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  • File :1238414757.png-(475 KB, 535x765, 1230982931424.png)
    475 KB Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:05 No.29277847  
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:07 No.29277870
    Fucking faggots
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:07 No.29277882
    I didn't know the word gay offended so many gay people

    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:07 No.29277883
    thats gay
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:07 No.29277889
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:08 No.29277906
    I have hundreds of games

    of course I am going to have more fucking games than friends
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:08 No.29277909
    how about you shut the fuck up and get back to sucking dick, queer
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:08 No.29277916
    that's so nigger
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:09 No.29277927
    But, I'M gay and I say stuff is gay.
    >> Kazuma !I5eA/60u5g 03/30/09(Mon)08:09 No.29277934
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    How do you think "that's so gay sounds?" Hateful. So knock it off.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:09 No.29277935
    How the fuck are you supposed to have 200+ good friendships?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:09 No.29277937
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:09 No.29277952
    Honestly, anyone who has even casually played games and is older than 10 has more games than friends.

    I've got about 200 games total. Who has that many friends? And no, those random people on myspace you added because you talked to them once do not fucking count. I mean real friends.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:10 No.29277964
    Offended? Good. Faggot. Go on, offend me. See the difference?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:10 No.29277967
    itt butthurt
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:10 No.29277970
    You can say they are butthurt
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:10 No.29277979

    That's so "Guy who pretends to be friends with everyone on facebook because he doesn't know who his real friends are."
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:10 No.29277981
    That's gay
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:11 No.29277991
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:11 No.29277999
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:11 No.29278002
    i have no friends
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:12 No.29278023
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:13 No.29278046

    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:13 No.29278050
    That guy's black. There's no such thing as black faggies.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:13 No.29278058
    at least i won't get aids from video games
    >> Kazuma !I5eA/60u5g 03/30/09(Mon)08:13 No.29278064
    I have no video games.
    I own a PS3.
    I only own movies.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:14 No.29278077
    Fucking hell, I have more DS games than friends, but really, who has 45+ friends? Not acquaintances, real friends? I have 6 and consider that plenty.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:14 No.29278080
    >> Cyrus !!abIc2O8kqZb 03/30/09(Mon)08:14 No.29278088
    I saw one of the commercial for this a couple of days ago.

    It was this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uEpBYKOs3ys

    I facepalmed so hard.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:15 No.29278098
    the word gay has pretty much lost all meaning at this point it isnt the same thing
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:15 No.29278112
    Playstation 3 has no friends.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:16 No.29278125
    That's so "Guy that gets fucked in the asshole."
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:17 No.29278137
    Oh god I lol'd way harder than I should have.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:18 No.29278158

    i nearly spat my morning tea out. well played that anon.
    >> Cyrus !!abIc2O8kqZb 03/30/09(Mon)08:18 No.29278165

    That's so Sony.
    >> The /v/ Poleesh !93GCE9hnmM 03/30/09(Mon)08:18 No.29278166
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    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:19 No.29278185
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:20 No.29278191
         File :1238415605.jpg-(118 KB, 564x500, 1236945781691.jpg)
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    Tripfiend detected.
    Preparing not to give in shit in 5 seconds.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:20 No.29278193
    Their site is fucking retarded.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:20 No.29278200

    i do hate gays aswell. policefag
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:20 No.29278204
    You should try being a bit more gay more often. I heard today will be a gay ol' day, why not smoke some fags with a friend? Go out camping and get a faggot for your camp fire? It is only the start of a bright new day!
    >> The /v/ Poleesh !93GCE9hnmM 03/30/09(Mon)08:21 No.29278217
    anon is leejun mirite xD
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:23 No.29278262
    >Gamers are the only ones who refer to things as being gay
    >Males are the only ones who refer to things as being gay

    Yeah okay.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:23 No.29278267
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:23 No.29278269
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:24 No.29278297
    Fags need to be less butthurt. Maybe we could describe everything as irish from now on? Who the fuck cares/likes about the irish.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:24 No.29278306
    Don't censor meeee
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:24 No.29278309
    >>29278112 here.
    I just posted that and left the thread. I doubt I'm going to be able to post replies when I didn't even have the thread open.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:25 No.29278316
    Oh and also if you are 18 (which you should be while visiting this site) you should be able to have the brain power to know if you dislike something you shouldn't be doing it. Example, hate what goes on here then DON'T COME HERE.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:25 No.29278318
    kill yourself worthless faggot
    >> The /v/ Poleesh !93GCE9hnmM 03/30/09(Mon)08:25 No.29278331
    yeah that makes sense, sure.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:26 No.29278346

    what happend to my rage on /c/?
    >> Cyrus !!abIc2O8kqZb 03/30/09(Mon)08:26 No.29278352

    Real gay people don't give a fuck. I've heard them say it so many times.

    Its only underage attention whores who complain and whine about crap like this.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:26 No.29278362

    /v/ even.....
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:27 No.29278368
    you whore. Leave now.

    For you have even fewer friends than the PS3 does.
    >> The /v/ Poleesh !93GCE9hnmM 03/30/09(Mon)08:27 No.29278380
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:27 No.29278387
    ever had dick in ur ass faggot?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:28 No.29278401
    funny thing is, the mods and janitors hate you even more than the general userbase does.
    >> Brosef Stalin !y68oC3vPJM 03/30/09(Mon)08:28 No.29278404
    I have every SNES, NES, GBA and N64 game ever made, of course I have more video games than friends.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:28 No.29278411
         File :1238416130.jpg-(35 KB, 435x443, oliver_cromwell.jpg)
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    Not even the Irish. Damned savages.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:28 No.29278412
    literally nobody has more friends than i have video games
    >> The /v/ Poleesh !93GCE9hnmM 03/30/09(Mon)08:28 No.29278417
    in during assumptions of personal opinion
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:30 No.29278454
    worthless faggot is worthless
    >> The /v/ Poleesh !93GCE9hnmM 03/30/09(Mon)08:30 No.29278476
    well, like, that's your opinion, man..
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:31 No.29278477
    ITT: /v/ Police presents a polite suggestion. Gets trolled.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:31 No.29278479
    That's retarded. Low-cost material objects are much easier to collect.

    Bet they aren't bitching at people with more CDs or books than friends though, are they? Fucking hypocrites.
    >> the mods and janitors 03/30/09(Mon)08:31 No.29278482
    No, I pretty much hate you too.

    >> The /v/ Poleesh !93GCE9hnmM 03/30/09(Mon)08:32 No.29278517
    >/v/ Police gets trolled

    this seems legit
    >> Anomynous 03/30/09(Mon)08:32 No.29278522
    Thats so "Magazine-sized Advertising Designer who has no fucking concept of space and spews overcrowded and unpleasing work out of every orifice."
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:33 No.29278537
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    >> the mods and janitors 03/30/09(Mon)08:33 No.29278538
    Because it is.
    >> The /v/ Poleesh !93GCE9hnmM 03/30/09(Mon)08:33 No.29278548
    oh, ok.
    >> the mods and janitors 03/30/09(Mon)08:33 No.29278554
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:33 No.29278555
    get outta here gay people! stop making fun of my video games
    >> The /v/ Poleesh !93GCE9hnmM 03/30/09(Mon)08:34 No.29278570
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:35 No.29278586
         File :1238416503.jpg-(17 KB, 285x306, 1206775135976.jpg)
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    Shit was so Gamer Guy That Has More Games Than Friends
    >> the mods and janitors 03/30/09(Mon)08:35 No.29278594
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    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:35 No.29278607
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    Samefag city.... Boy you sure do want to be accepted.
    >> The /v/ Poleesh !93GCE9hnmM 03/30/09(Mon)08:36 No.29278614
    uh? ok..? lol
    >> The /v/ Poleesh !93GCE9hnmM 03/30/09(Mon)08:37 No.29278644
    has no perception of time, flood detection, etc. Enjoy your self deluded perception of reality.
    >> the mods and janitors 03/30/09(Mon)08:37 No.29278648
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    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:37 No.29278652
    I smell Lanced all over this...
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:38 No.29278667
    This thread is now gay.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:38 No.29278679
    is it dignity? :3
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:38 No.29278685
    I went to their site.

    They have the actual definitions for words like fag, gay, queer, balls. which is fine.

    but then they also have cougar.

    what the fuck is a cougar other than an animal

    i seriously dont know ]:
    >> The /v/ Poleesh !93GCE9hnmM 03/30/09(Mon)08:38 No.29278696
    I give up.. what is it a potato?
    >> the mods and janitors 03/30/09(Mon)08:39 No.29278715
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    >> the mods and janitors 03/30/09(Mon)08:40 No.29278731
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    >> The /v/ Poleesh !93GCE9hnmM 03/30/09(Mon)08:40 No.29278733
    a cougar is supposed to be an older woman who is sexy or some shit idklol
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:40 No.29278749
    You are correct, I have less than 212 friends.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:41 No.29278765
    The difference is playing video games is never going to give you aids.
    >> The /v/ Poleesh !93GCE9hnmM 03/30/09(Mon)08:42 No.29278810
    This just in:

    Scientists discover that sex with females can also give you AIDS!

    and omg breaking story:



    The world is fucked in the gay ass!!
    >> the mods and janitors 03/30/09(Mon)08:43 No.29278827
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    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:43 No.29278837
    Bawwwwwwww. Don't say that the gay community doesn't have a higher concentration of it.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:44 No.29278858
    I'm keeping my previous guess of dignity.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:44 No.29278869

    As far as I know a cougar is a MILF who is pretty confident and predatory. A women over 40 who actively seeks young men.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:44 No.29278873
    Yes, but playing videogames will never ever give you aids faggot.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:44 No.29278879
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:45 No.29278896
    aids is contracted when blood of one type meets blood of another type and the other immune system doesnt accept it.

    So unless the girl you're having sex with is a virgin and you're not using protection, OR you're doing edgeplay, or you're having anal, it's nigh impossible that you'll get aids.

    so, wear a condom, don't have stupid fetishes and dont be a niggerfaggot.

    only fags like anal anyways.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:45 No.29278906
    I thought Africa did?
    >> The /v/ Poleesh !93GCE9hnmM 03/30/09(Mon)08:46 No.29278919
    >> the mods and janitors 03/30/09(Mon)08:46 No.29278925
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    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:47 No.29278945
    I give up.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:47 No.29278952
    >aids is contracted when blood of one type meets blood of another type and the other immune system doesnt accept it.

    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:47 No.29278956
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:47 No.29278958
    Higher not Highest
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:48 No.29278969
    >> The /v/ Poleesh !93GCE9hnmM 03/30/09(Mon)08:48 No.29278980
    herp dee derp derp facts and opinions derpedee durp hurrrrr
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:49 No.29278988
    >> the mods and janitors 03/30/09(Mon)08:49 No.29278989
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    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:49 No.29279005
    Has no perception of 7 proxies. You faggot.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:50 No.29279017
    You don't realize who you're talking to, do you? lol
    >> The /v/ Poleesh !93GCE9hnmM 03/30/09(Mon)08:51 No.29279035
    what's the point in having 7 proxies if you're going to use them in the most asnine way possible? Get fucked more, Jack. ;)
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:51 No.29279036
    the amount of stupidity in this post is overwhelming.
    >> the mods and janitors 03/30/09(Mon)08:52 No.29279061
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    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:52 No.29279065
    Dear god your a faggot.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:52 No.29279067
    About the OP's pic...
    What's the average number of friends that social people have? 15? 20?

    Now say you had 15 or 20 friends, and had to keep your total number of videogames less than that. What would you choose?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:52 No.29279072
    >The world is fucked in the gay ass!!
    As opposed to what? The straight ass?
    >> The /v/ Poleesh !93GCE9hnmM 03/30/09(Mon)08:53 No.29279082
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:53 No.29279092
    You're better off starting a new thread
    >> the mods and janitors 03/30/09(Mon)08:54 No.29279095
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    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:54 No.29279097
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:54 No.29279100
         File :1238417657.png-(62 KB, 736x736, yellow kirby.png)
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    >what's the point in having 7 proxies if you're going to use them in the most asnine way possible? Get fucked more, Jack. ;)
    >ass nine
    >> The /v/ Poleesh !93GCE9hnmM 03/30/09(Mon)08:54 No.29279108
    >> The /v/ Poleesh !93GCE9hnmM 03/30/09(Mon)08:55 No.29279131
    >yellow kirby.png
    i don't post reaction images. :)
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:55 No.29279133
    Every time some faggot says reported, I read it in the voice of a russian heavy tank from Read Alert 1.
    >> the mods and janitors 03/30/09(Mon)08:56 No.29279146
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    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)08:56 No.29279159
    And I don't have AIDS. Little differences makes the world what it is, eh?
    >> The /v/ Poleesh !93GCE9hnmM 03/30/09(Mon)08:57 No.29279175
    well at least you're using your imagination.
    how about a game of pretend?
    >> the mods and janitors 03/30/09(Mon)08:57 No.29279188
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    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)09:00 No.29279255
    'that's so homosexual'
    politically correct version sounds gay.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)09:01 No.29279264
    Most gay people I've been friends with, aside from being pretty funny guys, used 'fag' the most out of anyone else I've known.

    I guess it's kind of like how girls call other girls 'bitch' a lot. If he happened to be in an argument with his boyfriend he'd refer to him as "the little faggot"

    Often insult his penis size too.
    >> The /v/ Poleesh !93GCE9hnmM 03/30/09(Mon)09:01 No.29279273
    how about
    >that sounds so stupid
    >that sounds really dumb
    >that sounds like a bad idea
    >> the mods and janitors 03/30/09(Mon)09:03 No.29279313
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    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)09:05 No.29279377
    Cool story fag.
    >> The /v/ Poleesh !93GCE9hnmM 03/30/09(Mon)09:07 No.29279415
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)09:08 No.29279440
    >the /v/ poleesh
    >> the mods and janitors 03/30/09(Mon)09:09 No.29279469
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    >> The /v/ Poleesh !93GCE9hnmM 03/30/09(Mon)09:09 No.29279476
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    Well; I have clearly won the battle of wits this time /v/ (then again, this IS /v/)

    Until next we meet.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)09:11 No.29279514
    haha no
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)09:11 No.29279516
    More like the battle of faggot thread shitters, faggot.
    >> the mods and janitors 03/30/09(Mon)09:11 No.29279521
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    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)09:12 No.29279544
    or how about
    >you're a faggot
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)09:14 No.29279597
    Faggots go home.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)09:14 No.29279603
    How about
    >that's so retarded
    That's so Raven
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)09:14 No.29279608
    I mean come on, anybody who has played games for more than a few years will probably have hundreds of titles.
    And anybody who claims to have "hundreds of friends" seems to be an attention whore who's friendship isn't worth shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)09:18 No.29279691
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)09:19 No.29279730
         File :1238419187.jpg-(42 KB, 500x700, nazimbarrassment.jpg)
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    your a faggot. You have a conversations with yourself, and even pretend to be lanced jack, and then you have the audacity to leave? YOU ARE REPORTED.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)09:21 No.29279758
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 03/30/09(Mon)09:23 No.29279815
    But do you ever chat or meet with them, or at least one of them?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)09:26 No.29279907
    you faggots.
    the whole point is that being a gamer and having more games then friends IS normal. and that using that as a slur makes no fucken sense, and as you can see, makes all you "gamers" fuckin rage.
    they are making a comparison between this and saying something is "gay" and how all the fags are raging.

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