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  • File :1239000452.jpg-(8 KB, 189x251, 1238054156930s.jpg)
    8 KB Your Top 10 Favourite FPSs of all time! Samefag 04/06/09(Mon)02:47 No.29590506  
    Everyone has their own opinion. Post sensibly and you get more like my picture!

    10. Killzone 1 - My first console FPS. Holds a special place in my heart and is really fun.
    9. Halo 1 - I never owned an Xbox 1 but this was just so much fun for me. Not a fan of 3 so much (unless I tweak every apsect of the game via Forge)
    8. Unreal Tournament - Fucking fun.
    7. Crysis - As long as I don't go in the spaceship everything is kickass.
    5. CounterStrike Source - I don't have to say anything. It compliments itself.
    4. Team Fortress 2 - The game that made me love class-based gameplay.
    3. Battlefield - I've had too many epic experiences there to count.
    2. Killzone 2 - A game with a single player that made me feel like I was in a real warzone.
    1. Half Life 2 - I just played Episode 2 over again... can't wait for 3.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:48 No.29590537
    I have never liked any fps. Too random for a tourneyfag's tastes.
    >> Samefag 04/06/09(Mon)02:50 No.29590613
    Heh, it's cool man. I am a team leader in KZ2 and I am not a fan of a lot of this randomness either. You play smart or you get the fuck off my team. The enemies need more cannon fodder.
    >> Samefag 04/06/09(Mon)02:52 No.29590675
    Samefag doing what a Samefag does...
    Double post.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:53 No.29590704
    10. System Shock 2
    9. Half life 2
    8. Doom
    7. UT
    6. Wolfenstein
    5. Doom II
    4. Half life
    3. Team Fortress Classic
    2. Quake III Arena
    1. Counter Strike
    >> Samefag 04/06/09(Mon)02:54 No.29590731
    I've never played Team Fortress Classic? What are the gameplay differences?
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:55 No.29590761
    10) Perfect Dark
    9) Goldeneye
    8) Doom
    7) Duke Nukem 3D
    6) Half-Life
    5) Team Fortress 2
    4) Red Faction
    3) Half-Life 2
    2) Portal
    1) Deus Ex

    op is a faggot
    >> ps1graphics !!D1fSGW9QcoQ 04/06/09(Mon)02:56 No.29590788
    Killzone 2 is actually scary sometimes in how deeply it immerses you into the battles. In a 32 player game on a map like Corinth, the sound of gunfire and explosions simply doesnt end. Add the shrieking of drones, the rattling of mounted machine guns and the splattering of point blank shotgun blasts and the game is the next thing to being there. I have a desire to play it non-stop, but after a while I have to put it down so as to save a bit of my sanity.
    >> Samefag 04/06/09(Mon)02:57 No.29590790
    >> ps1graphics !!D1fSGW9QcoQ 04/06/09(Mon)03:02 No.29590954
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:05 No.29591003
    Unreal Tournament 2004
    Perfect Dark
    System Shock 2
    Aliens vs. Predator 2
    Tribes 2

    There's not 10 that really stick out in my mind, but I love these 5.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:05 No.29591004
    IMO the game play in TFC feels a lot faster. I hate how they removed nades in TF2. I also hate achievement grinding so I preferred TFC. It was funner to play as the medic in TFC also imo. No RNG crits. They removed stuff like cone jumping in TF2.

    I don't know I also prefer the graphics in TFC because its pretty much what I played growing up and I hated it when they announced TF2's graphic style. The original team fortress still features the nine classes, but it just feels like they changed way too much when they made TF2 for me to really enjoy it as much.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:07 No.29591067
    moar + sauce
    >> Dogi !gxm5fvgBZ6 04/06/09(Mon)03:09 No.29591102
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:09 No.29591106
    The fuck people don't know about Ishikei anymore?
    >> Samefag 04/06/09(Mon)03:09 No.29591117
    Hmm... I'll definitely look into that. Thanks man.
    Anything I should know beforehand since this will be my ifrst time with TFC?
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:11 No.29591153
    Not much, just hope you don't hate old school graphics.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:12 No.29591190
    10. ?
    9. Doom
    8. Blood
    7. TF2
    6. FEAR
    5. CSS
    4. Call of Juarez
    3. Half Life 2
    2. Half-Life
    1. Duke Nukem 3D
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:12 No.29591191
    10. Left 4 Dead
    09. Rainbow Six: Vegas
    08. Half-Life
    07. Half-Life 2
    06. Doom 4
    05. Unreal Championship
    04. Unreal Tournament
    03. Unreal Tournament 2
    02. Rainbow Six: Vegas 2
    01. Unreal Tournament 3
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:13 No.29591214
    >>Just because it's a shooter doesn't mean said guns need to fire bullets.

    Shooters are about killing enemies with projectiles. Whether you use a gun, a crossbow, or magic is irrelevant. But you almost never fight enemies in portal. This makes it a puzzle game and not a shooter.
    >> Samefag 04/06/09(Mon)03:15 No.29591275
    Graphics are not a big deal to me at all (that means a lot for my second one on the list, seeing as it has the best graphics of any console shooter)

    Oh, and 29591191 REALLY likes Unreal Tournament.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:15 No.29591277

    0/10. horrible troll.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:16 No.29591309
    HALO 1
    HALO 2
    HALO 3
    HALO 3
    HALO 1
    HALO 2
    HALO 3
    HALO 3
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:18 No.29591351
    op only started playn fps after 2004, kinda weird to state "all time" that is 5 years only, also no cod4(?)

    >Killzone 2 - A game with a single player that made me feel like I was in a real warzone.

    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:18 No.29591365
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    >06. Doom 4
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:19 No.29591377

    no troll, UT is just the best FPS out there imo
    >> Samefag 04/06/09(Mon)03:22 No.29591456
    Yes, no Call of Duty 4. CounterStrike takes it's place.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:23 No.29591493
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    You can all suck my stranger dick
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:23 No.29591494
    10. UT
    9. Wolf 3D
    8. Doom 2
    7. Half-Life
    6. Descent 2
    5. UT2k4
    4. Quakeworld
    3. Quake 2
    2. Descent
    1. Q3A
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:24 No.29591522
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    Holy shit, I forgot about Unreal Championship 2. Most fun I ever had with an Xbox.

    Though to be honest it's more of a fighter with guns thrown in.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:26 No.29591566
    i forgot Call of Duty, so let's make that #11
    >> Gears~San !!fVyYte6+9tc 04/06/09(Mon)03:27 No.29591614
    In no order~

    Turok 2: Seeds of Evil
    Serious Sam
    Jumping Flash!
    Tribes 2
    Hexen II
    Star Wars:: Shadows of the Empire
    Resistance 2 (Game itself is average, I realise, but it has a kraken)
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:27 No.29591616
         File :1239002868.jpg-(47 KB, 704x703, DUKE3D.jpg)
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    Not enough duke in this thread, wtf guys?
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:28 No.29591623

    I like your list. A lot.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:28 No.29591642

    they are all waiting for christmas.

    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:30 No.29591686
    Quake II
    Unreal Tournament
    Return to Castle Wolfenstein
    Call of Duty 4
    Team Fortress 2
    Half-Life 2
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:32 No.29591747
    The Duke
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:33 No.29591767
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    omfg Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath

    Shit was SO cash
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:33 No.29591781
    marathon (series)
    tribes 2
    perfect dark
    sys shock 2
    deus ex
    unreal tournament
    enemy territory
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:35 No.29591804
    10. Left 4 Dead
    9. Stalker
    8. No One Lives Forever 2
    7. Unreal Tournament
    6. Unreal Tournament 2004
    5. No One Lives Forever
    4. Deus Ex
    3. Team Fortress 2
    2. Goldeneye
    1. Perfect Dark
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:37 No.29591861
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    >favourite fps games
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:37 No.29591864

    What do you think of this one? It should be on that list as as console shooter like PD.


    Also I just noticed that every single one of my games is the second in its series (Goldeneye ---> Perfect Dark, people).
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:38 No.29591887
    1. Natural Selection v3.2
    2. Natural Selection v3.1
    3. Natural Selection v3.0
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:38 No.29591891

    >Goldeneye ---> Perfect Dark, people

    >> Samefag 04/06/09(Mon)03:39 No.29591899
    Sounds like someone never tried Killzone 2.

    Hard-on been ready for years waiting for news on forever... and I think that hard-on will stay forever... better invite the girls over.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:39 No.29591902

    damn dude, i thought i liked unreal, lol, heres my list:
    10. Resistance series
    9. F.E.A.R series
    8. Counter Strike series
    7. Half-Life series
    6. Call of Duty series
    5. Battlefield series
    4. Doom series
    3. Crysis series
    2. Quake series
    1. Unreal series
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:40 No.29591929

    Die in a fire.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:41 No.29591938
    gears of war number 1 gaem of all time
    >> Samefag 04/06/09(Mon)03:41 No.29591954
    ...Gears of War...
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:42 No.29591968
    10 halo 3
    9 halo 3
    8 halo 3
    7 halo 3
    6 halo 3
    5 halo 3
    4 halo 3
    3 halo 3
    2 halo 3
    1 halo 2
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:42 No.29591974
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    >Your Top 10 Favourite FPSs of all time!
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:42 No.29591977
         File :1239003777.jpg-(21 KB, 500x375, 1237694362010.jpg)
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    Call of Duty 4 - Best Online MP
    Doom - Best Single Player
    Red Faction II - Best Split Screen MP
    Killzone - Best One on One
    Quake II - Best LAN/IP MP
    Goldeneye - Good Times

    A top six from me instead.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:44 No.29592022

    FUCK YEAR!!!
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:46 No.29592075

    u r in love with men for liking a game that sucked after the first one
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:47 No.29592106
    These aren't so much my favorite, as they are game that have been important to my development as a PCfag.

    Doom: I mean, Fuck it's doom what more could you say.

    Marathon: The game was ahead of it's time, mouse look would only later be implemented in quake two years later.

    Quake: Full 3D, Introduced me to NiN, made me love multiplayer.

    Half Life: Made me say "fuck multiplayer I want a game with good single player"

    System Shock 2: Reinforced everything I thought about Half-Life.

    Quake III: Made me kind of not want to play anything ID made ever again.

    Dues Ex: It made me question the possibility a game could ever be better.

    Halo CE: Taught me to hate consoles, console shooters and bungie, the company I once loved.

    Half Life 2: Perhaps the only thing to ever make me question my response to Deus Ex.

    TF2: Because I can play it with you. :3
    >> Samefag 04/06/09(Mon)03:49 No.29592162
    D'awww.... I wanna play TF2 now thanks to you.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:54 No.29592270

    wow, you're a faggot.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)04:02 No.29592502
         File :1239004923.gif-(21 KB, 320x240, 1234931066417.gif)
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    10. Half-Life 2 - Cool physics bro and decent story, but the levels got boring around the end and city 17 could've been so much more.
    8. Doom 3 - needed less jump scares and retard demons, but you gotta admit mars was one spooky place.
    7. FEAR - slow mo gibbing is fun, multiplayer sucked tho.
    6. Team Fortress 2 - i like the cartoon art style and personality the game has but when they gotta release like 500 patches to make the game work you kinda wish they'd leave the game alone.
    5. Left 4 Dead - Multiplayer co-op zombie slaughter done right, and even though there were like a hundred cs:s mods before this that were practically the same atleast this one you know there's going to be someone playing it.
    4. Half life - This game has good pacing and level design but at the end it desides to have elevator puzzles while spamming enemies.
    3. Goldeneye - oh how i can remember having 4 way deathmatches with my friends, good times! But i lost my copy of it ages ago so i've been unable to play it again :C
    2. Doom - This mother fucker right here invented atmosphere in games, was really scary back then (but laughable now) and i remember shitting bricks when my older neighbour used to play it.
    1. Medal of Honor: Frontline - Yeah i know, generic game with apple pie shtting patriotism, but this was my first FPS and it actually tried to be a bit deep like when a german soldier is sending a message to his loved one, and then you run in there and blow his head off.
    >> Samefag 04/06/09(Mon)04:09 No.29592747
    Glad to know someone is thinking this all through.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)04:12 No.29592820
    this thread, lending credence yet again to the fact that Goldeneye is the single most overrated game by degree AND frequency ever made
    >> Samefag 04/06/09(Mon)04:12 No.29592850
    And note that Killzone 2 is the first game I've ever seen where they have a class made to be a leader. He throws out spawn points (coloured smoke grenades) and air support.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)04:13 No.29592873

    how pretentious of you.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)04:14 No.29592904

    Goddamn that would be incredibly easy to grief with.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)04:17 No.29592977
         File :1239005828.jpg-(47 KB, 353x500, The Darkness (3).jpg)
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    10. Quake 3 - I play this in tournaments, shit is cash
    9.Unreal Tournament - I play this in tournaments as well, also cash.
    8-2.All FPSes are trash, I don't give a fuck about this genre of games.
    1.The Darkness - Storyline fucking owns.
    >> Samefag 04/06/09(Mon)04:17 No.29592985
    Note: Air Support is a little drone that flies around and normally stays where the locator to bring the drones out came from. Mainly there for scouting, distractions (all AI turrets face it and fire with shit aim), and take pot shots at those in disguise or invisible.

    And the Spawn Grenades are easy to grief about but Guerilla Games announced they're changing that so the spawn disappears when the Tactician (class name) dies, making more of a need for Medics in the game.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)04:19 No.29593051
         File :1239005980.jpg-(114 KB, 1024x768, alleywayvinne-payne.jpg)
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    Not one of you faggots said Max Payne?

    /v/...I am disappoint
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)04:20 No.29593070
    1. Fallout 3
    2. Battlefield 2 (360 version)
    3. STALKER
    4. Halo 1
    5. COD4
    6. Half-Life 2
    7. Doom 2
    8. Rise of the Triad
    9. Crysis
    10. Doom 3
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)04:21 No.29593116
         File :1239006112.jpg-(106 KB, 583x616, wat.jpg)
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    >Max Payne

    are you retarded?
    >> Samefag 04/06/09(Mon)04:22 No.29593145
    Great pic. That's all I can say...
    That's all I NEED to day...
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)04:23 No.29593172
         File :1239006221.jpg-(7 KB, 251x236, 1237900891366.jpg)
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    Why is not Marathon on this list? Some of you here must have been old enough to play that trilogy, right? You know, the one that had campaign co-op and objective based multiplayer before...pretty much everything else? And an amazing story to boot?

    I feel old now...
    >> Samefag 04/06/09(Mon)04:26 No.29593234
    I would add Marathon but I never really got into games until Killzone 1/CounterStrike.
    I remember picking it up before and loving the style and play but I never got to play that much of it.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)04:26 No.29593243
         File :1239006378.png-(920 KB, 1280x800, QuakeLive.png)
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    10) Quake Live
    9) Quake Live
    8) Quake Live
    7) Quake Live
    6) Quake Live
    5) Quake Live
    4) Quake Live
    3) Quake Live
    2) Quake Live

    And last but certainly not least,

    1) Quake Live

    pic related, it's Quake Live.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)04:28 No.29593298
    The fact that any of you consider tf2 as a good game makes me want to violently remove your testicles as you clearly dont deserve them
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)04:28 No.29593315
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    Sorry gramps, Quake and Unreal were always my bag. As I think FPS games are an abomination on gaming. Strife is better than Marathon anyway. Loloolll.
    >> Samefag 04/06/09(Mon)04:30 No.29593349
    Then you have different tastes than us. I can respect that and i hope you will too.
    >> ps1graphics !!D1fSGW9QcoQ 04/06/09(Mon)04:30 No.29593351
    I forgot to mention james bond: nightfire for the psdouble. Hook up the multi-tap to that shit, enable over powered bots. GOD DAMN
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)04:30 No.29593368


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