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    Updated @ 5:30PM on 5/6/09

    File :1241666436.jpg-(236 KB, 480x640, klonoa_10a.jpg)
    236 KB Klonoa<3<3<3 Anonymous 05/06/09(Wed)23:20 No.30830973  
    Klonoa for the Wii is out now, go buy it :O

    Klonoa is <3
    >> Anonymous 05/06/09(Wed)23:21 No.30830989
    Its less than 3?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/09(Wed)23:22 No.30831018
    I like furries but even Klonoa is too gay for me.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/09(Wed)23:22 No.30831024
         File :1241666536.jpg-(6 KB, 111x110, starr icon2.jpg)
    6 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/06/09(Wed)23:24 No.30831082
         File :1241666671.jpg-(140 KB, 684x2000, Klonoa I I Just.jpg)
    140 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/06/09(Wed)23:25 No.30831122
    >> Anonymous 05/06/09(Wed)23:28 No.30831244
         File :1241666928.jpg-(501 KB, 1280x1024, KLONOA NOOOOOOO.jpg)
    501 KB
    You wish Sonic was this sexy
    >> Anonymous 05/06/09(Wed)23:29 No.30831275
    Everyone's furry for Klonoa.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/09(Wed)23:30 No.30831304
    klonoa is the shit man, its like LCD on acid
    >> Anonymous 05/06/09(Wed)23:30 No.30831312
    Faggy game for furfags and their ilk
    >> Anonymous 05/06/09(Wed)23:30 No.30831322
         File :1241667052.jpg-(109 KB, 640x480, klonoa x tails.jpg)
    109 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/06/09(Wed)23:31 No.30831363
    Lets smoke raisins instead!
    >> Anonymous 05/06/09(Wed)23:33 No.30831414
    FUCK YEAH fucking pacman on his hat
    >> Anonymous 05/06/09(Wed)23:33 No.30831434
    i played empire of dreams, first off terrible game second of all almost crashed my computer, biggest shit ever game sucks
    >> Anonymous 05/06/09(Wed)23:35 No.30831489
    is this a remake of the first one?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/09(Wed)23:35 No.30831499
         File :1241667315.jpg-(128 KB, 800x800, 3715069.jpg)
    128 KB
    Am I doin it rite?
    >> Anomalous 05/06/09(Wed)23:35 No.30831507
         File :1241667324.jpg-(81 KB, 600x490, 28be49ce76a10b7973dd877184ca1e(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/06/09(Wed)23:35 No.30831515
    Hell yea free tacos.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/09(Wed)23:35 No.30831523
    first off the klonoa console games>gba games, second of all, your computer is a piece of shit that can't play gba games
    >> Anonymous 05/06/09(Wed)23:37 No.30831580
    This thread is not going places. The game is a fun platformer, just be sure to avoid the fanbase (which is the case for a lot of games).
    >> Anonymous 05/06/09(Wed)23:37 No.30831582

    its the only game that happened for, the rom was borked, i beat it and instead of credits i got a blank screen, in full screen mode, i was isolated from everything and my computer started getting really hot, didnt have this problem with good games like castlevania and the sort
    >> Anonymous 05/06/09(Wed)23:37 No.30831587
    Tell your friends, every copy of Klonoa comes with a free Fish Taco coupon.

    $30 for an awesome game and free taco, how can you go wrong?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/09(Wed)23:38 No.30831628
    >>avoid the fanbase

    Gay pedo furries and people who like platforming.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/09(Wed)23:38 No.30831634

    throw in the game for free and the taco for 30 bucks and i might consider it
    >> Anonymous 05/06/09(Wed)23:39 No.30831674

    Go to bed, Zangonoa.
    >> Nico Vaporeon !!z1VMMHxQZLi 05/06/09(Wed)23:39 No.30831688
    Sorry, I don't have a Wii. I played the game on the playstation before the shitty furry fanbase.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/09(Wed)23:42 No.30831820
    So yeah, furries aside, Klonoa is one of the best platformers I've ever played. Imma pick up a copy
    >> Anomalous 05/06/09(Wed)23:44 No.30831891
         File :1241667865.jpg-(43 KB, 345x480, 1207550525590.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/06/09(Wed)23:44 No.30831894
         File :1241667868.jpg-(20 KB, 300x360, smiling_spah.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/06/09(Wed)23:46 No.30832015

    That reminds me, there are piss pics of Klonoa.

    I will not post them though.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/09(Wed)23:47 No.30832022
    Why would people buy this game again when they already pirated it for PS1 years ago.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/09(Wed)23:49 No.30832125
    Because we want to support the series and get them working on a proper sequel.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/09(Wed)23:50 No.30832182
         File :1241668233.jpg-(119 KB, 500x325, 2118942.jpg)
    119 KB
    woo klonoa
    >> Anomalous 05/06/09(Wed)23:50 No.30832194
         File :1241668246.jpg-(403 KB, 800x800, 1207550619898.jpg)
    403 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/06/09(Wed)23:55 No.30832361
    please everyone support the series, it needs sequels! this is our chance to get them and all itll cost u is $30

    plus it's a great game
    >> Anonymous 05/06/09(Wed)23:58 No.30832471
         File :1241668702.jpg-(81 KB, 268x346, 9f6d1ee7-680f-4736-8ff4-79007e(...).jpg)
    81 KB
    nah nah nahnahnahnah nah nah BATMAN
    >> Anonymous 05/07/09(Thu)00:01 No.30832580
         File :1241668864.png-(120 KB, 600x600, 1767342 by Mizuchisen Kiyoshi.png)
    120 KB
    >> Anomalous 05/07/09(Thu)00:01 No.30832584
         File :1241668883.jpg-(74 KB, 565x700, 1207550667454.jpg)
    74 KB
    >> Anomalous 05/07/09(Thu)00:05 No.30832726
         File :1241669121.jpg-(274 KB, 550x777, 1207550695335.jpg)
    274 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/07/09(Thu)00:05 No.30832728
         File :1241669131.jpg-(103 KB, 600x483, The_New_Klonoa_Design_Sucks_by(...).jpg)
    103 KB
    >> Anomalous 05/07/09(Thu)00:07 No.30832800
         File :1241669255.gif-(59 KB, 450x492, 1207550736358.gif)
    59 KB
    >> notMordecai !oZBvtVgNQ6 05/07/09(Thu)00:08 No.30832810
    Are you serious about the fish taco? What the fuck, what chain is it for lol
    >> Anonymous 05/07/09(Thu)00:09 No.30832849
    The joke is that the coupon is for a free taco from a chain called Wahoo.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/09(Thu)00:09 No.30832856
    It's for Wahoo's Fish Taco restaurant
    >> Anonymous 05/07/09(Thu)00:12 No.30832951
         File :1241669561.jpg-(52 KB, 575x621, kloa-sorrow.jpg)
    52 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/07/09(Thu)00:12 No.30832953
    There better be some more pr0ns in this thread.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/09(Thu)00:13 No.30832982
    someone should stream this.

    Instead of streaming shit everyone can play
    >> Anomalous 05/07/09(Thu)00:13 No.30833001
         File :1241669628.jpg-(132 KB, 1280x960, 1207551054694.jpg)
    132 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/07/09(Thu)00:13 No.30833004
         File :1241669633.jpg-(483 KB, 851x1200, to_1169766346910_p09.jpg)
    483 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/07/09(Thu)00:14 No.30833020

    Thinly veiled request for such pics is thinly veiled.


    It's sad how this is one of the few straight Klonoa pics there is.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/09(Thu)00:15 No.30833052
    I fucking love Klonoa :3
    >> Anonymous 05/07/09(Thu)00:16 No.30833101
    Is it anything like the GBA games? Because those were awfully boring and simplistic, with zero replay value.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/09(Thu)00:16 No.30833117
         File :1241669818.png-(500 KB, 509x716, toon_1181411122682.png)
    500 KB
    I love klonoa fucking :3
    >> Anonymous 05/07/09(Thu)00:17 No.30833126
         File :1241669842.jpg-(139 KB, 640x640, 1085511.jpg)
    139 KB
    >> Anomalous 05/07/09(Thu)00:17 No.30833143
         File :1241669875.jpg-(59 KB, 400x492, 1207552233149.jpg)
    59 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/07/09(Thu)00:18 No.30833166
         File :1241669920.jpg-(131 KB, 640x640, 769871.jpg)
    131 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/07/09(Thu)00:19 No.30833195
         File :1241669972.jpg-(197 KB, 800x800, 20080529003328.jpg)
    197 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/07/09(Thu)00:19 No.30833209
    >>30833101 >
    The GBA games are gutter trash compared to the full games, though they don't have too much replay other than collecting 150 crystals in each stage.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/09(Thu)00:20 No.30833215
    They bumped Klonoa's HP from 3 to 10.

    What the fuck...
    >> Anonymous 05/07/09(Thu)00:21 No.30833238
    The GBA games were simple platformers that focused more the the puzzles and ended up being very dry gameplay wise.

    The console games on the otherhand are unique in that they are 2-D controller yet play in a world that is 3-D (similar to pandemonium) And allowed you to manipulate things in the foreground and background. Klonoa is the first game to use this 2 and a half D gameplay. In terms of comparisons and combines elements of Pandemonium, platform fun value of mario, and storylines similar to NiGHTS into Dreams.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/09(Thu)00:21 No.30833254
    I love both :3
    >> Anomalous 05/07/09(Thu)00:22 No.30833275
         File :1241670138.png-(8 KB, 300x300, 1207551138263.png)
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    >> Anonymous 05/07/09(Thu)00:22 No.30833276
         File :1241670143.jpg-(512 KB, 700x956, 1174967.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/07/09(Thu)00:23 No.30833303
    i'm going to have to ask you post the rest of that comic
    >> Anonymous 05/07/09(Thu)00:27 No.30833425
    Lets not go nuts with the Klonoa poarnz and discourage any potential buyers. You can always goto Fchan for that stuff
    >> Anomalous 05/07/09(Thu)00:27 No.30833435
         File :1241670445.jpg-(245 KB, 810x549, 1207551270696.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/07/09(Thu)00:27 No.30833446
    I'm gonna assume automatically that the story is shit since it revolves around a furry. If the platforming is on par with Mario then I'll get this. Hopefully it doesn't revolve around puzzles in ANY way like the GBA games did, because those sorts of puzzles in games are completely devoid of replay value.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/09(Thu)00:28 No.30833456
    i was going to buy it, but this thread made me realize it's gay as hell.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/09(Thu)00:29 No.30833507
    I thought Klonoa had a good story
    Isn't that one of the best things about it?
    >> Anonymous 05/07/09(Thu)00:29 No.30833512
    Klonoa's grandpa dies and he get sucked out of his world after beating the villain.

    There, I saved you $30.
    >> Anomalous 05/07/09(Thu)00:31 No.30833563
         File :1241670688.jpg-(30 KB, 480x351, 1207552017268.jpg)
    30 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/07/09(Thu)00:32 No.30833594
    Klonoa's grandpa dies and he gets sucked off after beating the villain.

    >> Anonymous 05/07/09(Thu)00:32 No.30833597
    No you have not
    You didn't give me a copy of the game
    >> Anomalous 05/07/09(Thu)00:32 No.30833601
         File :1241670759.jpg-(76 KB, 500x700, 1207552498415.jpg)
    76 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/07/09(Thu)00:34 No.30833665
    >I'm gonna assume automatically that the story is shit since it revolves around a furry.

    So does this mean I can assume a story is shit because it revolves around a bald space marine, and you won't get pissed?
    >> Anonymous 05/07/09(Thu)00:35 No.30833693
    Good end
    >> Anonymous 05/07/09(Thu)00:35 No.30833707

    What are you talking about? Space marines are always involved in quality works that match Shakespeare's genius.
    >> Anomalous 05/07/09(Thu)00:36 No.30833730
         File :1241670995.png-(1.97 MB, 900x1343, 1207552801168.png)
    1.97 MB
    >> Anonymous 05/07/09(Thu)00:38 No.30833804
    Speaking of Shakespeare In A Midsummer Night's Dream one of the character's turns into a pig (technically a furry) Does this mean that Shakespeare story is automatically shit?
    >> Anonymous 05/07/09(Thu)00:38 No.30833823
    Thanks bro.
    >> Anomalous 05/07/09(Thu)00:38 No.30833828
         File :1241671137.jpg-(48 KB, 338x480, 1207554341942.jpg)
    48 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/07/09(Thu)00:39 No.30833840

    No one is denying Shakespeare is incredibly homo.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/09(Thu)00:39 No.30833850
         File :1241671172.jpg-(308 KB, 566x793, 2432440.jpg)
    308 KB
    His pajamas are wet.
    >> Anomalous 05/07/09(Thu)00:41 No.30833892
         File :1241671260.jpg-(97 KB, 600x695, 1207554772658.jpg)
    97 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/07/09(Thu)00:41 No.30833897
    Of course. But a Furry story is not to be taken seriously. It is merely to set the stage for a gameplay scenario/appeal to younger audiences. I don't have a problem with that if the game is good, as long as it doesn't try to shove the story down my throat.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/09(Thu)00:41 No.30833925
    You've made >>30832015 's dreams come true
    >> Anomalous 05/07/09(Thu)00:43 No.30834000
         File :1241671429.png-(625 KB, 800x800, 1218600860684.png)
    625 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/07/09(Thu)00:45 No.30834060
    >Klonoa's grandpa dies and he gets sucked off by Leorina after beating the villain.

    Fixed. No she isn't in the first game, no I don't care.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/09(Thu)00:47 No.30834120

    Can anyone explain to me why the heck Klonoa/Tails is so popular?
    >> Anomalous 05/07/09(Thu)00:47 No.30834140
         File :1241671660.jpg-(33 KB, 400x374, 1220258048950.jpg)
    33 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/07/09(Thu)00:48 No.30834183

    Lolo forced him into her dress for laughs... as well as easy access as she fucks him with her holy strap-on.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/09(Thu)00:49 No.30834223

    They are both very yiffable characters, putting them together is like peanut butter and jelly.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/09(Thu)00:49 No.30834230
    Gamestop employee here. No one preordered this at any of the gamestops in our area. Failure game is a failure.
    Enjoy your casual crap.
    >> Anomalous 05/07/09(Thu)00:50 No.30834243
         File :1241671816.jpg-(64 KB, 600x535, 6c320213ad9db13b6f42daf1cb7d4d(...).jpg)
    64 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/07/09(Thu)00:50 No.30834244
         File :1241671824.jpg-(107 KB, 800x1000, 299172 - Klonoa SEGA Sonic_Tea(...).jpg)
    107 KB
    ill show you why
    >> Anonymous 05/07/09(Thu)00:51 No.30834298

    Needs more like this.


    Not like this.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/09(Thu)00:51 No.30834308
    Gamestop employee here. I suck other Gamestop employee's dicks.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/09(Thu)00:52 No.30834336
    >LSD on acid
    >> Anomalous 05/07/09(Thu)00:52 No.30834342
         File :1241671966.png-(346 KB, 480x640, 1222979410999.png)
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    >> Anonymous 05/07/09(Thu)00:54 No.30834415
         File :1241672082.jpg-(192 KB, 540x367, Miles_Love_Klonoa_by_SilverSap(...).jpg)
    192 KB
    >> Anomalous 05/07/09(Thu)00:55 No.30834451
         File :1241672144.jpg-(46 KB, 350x650, 1224795575857.jpg)
    46 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/07/09(Thu)00:56 No.30834477
         File :1241672201.png-(260 KB, 548x608, 9.png)
    260 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/07/09(Thu)00:57 No.30834500
    >Gamestop employee here
    Enjoy your cancerous plague on the industry and your dead-end job.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/09(Thu)00:58 No.30834529
         File :1241672312.jpg-(81 KB, 600x610, 7.jpg)
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    >> Anomalous 05/07/09(Thu)00:59 No.30834565
         File :1241672370.gif-(165 KB, 500x375, 1225301426455.gif)
    165 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/07/09(Thu)00:59 No.30834577
    Yet I'm that bastard who bought it on the first. LOL. (Also, this is mandatory in this thread: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xRmn6wvZNRs&feature=related)
    >> Anonymous 05/07/09(Thu)01:02 No.30834652
    No one pre ordered from Gamestop because Gamestop released the game 5 days before it's release date. Failstop is a failure.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/09(Thu)01:02 No.30834662
    Yes, because we hold our part time jobs in college for the rest of our lives. The first job you EVER have will be the one you have forever.
    Go back to leaching off your mom.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/09(Thu)01:03 No.30834710
    >>Getting a game early
    >> Anomalous 05/07/09(Thu)01:03 No.30834735
         File :1241672633.jpg-(161 KB, 640x640, 1225399849290.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/07/09(Thu)01:04 No.30834744
    Lol as opposed to you who doesn't have a job or go to university. Nice job.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/09(Thu)01:04 No.30834766
         File :1241672697.jpg-(32 KB, 500x500, googoogaga.jpg)
    32 KB
    D'aww, look at the Gamestop employee try to defend his existence.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/09(Thu)01:05 No.30834780

    I don't think you are a gamestop employee.

    Enjoy your first-time trolling.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/09(Thu)01:05 No.30834781
    Gamestop troll is winning the battle, cease and desist!
    >> Anomalous 05/07/09(Thu)01:06 No.30834805
         File :1241672771.jpg-(164 KB, 701x701, 1225511964051.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/07/09(Thu)01:06 No.30834806
    I'm employed by a university. Nice try kiddo.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/09(Thu)01:07 No.30834843
    Great, that's just great.

    Wasn't enough to make me furry, hmm /v/? No, no, you had to make me a pedo furry! A GAY pedo furry no less!

    Are you happy now? Hmm? Feel better about yourselves?
    >> Anonymous 05/07/09(Thu)01:07 No.30834845
    I wouldn't mind working at my local GameStop, but only because I know a guy there that shares my interests, and yet we troll each other all the time.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/09(Thu)01:07 No.30834875

    Gamestop guy: LOL Part time job lol college lol basement dweller
    >> Anomalous 05/07/09(Thu)01:07 No.30834878
         File :1241672876.jpg-(126 KB, 690x690, 20080703045810.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/07/09(Thu)01:08 No.30834889
    The fact that you added both of them in makes it twice as much unbelievable.

    Oh well, enjoy mooching off your parents.
    >> Anomalous 05/07/09(Thu)01:09 No.30834923
         File :1241672955.jpg-(166 KB, 640x640, 20080704030534.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/07/09(Thu)01:10 No.30834947
         File :1241673005.jpg-(7 KB, 184x184, hank kawaii.jpg)
    7 KB
    Your trolling, though desperate, is cute. I chuckled a bit. 5/10 for that.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/09(Thu)01:10 No.30834968
    I'd make love to that.
    So gender ambiguous...
    >> Anonymous 05/07/09(Thu)01:11 No.30834981
    I love mooching off my parents!
    >> Anomalous 05/07/09(Thu)01:13 No.30835039
         File :1241673199.png-(19 KB, 300x250, b0f217d0357b23227a05f1aefd48af(...).png)
    19 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/07/09(Thu)01:13 No.30835050
    Congratulations. You guys got trolled successfully by a gamestop employee. You let them follow you home and get you where you live. Good job /v/.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/09(Thu)01:16 No.30835129
    Damn /v/... /b/ is never gonna let you live this down.
    >> Anomalous 05/07/09(Thu)01:17 No.30835183
         File :1241673475.jpg-(118 KB, 600x800, b5a012d1b1f4d30a0f43a54c139a86(...).jpg)
    118 KB
    >> Philoseraptor !!6BCGAxXRHLD 05/07/09(Thu)01:19 No.30835218
    oh yeah man i know definantly.
    what the fuck is wrong with you.
    >> Anomalous 05/07/09(Thu)01:21 No.30835271
         File :1241673698.jpg-(163 KB, 800x600, f0f2db408045fe3d87471375e41ce4(...).jpg)
    163 KB
    >> Anomalous 05/07/09(Thu)01:26 No.30835437
         File :1241674006.jpg-(106 KB, 900x600, klonoa collection.jpg)
    106 KB
    >> Protoman !!0Sud22evSac 05/07/09(Thu)01:28 No.30835504
    Great games, ruined by the shitty furry fanbase.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/09(Thu)01:38 No.30835809
         File :1241674701.png-(35 KB, 400x400, 32jhn.png)
    35 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/07/09(Thu)01:46 No.30836044

    What good game ISN'T ruined by a shitty fanbase?
    >> Protoman !!0Sud22evSac 05/07/09(Thu)01:48 No.30836079
    Point taken.

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