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  • Blotter updated: 01/01/09

  • File :1238997864.jpg-(20 KB, 407x299, truth.jpg)
    20 KB Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:04 No.29588918  
    ITT: We think of a game idea that is completely new and fun.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:05 No.29588961
    a young boy....saves the world
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:06 No.29588996
    Fixing America's economy. That would be completely new and fun.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:06 No.29589006
    A bald space marine....saves the world
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:08 No.29589095
    Wait, no...


    A zombie cyborg Abraham Lincoln... emancipates slaves on alien planets with his LINCOLN FISTS OF JUSTICE!... and saves the world.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:08 No.29589104

    you take a shit, and you have to just keep shitting until you piss, then you just keep pissing and shitting until you throw up because of the smell. It would be called piss and shit. (the throw up is the twist)
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:09 No.29589130
    Collect carrots. That's all.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:10 No.29589167
    I think there needs to be more games with loads of fanservice out there.

    How about....

    A game where you use an experimental ray to alter the body of your opponents, in any way you can think of. And some how you can use this to your advantage, like it's a platformer, and you can make a female super busty and use her breasts as a trampoline.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:12 No.29589228

    Then, after your done pissing, shitting, and throwing up, you can jump online, and shit into other peoples mouths as well as throw up and piss.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:12 No.29589241
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:13 No.29589269

    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:13 No.29589293
    Viking Chipmunk Deathmatch
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:14 No.29589305


    FUND IT.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:14 No.29589313
    A game where you play yourself, only you're god, and you travel the planet doing whatever you want, because you're god, you can travel through time or reshape history too.
    >> Flashman !!gf3vu7xso/N 04/06/09(Mon)02:14 No.29589330
    A game where you play through the characterd eyes. Also with guns on screen. I call it a Point Of View shooter.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:15 No.29589342
    but it's up to you to stop the launch
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:15 No.29589361
    Underwater burger frenzy
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:16 No.29589377

    Everyone knows Lincoln uses a katana
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:16 No.29589382
    A combat flight simulator where your plane can carry 100 missiles and 30 bombs.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:16 No.29589386

    ...and save the world
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:16 No.29589392
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:16 No.29589396
    A game where you are a high school junior. A pretty good looking feminine boy.

    Suddenly a crisis threatens the world and only you and your friends and rivals from school can save it.

    Along the way an awkward romance begins to develop between the main character and the shy cute girl, but it never ends up going anywhere.

    The final boss guy is a genetically engineered superhuman who has come back through time to take over the world in order to save it from itself. The boss declares that if one has power then they have the right to rule.

    After the young hero and his friends, including a telepathic flying cat-monkey from the same future as the boss are triumphant everyone goes back to life as normal as if nothing happened. The heroes split apart due to fitting into different social cliques. The final scene shows the shy cute girl and the hero pass, and the girl looking back with a tear in her eye.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:16 No.29589407
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    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:17 No.29589458
    a mans family is killed...he seeks revenge
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:18 No.29589480
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    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:18 No.29589482

    So, it's Earthbound after puberty?
    How original.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:19 No.29589497
    American Civil War, Dynasty Warriors style.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:19 No.29589506


    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:20 No.29589570
    Okay, okay..


    A young saves... world the boy
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:21 No.29589597
    A giant corporation is killing the planet, and it's up to you and your new friends to stop them. But you're only in it for the money, until suddenly, your past catches up with you, and there is an even greater threat to the earth.

    Oh wait, fuck.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:21 No.29589605
    A first person shooter...for the Atari 2600.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:22 No.29589645
    You are one HARDCORE DUDE
    Fighting enemy MEN, not regular men, SPACE MEN
    You fight inside a cave, shoot enemies with your SHOT GUN
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:23 No.29589681
    You're microscopic, and you kill your enemies by invading their bodies and destroying key organs and vital areas in various ways. You use EXP points to improve your killing power / skills / get new additions.

    It'd basically be like SPORE: Virus Edition
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:24 No.29589735
    A game where you play a guy, and the world is ending, however you don't have to do anything, you are like... well like the common /v/irgin, you stick to your computer and play games. The goal is to avoid all the opportunities and don't save the world.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:24 No.29589745
    A serial killer who gets uses crazy environmental dangers, makeshift weapons, and crazy kung fu powers to kill everything. Creativity and chain kills are encouraged.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:25 No.29589763

    Enjoy it when the liver CLOSES ALL PORTS, SHUT DOWN EVERYTHING!
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:25 No.29589770
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    God DAMMIT why am I laughing so hard at this? I must need to sleep.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:26 No.29589782
    A shootan game with a twist: every 2 minutes, the games "gravity" randomly changes direction.

    You can use this to your advantage-any enemies that are standing in an area with no surface to fall on when the gravity shifts are sent hurtling off into nothingness. However, the same thing can happen to you, so you have to be careful to position yourself in non-compromising spots in addition to shooting at enemies.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:26 No.29589809

    Mecha game. Only difference is that it takes a more "realistic" approach.

    When your mech is damaged, or simply when you feel it's appropriate you can leave it on standbye and exit as the pilot, the pilot has a gun, some ammo, a knife and some first aid kits. In the game you are apart/against of a international space colony that spans entire universes, you are fighting against/for a group of renegade X-soldiers who have stolen some very dangerious proto-types and are threatening to execute a very violent take over.

    What's the difference between this game and MGS? Well for one, your character may or may not be a cyborg (depending on choices made before the game) Your affiliations will determine which weapons and mechs you gain access to, battles can occur on land, sea, air and even into space. Battles with grubs would be completely free roaming (so you can flee like a bitch whenever you want) but boss battles would be in a closed area.

    I don't know...basically I'm thinking Monster Hunter meets Metal Gear, shit tons of weapons, armor, mechs, upgrades, customizations. Everything from your pilot to your mechw could be personalized. From facial features to your build.

    There would be ranks (both in the classical A-F sense and the military sense) which actually make a difference in things such as cooperation with other units, number of soldiers assigned to your squad and how much shit you get.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:27 No.29589842

    >You are one HARDCORE DUDE
    Fighting enemy MEN, not regular men, SPACE MEN
    You fight inside a cave, shoot enemies with your SHOT GUN

    don't worry I was laughing a bit too.

    I want to make this into a mspcomic, just because... brb.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:29 No.29589890
    a jRPG where you get to play as the evil miniboss squad.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:29 No.29589894

    Not even the whole thing, just SHOT GUN. It's exactly like something that would be on an old translated game box.

    You should shoop it onto the Doom SNES case or something.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:30 No.29589923
    wait no, okay..

    you play as NPCs in a single player's campaign of <insert genre here>, and you die repeatedly because you are helpless underpowered to the protagonist's weapons/powers/ etc etc.

    you have to keep trying, though.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:31 No.29589954
    A series of FUNNY games. I don't mean "Lol swear words and rudeness are hilarious" Disgaea funny, I mean, well written with good comedic timing funny.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:31 No.29589963

    Sounds like Perfect Dark's counter-op mode.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:31 No.29589982
    A game that merges cyberpunk with a somewhat realistic action rpg.

    Something like Ghost in the Shell meets GTA.

    You play as a cyborg. You have cyborg abilities. You have an edge on the rest of humanity. Do you do honorable, heroic deeds? Do you wage war on humanity?

    Also, robot tits and robot sex. Give these liberals and soccer moms something new to cry about.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:33 No.29590011
    Disgaea wasn't funny.

    It was under the rank of poo jokes when it came to humor, it was more like faggy weeaboo shits and giggles kawaii internet humor from deviantart.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:35 No.29590109
    You're a bad guy, trying to destroy the world.

    You often times get to play as basic and weak NPCs that are almost always crushed. If you manage to beat the team of "good guys", you get extra time to develop more diabolical minions and powers before an even stronger group of protagonists appear to stop you. You may even succeed in destroying the world, gaining super powers, godhood, etc, this is the goal. To make it as far as you can, but it becomes exceedingly difficult. Only on occassions where the protagonist(s) make it to a boss do you get to play exceptionally powerful characters.

    Eventually the protagonists will be so powerful and high level that you won't be able to stop them from saving the world/universe/ass.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:36 No.29590123

    and me something to fap to, lets go! come on!
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:36 No.29590128
    A first-person shooter where you play as an old man with a sweet beard.

    The beard is a secret weapon.

    It shoots razor whiskers.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:36 No.29590149
    A zombie rail-shooter that allows you to deviate slightly from the rail.

    This time, you're on the run. You flee into forests, have to turn around while on a path, shoot zombies, all while maintaining your balance and being attentive. You avoid certain obstacles through timed sequences. If you fall, you can fall on your back, and a swarm of zombies will stand above you, lunge at you, then you have to fight them off in FPS while shooting.

    I'm a shitty writer, so this is a bad pitch. It looks cool in my mind.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:37 No.29590159

    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:37 No.29590164

    I wish some game company had some kind of competition where you pitch your own game idea and people vote on it, that way we could push this to the top.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:38 No.29590215
    I could see all of these being made into actual games.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:38 No.29590217
    i myself am actually working on a game of my own
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:39 No.29590224
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    you travel through parallel universes to fuck shit up.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:39 No.29590239

    Well since no one is taking this seriously I may as well whore the thread to inflate my ego.

    Pilots would have various genders, you could even get into a relationship if you have enough time in the game. There would be a storyline and online mode (which would be seperate).

    The battle mechanics would work like this.

    You start the battle on your seperate sides, with your personalized mech, if you win, whatever mechs were captured are kept.

    Mech capturing works like this:
    When your enemy is defeated he will exit his mech, if you manage to enter it successfully and win the entire match, the Mech's "flagged" are kept, if however you flag a mech and lose the match, any mech's flagged on your side are kept.

    Mechs have a variety of status bars that need to be constantly watched carefully. The Fuel bar, engine heat, health bar for each limb, ammo and defense bars.

    Enemy soldiers can also be captured, but this requires a large degree of skill, firstly you must defeat the opponent without destroying his mech ( a possibility that results in them dying inside their mech), when he abandons ship, you must also exit your mech and fight him man to man, if you manage to get his health significantly lower than your own, and have the right "capture" equipment (handcuffs, tazer) you can restrain him and have him imprisoned at which time he can be used to either gain information or join your crew all together.

    The mechanics of the game would include weather, temperature, gravity and pressure. For example when underwater the higher your pressure (as a result of going deeper ofcourse), the more likely you are to die if your mech is totalled and you are forced to eject.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:39 No.29590241
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    >> Mute 04/06/09(Mon)02:40 No.29590279
    Highly stylized, strikingly beautiful 2D 16-bit looking platformer, rich in visual presentation and with a high level of movement and liveliness.

    Now it just needs people who are extraordinary pixel artists, extraordinary programmers and possess a unanimous vision.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:40 No.29590282

    >game of my own

    >game of my own

    >game of my own


    no, but really, what kind of game is it?
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:42 No.29590319
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    this thread is supposed to be for ORIGINAL ideas, bro.

    pic related
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:42 No.29590326
    Also there would be various campaign types.

    Fantasy campaigns in Final Fantasy style.
    Fantasy campaigns in LOTR style.
    Modern day, shootan FPS campaigns.
    Futuristic super-technology MGS like campaigns.
    Futuristic fantasy campaigns.

    The list would go on, and the game could constantly be updated and expanded on.

    Every campaign would have a deep, 100+ hour story line, depending on how far you made it, choices you made, what you destroyed, how strong you became, which protagonists you may of killed, etc.
    >> Noblesse Oblige !w1OqvVniJE 04/06/09(Mon)02:42 No.29590336
    A mecha game that is easy enough for casuals to play but in depth enough to make hardcore gamers swoon.
    It will be played with a Steel Battalion-esque control system, inside a cockpit; an arcade cabinet sort of thing. Every step you make with rock the cockpit as if you really stepped, every projectile you fired will vibrate your seat, every bit of damage you take will be registered and the ability to lose control of parts will become apparent, the more damage you take, the more the power seems to flicker; the lights behind buttons and sensors dimming or going out, alarm sounds as the hydraulic pressure in the legs is no longer enough to move, the feeling of claustophobia overtaking you as, on the screen, your best friend bears down upon you to deal the finishing blow...
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:42 No.29590338
    i really enjoy rpg's so im working on one. just need some more schooling is all =/
    >> Mute 04/06/09(Mon)02:43 No.29590362

    Hell yes, that game was incredible.

    Way too short though. Damn I loved that game.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:43 No.29590363
    Eversion fucking rocks
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:43 No.29590372
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    Oh hey, you just described a slightly tweaked version of Umbrella Chronicles.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:44 No.29590394

    Is it sprite based or 3d?
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:44 No.29590401
    Epic Space Opera Maker.

    It'd be like RPG Maker, except you make space games with it.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:45 No.29590435
    >For example when underwater the higher your pressure (as a result of going deeper ofcourse), the more likely you are to die if your mech is totalled and you are forced to eject.

    Because if your armor plated mech vehicle is being crushed by water pressure the logical thing to do is eject yourself out into the water.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:45 No.29590443
    Ok, how about:

    You play as an immune system, defending your given organism from virus and bacteria attacks. I'd be your job to set up and train white blood cells, maintain arterial ducts from the heart, and evolve new types and techniques to fight off the viruses.

    AIDS is the final boss.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:45 No.29590446

    either or would be cool, but im aiming for 3d, just for more in depth character creation
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:46 No.29590454

    Cybernetically enhanced players have advantages over the natural characters, they are faster, stronger, interface better (more movement/attacks/combos) and basically more co-ordinated. However they are also more prone to EMPs, take actual damage when their mech is hit, and are capable of being hacked or infected by viruses.

    Human characters are less likely to be able to survive fatal attacks, and do not heal as fast as Cyborgs, but are more heavily armed, do not take damage when their mech is damaged.

    So basically. You start your game, input name, gender, choose between being a human or cyborg, variate height, build, hair style, face, eye color, hair color, add/remove tattoos. You begin with some spending money, buy what you think you need, level up a bit, climb the ranks and become a hardened soldier.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:47 No.29590489

    Give me some details, I'm actually pretty good at 3d art and animation. How much progress have you made?
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:47 No.29590492
    >When your mech is damaged, or simply when you feel it's appropriate you can leave it on standbye and exit as the pilot, the pilot has a gun, some ammo, a knife and some first aid kits

    Realistic mechs was already done as a late 80's anime series nobody watched.
    >> Weegee !!8EbxQsEwpom 04/06/09(Mon)02:47 No.29590514
    I think of fuckwin games (atleast in my mind) all the time. Think of this for a concept.

    You play a silent protagonist who works as a Chronologist, science dealing with time, trying to stop a man stalking you, affecting the actions you do throughout the game. Sabotage, gunfights, Paranoia. Eventually you get far enough into the game when you start finding clues about who is chasing and watching you. But you find out It is you. A litle further in the game, and you are witness to an enormous malfunction in the entire computer system of your workplace, causing all electrical functions in the area to cease. Think of a technologically advanced world, and the lights go out. You then travel back in time to prevent the error from happening. But again, the error was you.. You play the role of the hunted in the first half of the game, and then the role of the hunter in the second. Time-traveling FPS, called it "My Future's Past"
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:48 No.29590551
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    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:48 No.29590552
    I always wanted a game where you could do ANYTHING, basically, it's real life.

    You make a character, select age, gender, etc, and you grow. There would be hundreds of expansion packs. Sounds like The Sims, amirtite? Except it's presented in a GTA style.

    The expansions would have different jobs (which would be minigames) people, places, etc. If you wanted, you could be a middle aged stay-at-home dad, that goes out into the street and kills everything. I don't even care about graphics. Just let me do whatever I want. And I mean whatever.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:49 No.29590579

    > But you find out It is you

    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:49 No.29590580
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    More people would have watched it if the dub for it
    1) Wasn't unbelievably shitty, and
    2) Didn't come out 15 years after the series debuted.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:50 No.29590591

    well, since my comp problem, im trying to get back on my feet from having to restart it but luckily all my ideas were saved on a thumb drive when i should have backed my game up as well =( and its been yrs sinced ive touched school cuz i did some yrs in active duty military in the marines, so yeah, im behind a lil, but getting ppl together would be great
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:50 No.29590593
    I want a high graphical quality XBLA or PSN game where I wander around mountains as a goat, jumping from crag to crag, chillin' and surviving. They make it online, with herds or something, but I don't really give a fuck. I just want to be this goat, in a game.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:50 No.29590608

    I wish they made a game for Patlabor. I'd play it ;__;
    >> Noblesse Oblige !w1OqvVniJE 04/06/09(Mon)02:50 No.29590612
    There's little that is interesting and completely new; I'm a mech enthusiast, mechs are not completely new and fun, but I just want realism in these kinds of games...or at the least, tactile responses.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:51 No.29590630

    My friends were all poorfags so I never got pizza, but goddamn could those people cook.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:52 No.29590656
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    oh fuck year.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:52 No.29590672

    It's not so much that you want to eject, but that you have to, the oxygen supply (whoops forgot to mention that one) will run out eventually, and if repairs are not done fast enough to counter the amount of attacks your mech is receiving (such as if you were under heavy enemy fire) you'd have to eject or face a fate worse than imploding. If you're human they have to be done manually, which takes longer and occurs via a small cutscene of a pilot with a welding torch and some tools, if you're cybernetic it's done by nanomachines (yes Nanomachines) and occurs relatively quickly.

    I guess it's all about tactics. If for example you tell your crew before battle via the personal channel that you're going to use yourself as bait to lure some of the enemies into a high pressure cave, so that you can in turn jump them, then it might work.

    Basically the game relies on several things. One the mech, the strength of your mech will determine what is called the first "Phase", two is the pilot, how your pilot reacts to situations and the environment determines how the second phase will go, and lastly in the environment, everything from snow to mud to wind and even a vacuum can change the tactics drastically for or against you.

    I basically just want to make an extremely tactical game that requires a high degree of thinking. You can't just button mash or grind in this game, you'd have to take into consideration every possible outcome and work with it.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:53 No.29590703
    Would it be a new idea to make a game that has a mixed control scheme that takes from Shadow of The Colossus, Tomb Raider series and Mirror's Edge, and has zero combat? ZERO COMBAT people, I want to mellow out while exploring.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:54 No.29590735
    I'm also working on a game of my own. I have been for several months now, so I don't think I'll be canning it. I've made too much progress.

    Also, I don't know if you recall, but I posted about this some time ago on /v/. Mine was the side-scrolling game with the fanservice girl in the fantasy universe.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:55 No.29590764

    you got a web site?
    >> Noblesse Oblige !w1OqvVniJE 04/06/09(Mon)02:55 No.29590765
    It might not be so much that the main body and/or cockpit is being damaged, but that the extremities are. It would stand to reason that the cockpit is the most protected piece of equipment.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:56 No.29590786
    You are a dragon + Medieval times + sandbox gameplay.

    Too bad this game is just asking to be bloom and brown. It'd be pretty gay if it was all bright.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:56 No.29590789
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    don't have any idea what the game itself is like, but it definitely exists.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:57 No.29590823

    Probably not too good.
    >> Weegee !!8EbxQsEwpom 04/06/09(Mon)02:58 No.29590825
    Ehh, time dosn't change that fast though. Think of a stable timeshift, no possibility for err-
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:59 No.29590857


    Right now I'm building graphics over placeholder objects, so I don't have any compiled screens or mock-ups yet. It's just LOL lore and shit.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:00 No.29590877
    id love to get my game creation up and running, it would be nice to get a team, how the fuck do i go about finding ppl
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:01 No.29590905
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    Cyborgs would be able to do trippy shit like what Tetsuo is doing in the image, healing would be possible through a kind of "focus" command that requires them to go undisturbed for several seconds and their body begins to utilize any raw materials in the area to reconstruct their body. Seeing however that this requires more time than a human, who can simply heal via a first aid kit (think MGS) as a result of being more complex, they are more likely to get nuked from an enemy Mech.

    Here's another scenario.

    Space Mission, now if you're a cyborg the vacuum shouldn't be a problem for you, and the first priority would be getting the humans to eject (they're in space suits) and keeping them occupied until their suits run out of oxygen or just get damaged beyond repair and they suffocate, however the humans also have a tactical response.

    If the cyborg pilot ejects, an electromagnetic can be switched on that pulls them towards a large compacting device that would of course kill them instantly.

    I don't know, trying to explain every small thing seems to be taking too long, I'd prefer to answer questions that way what people really would like to know can get answer.

    Any questions?
    >> The OP !KOCvv1.oQA 04/06/09(Mon)03:01 No.29590925
    A very realistic FPS, no fucking HUD at all and it requires the 295GTX to play on, so no little fucking 12 year olds will be on it.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:05 No.29591021
    Then, what's the point of the game? Look at the amazing visuals, just walking around, and taking in the scenery? For that, I'd just take a cruise or a plane and visit the world. It'd be more real and breathtaking.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:05 No.29591033

    Guess not.
    >> Noblesse Oblige !w1OqvVniJE 04/06/09(Mon)03:07 No.29591057
    >trying to explain e very small thing takes to long
    The small things are easily the most noticeable when they go wrong. The majority of /m/ picks up on subtleties rather quickly, when they're in that medium, and you'd need bases covered for that.Surely, however, cybernetics would have EMP resistance to a certain extent? If they know it's a weakness, why wouldn't they try to cover it up? I know that there are safeguards and precautions against EMP.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:07 No.29591059

    The joy of discovery!

    You are what is wrong with gamers.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:08 No.29591081
    A giant monster game, a la War of the Monsters, but in a more free-roaming environment. And you'd have to be smart about travel. If you go on the surface you might get attacked by various military things and giant mechs and whatnot, so you'd have to go through tunnels underground. And you wouldn't be huge, like maybe 200-300 feet tall.

    Some of the time would be spent fighting other monsters, plus there would be multiplayer. Both split screen and online.

    You'd be able to create a custom monster, to an extent. Change the size, strength, speed, and monster type. Being bigger would mean that you would be harder to get thrown by other monsters and harder to subdue, but you would also be easier to hit and it would be harder to move in secrecy. And you could change your type to be a giant statue, a giant ape, lizard, robot, spider/insect, etc. each with it's own strengths and weaknesses.

    I think it would be fun. I mean, I'd play it.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:10 No.29591143
    But it wouldn't be called a game. Games are supposed to be fun time-consuming activities. Every genre of games defines very well what a game should be. Never has there been a game that's just so you can see what the artist came up with and leave it at that. Or, none that I have ever played/seen.
    >> Noblesse Oblige !w1OqvVniJE 04/06/09(Mon)03:12 No.29591177
    >completely new and fun
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:12 No.29591197
    Tool to aid in creation of new, interesting game concepts:
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:12 No.29591199

    Most of the soldiers would have safeguards surrounding the cockpit whilst in the Mech as they would be exposed to it's effects in order to allow interface between themself and the OS of the mech whilst inside, but when outside their "shell" would be very susceptible to EMPs. Only high level/rank cyborgs who can afford quality parts would be particularly immune to EMPs both inside and outside.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:13 No.29591213
    if you were 200-300 feet tall, there would be no way in hell that you could fit into underground tunnels. Most tunnels have <10 foot ceilings.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:13 No.29591222
    A good gardening game. My mother has been waiting for this since the first 3D consoles.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:15 No.29591291
    He said ZERO COMBAT not ZERO GAMEPLAY. It could be a puzzle game ala Myst, or some sort of sim ala Animal Crossing, or...all sorts of things, really. Just because something doesn't have FIGHTAN doesn't mean that it's not a game.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:16 No.29591319
    Godzilla did it. You'd mostly just use the tunnels as a basic path, and tunnel through them the first time. Then use your tunnels.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:16 No.29591328
    Sounds awesome to me. If you haven't, play LSD: Dream emulator. Its pretty much all discovering and crazy stuff. Myst, Riven (ESPECIALLY) ect, if you haven't too. Exploran games /high five
    >> Noblesse Oblige !w1OqvVniJE 04/06/09(Mon)03:17 No.29591346
    That'll make some money...there could be all kinds of plants to buy and grow, and with the money you get from selling these plants and flowers and all, you can buy better ones...I could probably write a quick positioning system using the wiimote to make it like you're ACTUALLY WATERING THEM OR SOMETHING.
    We'll be rich.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:22 No.29591474
    If he can flesh out that idea better, then ok. And I know a game doesn't need combat to be a game, but I wasn't talking about that. I was talking about the goal. The goal of Tetris is to clear the lines before the blocks reach the top. The (basic) goal of Kingdom Hearts 1 is to defeat all the Heartless. The goal of survival horror games is to survive, etc etc. See what I'm getting at?
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:25 No.29591553
    How about a game where you are just a camera in a huge ocean looking for all kinds of sea monsters, (fake and real) or you can look for other certain creatures in certain bodies of water.

    for ma xbox.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:27 No.29591594
    The goal is to discover everything? It's not like extensively researched this idea before posting. I just thought it would be a neat change of pace.

    But well, if you want, there could be a chance of finding treasure that you can use to buy better equipment, making it easier to reach some places or get to areas that were completely unreachable previously.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:29 No.29591669
    The game is an action RPG that centers around 3 kids destryoying a group of doctors attempting to create "perfect" humans after runing their lives. Their plans start off as a revenge idea that leads to uncovering some hidden agendas of these doctors.

    Some backstory:
    Humanity was on the brink of destruction. And then gets destroyed for the most part.About 2000 years later, humanity is working to build its numbers and its planet back up. In comes this 15 year old guy. He pretty much hates his life as he is to be married to some fat ugly bitch. In this time, you are paired with a "genetically compatible" individual to begin breeding shortly after entering puberty. He can't get out of the marriage anyway short of death, so he decides to run off somewhere, anywhere. On the outskirts of town, he meets this annoying little girl who is crying about losing her sister. You help her find her sister, and discover that she and the little girl had been banned from their town after doctors declared them barren. So now the 3 of them are in
    the woods talking about what to do. Eventually they start talking about "The Doctors", the medical group that travels the globe and deals with the "repopulation issues of mankind". The Doctors made the laws revolving around arranged marriage and the "reproduction responsibility mandates". Since the laws are worldwide, the only options are to follow them of live in the wild. Neither sounds good, so they plan to takedown the organization instead.

    So they start on their adventure to the headquarters. A few days into it after trying to fight off both wild animals and cops(who are trying to bring the guy back to his fat wife), they realize they are gonna need some help for this plan to work. And some training.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:30 No.29591700

    The point of the game is to get to the Doctor's headquarters and destroy it, along with the genetic records it holds.

    The guy is a close range physical fighter who specializes in low blows and cheap shots. His speciality lies in stealth and bargining. He also wears diguises to avoid the police recognizing him as the "kidnapped" husband.

    The older girl is the balanced character. She can fight with practically anything you hand her. Her speciality is defense. She doesn't have much sex appeal, but people tend to think of her as an innocent honest person.

    The little girl is the speed character. Her weapons are mostly long range items like darts and thowing knives. Her speciality is accuracy. She seems to have a lot of connections to some questionable groups.

    Two notable featues of the game are its magic system and hiring system. This RPG has no magic skills. There are special skills for each character, and these skills can be modified by equipping different items. All weapons can also be modified with items to add special effects. The hiring system allows any and all human and humanlike characters to be "hired" into the player's party and used. Some characters, like the mom with 20 kids, are easier to win over than the police officer tracking the group. Some characters have to really be bought out with gifts or favors to join you, but it can be done.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:32 No.29591733
    >Humanity was on the brink of destruction. And then gets destroyed
    >First it was about to be destroyed, and then it was destroyed.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:32 No.29591751

    Endless Ocean?
    >> Noblesse Oblige !w1OqvVniJE 04/06/09(Mon)03:33 No.29591761
    After two thousand years of forced reproduction and societal breakdown, you would think that one would not have a problem with fat ugly chicks, because society's aim is no longer to be the most beautiful, but to reproduce.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:37 No.29591847

    Also, you can explore sunken ships. And in one ship, a skeleton shall pop out.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:37 No.29591854
    Ok, now we're getting somewhere. It seemed like a good idea at first, but something wasn't clicking with me the way you/he put it. I mean, exploring just for the sake of exploring would make for a strange game. It can be done very easily, and it can be liked by many. Hell, if it didn't even have a plot or anything, just walking around and finding secrets. Or, there's a huge vast expanse of land, waiting to be tread. You have a shovel, a lantern or a flashlight, a long roll of paper (infinite for the game's purpose) and a pen. You can choose to explore and find hidden treasures, golden goblets, ancient mysterious artifacts. You make a list of these items as you get them, and a description appears of the item, placed there by the creator of the game. If you're running out of ink, trees scattered around the land provide fruit that can give you ink. And little by little, you continue to make the map of the land. You can build a shelter. There's rivers to fish. The ideas are endless. If you can take this further, I suggest you do.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:41 No.29591946

    I was thinking something like a Fallout 3 feel.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:42 No.29591957
    Has anyone made a game where you are the bad guy destroying the world and actually winning? As in the bosses are the good guys, the world starts to fall under your rule as you progress, and by the end you are declared supreme ruler?
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:47 No.29592094

    I like the idea of making your own maps. The game could reward you by making the maps sellable once you make it certain size. It could be automated to a certain degree to not make it tedious.

    The game could also have a touch of realism where you'd have to take into account the temperature, like in a colder enviroment you have to wear more clothes to prevent your health from decreasing slowly, but in a tradeoff your movement is more limited or sluggish. Or if you don't eat your grip loosens faster.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:48 No.29592136

    Overlord could have been this but no, they had to have a tweest.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:50 No.29592188
    These please
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:54 No.29592286
    Dungeon Keeper?
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:55 No.29592313
    >action rpg revolving around 3 kids

    we said ORIGINAL ideas.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:56 No.29592323

    it could have an online feature like Spore does. u can upload others worlds into ur own. once u advance far enough into the game u will have the funds and research to make it possible to jump between multiverses. it would a one time generated map of that one map u r on. when u start u have the option of place setting and kinda of a time setting. of course u would literally have to figure it out on ur own on wut pieces or wut magic is required (depending on ur time setting) for this travelto be possible then u could explore other players worlds. this would add diversity and prevent u from having to replay the game to explore every type of setting the game has to offer. this is just my opinion of course and would never happen.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:58 No.29592383

    Never mind. I guess just another World War 2 game will do. -_-
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:59 No.29592429
    just because you don't get a response does not mean nobody read your post, aspie.

    God, is /v/ filled with 12 year olds tonight?
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:59 No.29592432

    ...I personally find this a horrible idea and would rather have it be a separate game.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:59 No.29592433
    Wait, no.


    You roll a ball around and when it touches small objects, they stick to it. But-- get this-- the bigger the ball becomes, the larger the things you can roll up.

    And... You'd have a TIME LIMIT to reach a certain size, but after reaching said size, you can keep rolling until the time runs out for a "high score".
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)04:00 No.29592467
    A Call of Duty type game.

    Based off of World War ONE.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)04:02 No.29592522
    Middle age Chinese woman starts up her own villian company. Your job is to create the best villians to win over the world. You can rent out villians to different contries to help them conquer various areas. Create fame and pubilicity for them with random acts of terror. You can use active evil forces to kill all the good in the area, but too much corruption will cause oversaturation of the villian market. Find the perfect balance to shroud the world in darkness and despair!
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)04:04 No.29592562

    its not that bad of an idea. just throwing my 2 cents is all i was doing. it could be fun...maybe =/
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)04:04 No.29592568
    Stealth game involving a shape shifting thief.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)04:05 No.29592603
    There must be at least one level in which you are trapped in a building that is slowly filling with mustard gas.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)04:06 No.29592630

    who is also a trap.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)04:06 No.29592641
    how about a game that has a powerful random level generating function that can randomly create a unique world full of towns and people somewhat like in dorf fortress

    except it takes place in modern times and there are guns and it's a FPS and buildings and terrain are fully destructible

    also there are randomly generated factions such as groups of people who wear red or groups of people who wear blue and you can create your own group and recruit npc soldiers

    or how about a game where you are a lawyer except you have to defend Hitler
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)04:09 No.29592740
    >roguelike modern FPS that's not text based


    >Lawyer defending hitler

    Double yes.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)04:10 No.29592764
    Is there a time traveling game? I want a game where you can fuck shit up and cause time paradoxes. Let's say you travel to the past to save some endangered species, but accidently killed a puppy. You go back to the present to find that by killing this puppy, you caused WW2 to change and now Hitler rules the world.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)04:11 No.29592789
    Basically the traditional RPG villain as the main character. You'd think he's supposed to lose, but the game is you accomplishing what you want, be it world domination, kidnapping the princess, and making monsters for the heroes to fight. After they catch up to you, you can escape in an airship, or a boat. Or, leave a body double behind, a la Vinzer Deling. Outsmart the heroes, and depending on how you did everything, you can either become superpowerful and achieve your goal, or lose to the heroes, the world is saved once more. You can get various endings. You can seduce one of the hero characters to the "dark side", and watch as he becomes a boss fight for the heroes, and they have a hard time fighting him/her since he/she is their friend. It'd be great. I just imagined being Garland, but any RPG villain will do, even if it's an original story.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)04:12 No.29592841
    I want Final Fantasy, but with old people as main characters. Like 50-60 year olds.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)04:12 No.29592843
    i would probably play both of those games
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)04:14 No.29592891

    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)04:16 No.29592955
         File :1239005786.jpg-(98 KB, 660x460, MBT_blog_title_43b.jpg)
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    A game about Monster Blood Tattoo. Obscureish Australian book but its excellent fantasy stuff in a Victorian era WITH MONSTERS and ACIDIC SEAS and BIO-ENGINERED MONSTER HUNTERS. Im no good at this, just check it out
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)04:22 No.29593146
    God you guys are awful at making up game ideas. No wonder /v/ hates everything.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)04:23 No.29593151
    Alright, since /v/ is pretty intent on cyborgs, how about this:


    You are in a prison. You have the skills to escape with ease, and don't know how or why you haven't yet, as you have obviously been there a while. You craftily escape, and while running from the law, you get the shit shot out of you. You make your way to a little poor section of town, and pass out. You wake up on a bed, with bandages and stitches all over your body. a woman comes in, and tells you that you were very close to death, but luckily she has found you, and she explains that she was a surgeon "before the war". You ask what the damage done to you was, and she just explains that you were shot A LOT and some of your motor functions may have decreased since you were in a week long coma
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)04:26 No.29593245
    Sonic and the Amazon Adventure
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)04:27 No.29593267
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)04:28 No.29593286
    >villain spelled wrong x 4

    How the fuck did you manage to do that?
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)04:28 No.29593287
    There isn't but I can imagine how hard that would be. Imagine scripting millions of events that you could change, and scripting every single repercussion that originates from that event. Like for example, it's 2 o'clock in the afternoon. You have an appointment with someone at 2:45 p.m. You hear on the news that a person was killed by a swerving car at 2:30 and the news van just happened to catch footage of the incident. You wanna save that person. You go back in time (you're already changing the past if you go to the past on a traditional time machine) and you take your car, which is faster, so you can warn the person so they don't take the path that will lead to their death. Here, you either kill the person accidentally, or arrive just in time to see the person die. The accident took place far away from your house, taking you more than 25 minutes to get back. If you were the one who killed the person, then, it's a time loop, and it was meant to happen. If you didn't, you have the car in the past, and your past self can't take the car to either the meeting or the accident site. A time travel game like that would have too much freedom. Unless they find a way to make the game make the changes in time by its own.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)04:28 No.29593293

    After a week or so, getting to know the woman and her daughter who harbor you, you find out that they are strapped for money and in debt, and have loan sharks after them, and you find out that the woman's daughter Claire is actually whoring herself out for money in desperation. Your charcter decides to aid them, and using a gun that the woman owns, you wait for the loan sharks to arrive, yadda yadda, kill them, followed by some "O NOES, THEY WILL BE AFTER US NOW", and hunting down the rest of the dirty bastards.

    After dealinng with them, you become more known amongst the rundown section of town, and you learn about how the remains of the government is slowly sucking the country dry. Meanwhile, monsters have suddenly popped up, killing people. The most notorious is known as the Archangel, and is themost dangerous.

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