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  • File :1237696907.png-(118 KB, 256x365, Extermination_Coverart.png)
    118 KB Survival Horror Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)00:41 No.28871091  
    Alright /v/,

    With all this RE5 hullabaloo, and as much as I enjoy it, I wanted to catch up on Survival Horror I have missed in the past. I have all the REs and Silent Hills, Fatal Frames and Clock Towers. I also have most of the Dreamcast games, like P2.

    So, what survival horror do you reccommend? I want to pick up Kuon, and I've been told to get Siren 2, but someone said it was for PS3 and...I haven't seen it for PS3, only PS2 so I assume I'll get it for that.

    People have said Extermination was alright, and since I can get it for like 4 bucks, it may be worth it.

    Anything else?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)00:42 No.28871140
    It's not Siren 2 for PS3. But it is impossible to find.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)00:43 No.28871176
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    >Survival Horror
    >> ♪└|∵|┐♪UNDERSTAND♪└|∵|┘♪UNDERSTAND♪┌|∵|┘♪!! !!CH50/07oMAP 03/22/09(Sun)00:44 No.28871212
    Rule of Rose

    Haunting Ground
    >> Writefag Chronicles !42DalLaSf2 03/22/09(Sun)00:45 No.28871240
    The PS3 Siren is cool. I managed to snag an import copy, it's pretty crazy.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)00:46 No.28871262
    mmm Extermination. I only ever played the demo on the first JAMPAK demo disc I got. I lurved it, but was 13 and could not afford to buy it. It was like The Thing, but better.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)00:48 No.28871361

    Which is why I asked for old Survival Horror games, so I could play one and not fun actiony horror games.

    Keep up, junior.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)00:51 No.28871441
    RE5 isn't even a horror game
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)00:51 No.28871463
    Alright, found the Siren game for PS3.

    Is it Siren: Blood Curse or Siren: New Translation?
    >> B. Demented !!AjYvQaW7p7z 03/22/09(Sun)00:51 No.28871464
    You got a PS2.
    Good choice for horror games.

    Clock Tower 3, great if you can somehow block out the sailor moon portion of the game.

    The Silent Hill Games.
    0, interesting direction with melee combat rarely seen in horror games.
    2, praised as the best but honestly form your own opinion on. Great scares but mostly atmosphere.
    3, the best Silent Hill to date. The best control scheme. The best items, the best replay. It's simply better than what most games attempt to do.
    4, possibly the weakest silent hill but still the storyline and game are as strong as the rest.

    Rule of Rose, game got bad rep because of people bitching about sequences they never saw.

    Kuon is a must an infinte health limited weapon horror game with no real damage meter. Also 9 hit mode is fucking awesome. The dubbing is HORRIBKLE.

    You've already mentioned Extermination.

    Cold Fear. It's essentially the Thing at Sea, it's also one of the games that built the foundation for Dead Space. ( The Exomorphs, creatures that can take control of DEAD bodies and turn them into weapons that attack you at any time. Quite a head of it's time.)

    Run Like Hell
    More of an action horror game also one of the Foundations of Dead Space. Biomorphs, creatures that recombine the flesh of the dead into new creatures. I honestly recommend the Xbox version ( as if anyone actually played it) because it has more creatures ( because it came
    out a year later...)

    The Fatal Frame Series.
    1. Hard as hell to find but an excellent start.
    2. Was fun, avoid the Xbox version unless you liked being called a pedo by your friends.
    3. Annoying. Difficult. Scary as fuck.

    Hold up . I have to get up and check my games. I know I have more..
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)00:52 No.28871515
    extermination was a great fucking game
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)00:56 No.28871640

    Much thanks.

    SH3 actually had a few downright scary moments for me. Specifically the mannequin in the room that when you turn around, you hear a dull thud and maniacal giggling, and then turn back and its head is off with blood everywhere.

    And the room with the mirror, where it slowly changes in the mirror until all the black oozing stuff oozes out into the real world and then creeps more and more until your reflection stops moving and you can't leave until the other world takes over.
    >> B. Demented !!AjYvQaW7p7z 03/22/09(Sun)00:59 No.28871753

    A 2-player Co-Op horror game.
    Enemies are plant based creatures weak against light, therefore your only source of light is the best way to weaken them before you kill them.
    A character dies, they die for good.
    No continuing with that character.
    No reviving. It's all final destination.
    The game WILL not end unless all the characters are dead. Problem, it's kinda easy.

    For a laugh. Play this game and then look at the newly revealed "source" of the progitator virus in Re5. Then laugh at the RE writers for ripping off a game nobody played or cared about.

    One important thing. Alot of people shyed away from it because of the back of the box. The opening song of the game is preformed by Sum 41. Great reason to avoid an awesome game right?

    Obscure 2
    God. How could a company go wrong?
    They kept the two player aspect but removed the continue playing if a character died aspect forcing you to keep both characters alive in order to continue.
    The powers are more varied and more interesting, the story is lamer and finding out who didn't make it officially is a letdown. Worth a rental, just so you can play the Dueling Chainsaw QTE.

    Haunting Ground.
    I loved this game, You take the Dog companion aspect of Rule of Rose and the Fear meter from ClockTower 3. You get one of the more disturbing fun horror games on the market.
    Essentially, you're trapped in a castle, nowhere to run with a loyal dog they're trying to get something from inside of you. You don't know what, but you don't want to find out.

    IAlso, it has one of the funniest alternate endings for a horror game outside of Silent Hill.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)00:59 No.28871756
    Penumbra Overture and Black Plague are worth checking out, and Call of Cthulhu: DCotE is obligatory
    >> Writefag Chronicles !42DalLaSf2 03/22/09(Sun)01:01 No.28871809

    Both. New Translation is the Euro/Japan release, Blood Curse is it in America.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)01:04 No.28871900

    Anything worth getting one over the other?


    Played 'em. Great fun. Until DCOTE fatal'd cause those three fucking island sorcerors never spawned.
    >> Writefag Chronicles !42DalLaSf2 03/22/09(Sun)01:06 No.28871952

    The disc based version is nice just to have a physical copy, plus it's not censored like the US release for some bizarre reason. Also, you'll save HD space, it's 5 gigs versus 9 for Siren on the PSN.
    >> B. Demented !!AjYvQaW7p7z 03/22/09(Sun)01:08 No.28872014
    Life Line, technically speaking it is a voice driven survival horror game. Horrible voice recognition, you'll possibly rage quit before you meet the tentacle raping woman/beast. Find if you like rage.

    Resident Evil Code Veronica X
    The last resident evil before the retcons.
    Batshit insane puzzles. Wacky monsters. A trap trying to kill you. Wesker giving Alexia the Burning Finger. Chris getting sodomized by Wesker in a fist fight. Oh. FPS mode and Dual wielding weapons.

    Resident Evil Outbreak
    Fun while it lasted.

    Resident Evil Outbreak File 2
    Still fun. But now that the online is dead it's kinda moot unless you have a gameshark then the fun still lives because you can now do everything by yourself.

    Resident Evil Dead Aim
    The most rage inducing resident evil to ever exist.
    The T/G virus is the most bullshit you'd never ever want to play. Generic Chinese Ada is also fun until it gets so CRY MOAR BITCH WHILE I CUT YOU OPEN (seriously. )
    but it's so stupid you HAVE to play it.
    Our metrosexual texan friend cannot open a door because a GIANT POTTED PLANT HAS TILTED OVER. If it wasn't a lightgun game I would have thrown it.

    brb digging up the dreamcast stuff..

    You better have illbleed.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)01:08 No.28872039

    The US version is censored?

    I assume I can play the PS3 one fine, if it has Engrish.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)01:11 No.28872127

    Illbleed is siiiiiiiiiick
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)01:11 No.28872135

    I played the extermination demo a long ass time ago.

    It was the first Survival Horror I played, shit was awesome.
    >> Writefag Chronicles !42DalLaSf2 03/22/09(Sun)01:13 No.28872198

    The Japanese release is still in English with English subtitles. It's awesome.

    Also, they cut a few violent scenes out of the US version for some unfathomable reason.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)01:13 No.28872218

    Rule of Rose is a favorite of mine, but a word of warning: the plot is nothing short of fucking labyrinthine. There's actually a whole site devoted to unraveling all the metaphors, symbolism, and general weirdness of this game.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)01:15 No.28872283
    The Suffering 1,good game ,don't get the sequel,it ruined the first story
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)01:16 No.28872287

    Word up. Gonna grab Euro/Jap version then
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)01:19 No.28872418
    Ghosthunter is funin a ghostbusters kinda way
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)01:19 No.28872426

    It's not the Japanese version, it's the general Asian release. Play-asia had it for $30 back about a month ago. I played through it along with my girlfriend, and it was a legitimately freaky/scary ass game.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)01:19 No.28872430
    Extermination was a damn good game
    >> Writefag Chronicles !42DalLaSf2 03/22/09(Sun)01:21 No.28872476

    That's where I snagged it from. It's a pretty good game; it's almost like 24 meets Silent Hill.


    Go for it, it's pretty awesome.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)01:24 No.28872571
         File :1237699463.jpg-(136 KB, 912x1200, DS_Bullshit2.jpg)
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    That and the boss battles are really annoying. There shouldn't be boss battles in a game spent avoiding combat.

    Other than that, I've never had a better time following a dog around.

    I don't know if you'd really call it survival horror but I just finished the first story of Theresia for DS. It's a horror point and click adventure with the most fucked up, adult story I've ever seen.

    Pic related, but in context it's not really funny.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)01:25 No.28872603

    What's up with the Asian releases always being Engrish even if it is never released in America?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)01:28 No.28872708

    Actually picked it up due to /v/ reccomendation . Very fun.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)01:29 No.28872747

    because in japan, only the reverse weaboos buy survival horror games
    >> Writefag Chronicles !42DalLaSf2 03/22/09(Sun)01:29 No.28872754

    English option or patch?
    >> B. Demented !!AjYvQaW7p7z 03/22/09(Sun)01:30 No.28872799
    The Suffering
    Pretty slick american made horror game that makes great nods to american horror movies and writers without being corny. Worth a playthough but the Karma system will piss you off when the Security Guard accidently kills himself and take the negative hit ( fucked up if you want the 100% good rating) or when the guard on the phone gets away ( bad if you want the 100% evil rating)

    The Suffering Ties that Bind.
    They made part 2 into more of an action horror but their little changes ( such as no longer being able to carry health and weapons to use whenever you need to.) made the game fucktardedly difficult along with the introduction of enemy Generals ( creatures invincible to everything but your own monster form.)
    They went out of their way to flesh out the forms and his background but in the end.. You might not play this as much as the first one. Although the moral choices are FAR easier to do in this one, none of that OOPS HE ACCIDENTALLY DIED YOU GET BAD KARMA NOW shit as in part one.

    Horror RPG
    Shadow Hearts series.
    Nothing says Hey, let's punch clthuhu right in the fucking face while pissing on the ancient ones like an rpg where you have a chance to do something similar. Not for the weak of heart or of the weak of humor.
    1. Will make you laugh and shudder.
    2. Will make you laugh and make you scream GET THEM OFF ME once you meet the Roaches and the Dolls (god why did they have speaking lines outside of the cutsequences).

    Hunter The Reckoning
    Multiplayer Gauntlet Styled Horror Game with a style being mimicked to this day. I can't say much about the storyline ( seeing how they fucked up and put each sequel on a different console...)

    Evil Dead Nutshells.
    Evil Dead - Get
    Evil Dead : FfBS - Avoid
    Evil Dead : RE - Think about it.

    I know I'm forgetting another game that I really liked... Okay. I'm done.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)01:31 No.28872812
    RULE OF ROSE IS AMAZING. People say it's boring, but if you're interested in a beautifully macabre story and amazing textures I'd say go for it
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)01:32 No.28872844
    It got a US release so it's in English.
    >> Writefag Chronicles !42DalLaSf2 03/22/09(Sun)01:34 No.28872927

    Oho, awesome.


    Seeing as most survival horror games are in English even while being developed by Japanese people, that somehow makes sense and doesn't make sense.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)01:38 No.28873042
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    P2 OP? Don't you mean D2?

    Pic related.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)01:43 No.28873208

    Yes, sorry bout that

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