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  • File :1243521596.jpg-(51 KB, 600x450, ico5.jpg)
    51 KB Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)10:39 No.31762769  
    ITT: Underrated great games
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)10:40 No.31762779
    inb4 WoW
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)10:40 No.31762780
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)10:40 No.31762782
    im sure ico wasnt underrated. in fact it was highly acclaimed
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)10:41 No.31762802
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)10:41 No.31762808
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    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)10:41 No.31762812
    Pic unrelated.
    The underrated part, that is.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)10:41 No.31762815
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    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)10:41 No.31762822
    World of Goo
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)10:41 No.31762826
    ico wasn't underrated
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)10:41 No.31762831
    it sold little to no copies though
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)10:41 No.31762832
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    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)10:42 No.31762849
    Underrated? No, pretty much everyone sees it for the great game and work of art it is.

    A poor seller? Yes, but that's true of many of the best games.
    >> Louise Françoise de la Baume le Blanc de la Vallière !!Bzaov8/XKWn 05/28/09(Thu)10:42 No.31762854

    I fucking pray for a World of Goo 2. Love that game.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)10:42 No.31762860
         File :1243521767.jpg-(42 KB, 550x412, shadow-of-the-colossus-2005092(...).jpg)
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    this game was waaaaay to epic to be on the ps2
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)10:44 No.31762898
    OK guys, OP here
    by underrated, i am also referring to games which were considered great but sold no copies
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)10:44 No.31762900
    more like most overrated game in existence
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)10:44 No.31762913
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    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)10:45 No.31762919
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    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)10:45 No.31762925
    Beyond Good & Evil
    Giants: Citizen Kabuto
    Throne of Darkness
    The Nomad Soul
    Legacy of Kain series
    Ys series
    The Cave and Touhou shooters outside weeboo circles
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)10:45 No.31762927
    When I see how many people are talking about COD4 and TF2, I'd say most games are underrated.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)10:45 No.31762938
    Evil Genius
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)10:46 No.31762947
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    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)10:46 No.31762962
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    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)10:47 No.31762972

    I think you don't know what underrated means.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)10:47 No.31762974
    everyone talks about CoD4, because its the best FPS released in the last 3 years
    everyone talks about TF2, because valve just released a content patch
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)10:47 No.31762982
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    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)10:47 No.31762995
    Should've been on PC.
    >> BroScience PhD !!ea8NTtLAm4u 05/28/09(Thu)10:48 No.31763006
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    >> /v/'s Cheerful Side !!x95FKHRprgi 05/28/09(Thu)10:48 No.31763008
         File :1243522099.jpg-(134 KB, 1280x720, FUCKYEAR.jpg)
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    Motorstorm 2
    Toy Story Racer for the Playstation
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)10:48 No.31763013
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    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)10:48 No.31763015
    Underrated great games != overrated shitty games.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)10:48 No.31763021

    Daaaaaamn yoooou Quake! *shakes fist*
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)10:49 No.31763040
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    ICO was pretty much a cult hit. Didn't get nearly as much recognition as SotC. I wish I could find a copy. And I hope it's half as good as SotC was.

    Every damn thing Troika made.
    STALKER(outside /v/)
    Aaaand this, off the top of my head
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)10:49 No.31763044
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    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)10:49 No.31763054

    >Ys series

    This, goddamn. I got into it last year, and I kept thinking "What the shit? Why haven't I heard more about this awesomeness before?".
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)10:50 No.31763091

    Best game this gen so far
    >> Nemesis, Armored Fist of the Earth Alliance 05/28/09(Thu)10:52 No.31763152
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    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)10:53 No.31763215
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    Outside of /v/ you get:

    ''I can't believe I spent even $10 on this game. Everywhere had glowing reviews, and when it dropped to $10 on amazon I thought I was obligated to buy it. Not only is the gameplay repetitive and boring, the framerate on the ps2 version was horrible. It was the first time I noticed my ps2 chugging EVER. On top of that, I didn't even find the story that good or the dialoge humorous. I don't know if it's because I'm coming from playing RE4 and MGS3 but this game was horrible in every way. Just thought I'd give a heads up to those who were thinkin about pickin this up for the ps2''
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)10:54 No.31763225
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    If we're going by the "didn't sell much" definition, pic related.

    If we mean literally underrated, Dark Messiah of Might and Magic.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)10:54 No.31763231
    Holy shit i thought i was the only one. lol
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)10:55 No.31763286

    Inside of /v/ you get that too, that game WAS horrible, why else did people hate it so much making so that people wouldn't buy it?
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)10:56 No.31763317
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    Multiplayer is better than people give it credit for.

    Single player sucks tho.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)10:56 No.31763322
    Kingdom under fire: the crusaders was the best game on Xbox but didn't sell as good as it should.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)10:56 No.31763339
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    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)10:58 No.31763382
    I was so hyped when this game was announced. I didnt even read the fucking comic or anything.
    I got it played it love it. Fucking sweet story that may even make you cry.
    Then i whent to the reviews... there were not even FUCKING REVIEWS for like the first month it was released !!! i was pissed.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)11:05 No.31763631
    Cuz shit only gets released in niponland and only gets the occasional fan translation over here. That bein said, look out for Ys 7 on the psp and pc.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)11:10 No.31763818

    ''It was a good game. It was smart, charming, and witty. However, by the end it wasn't much fun. The last tower level got to be really difficult and I quit the game at the final circus level after being unable to finish the platforming part.''

    Dem fucking casuals man.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)11:20 No.31764154
    Because you're underage.

    Real gamers would know about it from the Genesis/TG-16 era.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)11:28 No.31764450
    Digital Devil Saga 1 & 2

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