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  • File :1238202569.jpg-(19 KB, 400x300, Imrinfected's Halo CE time.jpg)
    19 KB IMRINFECTED'S HALO CE TIME Imrinfected !!toD3+hC9ws/ 03/27/09(Fri)21:09 No.29158414  
    Who's your favorite host?

    Let's get some coldsnap going!

    Halo CE Install (86 MB): http://rapidshare.com/files/18941703/HCustomE.rar
    Alt: http://www.mediafire.com/?fm2whzimyz0

    Maps (260 MB): http://www.megaupload.com/?d=6FNGE116

    If you downloaded my other map pack(Not the map packs posted by Joe or other hosts), then just download this, which includes only the new maps(Not coldsnap, hugeass, and other favorites.)
    >> Imrinfected !!toD3+hC9ws/ 03/27/09(Fri)21:11 No.29158475
    Q: Do I need a keygen/crack for this to work?
    A: Nope. Just the contents of that RAR.

    Q: Why is the installer so small?
    A: It's only the multiplayer version of Halo CE, and it's been heavily compressed. Don't worry, it's not a virus.

    Q: Will my original Halo CD work with this?
    A: I don't think so, bro. Just download the RapidShare.

    Q: Do I need the map pack?
    A: You sure do.

    Q: Why aren't we playing on Blood Gulch/Sidewinder/Hang 'Em High?
    A: There are plenty of public servers devoted to just that. Variety is the spice of life.

    Q: How do I join a game?
    A: After creating a profile, go to Multiplayer -> Join Game -> Internet (or Direct IP if the host lists one). Click Get List and look for /v/idya,

    vidya, or something similar. Sort by name and scroll to v or /. The password is always rage.

    Q: Help! Why can't I see chat messages in-game?
    A: Run msxmlenu.msi found in the \redist\ folder of your Halo install. If you don't have it, download it here: http://files.filefront.com/msxmlenumsi/;6552295;/fileinfo.html

    Q: I STILL can't see chat messages. What do I do?
    A: Exit Halo, go to Start>Run and type "regsvr32 msxml4.dll" (Without quotes) and hit OK.

    >> Imrinfected !!toD3+hC9ws/ 03/27/09(Fri)21:12 No.29158517
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    Q: Halo sucks! Why would I want to play this?
    A: In most of these maps, the game has been so heavily modified that it's something else. Metroid and ace combatan maps are fine examples.

    Q: When I start the game, it loads and I can hear the music but see no menu items. I can hear the menu beep sounds, though. How do I fix this?
    A: Most new video drivers especially those for Vista now have the anti-aliasing set to ON as default. You need to turn off or set to application controlled the anti-aliasing setting in your video driver. Be sure you set it for the haloce.exe program and not just Halo (halo.exe).

    Q: I'm not from the USA. Can I still play?
    A: Of course you can.. If there's below 7 players including you. The lag gets too bad after that, expecially on large maps. Make your own server for like-located players so to cut down on lag.

    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)21:13 No.29158568
    Oh kay i'll play halo with you let me just fire up my xbox... wait you want to play on PC lol you fag xbox is weer its at
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)21:13 No.29158571
    >Who's your favorite host?

    Unwarranted self-importance.

    >Let's get some coldsnap going!

    Get the fuck out.
    >> (Yes, that's goldeneye in the pic) Imrinfected !!toD3+hC9ws/ 03/27/09(Fri)21:13 No.29158574
         File :1238202815.jpg-(169 KB, 1600x900, 3screenshot00.jpg)
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    In my latest map pack, you will find the following maps:

    Chronopolis_C3_Public_Beta0.2: A city map with breakable windows, magnums, and motorcycles. 9/10
    Church: A not-so-religious highly detailed map that's perfect for slayer matches. 10/10, but runs slow on some machines.
    Coldsnap: One of the best maps, and one of my favorites. Jets, Nukes, Mechs, and an xbox hueg nuke-firing cannon bearing spider tank. 10/10
    DMT-Cairo Station: An extremely balanced map with aspects from Coldsnap and Hugeass. 8/10, better if played on foot.
    DMT-Goldeneye_Stack-BETA: You read it right. Goldeneye. Nostalgia/10
    dmt-od_crossfire: A map that's not halo anymore. Apparently heavy drug references, but an excellent map. 10/10
    foresttemple: The forest temple from OoT. Working hookshots, master sword, bows. Not only is this a good nostalgia map, but it's really fun. 10/10.
    Hugeass: Renowned for it's huegness even though coldsnap outweighs it's hueg by far. Base to base, jet to jet. A fun map. 9/10
    Luigi_raceway: I hated that Rainbow Road was a troll map. You /v/irgins wanted a race map, so I'm giving you one. No rating.
    Mystic: The Forest Temple again.. But with Motor cycles! 9/10
    Needleosity: Someone asked for this map. I'm sure it will be very fun. Right? No rating.
    TallonIV Overworld RC1: METROID FUCK YEAR! A total conversion into multiplayer Samus goodness. 10/10
    Tusken_Raid: Mechwarrior and Star Wars combined. 8/10
    Yoyorast_Island: The internet INSISTS that this is a good map. I never liked it. 7/10
    >> Imrinfected !!toD3+hC9ws/ 03/27/09(Fri)21:14 No.29158618
         File :1238202874.jpg-(95 KB, 1600x900, 4screenshot00.jpg)
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    Why are you a good host?

    Because I don't spam shitty maps and won't kill you until you ragequit. Not anymore, anyway. Jim.. Bob.. JOE! Is a dickhead. Malkavian JD is just

    spiteful. Arm Commander, Loli, and other fine people are pretty kickass though. I got my interent upgraded not long ago, so as long as the 13k 3rd world

    country players stay out, there shouldn't be much or any lag.

    As for all of you that hate me for one reason or another, stop whining and show me how much you hate me by killing me in-game.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)21:15 No.29158644
    >Imrinfected !!toD3+hC9ws/

    derp derp
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)21:15 No.29158648
    >> attention-whoring tripfag
    >> Imrinfected !!toD3+hC9ws/ 03/27/09(Fri)21:15 No.29158664
    The server is /v/IDYA
    Pass is rage

    Alternatively, you can direct connect to my IP:
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)21:15 No.29158676
    Quick question.. every time i look at the server list, i never see any /v/irgin server, Do you guys mostly use Hamachi or what?
    >> Metalitron !!5uEcH4lpiYj 03/27/09(Fri)21:16 No.29158692
    >so as long as the 13k 3rd world
    country players stay out, there shouldn't be much or any lag.
    Fucking Brazillians have found about about Halo.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)21:16 No.29158709
    > attention whoring tripfag
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)21:16 No.29158712
    You are the cancer killing Halo CE. Have fun playing with 3 people.
    >> Imrinfected !!toD3+hC9ws/ 03/27/09(Fri)21:16 No.29158715
    I try to make it as obvious as possible that it's me hosting, as there have been many hosts for this in the past that sucked really bad. Enormous lag, spawn killing(I'm guilty of these on occasion, but I'm learning) and most of all, LOL RAINBOW ROAD HALO BALL I TROL U
    >> Imrinfected !!toD3+hC9ws/ 03/27/09(Fri)21:18 No.29158780
    Most likely, and they're lagging up the game. I don't like kicking people, but some times I have to do it.

    Since you downloaded my other map pack, download the second link for the new maps.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)21:18 No.29158790
    wern't you that guy who created a thread on usernames and declared that you're going to become a tripfag?
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)21:19 No.29158812

    Need to go into the filtering options and have it display custom maps.
    >> Imrinfected !!toD3+hC9ws/ 03/27/09(Fri)21:19 No.29158825
    Like I said, if you don't like me, why don't you trying beating me? I don't think you can.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)21:20 No.29158865

    Every other host is better than you. You are just a bitter fag trying to ruin the scene with your own faggotry.
    >> Imrinfected !!toD3+hC9ws/ 03/27/09(Fri)21:20 No.29158868
    Oh shit, someone remembers that?
    >> Metalitron !!5uEcH4lpiYj 03/27/09(Fri)21:20 No.29158876
    Two minutes left, I hit it the moment you linked the thread.
    I've played some random games, it's mostly non-english speaking tards nowadays, ratehr than 14 year old tards from North America, though I did meet one on my first game since installation. It's funny how they can bitch at you and call you a nigger for using a rocket hog, but if they do it, it's fine.
    Good thing I handed his ass to him and made him ragequit.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)21:21 No.29158898
    > attention whoring tripfag

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