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  • File :1239300685.jpg-(120 KB, 550x504, ronery1.jpg)
    120 KB Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:11 No.29746526  
    sup /v/

    I'm 20
    I'm a virgin
    I've never had a job in my life
    My only real "girlfriend" was in 6th grade, and it only lasted 1 day
    My last "girlfriend" was an online one that lasted 7 months
    I have acne
    I'm skinny yet I have a double chin
    I've been at this community college for almost 3 years and still don't have my AS degree
    I'm majoring in Computer Science in hopes to get into vidya gaem making
    The only interaction I have with my 1 and only friend is if he calls me and needs to go somewhere or if we're playing some vidya online
    The rest of my online friends are being deceived by me as they all think I'm a girl

    Do I fit in here?
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:12 No.29746564
    Do you force your opinions on others?
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:13 No.29746593
    You will fit in just fine.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:13 No.29746594
    Nonesnese, OP, i'll be your friend.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:13 No.29746601
    irl no because I'm a pushover
    on the internet, sometimes
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:13 No.29746602
    lolno you fit in nowhere.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:13 No.29746618
    A somewhat-clever twist on the old 'the average /v/irgin is'.

    Nice try.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:14 No.29746659
    OH, JAPAN!
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:15 No.29746667
    ...Since when did 4Chan let alone /v/ require standards? I go out on weekends & have a steady gf + job, I still come here during my free time in the afternoon for vidya discussions. Though I just quickly leave when lunchtime /v/ shows up...
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:16 No.29746701
    You fit in perfectly here.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:16 No.29746706
    sounds like you need to visit /b/
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:16 No.29746722
    Get out you fucking faggot.
    >> sage sagehero !!4h8tFhLHLdW 04/09/09(Thu)14:17 No.29746751
    No. Fuck off and die
    >> The Legendary Big Boss !!z8npwrX44I9 04/09/09(Thu)14:17 No.29746755
    >gf and job
    Sure thing bub.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:17 No.29746756
    You sudnt coem here
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:17 No.29746775
    You don't belong here.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:19 No.29746867

    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:20 No.29746871
    I don't give a fuck about a gf, but no job? Unacceptable
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:22 No.29746953
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:24 No.29747027
    >My friend only calls if we're playing the vidya together or going somewhere

    As opposed to what, calling you from a bubble bath to gossip?
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:24 No.29747048
    I applied at Best Buy - Geek Squad last summer but didn't get the job
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:24 No.29747064
    I'm pretty much the same except i've had a couple jobs but they didn't last long. also i'm not going to college and have no direction in life whatsoever.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:26 No.29747127
    no op, head over to /b/
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:26 No.29747141
    Frankly I make you look good.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:26 No.29747150
    - I'm 22
    - I'm a virgin
    - I've never had a job in my life
    - Never had a girlfriend
    - Never had an "online" girlfriend
    - Never touched a female, except my mom
    - Only ever talked maybe 10 words with a girl (female teacher or the like)
    - The mere thought of trying to socialize with a girl makes me confused and highly anxious
    - I have mild acne
    - I'm skinny yet I have a pot belly (6'1, 170lbs)
    - I'm going into some shitty university this year, who cares as long as I can get far away from my family
    - I only have 1 good irl friend, a couple online
    - On live messenger I have 80 contacts, of which I only really talk to 2-3, and 2/80 are girls (both related to me) and of course I never talk to them either
    - I pretended I was a girl online a few years back, got a boyfriend and had some good times (cybering etc), but I eventually grew tired of it so I blocked him everywhere and I haven't talked to him since
    - Been to /v/ for about a year, previously floated around /e/ or /d/ and 7chan, I like how shitty it is here

    Do I fit in here, and what's my /v/irgin score?
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:29 No.29747228
    I'm 24
    I'm a virgin
    I've never had a job in my life
    Never had any kind of girlfriend
    I have acne
    I'm skinny
    I dropped out of high school
    I haven't had a single friend in 8 years
    I don't even have any internet friends either

    What now?
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:30 No.29747265
    17 and I've accomplished more than all of you fucks put together.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:30 No.29747277
         File :1239301818.png-(17 KB, 305x289, 1217695633251.png)
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    >- I pretended I was a girl online a few years back, got a boyfriend and had some good times (cybering etc), but I eventually grew tired of it so I blocked him everywhere and I haven't talked to him since

    This is really disturbing.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:30 No.29747281
    Shut the fuck up and grow a back bone. Get out there.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:30 No.29747292
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:30 No.29747301
    I'll be your friend.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:31 No.29747321
         File :1239301877.jpg-(155 KB, 1280x960, 1195543088781.jpg)
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    Don't worry guys, you can still fap to real men getting it on in the vidya.

    Gays in the vidya thread?
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:32 No.29747352
         File :1239301934.jpg-(20 KB, 478x360, IKYAFTB.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:33 No.29747419
    I know, it was really weird, and in retrospect I'm kinda wtf about it. But it felt natural for me. Guess it was some part of my delayed puberty that I had to work through. I've never done anything like it since, though I always make female characters in games. If I could turn into a female, perfectly, I'd do it in a heartbeat. As it is, I hate traps and would never want to be one.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:35 No.29747494
    Im 22.
    Im NOT a virgin, but I don't get laid very often.
    I don't have a job right now, but I have in the past...and I am currently a student..
    I've never had a "girlfriend," but a one night stand here and there is fine too!
    I'm not skinny, but I'm not a fatass (only have love handles when I sit down).
    I'm majoring in Biology at a University.
    I own over $12,000 in video games and video game accessories.
    I exercise every day (running, stationary bike, and situps).
    I only have a few "real" friends, and no online networking (no facebook, myspace, etc.) because it's for homos.
    Most of my interactions with my real friends is through video games.

    Do I fit in here, /v/?
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:37 No.29747564
         File :1239302242.jpg-(24 KB, 453x355, wegw.jpg)
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    HAHAHAH worthless virgin! I girl I've had 12 boyfriend, and 3 are interested in me. I would never date fat loser who play video games, i want strong man with muscle no ugly fat neckbeard who no have job

    bye virgin enjoy being alone :)
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:38 No.29747596
    im 20
    not a virgin
    steadily date various girls, no serious relationship
    college student
    not working but can easily get a job
    6'2 175 very handsome and very nice expensive clothing

    whats my /v/irgin score
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:38 No.29747608
    I try to.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:39 No.29747644
    Honest question

    How many of you friendless virgins grew up without a dad? If yes then this explains a lot.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:40 No.29747659
    Proof that the ugliest bitch can get laid
    >> Auouywonz !hEpdoZ.tHU 04/09/09(Thu)14:40 No.29747679
    you belong with US
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:40 No.29747687
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:41 No.29747706
    I'm 25
    I'm not a virgin and I get laid whenever I want.
    I have a job and earn a good wage and I don't have to pay tax either.
    I have a girlfriend but she's annoying, looking for another.
    I'm average build and don't work out because I don't need to.
    I didn't go to university but am earning more than most of my fag freinds who went.
    I own a nice car and plenty of video games, sometimes I even play WoW and so does my girlfriend.
    I have no real close friends because my best friend died in Afgan.
    You can have it all and it's just the same shit and different day.

    Do I fit in here?
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:41 No.29747708
    all of the posters fail the /v/irgin score in this thread because they can relate to some find of human contact outside the internet.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:42 No.29747718
    2 Jobs. Both shitty (I'm a student tho... )
    No girlfriend. Tho, a chick asked me to go to the movies, so I did. I didn't like her. I just wanted to see Pirates 3. Lawl
    Fat :S
    I'm going to a local college.
    No RL friends, 'bout 6 internet buds. :S
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:42 No.29747731
    Yeah, we ugly guys have no chance while ugly girls find companions easily.

    This world just ain't fair
    >> Brutikiss 04/09/09(Thu)14:42 No.29747739
    >>question about quantity
    >>expecting a yes/no answer
    : D
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:43 No.29747772

    You might blend better in /a/
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:44 No.29747777
    Oh what the fuck
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:44 No.29747781
    Holy dick. Most of you people are pretty pathetic. Seriously, I spend alot of time in front of my computer, but when I feel like it, I go out with friends or they come over to my house. I've got lots of friends and I'm pretty good looking.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:44 No.29747789
    Sometimes I wish I knew another lonely failure in person. Like in my neighborhood. But at least I know they exist on the internet neighborhood :3
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:44 No.29747797

    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:44 No.29747804
    I have a dad, he owns a farm, and when I was younger he often wanted me to help him there, but eventually, after many years, he just gave up and let my sit at the computer all the time. We never talk.
    >> Darkkal !CTaNqTxDio 04/09/09(Thu)14:44 No.29747807
    ooogachucka oogaooga ooogachucka oogaooga ooogachucka oogaooga ooogachucka oogaooga ooogachucka oogaooga ooogachucka oogaooga ooogachucka oogaooga ooogachucka oogaooga ooogachucka oogaooga ooogachucka oogaooga
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:45 No.29747828
    I'm 26.
    I lost my virginity at 18.
    I am currently employed.
    I have had a "girlfriend" that lasted 3 days.
    My current girlfriend and I have been together for almost 8 months now. My longest relationship was 14 months.
    I have a couple of pimples occasionally.
    I'm chubby but no double chin.
    I've been at my university for 2 years.
    I'm majoring in Digital Media because I enjoy the creativity and the wide range of careers it could apply to.
    I interract with friends almost daily.
    I paid 15 dollars to change my WoW character from female to male. I quit 3 weeks later (from resubbing).

    Do I fit in?
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:45 No.29747841
    You don't pay taxes?
    What do you do, sell weed?
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:46 No.29747848
    OP, I'll be your friend if you're not a disgusting japanophile.

    I'm 18
    Not a virgin
    I have a part time job
    I've been in a relationship with a normal, pretty, nice girl for 4 years
    I have just a normal amount of acne
    I am average body size, not very fit though
    In High School, going to College next year
    Majoring in Computer Programming probably
    I have a close circle of 3-4 friends

    I am happy with my life
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:46 No.29747861

    Sure is trust fund republicunt around here.
    >>   04/09/09(Thu)14:46 No.29747868
    I'm 18
    I'm a virgin
    I've had 2 jobs and am currently unemployed
    My only real "girlfriend" was last year, and it only lasted 4 days
    I'm pretty thin (6'2", 145lbs) but have belly fat
    I'm meant to be doing maths at uni this year... if I get decent A-level grades (I need AAB which I'm capable of.. if I get any work done)
    I have 2 groups of friends so I'm not too bad in that respect
    I got turned down by a girl because she thinks I have an eating disorder
    I spend equal amounts of money on clothing and vidya, and try to be as fashionable as I can be with the money I have.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:46 No.29747873
    im 12

    im a virgin
    i own
    im pro
    im fat
    im pro
    im a student
    i touched my teacher's bewbs
    i own
    im pro

    do i fit here ?
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:46 No.29747877
    >afternoon for vidya discussions.
    wrong time. try harder next time.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:47 No.29747883
         File :1239302821.jpg-(38 KB, 267x378, Chin-Chan_Myspace4.jpg)
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    No this is proof.

    I guarantee most of you wouldn't be such "losers" if you were girls. Why do you think so many people are starting to transgender?
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:47 No.29747895
    - I'm 22
    - I'm a virgin
    - I've never had a job in my life
    - Never had a girlfriend
    - Never had an "online" girlfriend
    - I'm kinda fat (5'7" and 160 lbs)
    - I started university last year on a M.A. degree (Magister Artium fags) which will at least take till I'm 26 or 27.
    - I just moved out of my mothers basement in a small town into a 60 m² 2 room apartment in a big city. (pop > 1 million)
    - I have touched girls, but not too intimately.
    - I have more female friends than male friends, yet somehow I'm unable ever to get into a real relationship.

    I guess I'm not that bad off after all.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:47 No.29747904

    What kind of mammal is this?

    A whale?
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:48 No.29747919
    Company director, instead of taking a wage you take dividends which means NO TAX!
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:48 No.29747937

    Chin-chan is actually pretty hot.

    I would gladly fuck her in the dark.
    >> sage sagehero !!4h8tFhLHLdW 04/09/09(Thu)14:48 No.29747938
    I'm 23
    Not a virgin
    Currently employed part time
    Are you seriously reading this
    This is one of those gay threads where
    Everybodys posts their own shit but
    Nobody else reads them
    If you are reading this that's kinda sad
    For you I mean
    I interact with my girlfriend several times a week and with my friends a few times a month, more often online
    I don't really have any "online friends" except for anon

    Do I fit in here?
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:48 No.29747939
    No, I started my own business. Be your own boss, conquer the world.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:49 No.29747945
    Thats actually pretty sad, if I were you I'd go out to help him one day. He might die soon and in retrospect you would of wished you had more time with him.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:49 No.29747951
    Let's do this.

    I'm 20
    I'm a virgin
    I've never had a girlfriend
    I dropped out of school at 14
    I haven't had any friends in 6 years
    I don't have any online friends either
    I, perhaps as a result, talk to myself all day
    I'm sliiiightly overweight
    I have mild acne
    I've never had a job (worked one day on a building site, it was pretty much the only time I've thought 'Oh god I need to go to college')
    I'm straight, but am lonely enough that I wouldn't even care about what set of genitals were in my face, just god bless them for being in my face
    I get stoned every night so I can avoid thinking about the future

    >> Katyusha !!2GrrdCJvWXY 04/09/09(Thu)14:49 No.29747952
    I'm 19
    I lost my virginity at age 15
    I've never had a job in my life
    I've never had a girlfriend, but I have had several boyfriends, the longest of which lasted 3 years.
    I have some acne
    When I gussy myself up, girls consider me a total prettyboy, too bad I prefer guys.
    I've been at the Art Institute of Indianapolis for a few months, and am majoring in animation.
    I don't play games online much, I prefer single player experiences.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:49 No.29747958
    Never had a job or girlfriend (Had a few chicks that have hit on me though)
    Slight to mild acne
    Paper-thin skinny
    At a community college for General Studies
    Few friends are never around because they have lives
    I go to a forum and try to appear as badass as I can

    Can I go kill myself now?
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:49 No.29747961
    Tripfags are not friends with anon

    We're like the Bourgeois and the Proletariat
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:50 No.29747983
    Sure is bitter minority.

    Not OP but succesful republicunt, busy laughing at anyone faggot who tries to use that term as a serious insult.
    >> Tino's White Horse !/D18/CGPKk 04/09/09(Thu)14:50 No.29747986
    I'm 34
    I'm lost my virginity at 17
    I'm employed
    My only real "girlfriend was when I was about 20 and it still lasts
    My last "girlfriend" is still with me
    I have no acne
    I'm well built.
    I've graduated university.
    I'm majored in botany and engineering.
    I interact well with all of my friends and do all sorts of stuff together, including playing the vidya
    The rest of my online friends know I'm a girl

    Do I fit in here?
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:52 No.29748026
    25 yo
    Not virgin, but only paid for sex
    Never had a job
    Had an internet affair for more than 3 years. Never met said person.
    I am reasonably fit (not like /fit/ fags, though, but I'm not fat either)
    I am dumb and stupid
    I can't relate very well with people
    I have severe depression
    My penis is small
    I have no motivation, dreams or objectives
    I am too pussy to kill myself

    Can I stay?
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:52 No.29748032
    Part-time job
    No girlfriend
    Physically fit and not tragically flawed [and clean shaven]
    Small group of very tight knit friends with which I interact on a regular basis.
    I play and purchase vidya and vidya related equipment in moderation.

    Do I belong here?
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:52 No.29748034
    >I guarantee most of you wouldn't be such "losers" if you were girls.

    No shit if I was a female equivalent of myself guys would think I'm fucking hot.

    Also, I'd make a TERRIBLE trap. I'm 6'1" and 205lbs of muscle. I'm kinda hairy and my skull is huge.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:52 No.29748041
    Take this shit to /fit/ or /r9k/.

    You are not alone...but you need to make some changes to improve your life]if youre unhappy with it
    >> Darkkal !CTaNqTxDio 04/09/09(Thu)14:52 No.29748047
    i understand now having a gf, or even being a virgin atleast, but how can you NOT have friends? didnt you guys atleast go to high school? holy shit..
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:54 No.29748080

    >The rest of my online friends know I'm a girl

    Wait.... wat?
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:54 No.29748083

    Selling drugs isn't exactly "starting a business." Just saying.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:54 No.29748090
    Why is it that all successful people MUST look down on everyone else? You're a piece of shit and you know it but you have your money to protect you. Unfortunately for you steel pierces your skin just as easily as anyone else.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:55 No.29748110
         File :1239303306.jpg-(75 KB, 1024x694, 475774963_sfvmL-XL.jpg)
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    I'm 24.
    Lost my virginity at 16.
    I have no job at the moment because my last one filed for chapter 11 a month ago.
    I've had 6 serious girlfriends in my life, longest one lasting 15 months. I'm currently single.
    I've never had an online girlfriend.
    I have little acne.
    I'm 5'8 and 128 pounds of muscle.
    I'm at a community college still because i fucked around too much after high school.
    I plan to become a history professor.
    I have many friends in several different cities, I visit them often.
    I have a level 75 character in final fantasy XI with uber gear and all Rise of the Zilart, Chains of Promathia and Treasures of Aht Urghan missions done.
    I cosplay. Pic related.

    Do I fit in here?
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:55 No.29748111
    Meh, it's too late now. I can't reach out to him anymore.

    The truth is, Pokemon Platinum is more important than helping my dad.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:55 No.29748130

    Not everyone succeeds at blending in.

    I took my sweet time at getting some friends in high school. It was particularly hard for me since I was in a rich kids school being from the middle class myself (surprisingly, it wasnt that expensive).
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:57 No.29748192

    It's the type of people who spend all their time locked in their room with the internet as their only form of social interaction because they have convinced themselves they are so above and beyond everyone else in the world.

    In reality they are just trying to justify their self-perpetuated social awkwardness and annoyance by saying they hate everyone.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:57 No.29748198
    Nah, my life is great, it's just not irl. Talking to people online is vastly superior to doing it irl. I'm going to live the rest of my life online, only leaving my computer to eat/sleep/work.

    Real life really fucking blows, man.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:58 No.29748215
    I hate reading these posts, I don't understand how your parents let you live like this.

    You know.. There is a reason why men are stronger, bigger, and have dicks. I think by nature men are meant to rape women, sure it sucks for them, but now males are the ones left alone. Just go out to any restaurant and tell me who you see alone..its always the fat guys, or sometimes just average guys with no one. While I always see ugly fat women with men far better looking then them...something needs to change, prostitution needs to be made legal or all these /v/irgins are going to grow up and become serial killers.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:58 No.29748248

    The Republican Manifesto:

    I got mine. Fuck you and everyone else.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:59 No.29748256
         File :1239303553.png-(51 KB, 875x880, face.png)
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    >>128 pounds
    >> sage sagehero !!4h8tFhLHLdW 04/09/09(Thu)14:59 No.29748274
    Would you actually sort me in with most of the /v/ tripfags? I wouldn't.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)15:00 No.29748284

    No you faggot, gb2/r9k/




    Okay, you can stay, but consider joining /a/ or /jp/ instead




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    Your sexual preferences instantly turns you into the target demographic of /v/. Welcome.


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