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04/09/09(Thu)21:18 No.29763406  File :1239326316.jpg-(177 KB, 700x619, 2757295.jpg)
 1 - Go to http://ggxx.wingdreams.net/ and download GGXX#R
2 - Download the netplay patch
3 - Extract that to your GGXX#R folder.
4 - Go into ggxxnet_config, put in a nickname and tick "enable ex characters", make a custom pixel sprite if you want MAKE SURE DELAY IS SET TO 4
- Go into GGXX#R and go to options->game options-> then turn
short cut "on", then exit out to the "press start" screen and go to "vs
net". Possibly also join the chatroom on ggxx.wingdreams.net to talk to
6 - ???
Last time we played,
we had a lot of people that couldn't play because of ping... To fix
that, go to the ggxxnet configuration settings (it should be a text
file) and make sure its set to IgnoreSlowConnections=0 and not
We play at guiltygear.wingdreams.net/lobby.cgi |