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  • Blotter updated: 01/01/09

  • File :1239259521.jpg-(442 KB, 684x633, HaloCEtimebyimrinfected.jpg)
    442 KB Halo CE time by Imrinfected Imrinfected !!toD3+hC9ws/ 04/09/09(Thu)02:45 No.29727740  
    As promised, I'm hosting again. No new maps - So if you already downloaded this latest map pack from the last few threads I've made, you don't need to do it again.

    Halo CE Install (86 MB): http://rapidshare.com/files/18941703/HCustomE.rar
    Alt: http://www.mediafire.com/?fm2whzimyz0

    Map pack (162 MB): http://rapidshare.com/files/216861564/ImrinfectedsMapPack3.7z
    Alt: http://www.mediafire.com/?3fumnjz2zzi, http://www.mediafire.com/?oumlweqjqni
    Alt: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=CMYCA3M4
    >> See? No virus Imrinfected !!toD3+hC9ws/ 04/09/09(Thu)02:45 No.29727765
         File :1239259558.jpg-(15 KB, 480x202, halocebyimrinfectednovirus.jpg)
    15 KB
    Q: Do I need a keygen/crack for this to work?
    A: Nope. Just the contents of that RAR.

    Q: Why is the installer so small?
    A: It's only the multiplayer version of Halo CE, and it's been heavily compressed. Don't worry, it's not a virus.

    Q: Will my original Halo CD work with this?
    A: I don't think so, bro. Just download the RapidShare.

    Q: Do I need the map pack?
    A: You sure do.

    Q: Why aren't we playing on Blood Gulch/Sidewinder/Hang 'Em High?
    A: There are plenty of public servers devoted to just that. Variety is the spice of life.

    Q: How do I join a game?
    A: After creating a profile, go to Multiplayer -> Join Game -> Internet (or Direct IP if the host lists one). Click Get List and look for /v/idya, vidya, or something similar. Sort by name and scroll to v or /. The password is always rage.

    Q: Help! Why can't I see chat messages in-game?
    A: Run msxmlenu.msi found in the \redist\ folder of your Halo install. If you don't have it, download it here: http://files.filefront.com/msxmlenumsi/;6552295;/fileinfo.html

    Q: I STILL can't see chat messages. What do I do?
    A: Exit Halo, go to Start>Run and type "regsvr32 msxml4.dll" (Without quotes) and hit OK.

    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)02:47 No.29727801
    how about you say the server and password in the first post you moron?
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)02:47 No.29727816
    Not again. Fuck your ego.
    >> Same old screenshots Imrinfected !!toD3+hC9ws/ 04/09/09(Thu)02:47 No.29727828
         File :1239259666.jpg-(55 KB, 800x600, 1238238598117.jpg)
    55 KB

    Q: Halo sucks! Why would I want to play this?
    A: In most of these maps, the game has been so heavily modified that it's something else. Metroid and ace combatan maps are fine examples.

    Q: When I start the game, it loads and I can hear the music but see no menu items. I can hear the menu beep sounds, though. How do I fix this?
    A: Most new video drivers especially those for Vista now have the anti-aliasing set to ON as default. You need to turn off or set to application controlled the anti-aliasing setting in your video driver. Be sure you set it for the haloce.exe program and not just Halo (halo.exe).

    Q: I'm not from the USA. Can I still play?
    A: Of course you can.. If there's below 7 players including you. The lag gets too bad after that, expecially on large maps. Make your own server for like-located players so to cut down on lag.

    >> Imrinfected !!toD3+hC9ws/ 04/09/09(Thu)02:48 No.29727851

    In my latest map pack, you will find the following maps:

    Chronopolis_C3_Public_Beta0.2: A city map with breakable windows, magnums, and motorcycles. 9/10
    Coldsnap: One of the best maps, and one of my favorites. Jets, Nukes, Mechs, and an xbox hueg nuke-firing cannon bearing spider tank Mythos. 10/10
    DMT-Cairo Station: An extremely balanced map with aspects from Coldsnap and Hugeass. 8/10, better if played on foot.
    DMT-Goldeneye_Stack-BETA: You read it right. Goldeneye. Nostalgia/10
    dmt-od_crossfire: A map that's not halo anymore. Apparently heavy drug references, but an excellent map. 10/10
    DMT-Broken Indigo: Do you like breaking glass? Making other players fall to their deaths? Then this is for you! 10/10, awesome fun.
    Hugeass: Renowned for it's huegness even though coldsnap outweighs it's hueg by far. Base to base, jet to jet. A fun map. 9/10
    Luigi_raceway: I hated that Rainbow Road was a troll map. You /v/irgins wanted a race map, so I'm giving you one. 8/10
    Mystic: The Forest Temple.. But with Motor cycles! 9/10
    Needleosity: The Needler was always a favorite of mine, and this exploits it. 10/10
    TallonIV Overworld RC1: METROID FUCK YEAR! A total conversion into multiplayer Samus goodness. 10/10
    Tusken_Raid: Mechwarrior and Star Wars combined. 8/10
    Extinction: Like Coldsnap, but more halo. The biggest difference is the Scarab being added. 8/10

    If you do not have all of these installed, but do have some, download the missing maps from hce.halmaps.org. If you are unsure as to whether you need the latest mod pack, check the number of your current one. My last pack was number 2, and this one is 3.

    This map pack extracts out to 671 MB.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)02:49 No.29727880
    So much for going to sleep early. AGAIN!!
    >> Imrinfected !!toD3+hC9ws/ 04/09/09(Thu)02:49 No.29727887
    Because I haven't hosted until I post everything.
    >> Imrinfected !!toD3+hC9ws/ 04/09/09(Thu)02:49 No.29727920
         File :1239259788.jpg-(95 KB, 1600x900, 4screenshot00.jpg)
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    Why are you a good host?

    Because I don't spam shitty maps and won't kill you until you ragequit. Not anymore, anyway. Joe is a dickhead. Malkavian JD is just spiteful. Arm Commander, Loli, and other fine people are pretty kickass though. I got my interent upgraded not long ago, so as long as the 13k 3rd world country players stay out, there shouldn't be much or any lag. As for all of you that hate me for one reason or another, stop whining and show me how much you hate me by killing me in-game.

    If there's a map you don't like, ask me to change it and I most likely will.
    >> Imrinfected !!toD3+hC9ws/ 04/09/09(Thu)02:50 No.29727960
         File :1239259848.jpg-(169 KB, 1600x900, 3screenshot00.jpg)
    169 KB
    The server is /v/IDYA
    Pass is rage

    Alternatively, you can direct connect to my IP:
    >> ha-ha-hacker 04/09/09(Thu)02:54 No.29728126
    But I suck at halo

    >> Imrinfected !!toD3+hC9ws/ 04/09/09(Thu)02:54 No.29728132
    Server is up now. Join while you can.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)02:55 No.29728155
    That's ok. Most of us do too
    >> Imrinfected !!toD3+hC9ws/ 04/09/09(Thu)02:56 No.29728170
    It's irrelevant most of the time. I enjoy maps with overpowered vehicles. flying a jet is fun even if you die.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)03:09 No.29728648
    TBH I'm still waiting on another System Shock 2 coop game to get going but Halo CE coop can have it's moments
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)03:11 No.29728709
    i click refresh but i never see the server ;__;
    >> Imrinfected !!toD3+hC9ws/ 04/09/09(Thu)03:13 No.29728778
    Then connect to my IP.
    >> MrRoboto 04/09/09(Thu)03:15 No.29728844
    Try to pick maps that EVERYONE has.
    >> Kenya 04/09/09(Thu)03:16 No.29728856
    Apparently I'm missing a map.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)03:18 No.29728936
    And I didn't even need to ask today.

    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)03:19 No.29728954
    Well, I was going to masturbate.

    But this works too.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)03:21 No.29729012
         File :1239261672.jpg-(50 KB, 800x600, haloce 2009-03-28 02-45-46-32.jpg)
    50 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)03:36 No.29729422
         File :1239262590.jpg-(63 KB, 800x600, haloce 2009-03-28 04-32-49-90.jpg)
    63 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)03:39 No.29729523
         File :1239262765.jpg-(40 KB, 800x600, haloce 2009-03-29 02-56-51-02.jpg)
    40 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)03:41 No.29729580
         File :1239262862.jpg-(20 KB, 800x600, haloce 2009-03-29 02-57-05-18.jpg)
    20 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)03:45 No.29729722
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)03:49 No.29729859
    TJ is lame
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)03:50 No.29729910
    Why can't someone who ISN'T a fag do this...
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)03:51 No.29729938
    Well i was gonna lynch some blackies,

    I guess this works too.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)03:54 No.29730026
    Because no matter who it was you would call them a fag.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)03:58 No.29730160
    downloading and bumping
    can i join the us-server or is there already one for europe?
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)04:02 No.29730263
    Join the US server, your lag only makes it harder for you, nobody else.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)04:03 No.29730303
    PS: Jets are fucking stupid, no matter what map they're on. ESPECIALLY Cairo Station because the only anti air weapon (The warthog) is broken on that map.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)04:12 No.29730554
    still playing?
    >> Imrinfected !!toD3+hC9ws/ 04/09/09(Thu)04:50 No.29731582
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)04:53 No.29731660
    So uh.

    We forgot to keep bumping the thread, as we were having way too much fun in mech fights.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)05:00 No.29731864
    Downloading right now, connecting in ~5 minutes
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)05:01 No.29731922
    There needs to be more maps with mechs, shit's awesome.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)05:24 No.29732588
    That ass Umag just left so it'll be a lot more fun now
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)05:29 No.29732764
    >> Imrinfected !!toD3+hC9ws/ 04/09/09(Thu)05:31 No.29732811
    Server crash. One minute.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)05:32 No.29732830
    Awww network connection lost.


    I posted this in the wrong thread DOHOHOHOHO.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)05:33 No.29732846
    anyone else lost connection?
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)05:34 No.29732883

    Also, seriously, can we agree that there needs to be a map with more mechs? 3 per team means that 2fags on the red team are going to go for longswords/jets and 2 on blue will go for mythos/scorpion/jets
    >> Imrinfected !!toD3+hC9ws/ 04/09/09(Thu)05:34 No.29732891
    Back up.
    >> Imrinfected !!toD3+hC9ws/ 04/09/09(Thu)05:35 No.29732910
    Yes, definately. I'll try to find a mech fightan map
    >> FalcoLombardi !BREADLc1do 04/09/09(Thu)05:37 No.29732957
    ooh. I will be on in a moment!
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)05:38 No.29732986
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)05:39 No.29733003

    >> FalcoLombardi !BREADLc1do 04/09/09(Thu)05:39 No.29733023
    strange. I just went and DLed extinction since thats what we are on, but it keeps being unable to connect at the loading map step.
    >> Imrinfected !!toD3+hC9ws/ 04/09/09(Thu)05:40 No.29733039

    When you are about to die, exit the vehicle and wait for your shield to regen, then go back in.
    >> FalcoLombardi !BREADLc1do 04/09/09(Thu)05:43 No.29733085
    infected. I have like every map BUT extinction and the one i got from some site isn't working. Rather than waiting the remaining 20 minutes for your map pack, do you mind linking me where you got yours?
    >> Imrinfected !!toD3+hC9ws/ 04/09/09(Thu)05:46 No.29733145
    Just rejoin. I won't play that map.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)05:59 No.29733495
    bumping for more player
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)06:02 No.29733592

    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)06:03 No.29733627
    Crossfire? A 52mb download? I dont have time for that :(
    >> NoodlesP 04/09/09(Thu)06:13 No.29733823
    Imr, can we play something different? I'm beyond sickj of CS.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)06:15 No.29733857
    Coldsnap, mechfightan fuck year
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)06:17 No.29733898
         File :1239272227.jpg-(13 KB, 297x350, throwmonistoroutoffuckingwindo(...).jpg)
    13 KB
    Goddamn there was a virus in it.
    >> Imrinfected !!toD3+hC9ws/ 04/09/09(Thu)06:20 No.29733978
    Refer to the second post.

    There is no virus in it.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)06:29 No.29734188
    Haha. Oh man I remember those trolls. They used to try this at every Halo CE thread, to scare off players.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)06:57 No.29734854
    Bumpan gaems
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)07:40 No.29735653
    Fuck yeah that was awesome
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)07:43 No.29735715
    Do i need to patch this?
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)07:49 No.29735869
         File :1239277769.jpg-(69 KB, 800x600, haloce 2009-04-09 02-58-10-87.jpg)
    69 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)07:53 No.29735972
         File :1239278008.jpg-(76 KB, 800x600, haloce 2009-04-09 04-07-12-34.jpg)
    76 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)07:54 No.29736019
         File :1239278093.jpg-(52 KB, 800x600, haloce 2009-04-09 04-32-10-62.jpg)
    52 KB
    I require a squad based mech game, like Chromehounds PC.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)07:56 No.29736072
    Enjoy being kicked by op for no reason.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)07:57 No.29736090
    Yes you do if you wish to find games online.
    If you have server's IP, you don't need to patch.
    Op is a faggot for not pointing this out.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)07:59 No.29736141

    Are you a fucking moron?

    You click "GET LIST" at the bottom, like any intelligent person.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)08:01 No.29736173
    can't connect. Probably because I don't have that map >:l
    >> Imrinfected !!toD3+hC9ws/ 04/09/09(Thu)08:02 No.29736204
    I very rarely kick people. When I do, it's for a good reason.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)08:06 No.29736260
    And probably you didn't patch up to use the same version like faggot server OP.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)08:06 No.29736276
    This is actually pretty well organised for a Halo thread. Downloading.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)08:08 No.29736306
    Loli here. I'm done for the night, gonna watch Outlaw Star.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)08:09 No.29736326
         File :1239278969.jpg-(42 KB, 800x600, haloce 2009-04-09 02-48-39-44.jpg)
    42 KB
    Hahaha. No.
    >> Imrinfected !!toD3+hC9ws/ 04/09/09(Thu)08:10 No.29736342
    Stop trying to sabotage people.

    Everything they need to know is in the FAQ.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)08:12 No.29736387
    I don't want people to download the game and the map and see that you fucked them and they can't play.

    And everybody should believe the FAQ because you wrote it? LOL grow up
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)08:13 No.29736416
         File :1239279239.jpg-(36 KB, 800x600, haloce 2009-04-06 03-25-06-69.jpg)
    36 KB
    You're a fucking moron. Seriously. You sound like you couldn't find the GET LIST button and are currently throwing a temper tantrum.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)08:24 No.29736659
    gigantic faggot spotted
    >> Imrinfected !!toD3+hC9ws/ 04/09/09(Thu)08:35 No.29736943
    Lol wat?
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)08:58 No.29737560
    >As promised, I'm hosting again. No new maps
    >No new maps

    i've tried to connect about 5 or so times over the last hour and every single time its a map that isnt in the map packs
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)09:00 No.29737619
         File :1239282005.jpg-(60 KB, 800x600, haloce 2009-03-28 23-20-45-27.jpg)
    60 KB
    Outlaw Star is awesome.

    That is all.

    Seriously as soon as I get some extra money I'm buying every Outlaw Star DVD. Shit rocks.

    Bumping for those people playing Halo still.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)09:03 No.29737717
    They should all be in there man. Nobody else is having troubles.

    Google "Halo CE maps" and the first result should take you to the site, if you're certain you don't have the map, just download it straight from there.

    It's better than download a map pack that you aren't sure you already have.
    >> Imrinfected !!toD3+hC9ws/ 04/09/09(Thu)09:06 No.29737789
    Make sure it's installed correctly
    >> Imrinfected !!toD3+hC9ws/ 04/09/09(Thu)09:07 No.29737835
    I've never seen it. IS IT GOOD?
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)09:14 No.29737991
    Game still up?
    >> Imrinfected !!toD3+hC9ws/ 04/09/09(Thu)09:18 No.29738089
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)09:22 No.29738175


    Shit rocks.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)09:23 No.29738206

    Same name/password?
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)09:24 No.29738228
    For some reason I don't remember all of the sexual innuendo in Outlaw Star from my childhood.

    How many people you guys got? I'll play for a bit longer after this episode's over if you're not full.
    >> cuntingtoooon 04/09/09(Thu)09:27 No.29738302
    cant join...
    is it full or something?
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)09:27 No.29738322
    If it says "Unable to join" it's one of two things, your maps aren't installed to the right place or the less likely thing, you might need to forward ports.

    It will tell you if it's full.
    >> cuntingtoooon 04/09/09(Thu)09:30 No.29738372
    my maps are in the "maps" folder,
    is that right? if it is then do you know what ports are needed.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)09:33 No.29738432
    Well, I assume that the maps folder is for maps, yes.

    Do you have the map that they're using?

    And it really shouldn't be a ports problem, it never is.
    >> cuntingtoooon 04/09/09(Thu)09:35 No.29738471
    yeh its some luigi thing it says map loading luigi....etc and then unable to join
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)09:35 No.29738473
    Hey guys

    i am goin to be new to Halo CE

    Umm i am downloadin all the files right now
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)09:36 No.29738506
    i cant see the game and when i do the ip it says unable to join.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)09:39 No.29738571
    >> Imrinfected !!toD3+hC9ws/ 04/09/09(Thu)09:39 No.29738583
    Wait wait wait wat

    I seen this when I was a kid and I loved it. I've always wondered what it was.

    Fuck year. now I get to watch it.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)09:40 No.29738598
    I'm coming
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)09:43 No.29738651
    What the hell, its full. Can you make a bigger server next game?
    >> Imrinfected !!toD3+hC9ws/ 04/09/09(Thu)09:44 No.29738671
    Without lag? No..

    I can open it up to allow 4 more players, but it will be unplayable lag.

    If someone else hosts, that would be awesome. More halo CE.
    >> Imrinfected !!toD3+hC9ws/ 04/09/09(Thu)09:45 No.29738716
    Server is restarting.

    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)09:46 No.29738746

    It's okay, I got on
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)09:48 No.29738784
    Create awesome single life DMT Crossfire game mode.

    Play team Elimination.

    >> Imrinfected !!toD3+hC9ws/ 04/09/09(Thu)09:48 No.29738787
    Server's up.
    >> Flak !fctZpgjtxk 04/09/09(Thu)09:54 No.29738957

    I'm downloading the maps.
    >> Flak !fctZpgjtxk 04/09/09(Thu)09:56 No.29739008
         File :1239285394.jpg-(43 KB, 212x192, pizza_rolls.jpg)
    43 KB



    (oh god i need sleep)
    >> Info center: grants for veterans furthuring education erywona 04/09/09(Thu)09:57 No.29739019
    continuing education to sell hearing aids' <a href=http://transitiontownaberystwyth.on-wiki.net/VexexejGuhyhub?action=AttachFile&do=get&ta
    rget=technology-education.txt>2009 technology grants nj education</a> asian sex education <a href=http://agileconsulting.co.kr/kbsost/moin.cgi/PageCommentTest%23preview/IomexalDyfevuk?action=At
    tachFile&do=get&target=accounting-education.txt>accounting education</a> .as a result of idaho state department of education .now importance of environmental education .<a href=http://librivox.org/wiki/moin.cgi/SolamWanuau?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=education
    -courses.txt>adult education courses</a> which contains all of the physical education programs follow .<a href=http://www.wsgi.org/wsgi/HelpOnMoinCommand/MelepesAakyn?action=AttachFile&do=get&target
    =education-careers.txt>education careers</a> texas education agency logo see .was also inside What is In a adult education courses us department of education direct loan servicing .sometime philosophy of education example famous quotes about education whether or no barrow and woods philosophy of education .
    >> Flak !fctZpgjtxk 04/09/09(Thu)09:58 No.29739058
    was this some sad attempt at spam?
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)09:59 No.29739067
    I love playing Halo CE with /v/
    >> FalcoLombardi !BREADLc1do 04/09/09(Thu)09:59 No.29739070
    oh man. I have been awake for a really long time too and I just ate two small boxes of pizza rolls. Best tired food ever.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)10:01 No.29739112
    What was with the random guys talking about outlaw star?! now i fucking have to go watch my dvd set...i hate you guys so much.
    >> FalcoLombardi !BREADLc1do 04/09/09(Thu)10:02 No.29739135
    loli has been wanting to watch outlaw star.
    >> Flak !fctZpgjtxk 04/09/09(Thu)10:06 No.29739231

    trying again.
    >> Flak !fctZpgjtxk 04/09/09(Thu)10:16 No.29739480
    >> Flak !fctZpgjtxk 04/09/09(Thu)10:24 No.29739671
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)10:25 No.29739699
    >> Flak !fctZpgjtxk 04/09/09(Thu)10:26 No.29739727
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)10:27 No.29739742
    ok i downloaded everythin
    currently i am extractin the maps to the maps folder

    where is the ip?
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)10:31 No.29739853
    where is the server faggots
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)10:36 No.29739991
    >> Imrinfected !!toD3+hC9ws/ 04/09/09(Thu)10:38 No.29740050
    Refer to
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)10:41 No.29740119
    I have a server up i think
    >> Imrinfected !!toD3+hC9ws/ 04/09/09(Thu)10:53 No.29740406
    Is it working?
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)10:58 No.29740545
    How many people are in now?
    >> Imrinfected !!toD3+hC9ws/ 04/09/09(Thu)11:02 No.29740658
    In mine? 8, not counting myself.
    >> Imrinfected !!toD3+hC9ws/ 04/09/09(Thu)11:04 No.29740711
    I'm shutting down my server soon, so anyone who wants to continue playing will either need to make their own server or join someone else's. You can copy and paste whatever you need to in this thread - Of course. Since this will 404 some time in the future.

    In about 6 minutes I'm shutting it down.
    >> Imrinfected !!toD3+hC9ws/ 04/09/09(Thu)11:06 No.29740748
    There's nothing special that anyone needs to know when hosting a server. Things like kicking people and using the console aren't really needed. /v/irgins don't act up often at all in this it seems.

    Just remember that lag some times depends on the map. If it's all around laggy, switch to a smaller map. Lag will go away.

    I think that's it..
    >> Imrinfected !!toD3+hC9ws/ 04/09/09(Thu)11:12 No.29740912
    It's 10:11AM, and I'm going to sleep. My god my life is strange.

    Good night/day to you all. I'll try to host tomorrow (err.. Today.)
    >> Flak !fctZpgjtxk 04/09/09(Thu)11:14 No.29740966
    good night sweet prince.

    04/09/09(Thu)02:45 - 04/09/09(Thu)11:12
    >> Amantus !AsNX5vINuw 04/09/09(Thu)11:14 No.29740977
    I could probably host a small game, but it'd have to be small. It'd be cool if someone could host a proper one.
    >> NSFW-tan !3WLJaJfVK6 04/09/09(Thu)11:15 No.29741012
    >> Amantus !AsNX5vINuw 04/09/09(Thu)11:20 No.29741152
    >> NSFW-tan !3WLJaJfVK6 04/09/09(Thu)11:23 No.29741239
    lol thanks bro
    >> Amantus !AsNX5vINuw 04/09/09(Thu)11:40 No.29741672
    Okay bros we have a game going. It's some god damn Goldeneye.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)11:41 No.29741695

    Dibs on oddjob
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)11:43 No.29741725

    You know what, my brother used Oddjob. He was a fucking faggot.

    I used Natalia and camped the cougar magnum, lol always headshots.
    >> Amantus !AsNX5vINuw 04/09/09(Thu)11:48 No.29741883
    All right it's crossfire now. We could do with more bros.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)11:51 No.29741974
    it keeps saying i need to manually update. should i update?
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)11:51 No.29741980
    bumpin dis
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)11:52 No.29742012
    Don't, just click Get List on the bottom left.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)11:53 No.29742023
    join /v/idya
    pass rage
    >> Amantus !AsNX5vINuw 04/09/09(Thu)12:08 No.29742469
    My chat's bugged so post here if you want a map change,
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)12:13 No.29742646
    i click get list but nothing happens
    >> NSFW-tan !3WLJaJfVK6 04/09/09(Thu)12:14 No.29742678
    good games, guys.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)12:15 No.29742681
    Game died?
    >> Amantus !AsNX5vINuw 04/09/09(Thu)12:15 No.29742684
    The server'll be back in 5. I need ot fix me chat.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)12:16 No.29742721
    why don't you fagets play something fun like ut99. Surely that can't be hard to come by these days
    >> Surlent 04/09/09(Thu)12:16 No.29742731
    Right on.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)12:16 No.29742742

    I can't find any /v/ servers
    >> NSFW-tan !3WLJaJfVK6 04/09/09(Thu)12:17 No.29742761
    but it's HAYLOWW
    >> Amantus !AsNX5vINuw 04/09/09(Thu)12:17 No.29742772
    Okay, the server's back up with some Zelda action.

    If you can't see the server in the list, try joining with IP ( Pass is still rage.
    >> njp 04/09/09(Thu)12:18 No.29742786
    searching through the server list makes me want to punch someone
    >> Falcon !2Rbw7EnERg 04/09/09(Thu)12:24 No.29742952
    error loading map file.
    lol wut
    >> Surlent 04/09/09(Thu)12:25 No.29742990
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)12:26 No.29743004

    I'm getting it as well
    >> Amantus !AsNX5vINuw 04/09/09(Thu)12:32 No.29743187
    Okay I changed the map. Try again bros.
    >> Amantus !AsNX5vINuw 04/09/09(Thu)12:52 No.29743933
    Bump. We've got some god damn Metroid going.
    >> NSFW-tan !3WLJaJfVK6 04/09/09(Thu)13:11 No.29744573
    thanks for banning me just for using the rocket launcher three times faggots
    >> Falcon !2Rbw7EnERg 04/09/09(Thu)13:12 No.29744594
    Adam = faggot
    >> Surlent 04/09/09(Thu)13:15 No.29744668
    >> Amantus !AsNX5vINuw 04/09/09(Thu)13:17 No.29744734

    I haven't banned anyone. I'm not sure what's going on.
    >> DOUK 04/09/09(Thu)13:17 No.29744745
    gaylo xD
    >> Amantus !AsNX5vINuw 04/09/09(Thu)13:20 No.29744837
    Try joining again NSFW.
    >> NSFW-tan !3WLJaJfVK6 04/09/09(Thu)13:26 No.29745048
    it said host banned me from the server. IDK whatever, i should really do work anyway. Good games guys.
    >> Anonymous: Posting From My Wii !1akweMXvQs 04/09/09(Thu)13:31 No.29745197
    Where's Rainbow Road?
    >> Neku Sakuraba !PsychSVVFo 04/09/09(Thu)13:39 No.29745469
    Downloading now.
    >> Neku Sakuraba !PsychSVVFo 04/09/09(Thu)13:48 No.29745765
    I guess I'm too late ):
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)13:53 No.29745946
    i saw the vidya server, but accidentally went into some other one when more servers were added to the list. now i can't find it.

    is everyone done playing? :(
    >> Six !Zp94Th7XDM 04/09/09(Thu)13:58 No.29746081
    >> Neku Sakuraba !PsychSVVFo 04/09/09(Thu)14:29 No.29747248
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:32 No.29747374
    is this still on?
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:34 No.29747468
    This game plays like shit on a 8800GT SLI, Q6600 @ 3,8ghz :|
    >> Amantus !AsNX5vINuw 04/09/09(Thu)14:38 No.29747611
    We're still playing.
    >> Neku Sakuraba !PsychSVVFo 04/09/09(Thu)14:47 No.29747909
    Just finished downloading, how do I add maps?
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:48 No.29747931
    drag the maps from the map pack into the map folder of Halo
    >> Neku Sakuraba !PsychSVVFo 04/09/09(Thu)14:49 No.29747963

    Fast Response! Thanks Anon.

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