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  • File :1238692319.jpg-(28 KB, 418x288, persona3_ps2.jpg)
    28 KB Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)13:11 No.29428904  
    If you had some creative control over the next Persona game, what would you do with it?

    My thoughts:

    - I think it'd be cool for the game to start in the senior year of high school, but to go into the freshman year of college. Before you get to college, you get the opportunity to ask one of your friends if they'll be your roommate. Of course, this might require the game to go past the 1 year time-frame, but I'd be okay with making it a longer game. Obviously, the university would have to be in the same town as the high school you go to so that you could continue doing social links and meeting with any potential party members that are still in high school.

    - Selectable gender for your character, social links change to reflect this (girls dateable to guy characters, guys dateable to girl characters, etc.)

    - Since P3's main color was blue and P4's was yellow, I'd have P5 be red.

    - Expand social links to have more instances in which more than one character in the game is capable of being a particular social link, like they did in P4 with drama club vs. music club and soccer team vs. basketball team.

    - Expand social links to also include different outcomes of each character's social link storyline depending on different things you say and do.

    - Velvet Room resembles a cruise ship ballroom, with a new resident to replace Margaret.

    - Player enters the Shadow world through books, magazines, comic books, other various forms of literature. Dungeons are based around the kind of literature you entered. Examples: A thriller/mystery detective novel, a superhero comic book, a Playboy-esque/porn magazine for the obligatory sex-themed dungeon, a greek epic, a religious text like the Bible, a newspaper, a children's book, a melodramatic girl's blog, etc.

    That's all I got for now. Feel free to build on my ideas or come up with your own.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)13:13 No.29428955
    If I had creative control over the next Persona game I would cancel it and tell Atlus to do more with the main SMT line gameplay and style.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)13:15 No.29429021
    this, SMT is a good series that is now hated due to Persona 3 and 4 and its totally retarded fanbase
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)13:16 No.29429061
    Why are you entering the other world?

    In P3 you were forced to, and in P4 you did it in order to save people's lives.

    What is the impetus of P5?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)13:21 No.29429235
    >>29428955 here

    I wouldn't call the Persona games bad games at all, but I would agree with the fanbase comment. It's not so much that the Persona games are bad (they aren't), it's more that the fanbase of those games needs to be exposed to the rest of the SMT lineup (Nocturne in particular) and that the gameplay in the other lines (main SMT, DDS, and Devil Summoner) is better on all counts.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)13:24 No.29429354
    Okay, so I heard that the SMT games are grindfests, but I also heard the same about the Persona games and I never had to grind in P3 (except during the answer) or P4 at all. Is it one of those "you have to grind or it's impossible" situations, or more like "if you suck and have no concept of using strategy to overcome a situation instead of brute force, you have to grind."

    tl;dr - Do I really have to grind, or is that just scrubs talkin'?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)13:26 No.29429414

    P3 was blue, black and red
    P4 was yellow, green, and red

    Red should be banned from P5
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)13:27 No.29429452
    just remember kids persona isn't art.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)13:29 No.29429495
    One change: make social links have effects (At least minor ones) on the story parts and have more interaction between each other. I don't need them being story deciding, but I wouldn't mind if my girlfriend actually behaved herself as a girlfriend.

    >it's more that the fanbase of those games needs to be exposed to the rest of the SMT lineup (Nocturne in particular)
    I was exposed to Nocturne. Honestly, I prefer Persona by a looooong shot. I'm not ready to spent two hours in a tedious dungeon with a big encounter rate to get five minutes of story later on.
    Sure designs were great, the story was amazing, but the gameplay. I would rather waste my time reading visual novel in P3-4 and only going to dungeons once in a while. I just couldn't finish it, but may be someday...
    Devil summoner is kinda better in this case, dungeons aren't very long and the story/combat ratio is good. The only problem is really boring combat system, that doesn't work out very well with an action game.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)13:29 No.29429508
    my girlfriend broke up with me because she thought i loved Rise more than her.

    she was right.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)13:29 No.29429525

    Fuck off, SMT Nocturne has that color. Do not steal
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)13:30 No.29429551
    It really depends on your playstyle.

    Grinding can be necessary if you go straight through the story and don't do any of the optional sidequests (although there's no reason why you shouldn't), but even then proper strategy can overcome it. In DDS you will need to grind if you screw up your skill learning patterns (ie: if you don't have the "Repel/Absorb Alignment" spells by a certain point in the game), but that's more the player's fault for not understanding the system.

    The only time when grinding would be required by any means is if you're trying to achieve the True Demon ending on your first time through SMT: Nocturne or if you want to fuse some of the really high level endgame demons on your first playthrough (like Shiva, Metatron, or Beelzebub) since you can't fuse any demons in Nocturne that are above the main character's level (ie: you can't fuse the level 95 Metatron until you yourself are level 95 or above, this limitation is removed on New Game+).
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)13:31 No.29429593

    Oh good point about the social links, I meant to include that and totally forgot. My thought was that at the very least, certain characters would acknowledge your social links with other characters. For example, a few NPCs that say things depending on your social links, rather than the day or what's going on in the overall story. So if you start dating a chick, different people will say "Oh, I heard you and so-and-so are dating...way to go, man"
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)13:32 No.29429600
    >tl;dr - Do I really have to grind, or is that just scrubs talkin'?
    You don't really have to grind for levels (with the exception of few bosses), but you will anyway, because the big part of Nocturne if dungeon crawlan with a pretty damn bad encounter rate. Think Diablo or something.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)13:35 No.29429696

    There's two sides to the Persona fanbase.

    The side that came in with SMT and enjoy Persona.


    The side that posts on Gaia/other Japanophile forums and jumped on the Persona bandwagon literally because LOL ITS JAPANESE XD.

    Every fanbase has two sides to it.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)13:35 No.29429702
    turn-based Diablo?

    no thank you.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)13:36 No.29429740
    my girlfriend got back together with me because she thought that I truly loved her more than Rise

    She was wrong
    >> Rudy 04/02/09(Thu)13:37 No.29429777
    I like the idea of literature being the way you fight shadows, but I don't think it would happen. Persona games are always trying to be relevant to the times, and P5 would probably be set around 2014-2015. If anything, you would go into the internet or something. But I hope they'll do something besides that; even though the themes are usually similiar, the method tends to change with each persona game. 'cept for the fact that there's always a labyrinthine sort of feeling to everything.

    Color, though...P3 was blue because it was depressing. P4 was yellow because it was retro and relatively upbeat. DDS has silver and green, Nocturne has red. P5 would make for a cool purple, or maybe black and white.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)13:38 No.29429800
    OPs suggestions wouldn't work on PS2, meaning I'd have to waste $400 on a PS3, which I will not do,meaning I hate the persona series now
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)13:39 No.29429828
    Just let me play as a girl.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)13:39 No.29429829

    Good call on the purple. I was thinking red as the main color, and then purple being one of the colors to accentuate it like with the green and red in P4. Purple as the main color would be a good choice.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)13:39 No.29429841
    One thing I love about this is that when I play a Persona game, I view it as a personal conquest for women. I fuck every girl I can get my hands on. Which one is my girlfriend, you ask? They all are.

    So when it comes to little things like "your girlfriend sits next to you when the gang hangs out after school" or something like that, I will be surrounded by a veritable harem with my bros backing me up on the other side of the table.

    That would be sweet.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)13:40 No.29429853
    >- Selectable gender for your character, social links change to reflect this (girls dateable to guy characters, guys dateable to girl characters, etc.)

    Needs atleast one female and one male you can date no matter what gender you are.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)13:40 No.29429874
    Poorfag fanboy faggot
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)13:41 No.29429899
    >If anything, you would go into the internet or something.

    4chan confirmed for final boss of Persona 5
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)13:42 No.29429917
    If they will ever make a persona for current gen, it will probably be for Wii. Bigger base, especially in Japan. Or for all consoles at the same time, because their games are still VERY niche, and making it only for one of the consoles would be economically ineffective.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)13:43 No.29429940
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    P5 should have at least one gay social link.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)13:43 No.29429947

    I think literature would still work. There's no reason P5 couldn't be keeping with the times while making literature the method through which you fight shadows. It's not like literature is going to be totally gone, and OP did mention a blog as being one of the dungeons. The method of fighting shadows is less important than keeping with the times than the actual world the player is presented with through school and social links and all that.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)13:44 No.29429978
    I would totally change the fucking awful dungeon designs (no randomly generated shit plox), and I'd get rid of MC dying = game over. It's retarded. Oh okay, the other characters can be revived just fine, but OH NO WE CAN'T JUST REVIVE HIM! I raged fucking hardcore when I powercharged a God Hand and then just died from a 20% high counter, with physical damage being the only way to kill the thing. I mean yeah I should have just done normal God Hands I guess, but fuck.

    I'd like to get rid of limitations about going to the otherworld too. I want to be able to explore the other world without wasting a day I could've used on social links. Is that really too much to ask? Just have something like at the end of the game, where you can go to the shops and stuff, but also you can just go back to the real world.

    OP's college and gender selection are good ideas. Not sure about the literature idea. Maybe dungeons would be only from books that people were reading recently. I don't know.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)13:44 No.29429985
    >If anything, you would go into the internet or something.
    Would be pretty damn stupid, really. I just can't take .hack story seriously. Probably won't be able to handle that.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)13:45 No.29430003
    No girl could ever be as badass as MC or Protagonist. A female lead would never work.

    Plus, the main character is relatively silent. I mean, you have your choices, but no real dialogue. How could you justify a silent female protagonist? They'd have to make like seventy times as many of the talk options for you to really capture the sense of a woman who won't shut the fuck up.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)13:45 No.29430006

    >I'd get rid of MC dying = game over. It's retarded. Oh okay, the other characters can be revived just fine, but OH NO WE CAN'T JUST REVIVE HIM! I raged fucking hardcore when I powercharged a God Hand and then just died from a 20% high counter, with physical damage being the only way to kill the thing. I mean yeah I should have just done normal God Hands I guess, but fuck.

    This, I'm okay for a high difficulty, but when I grind for three hours and an enemy uses mudo/Crits me, I want to snap the disc in half
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)13:47 No.29430055
    >I would totally change the fucking awful dungeon designs (no randomly generated shit plox
    This, fucking this. This is one thing that Persona seriously fails at. Nocturne has great looking dungeons, why can't they do same shit for Persona.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)13:48 No.29430079
    I would set it.....

    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)13:48 No.29430086
    > Not ready to spend two hours in a tedious dungeon
    > Tarturus
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)13:49 No.29430119
    >I want to be able to explore the other world without wasting a day I could've used on social links. Is that really too much to ask?

    In P3, the dark hour didn't take up time from your social links, and in P4 you had a month to save whoever went into the tv and out of that month it would take maybe two days. Maybe. Like, if you suck. Otherwise, the only other days to go into the tv would be rainy days when the rare monsters/items appear and there aren't any social links to do on rainy days anyway.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)13:49 No.29430127

    I'd be down with that, but I do think some randomness to the dungeons is still a good thing. Maybe just an expanded dungeon randomization system, where it's not just the same corridors leading to the same rooms leading to the same stairs just in a different layout. Lots of different corridor styles, room types, and layout possibilites within the randomization for the same dungeon would definitely go a long way.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)13:51 No.29430173


    Anyway, I would like to make the Social links more interactive among themselves (hearing Kou tell me he was going after Chie, who had been my girlfriend for five months, was a bit of a "wait, what? Dude, she's my girl, we're bros, you don't go after a bro's girl!" moment, for example).

    Also, the ability to play Cupid among some characters. In 4, I was frustrated that every girl loved me. I'm not going to be unfaithful, and having to reject every girl and see them alone, despite how much like them, is stupid. I mean, Naoto and Kanji would have worked better than MC and Naoto, anyway!
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)13:51 No.29430192
    Well, think games like summon night where you can pick your character's gender and there's plenty of dialog. it can't be something impossible to code, even for a persona game with hours of text
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)13:51 No.29430193

    There's still the fox social link, night-time social links, fishing, etc. that I miss out on being of that restriction the game(s) have.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)13:52 No.29430217
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    >A female lead would never work
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)13:52 No.29430219

    The cupid idea is kinda interesting. Especially combined with the idea where there are multiple NPCs for the same social links. That way, the girls that you don't go for could end up with the other guys.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)13:52 No.29430221

    sorry, *because
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)13:53 No.29430253
    I only go to the Tartarus and TV world once or twice a month (with the exception of the first few months).
    And after that I have hours of dialogues.
    This is a good ratio. Nocturne has two hours of dungeon, ten minutes of dialogue and off you go to the other dungeon.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)13:53 No.29430254
    >I'd like to get rid of limitations about going to the otherworld too. I want to be able to explore the other world without wasting a day I could've used on social links. Is that really too much to ask? Just have something like at the end of the game, where you can go to the shops and stuff, but also you can just go back to the real world.

    That would ruin the whole "balance your stats, social links, and leveling up" aspect of the game. If you could just go into the other world every day with no penalty, most people would be completely overpowered by the time they reached the first boss.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)13:54 No.29430283
    Current Gen.

    That is all.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)13:55 No.29430301

    Exactly. One of the whole points to the Persona games is balancing your time.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)13:57 No.29430349
    Why? What will it change?
    >> Somewhat Neutral-Chan !!+3hW2oMqHu/ 04/02/09(Thu)13:59 No.29430427
    Female MC
    Initial Persona Scathach
    Final Persona Joan D'Arc
    True Persona Amaterasu

    College setting set in a busy city
    team consisting of 4 boys 2 girls of which one of the boys is in middle school and one boy is about 26 MC is 19 or so

    Theme colors would be Red and Gold
    Type of plot? Revenge Tale
    Cameos from Persona 1,2,4
    Timeline a few more years after P4
    Music Style? Hip Hop + International Pop with some Folk Music depending on the region
    Type of method for persona summoning? Escaping through the chest and the body falls. This makes for battles to have 2 hp bars for the persona and for the body. It costs health to summon personas and you can combine attacks with youre party based on the new social link system that allows for better cooperation from your party during fights.

    Yep you lose control of your party members in this version but the AI gets improved based on social links for them as well as others around you. Say your party member is in critical health if the social link is high enough theyll ask you to heal or help them out if you dont help them theyll get pissed at you and if theyre really furious at you next time youre in critical condition they wont help you either. When you get knocked out as MC you dont get game over but given a few turns before you lose total conciousness and game blacks out for you. It is because of this that making friends with your team is important so they dont let you die.

    anything else? Like? Hate?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)14:00 No.29430446

    I'm all for making it current gen, but not because of graphics or shit like this, but because all this stuff we're talking about would take a lot of extra space, so we probably need some bigger medium here.

    ...problem with that reasoning is, that'd mean the best system to put it is PS3 due to the whole blue-ray massiveness, and I don't have a PS3. Shit.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)14:00 No.29430449

    Texture loading, increased loading times overall, unnecessary detailed anime-characters, it wouldn't really fit with a Persona game. That's what it would do.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)14:00 No.29430479

    I dunno, graphics, more space for voice-acting and other assets for the proposed social link (multiple people) and dungeon expansions, assuming it's on blu-ray.

    Which reminds me: Fully voice-acted social links, please.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)14:01 No.29430492
    The option for a much more expansive game, characters and graphics as well as achievements.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)14:01 No.29430497
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    Everyday's great at your Junes.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)14:02 No.29430538
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    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)14:03 No.29430560
    I meant that a female lead would never work for a Persona game where your character is supposed to be a strong, silent badass whose charisma has his peers willing to follow him to hell and back and even die for him if necessary.

    And now I'm embarrassed. I'm willing to bet that P2 is the worst in the series, though.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)14:04 No.29430580

    No, achievements ruins RPGs. I always feel like I didn't do everything I should've done.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)14:04 No.29430584

    Not sure how I feel about the two separate health bars thing, and I would much rather a selectable gender than a set female MC. I really like your idea about the story being a revenge tale, that'd definitely be a major departure!
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)14:05 No.29430598

    I don't mind most of it. The female main would be a twist on the usual outlook of the games, and most of your ideas are acceptable.

    However, I really, really would hate to have the ability to use actual group tactics taken from me, which is pretty much what making the partners AI again would do. Really, once you've tried it, going back to AI seems really, really bleak.
    >> Rudy 04/02/09(Thu)14:05 No.29430619
    I don't know about P2: Eternal Punishment, but P2: Innocent Sin has a male lead. It's also pretty darn awesome.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)14:06 No.29430634
    best actually
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)14:07 No.29430652
    I picked up Persona 4 not being I had played the previous SMT games, or because I was a weeaboo, but because /v/ kept talking about it so I was curious.

    I like it a lot, it's a game with heart.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)14:07 No.29430664
    The concept of not hogging every girl for yourself is foreign to me. I'm baffled. I don't care how unbearably annoying or ugly they were, I WANTED THEM ALL.

    I was pissed you couldn't pork Hanako in P4.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)14:08 No.29430675
    >I always feel like I didn't do everything I should've done
    Sounds like RPGs are just fine. Your perception of them through entirely optional goals seems a little fucked, though.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)14:08 No.29430679
    I'd make it not suck by removing all the faggotry from it.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)14:09 No.29430715
    You guys are forgetting that Atlus works on a pretty damn tight budget. Graphics won't change a lot, they will be better, but I don't think they will be much better (And none of the current gen JRPGs looked graphically impressive in the first place, wrong genre genre).
    VA, yeah, I guess, but once again, budget problems are possible. They were pretty much skipping the voice acting until their last games, we probably won't get much more.
    Same goes for pretty much anything else. It all will cost too much and will be released for console that doesn't even have a whole lot of fans waiting it.
    Nah, I don't see them making that much content for a current/next gen until may be P6 or 7.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)14:10 No.29430725

    Someone that started the Persona series on 3.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)14:10 No.29430727
    Here's a thought for P6, rather than P5.

    In the final battle, you fight alongside the P3, P4, and P5 mains. Does the typical "all your party members get taken out of the picture and it's just you" thing, and then you go to do your final ultimate game-ending move and...

    it doesn't work.

    And you're like oh shit oh fuck.

    And then fucking ORPHEUS and IZANAGI and YET-TO-BE-DETERMINED MAIN PERSONA FOR P5 bust out and save your ass and then the three other mains run up alongside you and the final battle begins.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)14:10 No.29430731
    >True Persona Amaterasu
    Yukiko already had Amaterasu
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)14:11 No.29430773
    >And now I'm embarrassed. I'm willing to bet that P2 is the worst in the series, though.
    Both P2 tied together are probably the craziest and most interesting game in the series.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)14:12 No.29430818

    Was one of those an expansion or something? I mean, if the one starring the chick was like P2's FES then I hardly count her as an MC.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)14:12 No.29430821
    >- Player enters the Shadow world through books, magazines, comic books, other various forms of literature. Dungeons are based around the kind of literature you entered. Examples: A thriller/mystery detective novel, a superhero comic book, a Playboy-esque/porn magazine for the obligatory sex-themed dungeon, a greek epic, a religious text like the Bible, a newspaper, a children's book, a melodramatic girl's blog, etc.

    This sounds really cool
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)14:13 No.29430836
    3 and 4 are much better, but 2 isn't a bad game. The story is great.

    the protagonist being female in eternal punishment is nothing special since there aren't any social links. 3 and 4 would be a lot different if they had selectable gender
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)14:13 No.29430849
    Never claimed otherwise, broham.

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