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  • File :1239301563.jpg-(64 KB, 522x358, fatal-frame-4-wii-screenshot-1.jpg)
    64 KB Fatal Frame 4 canceled. Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:26 No.29747119  
    No international release. Thanks Nintendo. Sure am glad you bought the rights to the series.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:27 No.29747166
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    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:32 No.29747353

    Enjoy your "internationality" amerifags.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:37 No.29747560
    Japan only, gaijin bastards.

    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:38 No.29747586
    The game bombed in Japan. You faggots wouldn't have bought it. They made a wise business decision.

    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:39 No.29747633
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    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:41 No.29747689

    This has been brought to by the Nintendo Defense Force
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:42 No.29747716
    >I'm a butthurt Nintendo hater.

    Come on, at least attempt to refute my point.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:43 No.29747757

    >Fatal Frame 4 got canceled, and you think its a good thing. Oh, you're so edgy and cool now.

    Point refuted.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:43 No.29747760
    how about providing evidence that it 'bombed' in japan? or a reason to justify pulling it after already running adds? this is a pretty weird move under any circumstances.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:44 No.29747787
    >how about providing evidence that it 'bombed' in japan?

    It's called Media Create. Stop acting so ignorant.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:44 No.29747788
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:44 No.29747810
    Barely heard of the Fatal Frame series, almost no one I know personally ever played it, researched it and realized it's a niche series, don't care etc.

    Just tell me when Pikmin 3 comes out.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:45 No.29747832
    >and you think its a good thing.

    I didn't say anything like that you fucking dipshit. I stated they made the right decision from a business standpoint.

    Strawmans will not work.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:48 No.29747922
    Does anyone know if there's a petition out there with a decent amount of people backing it up yet? Because I'm all for letting Nintendo know that this game would have the support of a shitload of people.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:49 No.29747949
    sure is /v/'s word of the month
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:49 No.29747964
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    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:50 No.29747994
    i feel for the western fans of this series
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:51 No.29748005
    Online petitions spammed hundreds of times by the same people will not convince any gaming company.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:51 No.29748006
    Fucking Nintendo
    Taking my Fatal Frame away
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:52 No.29748027
    Only game I was looking forward to..
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:52 No.29748037
    In the era of FPS's and MATURE GAMERS LIKE MYSELF, this game probably would not have done well in America anyway.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:52 No.29748045

    They must have just learned it in their first English class ever.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:52 No.29748048
    >I wasn't actually looking forward to the game, I'm only saying this so I can hate on Nintendo.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:53 No.29748061

    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:53 No.29748063
    It doesn't matter if it was going to be a good game or not. It's one less 'real' game for the Wii amongst the mountains of shovelware.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:53 No.29748076
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:54 No.29748093
    lol nintendo.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:54 No.29748094
    You all were just going to pirate it anyway.

    Good job, /v/.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:55 No.29748115
    stop being so butthurt. The game barely did 80k in Japan, it would have been lucky to hit half that here.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:55 No.29748128
    The problem with FF is each game is basically the same as the last.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:55 No.29748139
    "Bombed in Japan" is another way of Nintendo saying "We couldn't find a way of making everyone buy three copies of it, including your grandma, little sister and your dog, so fuck you the rest of the world."

    Seriously. If you don't buy like 20 fucking copies of a game and get everyone you know to buy 20 copies of it, in Nintendos eyes, you're not "supporting" them.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:56 No.29748144
    I saw a Let's Play of it on NicoNico, it seemed pretty good and scary to me. You don't aim with the wiimote it seems, but I don't mnd that.

    Why'd it bomb?
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:56 No.29748149
    More like Gantendo.

    Fitting, don't Yuu think?
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:56 No.29748161
    >> Suika !IbukiozMj2 04/09/09(Thu)14:56 No.29748172
    Didn't the petition for P3 FES actually have an effect?
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:56 No.29748179
    > I didn't look up any hard data at all, but i sure as hell will put the burden of proof on others.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:58 No.29748213
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:58 No.29748222

    The game sold as well as Fatal Frame 1-3 did in Japan.

    Now, the previous titles probably sold like shit in the US, which would be more the reason for not bringing it to the US.

    It's funny though that I never see the level of furious outrage and calls for Sony execs heads to be cut off over Yakuza 3 being Japan only.
    >> Mute 04/09/09(Thu)14:58 No.29748233
    >I am arbitrarily assuming that Nintendo's standards for a game "bombing" are much harsher than other companies.
    >> Darkkal !CTaNqTxDio 04/09/09(Thu)14:58 No.29748237
    god damnit bob get the fuck out of here. i love your game

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