? Because if there is like 12 cops with SMGs outside against our piddly little 4 man pistol gang I want to be able to surrender so I don't get raped.

    Secondly if you surrender "willingly" is the punishment less? And what happens if you get killed? Show up in a hospital / lose cash? I NEED SPECIFICS MAH BOI!
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)14:19 No.32864308
    >Going to be an awesome game if everything goes as planned.

    only if you play as a cop.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)14:19 No.32864323
    hey BETA tester ask the devs if they can add that break out of jail idea someone posted
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)14:21 No.32864371
    Make cleaner hits and don't kill so many people, log off and take a break if you get caugt. Or even better, don't get caught at all.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)14:22 No.32864412

    You do realize that "Oblivion with guns" was never meant to be serious. It's light-hearted trolling in the vane of "PS3 HAS NO GAEMS." Of course, since you are saging, it appears that you really believe that "X WITH GUNS" is an actual insult to any game.

    God damn now I remember why I hate tripfags.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)14:23 No.32864440
    You know what fuck the Brolice
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)14:23 No.32864447
    Oh and can you set up bases for your gang? Like an abandoned building or something and customize it with random furniture you get, etc...stuff like that? Because that would be amazing.
    >> Younity 06/15/09(Mon)14:25 No.32864518
    Typical dark sided player, complete with a lack of grammar.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)14:25 No.32864552

    And protect it from rival gangs busting in trying to kill you guys off...oh god

    Imagine having one of your members as a look out up on the roof in case cops/rival gangs try to break in your base and alerting everyone inside that they're coming and then having a shoot out with them.

    fuuuuuuuuuuuck make it happen
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)14:25 No.32864557
    Only problem with APB is it's set for a Q1 2010 release, it's middle of June. We have 6 months in this year then we'll finally get to know which part of Q1 2010 APB will be released. And this waiting is going to be killing me.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)14:26 No.32864560
    i might be able to deal with logging off for a bit. but that ruins it for the rest of your friends playing because now they're short a man or two depending on how badly the screw up was.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)14:26 No.32864597
    It's already been said that we'll be able to hear others talking on their mic if we're close enough. I have no idea if this will ever come to life since there's no voice chat in the current BETA build.

    If being arrested stays as is, there would be no reason for it. By the time someone gets there to do it, you'd be out. Though it's possible to raid the police station. It's just not wise.

    It does show, though you can play the game not doing a single fucking thing wrong.

    Cops do seem to have the upper hand at times, but it's damn fun to be on the other side. Getting in a gang, spraying your logo like a faggot. Racing, breaking and entering, jewelry and bank heists, the list goes on of crazy shit that is possible.
    >> Younity 06/15/09(Mon)14:28 No.32864656

    I'm not too worried about that. They seem to be actively adding content and it seems thats are there is left to do. Add content and tweak the existing stuff.

    What this really means is that there will be a lot of time for them to add other things that keep the game fresh and fun, unlike the majority of MMOs now-a-days.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)14:28 No.32864662

    Can you pull off actual professional hits on someone you really don't like? Can we sit in a building across the street from the person we're trying to assasinate on a stake-out, waiting for them to return to their base of operations? Then can we put two rounds in their head and one in their chest from our silenced sniper rifle, and haul ass out of there, leaving the evidence?

    I thought that's what GTA4 multiplayer was going to be like, but no it's just RPGS AND HELCIOPTERS AUTOAIOM I RUN OVER U LOLUILLO
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)14:28 No.32864666

    I'd love a holiday 2009 release, but if that means the game will be released with debilitating bugs, fuck that noise. I want to pay for a complete game, not a beta.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)14:29 No.32864699
    are cops allowed to just start shooting at you for no reason, or do you have have to trigger some law-breaking mechanic in the game for them to be able to come after you?
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)14:29 No.32864700


    Most true thing I've read all day ;_;
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)14:31 No.32864758
    so you're saying the balance in the game is that cops are just limited to shooting the bad guys but don't get long cool downs upon being arrested/killed the bad guys get to do more stuff but have to really think about doing those things unless they want to be staring at their screen doing nothing for some time if they messed up?

    ehhh...i dunno.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)14:31 No.32864776
    Are all buildings enterable?

    It sounds like it.

    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)14:31 No.32864791
    The only penalty for being caught/dying as a criminal should be a drop in rank or experience. No waiting in jail. Maybe a small respawn wait is ok though.
    >> Younity 06/15/09(Mon)14:31 No.32864794
    Good post and this brings up another question of mine.

    Will there be housing in the game? Can you actually live in a specific area where your valuables are ever in danger? Now that would be fucking cool if this game played out as a hardcore enforce/kill or be killed type of thing.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)14:32 No.32864833
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)14:32 No.32864834
    >I have no idea if this will ever come to life since there's no voice chat in the current BETA build.
    >there's no voice chat in the current BETA build.
    >in the current BETA build.
    >BETA build.

    Beta != Release

    There's at least 7 to 9 months till release, considereing which part of the first quarter of next year RTW plans to release APB. And you're not playing a BETA if you're in the Friends&Family Beta, you're playing a fucking Alpha build of the damn game.
    >> ReasonableGamer !wO7Nsz6tOk 06/15/09(Mon)14:33 No.32864854
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    Still want some folks to play these bad-asses with me.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)14:34 No.32864893
    >Cops do seem to have the upper hand at times, but it's damn fun to be on the other side.
    Well, and this is how I would think it should be anyways. Cops hold the actual power, while the other side just fucks around forcing the cops to respond. Realistic, frankly.

    Not to mention all the kids and wiggers will play criminals, while groups like /v/'s BROLICE will be more professional and intelligent (seriously.)
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)14:35 No.32864931
    8) Gunfights, how long do they last? Is it like Counterstrike where a headshot or 2-3 body shots kill, or more like MGO where it takes 10-15 shots to kill?

    9) In the videos released so far all the cars seem to have very little health (catching on fire after a single crash or a short burst of bullets). How safe are you in a car?

    10) Is there any weapon customisation in the BETA yet?

    11) If you make a custom car and it gets blown up, do you have to buy it again or does it respawn?

    In your second post you mentioned that your broke gang had pooled money to buy glocks, an AK and a getaway van. This sounds awesome, even though your getaway driver fagged it.
    >> Younity 06/15/09(Mon)14:35 No.32864934
    Yeah really, thats simply HOW it should play it out.

    Anyone can be a criminal but you actually have responsibility if you are a cop.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)14:35 No.32864937
    There will be Hitman/Assassination missions at some point. Targets will be NPCS.

    At the moment cops aren't allowed to take out their weapon unless they get an APB.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)14:35 No.32864948
    Whats the word on explosives? I want to know if it's possible to rig a car with C4
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)14:35 No.32864952
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)14:36 No.32864967
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    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)14:37 No.32864994
    i honestly cannot wait to play this game with some friends.

    >OP can you be a crooked cop? take bribes etc?

    it'd be cool to bate the police with one crimminal guy breaking into a shop or some shit, and just have a load of crooks appear out of alleyways and shit then fuck then up.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)14:40 No.32865112
    >Friends and family beta

    Make friends with developers bro.
    >> Skullomania !F/M8z3Z2VY 06/15/09(Mon)14:43 No.32865213
    Hey Beta guy. Is the aiming like it was in Crackdown, where you lock on and hold fire, or is it actually mouse-based?
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)14:43 No.32865215
    I've actually seen this happen several times.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)14:44 No.32865258
    Mouse based. No auto-aim.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)14:45 No.32865284
    I'm torn between being an enforcer or criminal...
    And this song seems just perfect for APB for some reason...
    >> Skullomania !F/M8z3Z2VY 06/15/09(Mon)14:45 No.32865315
    Thank god. I have no reason to trust you, but you seem like a pretty legit dude.
    >> Younity 06/15/09(Mon)14:46 No.32865336

    I'm fucking ecstatic to hear that.
    >> R£d 06/15/09(Mon)14:46 No.32865351
    Weren't they going to release a Beta code for every member on a fansite?
    >> Younity 06/15/09(Mon)14:48 No.32865421
    Can the op give us any details on getting into the closed beta in the future? Any tips, know any communities RTM is looking at?
    >> Skullomania !F/M8z3Z2VY 06/15/09(Mon)14:48 No.32865425
    Everyone who joined APB-evolved before June 11th 2008 is guaranteed a spot in the beta whenever it drops, which, if this guy is to be trusted, is pretty soon.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)14:48 No.32865438
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    >taking out a cop that looked like an old 70's PI
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)14:48 No.32865442
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    Bump for these.

    Keep it up, Beta Guy.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)14:48 No.32865447
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)14:49 No.32865457
    Fuck you bitch, this shit be what be tight!
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)14:49 No.32865459
    No clue on that.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)14:50 No.32865529
    Fuuuuuuuck, I'd forgotten what it was like to really anticipate a game.

    I haven't had this feeling in over a year.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)14:51 No.32865559
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)14:52 No.32865615
    Only thing I'm worried about is that I'll have to get a new computer.. Because it's pretty worthless playing this game without using good graphic settings.
    >> Skullomania !F/M8z3Z2VY 06/15/09(Mon)14:53 No.32865654
    It's on the Unreal3 engine, so if your computer can't run those games already, it's definitely time to update anyway.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)14:54 No.32865695
    So..about police officers and arrests..

    Can they only arrest/kill you if you're committing a crime? Will they be penalized otherwise? Or can they just gun you down on the street if they suspect you of committing a crime?
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)14:54 No.32865698
    Look faggit, I want to know as much as I can about this underhyped game. I'm excited as it is and I'm buying it when it's released, so crying 'VIRAL MARKETING ZOMG' makes no difference to anything.

    I love how RTW has only told us the things they've already done, rather than wade in with massive promises which look good on paper but they haven't the foggiest how to get them to work.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)14:55 No.32865728

    Makes sense, enforcers are meant to be reactionary.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)14:55 No.32865735

    Funny, for me it's this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wNDQVvJRsAk
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)14:55 No.32865739
    >> R£d 06/15/09(Mon)14:56 No.32865749
    Oh damn, 2008? Fuck.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)14:57 No.32865804
    >150 posts

    How about No.

    Anyway, that's good. Shit would suck if they could simply do that.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)14:59 No.32865867
    Hmm, on that note, it would be cool if they implemented police raids for more advanced cops.
    Only if they had criminal hideouts or something though.
    It'd just be nice to have something for cops to do other than just respond to carjacking.
    Maybe get paid/rewarded for guarding certain locations in a rent-a-cop role.

    I agree, this is one of the best developed games I've seen in that regard.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)14:59 No.32865878
    Hey OP, can you do me a massive favor and tell Deum to hurry the fuck up with the podcast?
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)15:00 No.32865905
    I think there are escort missions being planned for Enforcers.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)15:00 No.32865927
    Song for criminals

    Song for nerds

    I'd rather this as the song for Enforcers.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)15:00 No.32865929
    It's very much area based. You'd go for legs if you wanted to go for an arrest. Close up with a shotty is pretty much an instant death. Cops always have armor. ALWAYS.

    Those were for effect. Cars are cars. It's a bitch when your tires get taken out, but that's to be expected. If you suck ass at driving, it's going to show.

    At the moment there's only silencers which can only be achieved by police officers and the silencers go by gun type(rifle silencer, SMG silencer, etc). But, the gangs can obtain silencers via dead cops. They're gonna sell for big bucks. Especially since they wear down.

    They currently just get destroyed. Which makes it wise for you not to use your show off vehicle for a big heist.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)15:01 No.32865974
    I'm gonna make a militant doomsday cult, who's with me?
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)15:02 No.32865986
    If the police are reactionary only (hopefully raids or something can happen) and every criminal in that particular zone quit doing crimes does that mean the cops can't do shit?

    God maybe rally up the gangs and do that until the cops get complacent (or leave) then fucking rob everything.
    >> Matt Hazard !55hgeDsMKA 06/15/09(Mon)15:02 No.32865990
    GTA with WoW
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)15:03 No.32866032
    Brolice should use this song as an optional song for when an APB goes out...
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)15:04 No.32866104

    I can see several gangs communicating with each other secretly, and gather up one night and rape entire blocks, leaving the place in chaos. The place is turned into a warzone and the police is forced to take over and guard the place until everything goes back to normal.
    Fuck that would be awesome.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)15:05 No.32866137
    when this is out.

    who wants to start a full on criminal gang that arent retarded with me? shit's gonna be so cash.


    im presuming its subscription based, is it gonna be like wowfaggotry and make us pay for updates? or give them to us free? (like eve online?)
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)15:05 No.32866148
    Are there motorcycles?
    Can you use melee weapons from motorcycles?

    If I can't be a motorcycle cop who takes out criminals with a baseball bat, my immense excitement over this game will have diminished slightly.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)15:06 No.32866168
    >> Matt Hazard !55hgeDsMKA 06/15/09(Mon)15:06 No.32866172
    It'll be more like this:
    Gangs team up.
    Gangs kills everything
    Everything respawns a few minutes later.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)15:11 No.32866369
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    OP, if you're a cop can you hire informants in a gang to alert you to big heists? or better yet can you go undercover and work your way up in a gang a'la reservoir dogs?
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)15:12 No.32866398
    He doesn't know who Deum is, because he's a fake. All of you are being trolled.

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