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    File :1233064338.jpg-(1.75 MB, 3648x2048, IMG_0358.jpg)
    1.75 MB It's snowing, yet University stays open. Anonymous of College Park,MD 01/27/09(Tue)08:52:18 No.2927581  
    I bet even though it's snowing in your area right now, your university is still open, while snowing.

    Anyone having the same situation right now?
    >> Anonymous 01/27/09(Tue)08:54:02 No.2927595
    Snow-free is for little school kids only. You're in university now, grow the fuck up.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/09(Tue)08:55:05 No.2927602
    i;ve had one snow day in my university so far, because snow knocked the power out.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/09(Tue)08:56:01 No.2927609
    i am not a faggot so i didn't go to college.
    but yes, i still have to go to work
    >> Anonymous 01/27/09(Tue)08:57:29 No.2927616
    Homeboy I live in Minneapolis. A couple weeks ago it was snowing and the windchill was -35F. All the public schools closed. My college didn't. One teacher who has been here for 25+ years commented that this place never, ever closes.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/09(Tue)08:58:45 No.2927630
    in ohio, universities don't close unless there's over 2 feet of snow.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/09(Tue)09:02:56 No.2927664

    I'm not OP but where I live if it is snowing badly my life is may be in danger by driving to school.

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