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  • File :1239193191.jpg-(131 KB, 600x337, Chainsawbagheadman.jpg)
    131 KB Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)08:19 No.29690704  
    To the Individuals Who Bought the RE5 DLC,

    What are you? Fucking retarded?

    The Rest of the Gaming Community
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)08:21 No.29690731
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)08:22 No.29690745

    I guess they'll have the "DLC" included in the PC release anyway as they know it'll just be downloaded for free
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)08:23 No.29690759

    >PC release

    oh you
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)08:23 No.29690769
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)08:24 No.29690774

    I'm so displeased by it all that I'm going to pirate the PC version.

    Three times.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)08:24 No.29690777
    It's already been announced.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)08:24 No.29690786
    hur dur it is slated for PC you fuck nut
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)08:25 No.29690788
    all main RE games have been released on PC
    >> Nergal !XkNeRgALvk 04/08/09(Wed)08:26 No.29690800
    To the individuals complaining about the individuals who bought the RE5 DLC,

    Get a job, or mind your own damn business, whatever it takes to get you to shut the fuck up.

    Love, people that want you to shut the fuck up about how they choose to spend their own damn money.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)08:26 No.29690801
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    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)08:26 No.29690802
    Versus mode in itself is pretty fun but it's a rip off to pay $5 for a 1.8mb Xbox360 and 380kb PS3 download
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)08:26 No.29690805
    To the Individuals Who Bought any game ever,

    Are you dense? Are you retarded or something?

    The Sane Part of the Gaming Community
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)08:26 No.29690807
    >> PaddyB !!m3s5DSTggp0 04/08/09(Wed)08:27 No.29690808
    I'm still betting everyone making these boycott posts are just trolling. There has to be no way that people would be this snubbed over $5.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)08:27 No.29690818
    Enjoy your $3 stupid American Fee.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)08:27 No.29690829

    It's not about the cost, it's the principle. There is no reason you should have to pay to play content that's already in the game you purchased.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)08:30 No.29690866
    Incorrect. You purchased a license to use a specific piece of intellectual property. Just because it's on the disc, doesn't mean you own it.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)08:30 No.29690867
    I should have died years ago, but discovered I can extend my life by feeding off the eternal bitching of nerds.
    I'm behind the Shadow of the Colossus Movie
    >> Nergal !XkNeRgALvk 04/08/09(Wed)08:32 No.29690914
    Enjoy being a miserable, crybaby fucktard.
    >> Fignuts !3GqYIJ3Obs 04/08/09(Wed)08:34 No.29690944

    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)08:34 No.29690951
    Name calling? Really?
    >> PaddyB !!m3s5DSTggp0 04/08/09(Wed)08:34 No.29690952

    EULA doesn't guarantee that the content on the disc is yours to play, for one.

    Second, if you don't want to play it, then don't download it. No reason to berate those that want to play it so they shelled out the $5 for it.

    Third, these threads that purport themselves to be the opinions of the "community" rarely represent a majority of said group.
    >> Professor Layton 04/08/09(Wed)08:35 No.29690978
    I want to see a video of how ridiculous this is. Stand off shootan gogo.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)08:36 No.29690994
    The DLC is $2 dollars for Japan. Because DLC doesn't sell as well there. So Capcom charged Western Gamers $3 more simply because they can.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)08:36 No.29690998
    The sane part who plan to support their community and favourite hobby by robbing it blind to ensure that anyone with talent is not compensated for their work...
    That sounds like a solid plan that will make sure we have lots of quality games to play in the future.
    You sir, are a crafty consumer!
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)08:38 No.29691033
    Technically, as much as I hate it, the DLC wasn't advertised along with the main game, so they can hold that kind of thing from us. Nevertheless, I don't like where this trend with DLC is headed.
    >> Fignuts !3GqYIJ3Obs 04/08/09(Wed)08:39 No.29691057

    Eh, said American, I assumed the price we see.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)08:39 No.29691058
    What is the DLC exactly? Is it missions and guns or just retarded shit like a headband for Chris?
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)08:40 No.29691072
    You are so retarded. If everybhody pirated games, everybody would stop making them. Enjoy being part of the problem.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)08:41 No.29691102
    Versus mode and a Horde-like mode.
    No new guns, characters, or maps.
    >> Spy Man !MPTEv37w8M 04/08/09(Wed)08:41 No.29691110
    Resident Evil is a shit series anyway.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)08:41 No.29691122

    Imagine this: you buy a huge fruit basket. It's huge as hell. Fruit all up in that basket. It looks delicious. You get it home, you open it up, you eat a few apples, have some grapes, snack on a banana or two. It's great. Then you get to the middle. You couldn't see into the middle before, when you bought it, but ho-oh-oh-ly shit! Are those some fucking guavas? Hell yes they are, and that shit's delicious. Suddenly the person who sold you busts the door down to your house, takes your guavas and says, "Gimme extra for those."

    You're probably a little pussy who takes any crap the world flings at him and would buy it anyways, but most people would stand up to this.

    DLC should not cost extra money. It should give incentive to buy the game in the first place. And with DLC announced so soon after RE5's release, I know people who refuse to buy the game, though they were going to, because of this DLC fiasco.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)08:42 No.29691126
    It's two new game modes. One is like mercenaries, but you compete with other people for majini kills, the other is a versus thing, where you fight other players.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)08:42 No.29691149
    Yep, the reason devs have stooped to DLC like this is because of people like our faggot freind up there who don't pay for games.
    >> Fignuts !3GqYIJ3Obs 04/08/09(Wed)08:45 No.29691222

    I do enjoy your metaphor.
    >> Harvey's a Vdarski !!c9OdBMGvcTG 04/08/09(Wed)08:45 No.29691223

    Yuu remind me of Walter Sobchek from The Big Lebowski.

    That's not a good thing, because you're kind of person, while screaming and swearing in a family restaurant, decides it's a freedom of speech thing.

    This is the same way. If you don't want the DLC, don't get it, fine. Some people who aren't poor don't mind playing for this.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)08:45 No.29691227
    Jesus PC fags are the easiest trolled and the most defensive about their shitty system. TPS are shit on PC anyway fags. Enjoy your WoW
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)08:45 No.29691231

    Wow, sounds pretty gay. Whatever floats your boat I suppose.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)08:46 No.29691247
    No. I'm just not an idiot who understands the difference between rivalrous and non-rivalrous property. Your analogy is moronic and in no way applies to IP. However, if you insist on using it, your fruit basket would have had a label on it telling you exactly what you were getting, guavas not included. Caveat Emptor my freind...
    Of course this kind of knowledge allows me to earn an income which easily covers $5 DLC, should I want it. Although I would not buy this particular DLC myself, I support those who do as well as Capcom for their enterprise. If people weren't willing to pay for it, they wouldn't sell it.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)08:46 No.29691258
    Your answer can be summed up by
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)08:47 No.29691272
    >> Harvey's a Vdarski !!c9OdBMGvcTG 04/08/09(Wed)08:47 No.29691287
    Oh, and, talking out of your ass about free DLC makes you sound like a retard. Should the developers work for free?
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)08:49 No.29691313
    My allowance won't cover this DLC :(
    It's such bullshit anywy!! I should be able to have whatever I want 4 free!!!!!11
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)08:51 No.29691367
    That's a shitty metaphor.
    Its more like you buy a basket of fruit knowing full well he is going to come round to ask do you want more fruit tomorrow.
    Its just a question of do you think the fruit the guy is selling the second day should have been included in the first place. But anyone who buys the DLC is retarded
    >> PaddyB !!m3s5DSTggp0 04/08/09(Wed)08:51 No.29691374

    Were you the guy who just 45 minutes ago made the insane and quite frankly silly argument about how you NEEDED some catch because you were ENTITLED to that catch because it's ON the cartridge and then made up some kind of analogy with DS games?

    These analogies are all the same. You're deprived of something you feel you're owed. I get the fear of DLC being a method of releasing substandard games and squeezing revenue out of fans or players, but Capcom didn't rob you of the latter half of the game, or any part of the story, or really anything at all that you NEED in the case of RE5. They haven't deprived you of anything that you EXPECTED TO GET when you bought RE5. They have offered you something superficial you didn't have access to before that you still don't need to enjoy the game overall, so again, if it's too much trouble for you to obtain, then simply don't.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)08:51 No.29691375

    Guavas were included. DLC is on the disc. You're paying for a key to unlock it. Perhaps the analogy of buying a treasure chest filled with gold for $1,000 and then having to pay $2,000,000 for the key would've been better. (In before break the lock; let's assume it's impossible).

    I can easily cover the costs of DLC too, but I choose not to. It's a fucking rip-off. Just like how Future Shop charges $5 more for a Wii Points card than anywhere else. Fuck that, even though I couldn't find any anywhere except Future Shop, and really wanted to get Dynamite Headdy, I was not going to lower myself to do that.


    and your lifestyle can be summed up by "oh yes capcom, in the mouth, and down the throat." *glossy anime eyes*
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)08:52 No.29691397
    Unlock keys take up less space on your drive, and enable 360 players without a hard drive to participate! Save money on bandwidth? Why do that?
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)08:52 No.29691409
    hurr hurr, lolitrolu
    You're the moron. Nobody was defending their system. They were correcting your dumbass.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)08:53 No.29691422
    I'd agree that paying for cosmetic DLC is pretty dumb, but this is fucking versus mode. It should have been included in the game, but I would buy that shit. It's not like boycotting it will make them apologize and give it away for free.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)08:53 No.29691424

    ...YES. Fuck, people are stupid. Valve does it. It gives people who HAVEN'T bought the game an INCENTIVE to NOW BUY the game. (I figure if I put the important stuff in caps you might understand).


    No, that was not me.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)08:54 No.29691469
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    >If people weren't willing to pay for it, they wouldn't sell it
    That is, somewhat counter-intuitively, the entire point!! The more people that Re-Purchase content that they have already bought and paid for encourages other companies to do the same.

    Its the exact same mentality behind shovelware. "If people buy it, then who cares if the game is shit and bugged to hell."
    Its the exact same mentality behind graphicswhoring. "If people buy it, who cares if the game isn't fun and has no gameplay."

    This is the actual cancer killing gaming. We're letting people, no encouraging them, to rip us off and give us poor quality games simply because people like you, and no offence intended, are willing to pay for it.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)08:55 No.29691491
    Cry some more.
    >> Harvey's a Vdarski !!c9OdBMGvcTG 04/08/09(Wed)08:55 No.29691494

    So, one example, valve?

    I can name a whole butt-fuck load of people who want cash for their DLC.

    Should the GTAIV expansion be free? ;)
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)08:56 No.29691497

    It does make them realize that they shouldn't rip consumers off like that though. They admitted that the whole Mega Man 9 DLC fiasco will "never happen again"

    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)08:56 No.29691504
    Actually, a better analogy would be buying that chest for $60, and then paying another $5 for a key to unlock the special compartment you didn't know was there.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)08:56 No.29691513
    I like how all the tripfags are for paying money for something you should already own, and their huge butthurt is showing since they realize they've been ripped off. Good going, you immense faggots.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)08:57 No.29691528
    Again, whether or not it was on the disc is not relevant. What you actually purchased was a LICENSE to use the software.
    A better 'fruit basket' example you be something like you purchase a fruit basket on the understanding that you can take it home and eat everything but the guavas. If you enjoy the other fruit and subsequently get the taste for guava to complete the experience you can pay a small fee to eat them.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)08:58 No.29691551
    Why isn't versus mode free? They didn't advertise it and its never been in another RE game, but dammit I deserve this!
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)08:58 No.29691555
    they could have easily unlocked this as a free patch/update just like they are doing with championship mode for SF4 but they didn't, therefore they are douchebags
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)08:58 No.29691562
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    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)08:59 No.29691580
    This isn't Downloadable Content though, is it? You don't download any content, because you already have it there.

    If anything, it's Online Unlockable Content. Or OUC.

    Let's call it what it is. You're paying, essentially, for a nod. For them to say 'Thank you. You may now play.'

    Sounds pretty fuckin gay to me.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)09:00 No.29691614
    Yeah, but that's not us. That's mostly the casual gamer who greatly outnumbers the "hardcore / common sense" player. You'll always have more people paying for DLC than not, and it doesn't hurt their game sales for trying to sell DLC (so why wouldn't they?). There's nothing we can do to stop it, that's all.
    >> PaddyB !!m3s5DSTggp0 04/08/09(Wed)09:02 No.29691660
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    >> The New Mr. Pokeylope !WOfNw9rQpw 04/08/09(Wed)09:06 No.29691752


    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)09:08 No.29691782
    it encourages them to make more dlc and make us opay more for it you retard faggot, gb2school you fucking kid
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)09:08 No.29691787
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)09:08 No.29691790
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    That nigga has nothing on Dr.Salvador
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)09:09 No.29691817
    Funny, the guy supporting the dlc and telling you to grow up is getting called a kid. Stop being so butthurt.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)09:09 No.29691818

    >>has never tried a guava


    >>is a fucking pussy who can't handle sour foods and only eat's mom's cake
    >> Adorable Tripfag !A4jsQTgi.Q 04/08/09(Wed)09:10 No.29691836
    How dare we talk about games on /v/!
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)09:11 No.29691864
    I agree, Dr. Salvador was unexpected and almost frightening in his own way. This new guy is just a lame carbon copy.
    >> PaddyB !!m3s5DSTggp0 04/08/09(Wed)09:11 No.29691869
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    Guavas themselves are a little strange tasting, but guava juice is god tier.

    But I sure do love mangoes.

    They have to be filipino mangoes though. Latin american mangoes simply aren't as sweet. Little too much tang.

    I'll pay extra for them because they taste better.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)09:11 No.29691870
    ... whoa
    >> Justicefag !!X6z69cvOfjB 04/08/09(Wed)09:11 No.29691877
    Talking constructively about a game and senseless dribble are two separate things.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)09:12 No.29691892
    Talking about games is fine. Having arguments over something so stupid is retarded.
    >> Fignuts !3GqYIJ3Obs 04/08/09(Wed)09:12 No.29691896

    >> The New Mr. Pokeylope !WOfNw9rQpw 04/08/09(Wed)09:12 No.29691905

    >>has never tried mom's cake


    >>is a fucking pussy who eats sour guavas because he deserves to eat a fruit so reminiscint of his stale and disgusting life.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)09:12 No.29691909
    I for one am pretty sick of this new "stick a price tag on everything" mentality and business model. I'd like to think that the majority of people wouldn't be so gullible and willing to buy into this, but they probably see it like we saw expansion packs for Quake and other shooters.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)09:13 No.29691930
    go kill yourself you dicksucking faggot
    >> Justicefag !!X6z69cvOfjB 04/08/09(Wed)09:13 No.29691932
    The new chainsaw dude is also slow as hell, which makes his swipes easy to dodge. Salvador ran at you and swiped like a maniac. It was sheer terror.
    >> Adorable Tripfag !A4jsQTgi.Q 04/08/09(Wed)09:13 No.29691936
    Actually this is a pretty good topic, is it ok to charge for content on the disc or is it just ripping the consumer off.

    I will admit most people are just pointlessly arguing but the topic in itself is pretty good.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)09:15 No.29691991
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    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)09:15 No.29692009
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    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)09:16 No.29692027
    Agreed. Topic gives me some faith that not all of /v/ is retarded.
    Although that will go out the window with the next thread I click on...
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)09:17 No.29692033
    You're gonna live forever.
    >> Adorable Tripfag !A4jsQTgi.Q 04/08/09(Wed)09:18 No.29692059
    I get this way sometimes and then bam, reaction image thread.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)09:28 No.29692315
    This topic only proves tripfags are shit. They love DLC and they hate guavas.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)09:31 No.29692381
    It was $5, not like it's that much money. I don't care if that isn't the principle behind the matter, who gives a fuck, stop whining.
    >> Slowpoke !yJNnyhmQX. 04/08/09(Wed)09:35 No.29692510
    So, in summary:

    The content was on the CD. Capcom never told us that we would have to pay extra for said content's key, and thus many consumers assumed that it would be free/actual DLC. Wrong. And because you don't own the CD by technicality, it's all Capcom's gravy.

    Now, people are split between the people who would shell out money for things they should already have VS people who realize that it's a scam and hold a particle of common sense.

    Capcom: LOLITROLLU
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)09:37 No.29692545
    >>Imagine this: you buy a huge fruit basket. It's huge as hell. Fruit all up in that basket. It looks delicious. You get it home, you open it up, you eat a few apples, have some grapes, snack on a banana or two. It's great. Then you get to the middle. You couldn't see into the middle before, when you bought it, but ho-oh-oh-ly shit! Are those some fucking guavas? Hell yes they are, and that shit's delicious. Suddenly the person who sold you busts the door down to your house, takes your guavas and says, "Gimme extra for those."

    This has nothing to do with this situation. Imagine this instead:

    You see a fruit basket, and it has a sticker on it. That sticker says "I have 3 apples, 2 pears, and 5 bananas, and I cost $20."

    You go, hrm, that's not really CHEAP but the fruit looks really good! I'll spring for it.

    On your way out the door, the manager chases after you and goes, "Dude! I managed to score some avacodos, I didn't think they'd make it in this week. I'll add 2 to your basket for another $5."

    You have the option of saying, "No, I don't like avacados, thanks," and the option of saying "FFFFFF AVACADOS NOMNOM NOM $5."

    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)09:38 No.29692582
    >>Capcom never told us that we would have to pay extra for said content's key, and thus many consumers assumed that it would be free/actual DLC.

    Capcom never said that content was an included feature in the game, and many consumers assumed that they'd be getting free blowjobs as well.
    >> Slowpoke !yJNnyhmQX. 04/08/09(Wed)09:39 No.29692592
    >principle behind the matter

    You'd rather follow blindly like a dog? I guess when mommy buys you everything, you don't care how much money yo-, I mean, she spends.

    Gas just went up 3 dollars. It's just 3 dollars more per gallon, who gives a fuck?
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)09:40 No.29692634
    Bad analogy; the avocados in this case are already in the basket, you're paying another 5 to unlock the ability to eat them.

    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)09:42 No.29692664
    I would pay for avocados over RE5 DLC. They are just that good
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)09:42 No.29692670

    See THAT'S different because when you buy a game, at the very least you expect a full game. When they start selling you stuff that should have been in the game to begin with, that means they charged you full price for what is essentially an unfinished game, and are then charging MORE.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)09:43 No.29692684
    So if I can spend a measly $5, which is less than minimum wage, it's my mom that is spending the money. Sound logic there.

    As for gas, it's a completely different subject. If I was just going to get one gallon, then yes $3 is nothing. But nobody is going to get just one gallon, they're going to to get several. I didn't get several things of DLC for RE5 for $5, I got one small little thing.
    >> Slowpoke !yJNnyhmQX. 04/08/09(Wed)09:43 No.29692685
    That's a cop out.

    You could apply that logic to buying anything else:

    They didn't SAY that feature was in there, but you have to pay extra money for getting it. Even though you thought that you paid for the full game when you bought it at the retail price.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)09:44 No.29692703
    Avocados aren't really "delicious-fruit". And the content isn't a last minute thing.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)09:46 No.29692743
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    Do you think this is going to be RE5's only DLC? If they added more DLC that added new characters, like HUNK, to mercenaries, I would buy the shit out of that.
    >> Slowpoke !yJNnyhmQX. 04/08/09(Wed)09:47 No.29692782
    As for gas, it's a completely different subject. If I was just going to get one gallon, then yes $3 is nothing. But nobody is going to get just one gallon, they're going to to get several. I didn't get several things of DLC for RE5 for $5, I got one small little thing.

    Another issues arises from this, though: eventually, you will be paying for keys to unlock the full game when only 20% or less is available. So, the gas thing does work.

    Beyond that, then, it applies to everything you buy. When you buy a product, it's expected you pay for everything. To say that it's okay for them to make you buy a key for something you already bought is silly and stupid.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)09:49 No.29692824
    You people don't seem to understand. It does not matter that it is already on the disc.
    You have only purchased a license for the single player game. the disc and its contents are not what you pay for. This is why real world analogies do not work with IP...
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)09:50 No.29692850
    Best be posting the original.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)09:51 No.29692859
    >You have only purchased a license for the single player game.


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