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  • File :1238371251.png-(409 KB, 1170x849, vidyafangirl.png)
    409 KB Vidya Fangirl !9et2gk5xPk 03/29/09(Sun)20:00 No.29253872  
    Here's me /v/
    Now do yourselves.
    >> !OSakaQCVow 03/29/09(Sun)20:02 No.29253923
         File :1238371326.jpg-(13 KB, 246x246, Lanced Jack.jpg)
    13 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)20:02 No.29253925
    Master troll
    10/10, almost raged.
    >> Reliable Ecchi Deliverer Snoipah !5T9qUUJkBY 03/29/09(Sun)20:02 No.29253931
         File :1238371342.jpg-(44 KB, 574x469, trollan.jpg)
    44 KB
    >do yourselves.
    I just did.
    >> Uy !rzm3o0us8E 03/29/09(Sun)20:02 No.29253935
    Do myself? But I can't stretch my penis that far.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)20:03 No.29253963
    2, 3, 7, 12, 13, 14, 16, 22, 26, and sometimes 27.

    Nice work removing 23. The people who picked that one were fucking liars anyway.
    >> [113] 3480 8470 5464 03/29/09(Sun)20:04 No.29254000
    >> Reliable Ecchi Deliverer Snoipah !5T9qUUJkBY 03/29/09(Sun)20:04 No.29254007
         File :1238371454.jpg-(48 KB, 448x473, Scusemewhat.jpg)
    48 KB
    >Lanced Jack.jpg
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)20:05 No.29254028
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)20:06 No.29254078
         File :1238371580.jpg-(27 KB, 268x292, RED.jpg)
    27 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)20:06 No.29254088
    You rage easily.

    You can't be a girl gamer and a gamer girl. It's like being hot and cold at the same time.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)20:06 No.29254090
    Do you ever go the fuck outside?
    When's the last time you've talked to a relatively attractive girl?
    Jesus christ
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)20:07 No.29254124
    3, 13.
    >> 4chan is full of losers Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)20:08 No.29254153
    The Average /v/ user is...

    -Under 18
    -Spends 8 to 10 hours online every day
    -Suffers from IAD
    -Poorly Educated
    -Racially Biased
    -Has few friends
    -Is socially awkward
    -Has anger management problems
    -Suffers from moderate to severe acne
    -Leans towards misoginy
    -Suffers from Mental Illness

    Which of these recently confirmed catagories best fit your personal description?
    >> Reliable Ecchi Deliverer Snoipah !5T9qUUJkBY 03/29/09(Sun)20:08 No.29254160
         File :1238371691.jpg-(35 KB, 325x322, huh.jpg)
    35 KB
    I think you're doen it wrong.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)20:09 No.29254205
    I think you've never talked to a girl
    Enjoy your nolife you fat fuck
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)20:09 No.29254223
         File :1238371778.jpg-(141 KB, 292x278, Alex.jpg)
    141 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)20:10 No.29254258
         File :1238371830.jpg-(9 KB, 320x240, 1235498064263.jpg)
    9 KB
    >> Reliable Ecchi Deliverer Snoipah !5T9qUUJkBY 03/29/09(Sun)20:11 No.29254287
         File :1238371863.jpg-(10 KB, 267x281, Snoipahsadshock.jpg)
    10 KB
    I've talked to a girl, and even if I didn't that's not the point.

    What part of my post thinking that Osaka and Lanced Jack is a samefag hints to that I never talked to a girl? Or are you just being random?
    >> Quagsire !BALDCFdFzA 03/29/09(Sun)20:11 No.29254310
         File :1238371903.png-(410 KB, 1170x849, YEAH I'M BOTH FUCK YOU GUYS.png)
    410 KB
    in during troll ratings
    >> Temüjin !mOaXovPtgA 03/29/09(Sun)20:12 No.29254344
    >girl gamer
    >real gamer
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)20:12 No.29254351
    pokefag, nostalgiafag, and a bit of a tourneyfag at times.

    you're dumb~
    >> Blank !!vqw88ooNTj5 03/29/09(Sun)20:13 No.29254364
    The Average /v/ user is...

    -Under 18
    -Spends 8 to 10 hours online every day
    -Suffers from IAD
    -Poorly Educated
    -Racially Biased
    *************************-Has few friends
    *************************-Is socially awkward
    -Has anger management problems
    -Suffers from moderate to severe acne
    -Leans towards misoginy
    -Suffers from Mental Illness

    Which of these recently confirmed catagories best fit your personal description?

    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)20:13 No.29254395
    -Under 18
    -Spends 8 to 10 hours online every day
    -Suffers from IAD
    -Poorly Educated
    -Racially Biased
    -Has few friends
    -Is socially awkward
    -Has anger management problems
    -Suffers from moderate to severe acne
    -Leans towards misoginy
    -Suffers from Mental Illness

    God, who writes this shit? I don't fit the bill at all.
    >> 4chan is full of losers, posting here wastes your life Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)20:13 No.29254401
    The Average /v/ user is.....

    -Under 18
    -Spends 8 to 10 hours online every day
    -Suffers from IAD
    -Poorly Educated
    -Racially Biased
    -Has few friends
    -Is socially awkward
    -Has anger management problems
    -Suffers from moderate to severe acne
    -Leans towards misoginy
    -Suffers from Mental Illness

    Which of these recently confirmed catagories best fit your personal description???
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)20:15 No.29254457
         File :1238372111.jpg-(10 KB, 167x139, 1235387604028.jpg)
    10 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)20:15 No.29254458
    You're probably some fat loser IRL.
    Enjoy your no girls
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)20:15 No.29254481
    Under 18, Racially biased, suffers from mental disorder.

    Though I think I'm doing okay for the most part.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)20:15 No.29254484
    you forgot the one that complains about a game they never bought
    >> Death 03/29/09(Sun)20:16 No.29254539
    14... 24...

    And 28. The one guy who actually likes playing video games.
    >> Reliable Ecchi Deliverer Snoipah !5T9qUUJkBY 03/29/09(Sun)20:17 No.29254566
         File :1238372241.jpg-(10 KB, 204x207, trippan bawlz.jpg)
    10 KB
    >this thread
    >> Vidya Fangirl !9et2gk5xPk 03/29/09(Sun)20:17 No.29254601
    lol ok
    -Under 18
    -Spends 8 to 10 hours online every day
    Usually no
    -Suffers from IAD
    ADD, and yes I do.
    Not really, but I am letting myself go now that I am married
    -Poorly Educated
    I have a college degree, so probably not.
    -Racially Biased
    Not really
    -Has few friends
    No friends to be precise :(
    -Is socially awkward
    Very much so
    -Has anger management problems
    I said the F word to jesus over 100 times playing F-Zero GX Master Class Diamond cup. Does that count?
    -Suffers from moderate to severe acne
    No I have perfect skin
    -Leans towards misoginy
    No, I hate men too.
    -Suffers from Mental Illness
    Not unless ADD counts

    So thats me. How do the rest of you fit in?
    >> Reliable Ecchi Deliverer Snoipah !5T9qUUJkBY 03/29/09(Sun)20:18 No.29254615
    Why don't you answer my question? What part of my post made you think that?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)20:19 No.29254671

    >implying a college degree means anything at all

    That's really cute. You're just adorable.
    >> Temüjin !mOaXovPtgA 03/29/09(Sun)20:19 No.29254672
    your responsible for half the posts

    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)20:19 No.29254680
    I know where you live you fat fuck
    Give some proof that you've talked to an attractive girl and maybe I won't fuck your fat ass with my large dick
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)20:20 No.29254691
    3, 7, 13, 14, 16 (but not that pretentious), 22, 26
    >> !OSakaQCVow 03/29/09(Sun)20:20 No.29254711
         File :1238372421.jpg-(45 KB, 640x480, 1238096401197.jpg)
    45 KB
    >my post thinking that Osaka and Lanced Jack is a samefag
    Surely you aren't serious though? I can't tell.
    >> Sho_Minamimoto !DRoPZETTAU 03/29/09(Sun)20:20 No.29254716
         File :1238372433.gif-(395 KB, 514x601, Squall in a Wheelchair.gif)
    395 KB
    >Vidya Fangirl
    >> Vidya Fangirl !9et2gk5xPk 03/29/09(Sun)20:20 No.29254730
    You've got a point there, but my degree is in Mechanical Engineering, and I got mY EIT. So mine is worth something.

    And Homer is in Saw RIGHT NOW ZOMG!!
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)20:20 No.29254731
    girl gamer, nostalgiafag (bigtime), and pokefag.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)20:21 No.29254765
    >my large dick
    I lol'd
    and I don't know why.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)20:21 No.29254788
    2. PCfag
    7. Real Gamer
    8. Tourneyfag (Except I don't play SSBM)
    13. Nostalgiafag
    14. Piratefag
    and at times 27, the troll.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)20:22 No.29254811
    2, 3, 13, 14

    -Spends 8 to 10 hours online every day
    -Racially Biased
    -Has few friends
    -Is socially awkward
    -Leans towards MISOGYNY
    >> Death 03/29/09(Sun)20:22 No.29254827
    I've seen Sqaull before...

    And THAT, my good sir, is not Squall.

    That's Sephiroth.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)20:23 No.29254856
         File :1238372597.jpg-(15 KB, 524x446, 3598117_m.jpg)
    15 KB
    10, 13, 26, and 27
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)20:23 No.29254857
         File :1238372597.jpg-(44 KB, 440x634, I'LL FUCK YOU UP.jpg)
    44 KB
    >Internet Toughguy

    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)20:23 No.29254881
    >-Under 18
    >-Spends 8 to 10 hours online every day
    >-Suffers from IAD
    Ever so slightly. I still look good.
    >-Poorly Educated
    Yes. But still more intelligent than 80% of /v/.
    >-Racially Biased
    Show me one person who isn't.
    >-Has few friends
    True. And the few friends I do have, I hate.
    >-Is socially awkward
    Nope. Not that retarded yet.
    >-Has anger management problems
    Nope. I a generally happy person.
    >-Suffers from moderate to severe acne
    Not since high school.
    >-Leans towards misoginy
    >-Suffers from Mental Illness
    Possibly. But I doubt it.

    >> Reliable Ecchi Deliverer Snoipah !5T9qUUJkBY 03/29/09(Sun)20:24 No.29254895
         File :1238372650.jpg-(18 KB, 395x420, dontknowifwant.jpg)
    18 KB
    So since you know where I live you won't answer my question?
    Or does my post tell you where I live?
    Or are you just avoiding the question?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)20:24 No.29254898
    Now now, it depends on if he went to a research college vs technical school or not and what his college degree is in. I'd respect someone that made it into a top engineering college and got a graduate degree from there.
    >> Sho_Minamimoto !DRoPZETTAU 03/29/09(Sun)20:24 No.29254903
         File :1238372656.jpg-(35 KB, 254x218, Annoyed Smoker.jpg)
    35 KB
    Listen bro, I'm pretty fuckin' sure that's Squall.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)20:24 No.29254916
    I love how everyone feels the need to reply to that, defending thesemlves by denying everything on there.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)20:25 No.29254961
    Hey bitchface, I have a girlfriend.
    I'm telling her on msn right now about how hard you're getting trolled
    She's gonna suck my dick yesterday.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)20:25 No.29254990
         File :1238372751.png-(118 KB, 320x240, vlcsnap-634104.png)
    118 KB

    This is me.
    >> Sho_Minamimoto !DRoPZETTAU 03/29/09(Sun)20:25 No.29254994
         File :1238372755.png-(23 KB, 100x100, Minamimoto_100x100_03.png)
    23 KB
    >She's gonna suck my dick yesterday.
    >> Anti-Piratechan !!Oo43raDvH61 03/29/09(Sun)20:25 No.29254996
         File :1238372756.jpg-(105 KB, 630x950, scusemebutwtfrudoin.jpg)
    105 KB

    I do not understand what is going on in this picture.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)20:26 No.29255013

    This. I was just thinking the same thing. The fact anyone even took the time to reply and defend themselves against statements NOT EVEN DIRECTED AT THEM is extremely fucking sad.
    >> Vidya Fangirl !9et2gk5xPk 03/29/09(Sun)20:26 No.29255015
    Research college. USC in fact.
    >> Reliable Ecchi Deliverer Snoipah !5T9qUUJkBY 03/29/09(Sun)20:27 No.29255061
         File :1238372853.jpg-(6 KB, 204x207, SnoipahGrin.jpg)
    6 KB
    >She's gonna suck my dick yesterday.
    Posts like this is why I come to /v/
    >> Sho_Minamimoto !DRoPZETTAU 03/29/09(Sun)20:27 No.29255070
         File :1238372867.gif-(763 KB, 400x300, Intimidating Rin.gif)
    763 KB
    Squall got a little too close to the edge of some stairs. A real tragedy
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)20:28 No.29255094
    Sorry. I never got a chance to fill out that form yet.

    Also, I didn't deny all of it.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)20:28 No.29255102
    But you didn't say what your degree is in.
    >> Vidya Fangirl !9et2gk5xPk 03/29/09(Sun)20:28 No.29255122
    I did it for fun, and half of it was true.
    >> Reliable Ecchi Deliverer Snoipah !5T9qUUJkBY 03/29/09(Sun)20:28 No.29255139
         File :1238372937.jpg-(41 KB, 375x524, chromie.jpg)
    41 KB
    Is this your girlfriend?
    >> Sho_Minamimoto !DRoPZETTAU 03/29/09(Sun)20:29 No.29255151
         File :1238372960.jpg-(17 KB, 514x385, 1237775052105.jpg)
    17 KB
    >> Vidya Fangirl !9et2gk5xPk 03/29/09(Sun)20:29 No.29255168
    Yes I did, right here.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)20:30 No.29255204
    -Under 18 - No
    -Spends 8 to 10 hours online every day - Maybe 5-6?
    -Suffers from IAD - What?
    -Overweight - AHAHAHAHA, no. 5'5", 120lbs, 150 bench, 155 squat, 190 deadlift. ???BF%
    -Poorly Educated - Average?
    -Racially Biased - Fucking niggers... (yes)
    *************************-Has few friends - Maybe? 5
    *************************-Is socially awkward - No.
    -Has anger management problems - No.
    -Suffers from moderate to severe acne - No.
    -Leans towards misoginy - No.
    -Suffers from Mental Illness - No.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)20:33 No.29255304
    2 - 7 - 17 - 20 - 26

    -Spends 8 to 10 hours online every day
    -Suffers from IAD
    -Poorly Educated
    -Racially Biased
    -Has few friends
    -Is socially awkward
    -Has anger management problems
    -Leans towards misoginy
    -Suffers from Mental Illness
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)20:34 No.29255336
    You now realize that Games=Artfag is attempting to burn Moralfag's money.
    >> Anti-Piratechan !!Oo43raDvH61 03/29/09(Sun)20:34 No.29255365
    Well let's see here.

    I am

    2. PCfag

    15. Moralfag

    25. Tripfag
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)20:36 No.29255432

    I'm curious, what exactly was No. 23?

    Also, 4, 5, and 21 seem to describe me best.
    >> Death 03/29/09(Sun)20:36 No.29255437
    No fucking way that's Squall.

    It's TOTALLY Sephiroth.
    >> Sho_Minamimoto !DRoPZETTAU 03/29/09(Sun)20:37 No.29255463
         File :1238373445.jpg-(18 KB, 354x308, Pac man's human form.jpg)
    18 KB
    Nah bro, that's Squall
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)20:38 No.29255493
         File :1238373500.png-(10 KB, 161x196, mandy.png)
    10 KB
    >> Death 03/29/09(Sun)20:38 No.29255514
    No! It's not! Definitely not.

    If it's not Sephiroth, it has to be an original character.
    >> Vidya Fangirl !9et2gk5xPk 03/29/09(Sun)20:39 No.29255540
    The one guy who actually likes games. It was a dumbass catagory for /v/
    >> Sho_Minamimoto !DRoPZETTAU 03/29/09(Sun)20:40 No.29255555
         File :1238373605.jpg-(26 KB, 405x439, Zangief posing for photo shoot.jpg)
    26 KB
    Quit trying to troll me, I'm not falling for it. It's fucking Squall.
    >> Death 03/29/09(Sun)20:41 No.29255623
    You are crazy.

    Absolutely crazy.
    >> Vidya Fangirl !9et2gk5xPk 03/29/09(Sun)20:42 No.29255654
    Sho_Minamimoto you need to quit fucking up my threads. I could email you some n00dz of myself if that would help convince you ;)
    >> Sho_Minamimoto !DRoPZETTAU 03/29/09(Sun)20:42 No.29255668
         File :1238373773.jpg-(39 KB, 508x608, Nero coughing up phlegm.jpg)
    39 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)20:42 No.29255671
         File :1238373776.jpg-(3 KB, 111x84, AARRRGGG.jpg)
    3 KB

    >5 5's
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)20:44 No.29255720
    First off, your title seems to assume we have anything better to do, and that doing anything that isn't the rat race or the pursuit of sex for validation is the only worthwhile thing in life.

    Personally, I find talking with anonymous people fun and amusing.

    -Under 18

    Yes, but I'm only a few months from being non-underage ban.

    -Spends 8 to 10 hours online every day

    5-6 more like.

    -Suffers from IAD

    No, I spend a lot of time on it, but I don't have to "force" myself off.


    Nope, in fact I've lost weight

    -Poorly Educated


    -Racially Biased

    No, I'm already biracial, being racist would be retarded.

    -Has few friends

    Yes, the joy of being an awkward child.

    -Is socially awkward

    Sort of, used to be.

    -Has anger management problems


    -Suffers from moderate to severe acne


    -Leans toward misogyny

    Corrected your spelling there, and no.

    -Suffers from Mental Illness

    I don't know.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)20:45 No.29255754
    nostalgia and artfag, anyone else?
    >> !OSakaQCVow 03/29/09(Sun)20:46 No.29255815
         File :1238373974.jpg-(136 KB, 1024x768, 9eb5186173d3a92768694745b6db67(...).jpg)
    136 KB
    >> Death 03/29/09(Sun)20:47 No.29255863
         File :1238374026.jpg-(17 KB, 465x317, Whatswrongwithyoupeople.jpg)
    17 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)20:47 No.29255878
    1. Consolefag
    3: IDORT
    5. Casualfag
    14: Piratefag
    18/19: RPG fan
    21: Pokefag

    also, as far as you go OP, funny how you are both 9/10 and 15. do i see a correlation?
    >> Anti-Piratechan !!Oo43raDvH61 03/29/09(Sun)20:47 No.29255883
         File :1238374050.jpg-(201 KB, 800x443, 1237686890390.jpg)
    201 KB
    >> Vidya Fangirl !9et2gk5xPk 03/29/09(Sun)20:49 No.29255958

    What are you trying to say?
    >> Sho_Minamimoto !DRoPZETTAU 03/29/09(Sun)20:50 No.29256014
         File :1238374219.png-(11 KB, 199x223, Loud English Major.png)
    11 KB
    Why would I need n00dz of you? I'm a tripfag, and as an extention to being a tripfag, I have a supermodel girlfriend. Haven't you guys ever met Chicken or Croagunk?
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 03/29/09(Sun)20:50 No.29256016
    I own two consoles (PS2, Xbox), a Nintendo DS, and a mid-range laptop computer for games, and I do not fit any of those stereotypes at all.

    As for this:
    >Under 18
    I'm 20 years of age, 21 within the next few weeks
    >Spends 8 to 10 hours online every day
    Yes, true
    >Suffers from IAD
    Wut''s IAD?
    I actually weigh 125 pounds
    >Poorly Educated
    I'm currently in college and have a High School Diploma
    >Racially Biased
    Proudly anti-racist and anti-fascist
    >Has few friends
    Sad, but yes I have few friends
    >Is socially awkward
    Vidya games, at least I won't get a criminal record for underage drinking, or get a STD for having sex unprotected on weekends
    >Has anger management problems
    >Suffers from moderate to severe acne
    >Leans towards misoginy
    I'm actually a male who supports feminists.
    >Suffers from Mental Illness
    >> Death 03/29/09(Sun)20:51 No.29256103





    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)20:52 No.29256145
    -Under 18
    -Spends 8 to 10 hours online every day
    -Suffers from IAD
    -Poorly Educated
    -Racially Biased
    -Has few friends
    -Is socially awkward
    >nope, I'm quite charming, actually.
    -Has anger management problems
    >It's not a problem. I can act however I want without problem. Because I'm worthwhile.
    -Suffers from moderate to severe acne
    >nope. I get the occasional spot and deal with it, but not enough to be considered acne.
    -Leans towards misogyny
    >Yes. lern2spell fgt. I hate males too.
    -Suffers from Mental Illness
    Uhm. Never been officially diagnosed with anything.
    can't say I think I'm uhm, Normal, though.
    >> Sho_Minamimoto !DRoPZETTAU 03/29/09(Sun)20:53 No.29256201
         File :1238374428.png-(11 KB, 400x400, Sho Butthurt.png)
    11 KB
    Oh but I do! She helps me type and raises my cup to my mouth for me. ;_;
    >> Death 03/29/09(Sun)20:55 No.29256262
    >> Sho_Minamimoto !DRoPZETTAU 03/29/09(Sun)20:55 No.29256274
    >> Death 03/29/09(Sun)20:56 No.29256307
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)20:56 No.29256308
    no one cares that youre a girl, fuck off, you attention whoring daddy hating piece of shit, you wont get the validation you seek here, cunt
    >> Artist !9EiSPkpBJc 03/29/09(Sun)20:57 No.29256343
         File :1238374620.png-(221 KB, 500x618, unacceptable.png)
    221 KB
    You're looking at your mother naked?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)20:57 No.29256345
    Calm the fuck down.
    75% of /v/'s tripfags are female

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