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03/25/09(Wed)21:54 No.29059998PC will always be superior to gaming consoles that could possibly be created even in the future, let alone exists today.
This is due to one simple benefit of PC's: Diversity.
you look at the Playstation or Xbox 360, they only have one, maybe two
franchises respectively that can be considered "AAA"-systemsellers.
Those are MGS, Final Fantasy, Master Chief and it really ends there
really. Maybe Heavy Rain.
But, the PC have the greatest number
of different quality games in history. There are franchises like
Crysis, Europa Universalis, Total War, UFO, Steel Fury, Neverwinter
Nights, Mount&Blade, Hearts of Iron, Heroes of Might and Magic, and
I, he-he, could continue endlessly. These are just the hardcore
franchises, so that's not mentioning casual games like SingStar, Buzz
and so on.
Now you see that PC is truly superior and the it will
always be the best system. Before you think I am trolling, please look
at my name; I am anonymous. Because I do post as anonymous, everything
I said above is no longer just my opinion, it becomes valid fact that
you cannot argue against.
This post should have no replies at
all, but everybody should read it, since it is now the one truth. This
is all due to my anonymous status on /v/. My opinion, though
subjective, suddenly becomes the general accepted truth in your life.
Face it. |