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  • File :1244759089.jpg-(26 KB, 446x316, harvest_moon.jpg)
    26 KB Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)18:24 No.32646894  
    Harvest Moon has to be one of the most pointless and mind numbing series out there (barring licensed garbage). So why is it so fucking fun?
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)18:26 No.32646971
    I've been playing since the very first one, and I still couldn't answer you.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)18:28 No.32647051
    Time management. Same reason stuff like Sims and persona is popular. I don't really know why, but this stuff is fun sometimes. I haven't played a HM in awhile though, I got the one on gamecube but it's not very good. SNES one is great, I hear N64 is good to, but I never had one.

    Hopefully the ones on Wii are good, I plan to get a Wii this year.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)18:29 No.32647106
    The GC one suffered a fair bit due to some of the ground (for harvest moon anyway) it was supposed to break (i.e. the Peter Monoleux syndrone).
    >> I flood bad threads with furry porn. !!C8efwgG1s/d 06/11/09(Thu)18:29 No.32647124

    >Never had an N64.

    You poor, deprived man.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)18:30 No.32647149
    try rune factory: frontier

    HM + combats, and more style
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)18:30 No.32647155
    I have no idea. I kind of want to hate Harvest Moon, but I can't.
    It's repetitive, the characters are pretty one dimensional, and after a while, there's just nothing left to do.
    But I can't put it down.
    God damn it.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)18:30 No.32647163
    But yeah, the N64 one is good. My personal favorite set of characters (shared with Mineral Town, I think that's it though).
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)18:31 No.32647218
    I liked Rune Factory, despite the sheer insanity one had to go through to beat some of the bosses and grind that forging stat. Is Frontier really that good.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)18:32 No.32647271
    I dunno. I don't really see why they put the dungeon crawling in. I mean, there's plenty of them out there, I play these to plant crops and stuff.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)18:32 No.32647274
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    I can answer that some what.
    It is simply a mindlessly fun game. It isn't for people who like instant gratification though. It's an enjoyable game because it's so basic to life (settling down/farming). Harvest Moon is just one of those amazing series that you will enjoy no matter what if it appeals to you. The whole getting married thing is also something that appeals to alot of people.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)18:33 No.32647309
    Is Harvest Moon DS any good ?
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)18:34 No.32647391
    It is quite glitchy, and the 2nd forces you to use a touch screen to move, but they are alright.
    except for those shitty fucking sprites in the first one you have to find like 60 to get married
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)18:36 No.32647493
    I dunno. It just is.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)18:37 No.32647544
    ....There's a series that one can start a thread about on /v/ and get no trolls (although they'll come NOW)? And of all things it is HARVEST MOON? Wow.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)18:39 No.32647615
    Harvest Moon is one of those games no one really trolls because few people have played it. Though I do see, "HURR ITS A FARMING GAME SO IT HAS TO BE BORING or ITS A DATING SIM DERP DERP" comments here and there. It's also one of the few untouched (for the most part) gems in gaming in terms of rule 34 and furries
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)18:40 No.32647657
    Fuck, now I have to go play through a wonderful life again. This'll be the third time.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)18:41 No.32647721
    Girl version is better if only because it's not full of bugs.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)18:41 No.32647730
    He had a Super Nintendo, he didn't need your 64-bit bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)18:41 No.32647733
    I'm trying to get Back to Nature to work via Emulator. Any help I can get?
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)18:41 No.32647735
    Do you have the PS2 version? or the GC one?
    In PS2 you get to marry lumina and you get a free poster with the game. Well you did when it was new
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)18:42 No.32647758
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)18:42 No.32647774
    Go download a good BIOS for the emulator, and try it.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)18:42 No.32647796
    I have some Harvest Moon /e/, but it is quite tame.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)18:43 No.32647842
    I heard that the EU release is less glitchy, is this true ?
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)18:43 No.32647853
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)18:44 No.32647871
    I know there is alot of soft stuff, but Harvest Moon art, for the most part, is quite innocent and tame. Just like the games
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)18:44 No.32647899

    That doesn't seem to stop people from trolling the Persona games, even though they they are basically the same game if you replace FARMAN with GRINDAN.

    I guarantee more people have played HM than P3 or P4.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)18:45 No.32647939
    Yes, it is. At least, that is what I heard from one of the people I talk to about Harvest Moon.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)18:46 No.32647997
    I really can't say for a fact how many have played either and I wouldn't know how to compare them even if I wanted to. Maybe, maybe not. I'd think a JRPG would be more widely known to the community than a rather old farming game series
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)18:48 No.32648083
    N64 version is the best character-wise and I liked how the town felt, if I replayed an old one that would be it. I did enjoy the PSX and GBA versions as well.

    Really didn't care for the PS2, GC or DS versions.

    It's a rehash series, but I consider the older ones to be classics and still fun to play. I wish they would evolve with the new gen the way some other series have tho.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)18:49 No.32648122
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    Prove it by posting it! ...Though it's not like I want to see it...
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)18:49 No.32648131
    you know what other game is the exact same way


    i spent so much time on the gc and ds vertion, i won't let myself buy the wii one.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)18:49 No.32648133
         File :1244760561.png-(161 KB, 252x357, rune_factory_frontier_coverart.png)
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    What's this? A farming game? How could that possibly be fun?

    >8 hours later

    MUST......TEND...TO CROPS!

    This is coming from someone who never played any of the games in the series before. This stuff is more addicting than drugs. This game is the reason why I haven't sold my Wii yet. Even if the dungeon-crawling is simple, it does a nice job of providing an alternate to farming all the time.

    Also, who should I marry? Leaning towards Cinnamon or Selphy.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)18:51 No.32648208
    Shits awesome

    FoMT was awesome

    Got the futuristic one for the psp, shitty adventure game that barely had any farming
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)18:52 No.32648252

    Yeah, Innocent Life was balls.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)18:52 No.32648273
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    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)18:52 No.32648283
    One of the Irises or Anette, faggot.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)18:52 No.32648303
    Rune Factory wasn't too bad though. Far from the best crawling out there, but not terrible and elf maid was delicious.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)18:54 No.32648381
    .....Go on
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)18:54 No.32648396
    Hell yeah Elf Maid. Elves are the asians on of the fantasy world.

    Yeah I've been hooked to runefactory and bought runefactory 2 a while back. I don't know why, but it's just so damn fun.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)18:54 No.32648398
    But Harvest Moon isn't real time. You can put down Harvest Moon for a long time and not be completely fucked over.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)18:56 No.32648475
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    Anette is god tier.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)18:57 No.32648537
    Ah Harvest Moon threads, among the few threads on /v/ that serve as oasis's of sanity. Favorite Girls?

    Mine are Tabitha from Rune Factory and... Mary I think? She was the librarian in Mineral Town.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)18:59 No.32648608
    Flora. I was so pissed when I found out you couldn't marry her in AWL.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)18:59 No.32648620
    Maybe I should do those judge your personality by the girls you choose thing like I did in the old Harvest Moons back when I had a trip. Ah, I miss those days and reactions.
    Any way, Elli and Popuri
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)18:59 No.32648624
    The best part of Rune Factory is that it has better females.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)18:59 No.32648652
    >I drink milk everyday but I can't get any taller... I wonder why.

    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)19:01 No.32648728
    i ment like it shouldn't be fun, nothing about that game sounds fun.


    but its just so goddamn addicting.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)19:02 No.32648796
    If only other people would try it. Most people avoid it because they think it would be so god damn boring. Then again, Harvest Moon only appeals to a select few types of people.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)19:03 No.32648871
         File :1244761425.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 146 KB, 800x800, popuri.jpg)
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    Do it.
    Mine was Popuri (PS1) and Eve (SNES).
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)19:04 No.32648933
         File :1244761499.jpg-(48 KB, 600x600, anette and selphy.jpg)
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    I beat RFF the other day. I completely forgot I was playing a fucking Harvest Moon game during the final boss.

    Also I can't decide whether I love or hate the final boss song.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)19:05 No.32648966
    Keep in mind that it's because it has a small but loyal following that we can get lots of games but minimal trolling.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)19:07 No.32649068
    obvious troll
    I love the fucking series, it's a game, it's fun, I play it.
    I even play runefactory and all the spinoffs, op you're a faggot and a terrible troll
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)19:08 No.32649135
    It's been awhile since I've done this, so I'll prolly get it wrong.
    She is the kind of girl that is lively and helps around the yard and plants. This means that you like a girl to have around the house and clean. Chances are you might like to keep an organized room. You are a relaxed person in a relationship, who wants to have more of a friend than just a spouse. Another thing about popuri, you might have had a long term relationship before, and it ended badly, or is still going and you want (or have and enjoying) a loving sweet bubbly kind of female that popuri is.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)19:09 No.32649146
    I remember raping runefactory 1 on the ds, once you level your hammer and get to the 3rd dungeon, you can easily farm 100k+ a day
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)19:09 No.32649190
    OP here, I wasn't trolling, I just couldn't figure out why it is I've been a longtime fan of a series that, rather than sniping people, crawling through dungeons, or anything particular epic (until Rune Factor anyway) is about farming.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)19:10 No.32649193

    Marry Cecile in Rune Factory 2.

    I did it JUST to piss off that faggot, Jake. I even waited until their wedding day to bust in and do the "I OBJECT" thing before stealing hew away.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)19:10 No.32649221
    I've been one of the first fans of Harvest Moon, I will always follow it. Even though Natsume/Pack-In-Soft shut down our Harvest Moon SNES online project I will always follow them.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)19:11 No.32649272
    Tabitha (elf maid) and who I'm going to say was named Maria (library girl).
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)19:11 No.32649287
    I've been playing the harvest moon games since the SNES original... not sure why I decided as a kid to rent a *farming game*, but I'm glad I did.

    Though I, too, have no clue why its so awesome.

    I actually preferred the PSX game to the N64 one, but I find that Rune Factory Frontier for the Wii is the best one in the series so far, IMO.

    Also it seems that Natsume may be dropped from translating/publishing Harvest Moon's in NA as XSeed did the Frontier translation, and they're way better at it, and don't censor stuff like Natsume did. Also I believe the old HM team is working on Rune Factory now, which is why the new HM games aren't as good anymore.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)19:12 No.32649314
         File :1244761934.png-(232 KB, 1000x706, rff comic 2.png)
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    Man I should really check pixiv some time for more fanart.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)19:12 No.32649337

    ...you mean that loli?You can marry her?

    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)19:13 No.32649397
    Nice try, pretty accurate.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)19:14 No.32649462
    Two was even worse with that seed maker. You could just use it on strawberries and have all the money you'll ever need after like 1 or 2 harvests. It took longer to get to that point though
    In frontier the only quick way to get money seems to be fishing, but it's got nothing on the last two games in terms of broken methods of getting money. Frontier is a much better game though. I didn't really expect much since the first two were so broken and grindy, but I was pleasantly surprised. I really fucking hate runey's though. What were they thinking?
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)19:15 No.32649475
    I don't know the RF girls, I've only done a review and project on the HM girls and the fans of them

    Any way,
    Chances are, you are a nice guy who wants a nice calm girl. You have a dominate side, but you don't show it often and you try to be nice to everyone. Maria is a very quiet girl, which suggests you like quiet and peace in a relationship instead of drama and being daring. You are in it for the long run, and you'd like to settle down and have a family early. You also may like to read or collect things that others may find weird. There is also another chance that you were anti-social as a kid, but you grew to be that weird yet cool kid as you got older. You don't like going outside much, and you might prefer the night time to day time.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)19:16 No.32649555
    All games are like farming in some way.

    This just cuts out the middle man.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)19:16 No.32649562
    Yep. Though the game was full of glitches.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)19:17 No.32649606
    Frontier seems to be slower with making money... Or I'm just focusing too much on all the townspeople, and helping the sentient flying island shaped like a whale, and Mist's wierd dreams and pet monster, and now what I think is a time-travelling nun that suddenly appeared and doesn't notice the town at all, just me.

    This game is weird in ways I'd have never thought. Every character is slightly insane (or completely insane), except for a few.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)19:18 No.32649628
    I really fucking hate runey's though.

    Seconding like the Fist of the North Star. It wouldn't be so bad if you could take care of them from that Runey Population Map or something, but having to walk all over town harvesting them is a huge pain in the ass.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)19:19 No.32649678

    god damn how did i forget the > ?
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)19:19 No.32649694
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    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)19:20 No.32649736
    I'm thinking of just ignoring them. I only really use farming for when you need ingredients for equipment anyway
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)19:20 No.32649750
    /r/ that image of the main character keeping the booze away from pregnant Karen.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)19:20 No.32649755
         File :1244762431.png-(523 KB, 500x447, runefactory2.png)
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    I've been playing this Rune Factory.
    It's good as any HM game, but jesus christ, they pratically scream "HOLY SHIT, YOU MUST MARRY MANA, SHE SO CUTE AND APPEARS EVERYWHERE, HELPS YOU AND HER DAD IS SUPER PROTECTIVE". I'm going for Alicia.
    And it's like it's locked in easy mode. Buying one seed makes a 3x3 area full of seeds wich is pretty easy to get some crazy profit from just doing Pink Turnips.
    Also, Spears are fucking awesome.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)19:21 No.32649799
    ...Damn. The only point of contention is that I'm kind of an asshole.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)19:21 No.32649810
    I would plow Ganesha.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)19:23 No.32649864
    Why can't I marry her fuuuuuuuuuuuck.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)19:23 No.32649912
    Anyone play the Gameboy version? You max out your money in about 1 month, then spend the rest of the time sitting on your ass. I still liked it though...
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)19:24 No.32649941
    Good to know I still got it in me for the most part. These are only based on the polls and observations I made of people who married who in which ever Harvest Moon game. I've meant to get around to doing a new review for RF, but I've been busy in my life here lately.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)19:24 No.32649953
    It's the same with Mist in the others. I had to name my farm something else so I don't feel guilty
    But you're really just picking your mom in that game anyway. It really only matters in a weird Freudian sort of way
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)19:24 No.32649955
    Seriously, are a psychologist or is it just because it's HM?
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)19:24 No.32649957
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    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)19:25 No.32649976
    I have it, which version just GB or GBC?
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)19:26 No.32650007
    I kind of want to get a DS just to get harvest moon on it. Sitting outside in a park and tending to a farm sounds very relaxing.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)19:27 No.32650074
    No, I have just studied Harvest Moon. When I say I'm a Fan, I mean it's more of an obssession for me. If you want to know what I do in real life, you would all get a laugh at why a guy like that would be playing games like these.

    This is me btw I have Every Harvest Moon Game ever made, including Japanese only versions. Also including Puzzle de Harvest moon, River King, and Harvest Moon SNES and GBC. Some aren't shown because of my camera being broken
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)19:27 No.32650083

    I don't remember which one I played, but theres no dating in it, and by year two you get a fishing rod.

    Anyone play the N64 one? I played it on an emulator and like, on day 2 I saw this girl with a broken ankle so I offered to carry her to town but she said "no I don't know you well enough" and then the next scene I was carrying her into town it made no sense.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)19:28 No.32650092

    I'm making a Alicia one, based on my experience.(>>32649755)
    Chances are that you didn't found Mana interesting. After watching the very anime-y intro and laughing at the main character going to kill a big ass monster with a hoe, you decided to try something new. You are probably a nice guy, but a pervert who likes to see some breasts every now and then. You probably aimed for Dorothy or Cecilia, but Dorothy made you HHHHHHHHHGGGGGGNNNN too much and Cecilia was too common for you. You wonder if Alicia will be a good wife but you don't care for that and would just fuck her everyday.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)19:29 No.32650162
    >>32650074 If you want to know what I do in real life, you would all get a laugh at why a guy like that would be playing games like these
    Just tell us already what you do in life instead of telling us how droll it would be if we asked. You are such a tsundere.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)19:30 No.32650214
    Either GBC 2 or 3.
    3 was more based on an island though >>32650092
    This is too crude for me, but I'll take the information given in the post and remember it for future reference. Thanks
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)19:32 No.32650311
    Well, you all won't believe me but
    I'm in the Navy currently practice training to be a SEAL (Recon and Scout)
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)19:32 No.32650357
    I started playing HM when the gameboy game came out, and got the ones for N64, Gamecube and DS.

    I love the N64 game, definitely my favorite, but I'm not a huge fan of the DS version, I don't like that set of characters.

    This thread makes me want to get Rune Factory though, should I get the 1st or 2nd one, does it matter?
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)19:32 No.32650365

    Post a pic with a baseball bat. Please.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)19:33 No.32650381
    2nd, it is more developed compared to the 1st and the NPCs move around.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)19:34 No.32650415
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    My god, that's HYSTERICAL!
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)19:35 No.32650472

    Rosalind is the only correct choice.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)19:35 No.32650480
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    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)19:35 No.32650493
    Post a pic of what? We are not allowed to reveal our Crew number/ID or our Ship outpost. Make a suggestion and I'll do it or try to at least.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)19:36 No.32650506
    So, all things considered, what is the recommended *portable* harvest moon game?
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)19:37 No.32650547
    Friends of Mineral Town or More Friends of Mineral Town.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)19:37 No.32650549

    What's happening in the one where he walks in on the girls?
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)19:39 No.32650624
    I'd say DS. It's basically Mineral Town in AWLs setting.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)19:39 No.32650627
    Get Frontier if you can (wii version), its by far the best.

    As for the HM collector, you're my hero. I would do the same but I don't have the cash. I was gonna buy the girl version of Friends of Mineral Town just because of the plush it came with.

    Also, playing HM games doesn't mean your all nice, etc. Being a SEAL doesn't mean you can do it... I'm a programmer that listens to death metal and speedcore all day at work and am known for being a dick to my friends, but dammit, sometimes you just want to relax.

    And farm turnips.

    And kill orcs with a hoe.

    Also, I can't decide on a woman in Frontier. I like most of them. Mist is just insane, and funny in that way. I like the shop girl and am chasing her a bit right now (forgot her name for a sec cause I'm drinking), Selphy is awesome, but so is nearly every other girl... except the innkeepers girl and the eastern chick. They're just annoying. And fat.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)19:40 No.32650667
    I'd go for the 1st unless you want to use a touch screen to move in the 2nd Island of Happiness game.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)19:40 No.32650699
    You can pressure the fat chick into losing weight for you, which is hilarious.

    She's also not that bad looking once she does.
    >> SS-Scionti !!Ob9tBukzRJb 06/11/09(Thu)19:41 No.32650750
    Because it's like im actually a farmer.

    I only played the gameboy once, but never beat it.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)19:42 No.32650775
    Can you still go after Tabitha in Frontier? Because Tabitha is always a good option.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)19:42 No.32650784

    He walks into the girls' changing room on the beach. They shout at him to close the door. He closes it... while he's still inside. Cue getting his ass kicked through the door.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)19:42 No.32650790
         File :1244763776.jpg-(22 KB, 300x450, eunice.jpg)
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    You can persuade her to go on a diet though once your relationship gets high enough.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)19:44 No.32650862
    I'm not one yet, just training quite hard in Florida. I won't be going to California for the BUD/s training untill next year. I'm also a rather nice guy, but yet I have that don't fuck with me and we will be great friends feeling I've been told. I'm a Electronic Music fan myself. Good luck in your field of choice, it's hard to get into now a days, I've been told. You should come down and sign up for SWCC and do the training with me. Let's try to keep this topic off of me, I shouldn't have said it in the first place.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)19:44 No.32650863

    A picture of yourself with a baseball bat. Because you said you were applying to scout. And now the joke is dead, and it was very weak to begin with.

    Now, let's continue talking about HM.


    I tried, bro. Couldn't like her D:
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)19:45 No.32650878

    Yes, Tabitha is in Frontier.

    My personal favorites are Rosetta and Anette.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)19:45 No.32650887
         File :1244763928.jpg-(965 KB, 1214x937, rff girls.jpg)
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    Yeah, Tabitha is in RFF
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)19:45 No.32650903
    Holy shit, haha, that sounds interesting... I now think I'll start giving her gifts. I almost want to replay the game like 10 times for different girls, but holy fuck this takes forever to beat, I'm like 50 hours in and still in the first half of my first Autumn. Jeez.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)19:46 No.32650940
    Oh.... That was quite clever of you. Sorry I missed it. I was being quite serious during that moment. Yes, lets take this off of me and talk about Harvest Moon, since Harvest Moon is way more important and amazing than I could ever be.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)19:47 No.32650967

    I didn't mind her being a little chubby. I just didn't choose her as a wife because she was so...normal. She cooks, she cleans, that's about it, nothing really special. All the other girls have some weird quirk that makes them endearing.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)19:48 No.32651037
    I liked her as the fat one. Otherwise she's what? A less active Anette?
    And she's still pretty cute either way
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)19:51 No.32651162
    I got the Back to Nature rom to work! And with it,THE PSX IS FINALLY OPEN TO ME! HAHAHAHAHA! But enough of that, you guys give me orders and I shall obey. Our own BTN LP. I'll try to do screenshots. Or no, I'll stream.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)19:52 No.32651221
         File :1244764339.jpg-(89 KB, 500x689, 1243115583843.jpg)
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    Anyone else still have this advert?
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)19:53 No.32651282
         File :1244764435.png-(69 KB, 320x240, 1235713740578.png)
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    Just post some old opening pics for nostalgia and other dandy things.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)19:54 No.32651307
    I don't think I've ever had Rosetta have more than 0 LP before. I always forget her when wandering around town and talking to people and since I've collapsed in dungeons a few times it doesn't work out so well
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)19:54 No.32651327
    Oh I've never played it before. I never had a PS1 and of the perpetually poor sort of nerd so...
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)19:55 No.32651363

    Me and you are opposites.

    I made it a point to be waiting there by the delivery box when she showed up. I tailored my schedule around it.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)19:56 No.32651407
    Well play it and enjoy it while you still can man. You'll enjoy it if you liked the older N64 one.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)19:58 No.32651451
    Oh wait, I'm thinking of the Nurse girl...Lara or whatever
    Yeah, Rosetta's cool
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)20:02 No.32651630
    The secret bachelors in MFOMT sucked. Except for Won.
    He's hilarious, that bastard.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)20:02 No.32651657
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    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)20:06 No.32651848
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    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)20:06 No.32651849
    Stream is up!
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)20:08 No.32651943
    Or not. I'll make a new channel.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)20:10 No.32652052
    It works better with a TV capture card than an emulator.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)20:11 No.32652078
    I have no idea what that means.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)20:11 No.32652124
    Erm, it's something you connect to your TV and play it on the console. It's a lot less buggy and glitchy.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)20:12 No.32652161
    I love Harvest Moon. I had a friend back in middle school who played it. I used to bring my gameboy on the school bus and play Boktai. He seemed interested and eventually bought a gameboy to play it. I bought harvest moon because he played it and it looked fun. He moved away though, but whenever I play one of the games I'll remember him because without him, I never would have gotten into the series.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)20:13 No.32652187
    Ah. Well nevermind then. Maybe I'll just do a video LP on youtube (a blind LP of a HM game. This ought to be a fun trainwreck).

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