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    File :1242833315.jpg-(29 KB, 385x336, 1216061040613.jpg)
    29 KB Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)11:28 No.31383312  

    we're in a tight spot

    Did /v/ get to where it is now because moot decided to make it worksafe?

    /v/ never used to suck this much.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)11:30 No.31383357
    How many people on here actually have jobs where they can surf the net and not get in trouble just for slacking off?
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)11:31 No.31383396
    everyone on /v/ is underage.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)11:32 No.31383429
    /v/ being worksafe made it suck?

    I'm not even sure how your logic works but it must be pretty twisted seeing as you seem to have enjoyed Killer 7, the shittiest game ever made.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)11:32 No.31383432
    /v/ got to where it is now because no mods.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)11:33 No.31383452
    It sucks because trolling convinced newfags good games were bad and then they started trolling and it continued until /v/ liked just about no games and we only argue.

    It will never end, the only decent threads here anymore are the HAY /v/ LETS PLAY THIS ON HAMACHI threads.
    >> Anonymous ## Mod 05/20/09(Wed)11:34 No.31383497
    Goddamn you must be smoking some great shit. It was always worksafe, ever since Snacks started it up years ago.
    If we made it non-worksafe, it would just devolve into
    "/vh/ - Videogame hentai"
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)11:36 No.31383560
    >"/vh/ - Videogame hentai"
    I have always been disappointed that this isn't what the board is.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)11:37 No.31383583
    Well hello.
    Smith. ( ´ - `)/
    How do you like this weather? =* ^ - ^ *=
    The lack of poképornis good here, isn't it?
    I think boards like these are just fab (* ' -' *)
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)11:37 No.31383594
    But there are porn images everywhere...
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)11:38 No.31383630
    The only thing I hate are the threads that have NO RELATION TO /v/ WHAT SO EVER. Im speaking ofcourse of the religion threads and the wanna/b/ threads.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)11:39 No.31383638
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    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)11:39 No.31383659
    Tell moot to hire more janitors then, hell I've been applying for them for years, but you guys never seem to reply.
    >> SAiO !zo4YYVo8TM 05/20/09(Wed)11:40 No.31383669
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    Mods? On MY /v/?
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)11:40 No.31383676
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)11:40 No.31383689
    More like trolling convinced newfags that trolling was cool and now everybody trolls trolls trolls and everything good must be destroyed simply out of principle

    Trolling begets trolling and with little to no moderation, this board is a battle royale
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)11:40 No.31383690
    Killer7 is one of the greatest games ever made. By all technical gameplay standards, it is virtually flawless. Go play Madden.
    >> Kao !POYOer2CTU 05/20/09(Wed)11:41 No.31383698
    Get moot to get more mods and Janitors then, we fucking need them.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)11:41 No.31383699
    Already halfway there when school lets out.
    >> SiCk !W9ZcOhM8zg 05/20/09(Wed)11:42 No.31383730

    are you planning to keep that shit stickied foreveR?
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)11:42 No.31383734
    >By all technical gameplay standards, it is virtually flawless. Go play Madden.

    This here perfectly illustrates how fucking insane Killer 7 fans are.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)11:42 No.31383740
    Janitors don't solve shit.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)11:42 No.31383743
    No point replying to the mod, hes already closed the window and went back to posting on some other forum

    He should be back for 2 minutes in about an hour.

    Also yeah get the fucking Janitor apps open for /v/
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)11:42 No.31383746
    You're talking shit.
    >> morbo weirwood !9kbJjvwmwE 05/20/09(Wed)11:42 No.31383774
    stfu sonyfriend mods
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)11:43 No.31383778
    And so the thread devolves into question time for a mod who has probably closed the thread so he can moderate another board.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)11:43 No.31383782
    >If we made it non-worksafe, it would just devolve into "/vh/ - Videogame hentai"
    It already is
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)11:43 No.31383797
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    >Anonymous ## Mod
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)11:43 No.31383804
    What's the matter, don't like on-rails gameplay?

    Born in 1994 and never played a point and click adventure game before?

    Fuck off, you dipshit. It did something unconventional and uncommon in today's market, but it didn't do it wrong.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)11:45 No.31383842
    >> OP !UF7Hb4HBqE 05/20/09(Wed)11:45 No.31383856
    >This here

    This illustrates a basic inability to communicate, rendering your opinion invalid.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)11:45 No.31383857
    it wouldn't be shit if we had mods
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)11:45 No.31383876
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    wait, a mod?! on my /v/?!
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)11:46 No.31383896
    I <3 Killer 7
    >> Kao !POYOer2CTU 05/20/09(Wed)11:46 No.31383911

    When we need mods, they aren't here, but when they are here, they argue with obvious consolefag trolls and and make a sticky to not post torrent links to a game.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)11:46 No.31383914
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    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)11:48 No.31383944
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    Maybe if you fucks stopped making a song and dance out of every mod appearance we wouldnt be in this mess.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)11:48 No.31383960
    >on /v/
    End of the fucking world.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)11:49 No.31383981
    kids never learn

    personally if I was a mod i'd ban everyone that goes ZOMG MOD LOL GODS FAGS in the thread I just appeared in
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)11:49 No.31383983
    Maybe if it wasn't such a freak occurrence there wouldn't even be a mess.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)11:49 No.31383988
    You're a fucking lunatic. Therefore your opinion is fucking crazy and unworthy of further consideration. Enjoy warping reality so that your shitty art game can be considered 'flawless'.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)11:50 No.31383999
    Stop it.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)11:50 No.31384001
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    Brb not giving a fuck again.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)11:50 No.31384025
    You've been showing up a lot lately. (I assume its the same mod)

    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)11:51 No.31384036
    >personally if I was a mod i'd ban everyone

    Fixed. This would definitely solve /v/'s problem that being everyone in it
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)11:51 No.31384044
    Mods aren't board-specific, right? Can moot not get some janitors to work on /v/ specifically? We really do need it.

    I'm not one of the idiots who complain about Katawa Shoujo or pokemon threads. Like it or not, they are considered a video game by a lot of people. What bothers me is the /b/ threads. Religion threads. Camwhore threads. They're not even slightly vidya-related and sometimes they get hundreds of replies before a janitor does anything.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)11:52 No.31384075
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    /v/ - Videogame Hentai
    >> Kao !POYOer2CTU 05/20/09(Wed)11:52 No.31384080
    Oh and those thread shitters who think they're mods?

    We need those dealt with too.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)11:52 No.31384081
    Thank you for not making that decision - the pokegirl threads are already unbearable.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)11:52 No.31384088


    Poor mod, many years of watching over /v/ finally got to him. So trolled that he even answered. I think you deserve a small vacation my good man/woman.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)11:52 No.31384089
    Heres the scoop, if everytime you post/ban/threaten someone and suddenly the entire thread derails into mod praise/cock sucking then you wont really be doing much posting/banning/threatening because itll bring the quality of /v/ even further down.

    Look what happened when a mod made a sticky. Threads everywhere started popping up talking about LOL FAGIT MODS WONT STOP ME and the sort of shit this thread is filled with.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)11:53 No.31384104
    Yeah, THAT'S the problem with /v/.

    Not the numerous Pokefag threads, hentai threads, tripfags, /b/ faggotry...
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)11:53 No.31384108
    Mods aren't board specific but janitors are. However as >>31383740 wisely said, janitors don't solve shit.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)11:53 No.31384112
    >I'm not one of the idiots who complain about Katawa Shoujo

    Then you should be fuckwit, visual novels go in /jp/, this was agreed at its creation

    i wish i could kill you through my screen
    >> Kao !POYOer2CTU 05/20/09(Wed)11:53 No.31384117
    And it even took a while for the mod to ban ONE person out of all the folk posting the links.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)11:54 No.31384131
    I don't even know why we get the pokegirl threads HERE. I mean all the fan art and shit is from the anime so.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)11:54 No.31384141
    Does a silent ban feature exist? Yanno? Without it being fucking announced to the world? Which ALSO derails threads?

    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)11:54 No.31384146
    u mad bro
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)11:55 No.31384169
    Initially that would happen but eventually people would get used to visible mod presence.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)11:55 No.31384170
    What they said. Add the HURR CASUAL IS SHIT retards too.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)11:55 No.31384172
    That's not the point fucktard
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)11:56 No.31384192

    If mods actually banned people once in awhile, threads wouldn't be derailed by it.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)11:56 No.31384196
    I didnt say it was THE problem, simply A problem.

    Pokemon threads are a part of /v/.
    Tripfags are a part of 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)11:56 No.31384211
    not mad, just wondering how someone can be so retarded

    >/v/ - Video Games

    whoops forgot where I was, carry on
    >> SiCk !W9ZcOhM8zg 05/20/09(Wed)11:56 No.31384212

    Yes. I've been b& 2 times that way.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)11:57 No.31384226
    Maybe if the mods did their jobs for once people wouldn't be so amazed to see them.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)11:57 No.31384239
    True but, it can take a while.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)11:58 No.31384260
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    "I'll be waiting for you with a grin as wide as the truth"
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)11:58 No.31384280
    Silent ban means you wont always see the red text and purple names, bro.

    also, see >>31384089
    He gets it.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)11:59 No.31384300
    If there was no fanfare when someone was banned then it would not set an example to the rest of the board. Trolls are like an army of the undead, they can just replace each other for ever if they think there are others. If you show that trolling comes with a punishment then less people will try and do it.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)11:59 No.31384314
    I'm willing to put up with it if it means /v/ will stop being a shithole.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)12:00 No.31384320
    The way Moot does things is fucking stupid, all the current mods are his friends and so can only be on at US times, and even then they can't be fucked.

    He needs to employ some mods that won't be his pal and don't live in NY
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)12:00 No.31384321
    That's practically the only way people are banned, moot doesn't like public bans and instruct mods against it. Silent bans don't do shit however because everyone has a dynamic ip and can go back to posting immediately, public bans are just as ineffective at stopping people from posting but it at least makes clear for the rest of the community that retarded behavior is not allowed.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)12:00 No.31384328
    Calm the fuck down. I simply think /v/ has much bigger problems. Phoenix wright threads don't get so much complaining.

    If I see a thread that is videogame-related, I just ignore it. Don't read it, don't post in it. People should be able to discuss what they want to. It's not causing a decline in the quality of /v/ as much as ATHEIST GAMER and MORALFAGS ETC. threads.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)12:03 No.31384397
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    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)12:04 No.31384449
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    Warnings also exist. Those could be used on grey area/minor offense stuff, like >>31384075 It's a good way to enforce quality without inducing butthurt over bans.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)12:09 No.31384617

    Fuck is this shit?
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)12:12 No.31384711
    I'm guessing a Pokemon chan (more specifically, a nostalgiafag Pokemon chan)
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)12:12 No.31384724
    so mods DO exist.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)12:16 No.31384810
    7 rellik

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