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    621 KB OP is a fag !!ddiSWC7wdLB 03/26/09(Thu)20:09 No.29106516  
    How does this look?

    Inb4 loldell/build your own, I'm too stupid to build my own.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)20:10 No.29106559
    >I'm too stupid to build my own

    That implies you are too stupid to build with legos too.
    >> OP is a fag !!ddiSWC7wdLB 03/26/09(Thu)20:12 No.29106642
    Yes, if legos were fragile pieces of equipment, each costing several hundred dollars, and easily fucked up by people who don't know what they're doing.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)20:13 No.29106676
    Then fucking go to a site that builds it FOR you.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)20:14 No.29106712
    It's really not that hard, dude..
    >> OP is a fag !!ddiSWC7wdLB 03/26/09(Thu)20:14 No.29106736
    And I thought I was stupid.
    >> OP is a fag !!ddiSWC7wdLB 03/26/09(Thu)20:15 No.29106774
    My heads fucked up, so for me it is.
    Wires wires everywhere, plug ins everywhere, different slots, figuring out how the fuck to attach the dvd drives and hard drives to the case

    I'm basically legally brain dead.
    >> !Coil.l/07o 03/26/09(Thu)20:16 No.29106791
    jesus, are you stupid? go to fucking tigerdirect and ask somebody, also, who the fucks pays 4 grand for a computer?
    >> Anonymoose !!VYPxQEQRSJe 03/26/09(Thu)20:16 No.29106827
    >Subtotal $4,461
    You could get a computer that rivals that one for 1/4th of the price.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)20:19 No.29106938
    If you're worried about fucking it up, try to find someone to help/do it for you. It'll be so much cheaper, man.
    >> OP is a fag !!ddiSWC7wdLB 03/26/09(Thu)20:19 No.29106946
    Yes, and risk fucking it up with my stupidity.

    You know if I'm considering paying 4000 for a computer, I'm stupid.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)20:20 No.29106965
    You realise you're ordering a wireless router, and no wireless network card?

    Instead, you have some expensive normal LAN card thing.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)20:21 No.29107005
    Dw bro, there are places that can import parts and build it for you. They're usually privately owned computer stores, and they do a good job. You'll be paying a LOT less than what you would buying that Dell thing.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)20:21 No.29107049
    Learn how to read
    building one is easy as fuck
    >> OP is a fag !!ddiSWC7wdLB 03/26/09(Thu)20:22 No.29107071

    What, so do I just go to them and tell them all the different parts I want?

    Or do I order all the parts, then take it to them?

    No idea.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)20:23 No.29107119
    this should really be in /g/
    >> IaMjAcK !!0OgT4+37s3N 03/26/09(Thu)20:23 No.29107151
    Shit man if you want to spend that much, go here:

    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)20:24 No.29107190
    OP if you're not techy enough to build your own then you shouldn't be getting all of that junk anyway.

    That's some seriously high end stuff that you probably won't be taking advantage of anyway

    And if you're trying to futureproof it, then don't. BROTIP - You can't futureproof it anyway
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)20:26 No.29107252
    Well, you can do either.
    Like, parts have to go together; you cant just put whatever on whatever and expect it to work.
    Motherboards can only carry certian brands of cpu/video card.
    Some research on google is always good. Find out which video card/cpu you want, and then find the appropriate motherboard. If it's incompatible, for say, the cpu, find a new cpu. They'll definately be able to help you with all this
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)20:26 No.29107254
    >>2GB Video Card

    what the fuck

    I bought a pre-made PC for $500 and a graphics card for $150 and I can play pretty much everything on high, its nothing special
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)20:26 No.29107269
    God damn, bad troll is baaaaaaaaaad.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)20:27 No.29107279
    Wtf? did you just bring up the dropdown list and go directly to the thing at the bottom and most expensive?

    your doing it wrong.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)20:27 No.29107287
    There are also sites that sell the parts, and build it as part of a package.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)20:28 No.29107338
    >>2 GB Video Card
    >>6GB RAM
    >>1TB HD

    are you working at fucking pixar or something man
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)20:28 No.29107359
    OP is a troll is more like it.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)20:29 No.29107374
    It's not really that easy either.

    I'm sure you know jack shit about cars and would get upset if an elitist would tell you to change your own brake pads
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)20:30 No.29107403
    >Motherboards can only carry certian brands of cpu/video card.
    HAHAHA WHAT? Do you actually know what determines these things or do you assume that certain brand names always play nice together?
    >> OP is a fag !!ddiSWC7wdLB 03/26/09(Thu)20:31 No.29107478
    I have a habit of downloading lots and lots of shit, and never wanting to get rid of a lot of it.

    Also, need constant smooth fps in games.
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 03/26/09(Thu)20:32 No.29107505
    Oh, hello there triptard. I've seen this same thread on /g/ and already gave you advice there. So I'll sage this thread.

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