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  • File :1240573944.gif-(11 KB, 373x367, Vault Boy.gif)
    11 KB Anonymous 04/24/09(Fri)07:52 No.30366958  
    Something occurred to me on the way home earlier.

    The Fallout game series could possibly be considered to be one of the better examples of a game series being art. Now bare with me for a moment as I explain where my thoughts led me.

    It is said that for something to be art it has to exist for nothing more then itself. To deliberately be made in whatever medium the artist desires to express certain emotions or ideals. It doesn't have to exactly look good, modern art has plenty of ugly pieces of work that exist to bring out certain emotions and nothing else.

    To apply this to each of Bethesda's games we have to keep in mind that they didn't program Fallout with us in mind, thye designed their games based entirely on what they wanted out of a non-traditional RPG, their ideal FPSRPG. They made it entirely for that purpose and then went on to show others to see if they would feel the same way. They have kept the series close to their art and done all the work theirselves, the art, the music, the programming, all Bethesda's to make what they want to express.

    Granted, it can be argued it's not quite art. After all, it still serves the purpose of a game to many and doesn't stand alone on it's own to just be looked at and enjoyed, but I feel it comes closer then many. It's work a lone studio put effort into not to make money, but because they wanted a game exactly to their specifications. Each further game follows their whims and desires. I'd say it's a pretty close example.

    Picture related, it's Bethesda's soul on paper. I for one think it's beautiful.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/09(Fri)07:53 No.30366973
    tl;dr: Pretention bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/09(Fri)07:53 No.30366993
    games != art
    >> Anonymous 04/24/09(Fri)07:53 No.30366994
    Too fucking bad that Morrowind had more soul than Fallout 3 ever could hope to have.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/09(Fri)07:54 No.30367002
    >> Anonymous 04/24/09(Fri)07:54 No.30367010
    You're hilarious.

    And what is art? Paintings? Sculptures? Architecture? Music? Theater? Cinema? Poetry? Books?
    >> Anonymous 04/24/09(Fri)07:54 No.30367012
    pretty tricky
    >> Anonymous 04/24/09(Fri)07:55 No.30367023
    This is totally pretention.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/09(Fri)07:56 No.30367036
    If you go by the "anything that's an expression of authors thoughts = art" definition then you'll get nowhere and won't create a stable argument.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/09(Fri)07:56 No.30367040
         File :1240574190.jpg-(27 KB, 480x360, todd.jpg)
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    morrowind was art.

    fallout 3 was a ripoff and poor recreation of 1940's-1960's art style.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/09(Fri)07:56 No.30367048
    Suda 51 is that you?
    >> Anonymous 04/24/09(Fri)07:57 No.30367052
    Fallout was art.
    Fallout 2 was a game.
    Fallout 3 is a product.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/09(Fri)07:57 No.30367054
    The Burger King ad with Sir Mix Alot pimping square-assed shawties is technically art too. What do you want us to do about it?
    >> Anonymous 04/24/09(Fri)07:57 No.30367077
    Youtube link kthx
    >> Anonymous 04/24/09(Fri)07:57 No.30367079
    >Picture related, it's Bethesda's soul on paper
    >Fallout series created by Black Isle
    >Fallout 3 being a corporate shit-out

    >> Anonymous 04/24/09(Fri)07:58 No.30367086
         File :1240574303.jpg-(46 KB, 704x396, anime girl cries.jpg)
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    >HO HO
    >HEE HEE
    >HA HA
    >> Anonymous 04/24/09(Fri)07:59 No.30367096
    Morrowind was decent back in the day. Now, it's shit. Everything it did, Oblivion did better.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/09(Fri)07:59 No.30367102
    From /jp/ with love.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/09(Fri)07:59 No.30367105

    Bite your tongue, naive.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/09(Fri)07:59 No.30367106
    I thought that the OP was talking about Fallout.
    Then I read Bethesda, and realized that he was trolling.

    >for something to be art it has to exist for nothing more then itself.
    >nothing more then itself.
    >then itself.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/09(Fri)08:00 No.30367122

    You are an idiot, who clearly hasn't played Morrowind.

    Or you haven't played Oblivion, in which case you're lucky.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/09(Fri)08:00 No.30367132
         File :1240574436.jpg-(133 KB, 432x458, reaction.jpg)
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    >this thread
    >> Anonymous 04/24/09(Fri)08:01 No.30367150

    And here I thought all of /v/ bought into Fallout 3. Fallout 3 trivialized and stepped on what made Fallout and Fallout 2's world impressive.

    I know this will make people dismiss me, but I was done with Fallout 3 the moment I heard it was to be made on Oblivion's engine. And yes, I played the game through to the end, it was ridiculous. Most of the side missions I ended up doing were boring as well.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/09(Fri)08:01 No.30367155
    >*bear with me
    >> Anonymous 04/24/09(Fri)08:01 No.30367159
    The bastard stole my idea.
    The Touhou version would have been better because more idiots, namely the ones incessantly spouting "weeaboo", would have taken the bait.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/09(Fri)08:02 No.30367173


    Just in case you meant a fool, rather than poorly expressing that he's naive.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/09(Fri)08:03 No.30367193
    I liked Fallout 3 for what it was, but I really would prefer if it wasn't called "Fallout".

    It just wasn't the same. And I don't miss the gameplay from old Fallouts.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/09(Fri)08:03 No.30367201
         File :1240574635.png-(600 KB, 1280x720, 1235423765273.png)
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    video games are not art.

    stop trying to pretend it is, if you want to argue that then you might as well say a game of football is art.

    there is a goal, an objective, a process of winning and losing , it provides a story along the way but only to justify and make the process more enjoyable / more immersive.

    faggots like you should be brought into the streets and shot, just because you are the fucking cancer

    the only reason you came to believe video games might be art is because you most likely read some bullshit article on it.

    the only reason developers want video games to be considered art, is because :

    A) video games is a new industry, its highly debated only because of this reason
    B) developers want it classified as art so they can bypass the many laws that restrict sales to minors and certain countries as well as not be subjected to the varying degrees of non-art product tax
    C) the only reason its being debated so much now is because the intellectual property issue due to copyright claims by publishers such as EA.
    As per all the "warnings" and "EULA" agreements you go through when installing a game, you do not actually OWN the game, only you purchased the right to play it.

    stop trying to debate it, just stop trying to act smart. you are a mindless consumer just like all the rest of the people here. your "discussions" and "debates" are really quite mundane and out of your league, you will never be able to effect the industry in any way shape or form.

    Its not art, and only companies like EA are trying to push this bullshit into the spotlight for the reasons listed above. They are money hungry pieces of shits that want to rehash the madden franchise on a yearly basis, then buy up every developer and churn out second rate garbage on a daily basis.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/09(Fri)08:03 No.30367202
         File :1240574636.jpg-(43 KB, 361x365, 1200746894490.jpg)
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    >>bear with me
    >> Anonymous 04/24/09(Fri)08:04 No.30367211
    From /po/ with love.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/09(Fri)08:05 No.30367238

    I can agree with this. It's Oblivion with guns, and Oblivion wasn't a bad game. I find it boring as hell, but that's just me.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/09(Fri)08:06 No.30367255

    I can understand your point about publishers wanting games to be seen as art, but you aren't giving any reason to the contrary. So, until you do, you are a troll, and will be ignored.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/09(Fri)08:06 No.30367279
    I agree with you, minus the hate. There's no need for that thtuff here, mithter.

    But yeah, rather than art, videogames are actually the purest form of entertainment. They are the furthest possible thing from art.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/09(Fri)08:07 No.30367286
    Well fuck.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/09(Fri)08:07 No.30367301

    The intents of the OP are irrelevant, considering that there is room for discussion.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/09(Fri)08:07 No.30367307
    art != art
    don't waste your time with excessive categorization
    >> Anonymous 04/24/09(Fri)08:08 No.30367319
    Touhou one at least had the whole 'made by a single creator' thing going for it and would have more impact. Bethesda is in it for the cash these days.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/09(Fri)08:08 No.30367325
    Someone on /jp/ said that this would cause a shitstorm on /v/.

    Looks like he was right.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/09(Fri)08:08 No.30367328
         File :1240574927.jpg-(76 KB, 478x257, 20071210-TF2_banner.jpg)
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    Is not possible.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/09(Fri)08:08 No.30367330

    Why are entertainment and art mutually exculsive?
    >> Anonymous 04/24/09(Fri)08:09 No.30367342

    Both amused me. This one is quicker, though. Fancy that.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/09(Fri)08:09 No.30367345
    Shadow of the Colossus was art.

    God Hand was a game.

    Final Fantasy X/XII was a goddamn product companies chug out to make money.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/09(Fri)08:10 No.30367371
    >>To apply this to each of Bethesda's games

    10/10. I loved Fallout 3 and snipe NMAfags at every opportunity, but this one even got me to rage a little on the inside.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/09(Fri)08:11 No.30367382


    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 04/24/09(Fri)08:11 No.30367385
    Seen this before. It's copypasta.

    >> Anonymous 04/24/09(Fri)08:11 No.30367394
    You can't use SotC as example of art it always causes shitstorms...

    No one actually felt betrayed by Dormin, no one actually felt bad when he killed colossi, no one actually shed a tear after Argo.

    Except for me
    >> Anonymous 04/24/09(Fri)08:12 No.30367411

    Welcome to the thread, slowpoke.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/09(Fri)08:12 No.30367412
    Hm. Seems that every post that says that this is copied from elsewhere is being removed. Makes a certain amount of sense.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/09(Fri)08:13 No.30367437

    Games aren't art, but can have artistic stylization, and I think that's were they get mixed up

    I think another big part of it is GAMERS trying to justify their hobby/existence as something more than it is

    like that new VG cats comic, what the fuck



    Yeah, the big mainstream games suck shit, and ARE aimed towards more casual players, but there are still great niche and less mainstreams, and since gaming has gotten more popular they have more funding and technology
    >> Anonymous 04/24/09(Fri)08:14 No.30367465
    im 100 farts
    >> Anonymous 04/24/09(Fri)08:14 No.30367466

    I thought that the new VGcats comic was sarcastic, what not with parodying Colbert and all.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/09(Fri)08:15 No.30367483
    capslocked sage doesn't work.
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 04/24/09(Fri)08:15 No.30367488

    Probably they realized that this was the original thread that created it.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/09(Fri)08:15 No.30367491

    Well yeah, it's /v/ so the extra users help, plus /v/ hates the game = art issue so it's blatant trolling material here.

    Not sure what to think about using the Fallout pasta version over the original, on one hand using Fallout means it's less likely to be called out for weeaboo trolling, but on the other it doesn't have the same impact because the post was written with a single creator rather then a company in mind.

    Ah well, whatever.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/09(Fri)08:17 No.30367524
    Screw Dormin, screw Colossi, screw Argo.

    The man did everything a hero can do, he jumped, he swung his sword, he shot his arrow to the sky, he took down 16 fucking giants to save a girl he didn't even have a chance to see waking up. At the end of his life (As Wander) he tried to stand up he tried holding on, with his sight on the peaceful princess.

    And he had to let go.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/09(Fri)08:17 No.30367528
         File :1240575435.jpg-(63 KB, 469x405, Tunnel_Snakes_Rule_by_Ayleid.jpg)
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    Tunnel Snakes rule?
    >> Anonymous 04/24/09(Fri)08:17 No.30367531
         File :1240575455.jpg-(532 KB, 692x2706, vgcats.jpg)
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    if its not sarcastic

    its PAINFUL

    and it doesn't look sarcastic
    >> Anonymous 04/24/09(Fri)08:18 No.30367566

    And it's shit? VGCats in general, not just that one comic.
    >> Vitty 04/24/09(Fri)08:20 No.30367610
         File :1240575639.jpg-(181 KB, 600x959, 1231388531946.jpg)
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    And it's asshole like you and EA that are holding them back, because there's no market for anything that would be considered art, because people eat up the shit they churn out.

    Also define art? Because film can be art, but 99% of the trash Hollywood spews out isn't, this doesn't invalidate the medium.

    I think that games that can be considered art, will unfortunately never be widespread, because of the cost attached with developing a game, but if a few people with a vision get together with creating something provocative.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/09(Fri)08:21 No.30367620

    I know it is

    but I was using it as an example of the GAMER mentality
    >> Pang Tong !KOcvfNjeL2 04/24/09(Fri)08:22 No.30367646
    I thought about it real hard one time and here's how I see art:

    I think art is the abstract ideas and emotions of an artist manifested into reality, with the intent of inspiring or conveying those same sensations in those who experience the "work of art".

    Art comes in varying "levels". The better the intended emotions are conveyed, and the more profound the effect of those emotions on the "audience" if you will, the more artistic merit the work has.

    However, art is also subjective, since each person will interpret and experience the work differently. Although certain works can garner general praise within groups or overall for having the same effect on most people.

    It's a pretty wonky definition but I like to think it covers most stuff reasonably well.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/09(Fri)08:22 No.30367648
    >> Anonymous 04/24/09(Fri)08:27 No.30367771
         File :1240576069.jpg-(155 KB, 768x1084, zun art.jpg)
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    Something occurred to me on the way home earlier.

    The Touhou game series could possibly be considered to be one of the better examples of a game series being art. Now bare with me for a moment as I explain where my thoughts led me.

    It is said that for something to be art it has to exist for nothing more then itself. To deliberately be made in whatever medium the artist desires to express certain emotions or ideals. It doesn't have to exactly look good, modern art has plenty of ugly pieces of work that exist to bring out certain emotions and nothing else.

    To apply this to each of ZUN's games we have to keep in mind that he didn't program Touhou with us in mind, he designed his games based entirel on what he wanted out of a shooting game, his ideal certain fire shooter. He made it entirely for that purpose and then went on to show others to see if they would feel the same way. He has kept the series close to his art and done all the work himself, the art, the music, the programming, all ZUN to make what he wants to express without selling it out to be mass produced.

    Granted, it can be argued it's not quite art. After all, it still serves the purpose of a game to many and doesn't stand alone on it's own to just be looked at and enjoyed, but I feel it comes closer then many. It's work a lone man put effort into not to make money, but because he wanted a game exactly to his specifications. Each further game follows his whims and desires. I'd say it's a pretty close example, laughingly poor pictures aside.

    Picture related, it's ZUN's soul on paper. I for one think it's beautiful.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/09(Fri)08:33 No.30367903
         File :1240576385.png-(71 KB, 256x192, 256px-Romero_head.png)
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    Something occurred to me on the way home earlier.

    The Doom game series could possibly be considered to be one of the better examples of a game series being art. Now bare with me for a moment as I explain where my thoughts led me.

    It is said that for something to be art it has to exist for nothing more then itself. To deliberately be made in whatever medium the artist desires to express certain emotions or ideals. It doesn't have to exactly look good, modern art has plenty of ugly pieces of work that exist to bring out certain emotions and nothing else.

    To apply this to each of ID's games we have to keep in mind that he didn't program DOOM with us in mind, he designed his games based entirely on what they wanted out of a shooting game, their ideal FPS shooter. They made it entirely for that purpose and then went on to show others to see if they would feel the same way. They have kept the series close to the art and done all the work themselves, the art, the music, the programming, all ID to make what they wants to express without selling it out to be mass produced.

    Granted, it can be argued it's not quite art. After all, it still serves the purpose of a game to many and doesn't stand alone on it's own to just be looked at and enjoyed, but I feel it comes closer then many. It's work a lone man put effort into not to make money, but because he wanted a game exactly to his specifications. Each further game follows his whims and desires. I'd say it's a pretty close example, laughingly poor pictures aside.

    Picture related, it's Romeros soul on paper. I for one think it's beautiful.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/09(Fri)08:33 No.30367911
    >> Anonymous 04/24/09(Fri)08:34 No.30367922

    >bare with me

    Noone else noticed the OP just wants you to get naked? Fucking pervert.

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