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  • File :1238008549.jpg-(49 KB, 960x403, matrix09.jpg)
    49 KB Anonymous 03/25/09(Wed)15:15 No.29042943  
    "why do my eyes hurt?"

    "because you never played a real game"
    "they were all streamed to you since birth"
    >> Anonymous 03/25/09(Wed)15:17 No.29043003
    I lol'd.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/09(Wed)15:17 No.29043018
         File :1238008659.jpg-(47 KB, 150x164, gdc-09-onlive-announcement-and(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/25/09(Wed)15:18 No.29043042
    inb4 onlive thread
    >> Anonymous 03/25/09(Wed)15:18 No.29043051
    laughing at your own joke, OP?
    >> Anonymous 03/25/09(Wed)15:19 No.29043072
    my problem is there is no ownership of the games.
    once that company goes out... what happens to all my games?
    >> Anonymous 03/25/09(Wed)15:19 No.29043080
    I don't have a reaction face with which to respond to this thread.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/09(Wed)15:20 No.29043118
    So what if I am, faggot?
    Got a problem with that?
    >> Anonymous 03/25/09(Wed)15:21 No.29043170
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    >> Anonymous 03/25/09(Wed)15:23 No.29043265
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    >> Anonymous 03/25/09(Wed)15:25 No.29043339
    don't worry shit's never gonna fly

    Phantom II amirite?
    >> Anonymous 03/25/09(Wed)15:29 No.29043518
    What I really hate is that (if it works, if it's not a joke/scam) marketing guys will decide what games go on there.

    What's that? You want to play Deus Ex? Well, you can't, we're not wasting our servers on a game that will only attract a small amount of people.

    This is why games need to stay in physical forms. If I want to buy a used, old game that I missed out on, I should be able to.

    If this really is the future, then the future sucks. No more physical games, no more actually owning the games, having to pay a monthly fee, etc. You'd have to stay connected to the internet 24/7. Oh, whoops, you got disconnected for some reason, or our servers had a little hiccup. All your current save data is lost. :D

    What if I'm going on an overseas trip, but I want to bring my laptop along for some gaming? Whelp, can't do that because I'm offline.
    >> Tripfags Killed My Family !!2G2s5HGqyCt 03/25/09(Wed)15:31 No.29043601
         File :1238009515.jpg-(17 KB, 540x330, duracell_matrix.jpg)
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    handheld games "consoles" needed these
    >> Anonymous 03/25/09(Wed)15:33 No.29043657
    You can play Stalker:SoC on Gametap, have some faith.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/09(Wed)15:36 No.29043775
    what is gametap anyway? do you still have to DL and install the game?
    >> Anonymous 03/25/09(Wed)15:39 No.29043895
    even if some games were exclusive on there servers...

    not hard for someone to leak or splinter cell the damn servers and leak it as a torrent/
    >> Anonymous 03/25/09(Wed)15:39 No.29043899
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    >I was told there would be curley fries
    >> Anonymous 03/25/09(Wed)15:39 No.29043903

    EA assimilates them
    >> Anonymous 03/25/09(Wed)15:40 No.29043925
    OnLive viral marketers are the cancer killing /v/
    >> Anonymous 03/25/09(Wed)15:41 No.29044013

    Fail conspiracy theories about OnLive is the cancer killing /v/
    >> Anonymous 03/25/09(Wed)15:42 No.29044024
    Depends on the game. Looks like you have to download Stalker, but you can play Metal Slug games through your browser.

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